n S •4 rn iD A T , MARCH 14, 1947 Avcraffc Daily Clrcalation ^PAUE SIXTEEN iianrl;pBtpr gpgnteg iygraU> Par tka Maatfe at Faknary, IM1 The Weather Forecaat of D. a. Weatkar Botom Mra. John P ^ c H u g h and Mra. 9,358 I Helen Davldaon Lodge No. M. A m U t ' Daughtera of Scotia, will hold Grace Pitkin of Sterling Place. Partly clnody. colder tonight Aliout Town ! ita meeting tonight at Masonic Mrs. Aifiy McCann and Mra. Ger­ and Rundny, I Temple at 7:4». The membera are trude Weir motored up to Boaton urged to bring In their ticketa on Wednesday to attend the apring Manchestft^A EUy of Village Charm The Amerif*n Legton Bend will ' (lower ahow. hold Ite regular re he areal at the the drawing of the patchwork qtiUt. VOL. LXVI, NO. 140 (CTl <8«4 Advavtlalng on Faga It) home tonight at 7:30. Seaman 2-c Cheater K. Morri­ ■ANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, MARCH 15. 1917 (TWELVE p a i;ks) PRICE FOUR CENTS Benlor and Junior L,ither I>'a- Miw» loni lanionaro and Miaa son. son of Harry A. Morrison of guaa of Emanuel church plan to Lorraine .McKee of Oak street left Benton street, la serving aboard prerent their annual Fellowa^hip today for New York where they the aircraft carrier, HBS t^yle. Service f*un<l.iy afternoon at five will ap*'nd the week-end. They ae- now on Atlantic fleet maneuvers, Grain Prices Murines Land in Invasion Maneuvers o'clock during which time a ape- cifr(>«l reservations at the Hotel en route and In the (.'arlhliean sea. Clal oflfcttng wlll.be received Karl <'omin«Mlore. •A Manchester Chapter of Hadas- Shift Brings News Tidbits Deputies Deadlocked Modean, prcaldent of the Kenlor Lieague. will conduct the devotion­ Mrs Mamie iJii kinson of Bige­ sah annoiincca a "Variety Night" Culled From AI’ Wires low atreet, .Mra. Carl Hilding of for tomorrow evening at eight al period, and Charlea V. Berg- HECOND atrom, aiudent paator of Kinanuel Main atreet, Mias Anna Wolfram o'clock In Temple Beth Sholom On Exchange Uitheran church. Hartfoiil. haa of Center street attended the Boa- The program will include a hiaiiar, fXOOR ^ ...Wreckage of Air France liner Sighted high In Alps . Roman heen aecured aa apeaker. i ton flower show Wcdne.Hday. .Mra. games, dancing, refreahmenli, Catholic priest from Worcester In­ At Moscow Parley; ‘ Helen Anderaon of Kaat Hartford and •art interesting display of an­ Government Official* aeisimpunied them. tiques. (Tiildren Will he admitted vites foreign ministers to attend i Easter Fashions Blame Speculation; services In hts Chiirrh In Moscow i free. II . Four arrested In Sprlngficlil [ The Doreaa Society of Kmaniiel Scott Attacks • U n ­ Lutheran church will hold a rum­ Hev. ami .Mra. Karl Richter who neMspaper strike disturbance . , . i mage sale, Kriilay. .March 2t. from Like These Are . Strike settled at New Bedford ‘ i have been visiting the family of predictable Actions* Marshall Calls Clay plant w hich used hellcoplcrs. ' ten o'ekH’k on ai the church. The I their son Hafold in Mechanlca- ; committee will ta* at the church * hurg. Pa . have returned to the Chicago, March 15— A com­ Charles “ Lucky” Uuclano to j ! Thursday afternfsin to rerrive don- I parsonage, 21 (lanlen street. Mr. leave Cuba for llaly next week In The Lead modity exchange official's charge . Hold conference on threatened atlons for the sale Illchler Is mui h improved in Unahle to Agree on Is> that "unpredictable government strike of stock exchange workers Boy, ■!, Tw ice Hero health and will conduct aervlcea at . Boston painter and musical Mile of Soviet Claims ' Manchester. Juvenile fSrange will | the Concordia l.,utheian church on actions'* are causing the wide fluc­ meet tomorrow afternoon at two I student arresied for a.-uiaull on .Sunday. tuations in grain futures prices to­ ■ o’clock, when the degree will be | I Norma NarAAiMtd, Boston show girl To German Assets and I conferred on several candklatea. day confronted government offi- . University presidents declare Albanian Participa­ Mra. Orelchen Beckwith, state A rehearsal of the Amaranth j clala who blamed speculation and nation's medical arhiMils are In Juvenile cleputy, will make an In- minstrel will take place tonight at | COATS asked that margins be boosted. desperate financial plight. tion in Framing of 7:30 at the home of Mrs Blanche , a|M-ellon. The request sent yesterday to Japanese uar loot found In Km- I’rentlce, «12 Middle Turnpike Fluffy and brief. Everjwhere you German Peace Treaty; the nation's three major grain ex­ peror's palace . Truman re- ! Kaat. \ Miaa Marjorie Kloppenburg. look this Easter, you'll see faahion changes In Chicago, Kansas City, celvea ''uarm and appreelatUe” messages (rt>m Greece . Army r.liinese Refuse to daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. B. news