^v,.‘ i / f V • ■' - • / . /. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1958 PAGE FOURTEEN ATcraare- Daily NOt Pram Run ) Thr Weather FerseM of tJ. S. Weather Bnreaa iiattrl|p0tpr lEttPiting For til* Week Ended Febmnrjr IS, IS58 Breesy, moderating tempera- temporary injunction to block tho tnrea . tonight and ' ThnrsGtay, EmerRency Medical Service Lenten Program Way Paved for Early Trial execution of this proposed lease, 12,635 chance ef few snow Carrie*. Law About Town as well as a permanent injunction END CDLb WINTER WORRIES tonight 10-15 exeept 5-10 eoine ru­ , ---------.’ tSr Opens Tomorrow Xb baf the sale or lease of any of Member ef the Andit ral 'iareiuE. High Thursdnjr tS-SS. The monthly meeting of the When need for emergency the 1,000-acre tract to anyone., , i Rnrenu nf Circulation ilpeer Club which w^s postponed medical care arises, on any In Suit on Globe Hollow Land With the removal of Mrs. Pita- \ Manche$t^r--’A City of VUlage Charm T Stinday due to the snowstorm, Wednesday. afternoon or any ' The Rev. Alfred L.- Williams, Patrick from '*^ e suit, on the holiday, first , call your , own rector, will introduce the mid-week will be held Sunday, Feb. 2?. at Prospects appeared bright to-'*patrlck as a plaintiff in accord; ground that she is not a taxpayer ’ (Clnsslfled AdvertlainK on Png* It) PRICE FIVE CENTS 2-30 p.iii. physician. If not available call Lenten series' In St. Mary’s or property owner, the action is j TOL. LXXVH, NO. M9 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1958 ^ _____ '1 Episcopal Church Wednesday day for an early trial of the In­ ance with a motion granted the Emergency Numbers Ml 3-0348 defendants several weeks ago. It being pressed by the two remain- ; Local 991, State. County and and MI 9-5650. night. He will speak at the 7:30 junction suit being brought to bar ing plaintiffs. Franklyn H. C. ' p.m. service as the first of seven also adds the' name of Mrs. John Municipal ESmployes Union, has. the town from ever aclling or leas­ Treybal as a defendant. Parker and Rudolph F. Carlson, canceled Its banquet scheduled for The Morning Star Mothers leaders in a "School of/ Prayer." Besides the town, the defend-, This is the 14th successive year in ing any of its Globe Hollow prop­ In addition, the aniended /corn- Saturday night at the Oak St. Circle will meet tomorrow night ants are Mr. and Mrs. John Grill. Ticket refunds will be made which- the Rev. Mr. Williams has erty. ' ibose portiona of treybal and George Danks, all of T a x Y ie ld at 8:30 at the hpme of Mrs. Pau­ inauguaraied the St. Mary’s Len­ the original document which be­ by stewards. line LeBlanc, 99 Coleman Rd. Atty. W. David Keith, counsel Bruce Rd.' A ten program on Ash Wednesday. for individual defendants In the ac­ came superfluous when the voters ■ The evening service will con­ In October overruled: an ordinance The »econd meeting In the series Ash Wednesday servlites will be tion, yesterday joined with Town WITH Ike Asks $3.9 Billion Aid sist of the Penitential Office for that would have granted the Man­ on "Disarmament and Interna­ held at St. John’s Polish National Counsel Charles N. Crockett In say­ Off 16fo tional Security" arranged by the Ash Wednesday followed by the ing he would file an early answer chester Country Club a 30-year FOR SALE-VERT I<1NE Catholic Church tomorrow lit 9 rector’s sermon. St. Mary’s senior lease on Globe Hollow property. JEDOO HIGHLAND COAL Service Bureau for Women’s Or^ a.m. and 7 p.m. Services will bo to the plaintiffs’ amended com­ gsniaations. 956 Main St,. Hart­ /Choir, which will sing at all mid- plaint. The original complaint sought- a CUSTOM TAILORED "THE ARISTOCRAT OF ANTHRACITE" held thereafter every Wednesday t^eek evening services this Lent, ford. wnll be held , Feb. 28 from and Friday at 7 p.m. Keith thus ciit short speculation 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the club- will'use the Palestrina "Adoremus that he intended to take any other MEN'S SUITS F o r State rooms. Te" as an offertory anthem. preliminary legal move that could reed, Bnt In ‘'LHce New” o r d e r n o w A special Cana Conference for Lent w’lll be opened at St. Condition newly married couples will be held -have delayed the trial: It is be­ Manchester Lodge, No. 73, AF Mary's with ' three morning serv­ lieved that if both answers are Persf»nal Notices Sieea; About 44-M. Hartford, Feb. 19 (/P)--Con- To Bolster Nation’s In St. Rose Church, East Hartford, and AM, will hold a special meet­ ices. The Holy Communion will be Priced To Sell on Tuesday. Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m. celebrated at 6. 8, itnd 10. A point filed promptly, the case could go FOGUTY BROTHERS, INC. oecticut's tax receipt picture ing tonight at 7:30. The Master to trisi by mid-March. Since It See Tbem At The This conference will be conducted is rnade of concluding the 6 o’clock Card of Thanks ALSO; CONNECTICUT COKE, FUEL OIL. RANGE OIL darkened 'during January, Mason degree will be conferred by by the Rev. John C, Knott of Ham­ involves a request for an in­ LEXINGTON the George H. Allen Masonic Club iseryice by 6:29 in order that people with the yield down 16 per den. junction, it is a "privileged” mat- , , ^ . SI9 BROAD s t r e e t —Ml t-4lt|t of the Hartford Electric Light Co. may get to work by 7.. Likew ise ■5,_ I- o j ,.x|,rc»i my sincere thanks TAILOR SHOP cent as compared with the the 8 o’clock service ends at . '*■ - to the ncishbors aiid friends for their France Plans ■with Right Worshipful Frank A. • The amended complaint, filed in {help snd sympathy at the paksins of *09 SPRUCE STREET tame month a year ago.. { Sees Draft, St. Christopher’s Mothers Circle The 10 o’clock Ash Wednesday MANCHESTER REMEMBER.. ."irs FOGARTY FOR FUEL” Lindsley presiding in the east. Fol will meet Friday night at 8 o’clock Communion is the "housewives’ M«-tford County Superior Court "’5' beloved husband, Charles I.. Dome, A total decline of 0738,000 In* lowing the degree there will he a at the home of Mrs. Jean Adams, service" in St. Mary’s ^schedule, last week, drops Mrs. Helen Fits- I Emma Dome, | state generel fund tax receipts this j Tunisian Line social hour with refreshments. 32 Marshall Rd. and is preceded by the/Penltential past month wag paced by alteablej Tax Boosts Office, the special ^Prayer B(mk decreases in the alcoholic beverage, r The Center Church Mothers Manchester Emblem Club will scivice for this dhy of the year. cigarettes, inheritance, estate and , No Man’s Land Club will meet tomorrow night at entertain Supreme District Deputy School e.\cu.ses/wlll be signed by corporation levies. j S o'clock in Oie Fellowship room. Ceceilia Lur.zl of New London to­ the clergy sLdne close of the 8 and In contrast to big drops in *cv- j Alternative The Rev. Clifford O. Simpson will morrow night at 8 o’clock at the 10 service: . erel major tax sources, the. largest; By THE ASStKIATED PRESS be the speaker. Refreshments will gain ■was recorded by the Ineurance - • Premier Felix Gaillard’s Elks Home. Emblem Clubs from Thomasv’ille, Ga.. Feb. 19 - be served. New London, Putnam and Rock­ companies and that was a modest: cabinet today decided, to cre­ . (JP) — President Eisenhower ville have been invited. General 2( Brave Storm 88 000 ate a forbidden zone all along The meeting of the Story Circle Total general fund tax revenue, today asked Congress for chairman is Mrs. Samuel Vacant!. I the Algerian-Tunisian fron- of the South Methodist W.SCS She is being as.sisted by a commits' for January, Tax Commissioner $3,492,100,000 in foreign aid. For Grant Talk John L. SuHlvan announced today.' scheduled for tomorrow has been tee and the following chairmen: Itier. j He said any sharp cut would postponed until Feb. 26. Mrs. James Ellis, refreshrn«nta; was $3.7 million. The zone would be inside Algeria; Mr.-i. George English. fa\-prt; Mrs. Despite the blizzard, over 200 NORMAN’S V- HEADQUARTERS Largest January revenue dipt and" reinforce the present barbed' ' lead to a massive defense The weekly meeting of the Man­ Raymond Beauregard, ,-^fts; and people attended the film and lec­ were recorded by the following: wire and electric fences erected to I spending hike, higher taxes chester Squadron of Civil Air Pa­ Mrs. George Reynold^ prizes. ture, "North to the ITukon." de­ __ ______________ ■ ___________ - Inheritance tax, dorwn $251.000;' stop nationalist rebel infiltrations I and heavily created draft livered by Cleveland P. Grant In' alcohoUc beverages, $161,000; cor-j from Tunisia, "nie barbed wire now trol USAF will be held tomorrow I calks. night at the American Legion Our Lady o/ -Victory Mothera Manchester High School auditor­ pbraUona, $187,MO; cigarettes. , covera only part of the frontier, \ Home. 4 Circle will meet tomorrow night ium Sunday afternoon. The il­ $110,000; and eetstes. $71,000. j The zone would help to avoid in- In a apecial message cautioning lustrated lecture was sponsored by ; against the Ru.ssian and Red China \----------------- ------------------------ at 8 o’cloyk at the home of Mrs.
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