and you’ll love it; little coats and Minneapolis, brought a quick Kloppenburg of 91 (To<iper atreet, I The Merry Roller Rkating <3ub trans|)ort leaves Westover Held Discuss Their Affairs ! will have a tit. I*atrlck's party to -1 that jrive full freedom to your whirl­ reply from Walter Scott of Kan- carrying helicopter to aid in M-areh and a student at B<iaton tlnlver- ing dervish silhouette, and the full aas City, prealdent of the National aity, was initiated last night In . morrow evening from eight to | lor plane missing in I.,abrndor re­ Asssciatlon ol Commodity Ex­ gion . .Mu Phi Rpallon. national music twelve at the Sports O nter on length coats that are fitted or flared. Moscow, March 15.— (/P)— j Wells atreet. I changes and AlUsd Tradca, Inc. sorority. Miaa Kloppenburg la a \ “13ie high pricea that are ruling Harold J, Itiissell, handle.ss war Ru!i.sia and the western pow­ member of the OIrla Olee (!lub of today are directly due to govern­ veteran who won two ''Osenra," ers were deadlocked today in atill lacks a house ol his own . the achool of music, which plana a ment policies and activities that the deputy foreign ministers' spring tour throueh New Hanip- ni«ehargC8 I’hlladelphia cop makes juveniles Rale of have brought about conditions that wash bouse they hat bombarded conference on the issue of So­ i ahire and Vermont for the coming $29-98 <• the entire grain trade views with with aoot-dirty snowballs . Of. viet claims to German assets; ' vacation. concern and alarm,” Scott declared Here 50 a Month I flees of Catholic Youth Movement and Albanian participation in in a atatement issued by the asso­ in Buenos Aires honilN*d after dep­ ciation’s headquarters in New U. S. Marine Corps units already ashore fan out as a new w-ave plunges through the surf from fan<Ung uties pass bill making religious the framing of the German According to Oia figures o f; York. staged by 5.000 Leathernecks on Culebra Island In the Caribbean east of Puerto Rico. education compulsr)|y . Today's IM'ace treaty. Bamiiel J. Turklngtoo, Town $59-98 Compete For Meager Supplies (AP wirephoto). * stock market sliiinbles In light Alcanwhlle, Secretary of State Commercial and i (lerk. the number of diacharges Scott said widespread competi­ trading. Marahall aunimoned the Annerican I of World War II recorded ha» «v-1 tion has developed for meager military governor of Germany to I rraged about .V) a month of late. : grain supplies because of ‘dthe an­ come to Moscow at once aa a chief Neon Signs j On February 14 the number of dla-1 nouncement In November of the Aikcn Opposes adviser to the American delega­ 8AI.ES AND SERVICE ' rhargMi were 3,430, and yeoterday completion of relief purchases: the Legislators Urged Truman Plans tion at the Council of Foreign March 13 the number bad reached backing away of prices, the re-en­ Mlnlatera ocaalona. I S.noo or just a total of flO for a try of the Commodity Credit cor- Bill to Outlaw Hurprias l*ropoeal roaolMs < month. This Easter poratlon jn the market at above- Fisliiim Today Some western diplomata apecvt- • MR far wm a4 market prices; the announcement loted that Molotov might apring a Silhavy Signs of greatly expanded governmental w««iV tkyri4at« 4««lvr« Portal Cases To Forbid Violence aurprioe propoaal on German eco­ Siirnfl of All Descriptions export programs; government ac­ nomic laauea when the subject Public Recortls Suits Are Smarter tivities in absorbing offers of iMaintaiiiH Silpiirp on Phone 2-04»t an comes before the council oarfy Rear.AM Main Street grain aa soon aa they became avail­ Sees Ouestion of Con* International A(Tuii> next week. Suit-able inspiration for your Easter portrait. The able In competition with the la Mh» frW* In iwir pmr» Manchester Wnrrantoe Deeda In Labor Disputes The situation brought about by Francis A. Dwyer and Nellie A. season's smarte.st styles and colors. Suits that trade.” filitiilionality in PrcH* Including CritieiNin Molotov's efforts to arrange talks - Dwyer to Kmest C. Undera and empliasize the long, graceful lines of the feminine The oommddity exchange au­ ent Alrafuire Spiiule on the Chinese crisis boiled agato,_ Lillian M, Linders, property on thority In Washington asked that Key West. Fla.. March 15 (fl*) The Chinese embassy formally no­ figure and accentuate the much desired quality speculative traders be required to StrIcKland atreet. Currently Debating FivP CoillltriPia President Truman deride<I today tified Marahall and British Foreign Paul Amarn to Hajrdcn U Gris­ Not Exactly i , look. put up at leaat 25 per cent of the Secretary Ernest Bevln "the Cht- ------ Greatly Outniinibered; V 4 U U Ill,lie S to try his hand at Florida Ashing.
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