United States Patent (19) (11 3,922,377 Whittle (45) Nov. 25, 1975 54 HEAT-PROCESSED DEHYDRATED 426/443, 465, 473, 441, 518, 641, 645, 646 BACTERIOLOGICALLY-STABLE PORK RND PRODUCT AND PROCESS FOR (56) References Cited PREPARING SAME UNITED STATES PATENTS 75) Inventor: Kenneth Frederick Whittle, 1,317,675 10/1919 Allbright............................. 426/149 Bridgenorth, England 2,947,635 8/1960 Paynter et al. ... 426/441 73) Assignee: Protein Foods (U.K.) Limited, 3,793,467 2/1974 Bundus et al....................... 426/518 Tipton, England Primary Examiner-Hyman Lord 22 Filed: July 27, 1973 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Bacon & Thomas (21) Appl. No.: 383,288 (57) ABSTRACT 30 Foreign Application Priority Data A pork rind product capable of storage at ambient temperature and which may be used in the meat in Aug. 1, 1972 United Kingdom............... 35959/72 dustry as a source of protein has a water content of 52 U.S. Cl................. 426/645; 426/438; 426/465; less than 15% by weight, a fat content of less than 426/473; 426/641; 426/646 20% by weight and a particle size of less than 5 mm. 51 Int. Cl.’............................................ A23L 1/31 The product is capable of rapid rehydration. 58 Field of Search ........... 426/148, 149, 212, 438, 5 Claims, No Drawings 3,922,377 2 preferred that the water and fat contents be as low as HEAT-PROCESSEED DEHYDRATED possible, consistent with the production of a substan BACTERIOLOGICALLY STABLE PORK REND tially stable product. PRODUCT AND PROCESS FOR PREPARING SAME The dehydrated rind is mainly protein, this typically constituting between 70 and 96% by weight as calcu This invention concerns improvements in additives lated from the nitrogen content (protein content F ni for food products. More particularly, it concerns such trogen content X 6.25). The nitrogen content may be additives which are manufactured from pork rind, assayed in conventional manner e.g. after digesting a hereinafter referred to as "rind'. sample with sulphuric acid using a catalytic mixture of Rind is employed by the meat industry in commi 10 copper sulphate and sodium sulphate. nuted meat products and may also be used in products The particle size is of great importance to the proper in which a proportion of meat or meat-like substance is ties of the product. Rehydration speed decreases as used. It provides an economical source of protein, and particle size increases. For most purposes, in order to may be employed in varying proportions depending on combine rapid rehydration with ease of handling, a par the legally permitted amount for that product. How 15 ticle size in the range from 0.5 to 3 mm is preferable. ever, the processing of rind is usually a time-consuming Smaller particle sizes may be advantageous when the and labour-intensive operation for the manufacturer. The fresh rinds have to be stored under refrigeration, dehydrated rind is to be included into dried meat prod and may subsequently, if frozen, have to be thawed ucts, soups, and prepared foods. when required for further processing. Raw rinds may 20 The dehydrated rind has an appearance like that of then be used but because of their high bacteriological demarara sugar, being pale brown and relatively free count are normally substantially heat processed in flowing. order to arrive at a count suitable for inclusion into The dehydrated rind of the present invention has comminuted products. Raw rinds, again because of many advantages for the manufacturer of meat prod their physiological structure, are often heat processed 25 ucts and products containing meat. It eliminates the ne in order to arrive at a softened structure suitable for in cessity to store fresh rinds under either refrigeration or clusion into products or emulsification. The rind having freezer conditions, the utilization of labour is substan been reduced to an acceptable particle size may be tially decreased with the reduction in handling and the used in this form or, alternatively, may be combined elimination of prolonged heat processing followed with with other proteinaceous materials, fats and additives 30 the subsequent cooling of said product. to create mixed emulsions. The necessity to reduce the rind to a desired particle The processing of rind is a time-consuming and la size is eliminated, unless the product of the present in bour-intensive operation. Therefore, the manufacture vention is manufactured into a mixed emulsion of such must accurately predict his requirements for rind and consistency that requires again a reduction in particle rind emulsions in order to avoid the loss of inexpensive 35 size before the inclusion into meat products and prod protein and fats derived from rind which would have to ucts containing meat. be replaced by other sources of protein and fats, nor The time saving in providing the product of the pres mally more expensive. ent invention is considerable. The prolonged cooking Furthermore, rind, being a natural product, varies and cooling cycles may be eliminated, as well as the considerably in the proportions of such components as 40 grinding processes, in order to arrive at the desired par fat, protein and water content. ticle size. The product of the present invention may be It has now been found that it is possible to process ready for use in a very short space of time as opposed rind into a dehydrated granular form in which it is mi to an hour or more for normal fresh rinds. It can be crobiologically stable for extended periods and can made into a rind combination emulsion of consistent readily and rapidly be rehydrated into a prepared 45 quality as opposed to the variation which may occur in ground rind, for subsequent inclusion into, for exam quality when using a fresh rind, heat-processed or not. ple, a comminuted meat product or, otherwise quickly The dehydrated rind can be stored for several months and conveniently be converted into an emulsion-type without refrigeration in ambient temperatures of rind product with the addition of proteinaceous materi 13'-19C, and can be rehydrated in less than ten min als, fats and additives. 50 utes; the time cycle varying dependant on the tempera According to one aspect of the present invention ture of the water used for rehydration and the degree of there is provided a dehydrated, bacteriologically-sta agitation used during the rehydration period, but can ble, rind product having a water content of less than be as short as 60 seconds. 15% by weight, a fat content of less than 20% by Because of the consistent and known quality of the weight, and a particle size of less than 5 mm, the dehy 55 dehydrated rind, the manufacturer of meat products drated rind being capable of rehydration into a rind and products containing meat is able to ensure much product. more easily that his products meet the required legal Water content may be assayed by placing a weighed standards. sample of the material in a constant temperature oven The dehydrated rind may be manufactured, accord at 105°C for 4 hours, allowing the sample to cool in a 60 ing to another aspect of the invention, by drying fresh desiccator, reweighing and then calculating the per rind to a water content of less than 15%, at between centage loss of moisture. 100-344°C with simultaneous removal of fat to a fat Fat content may be assayed by solvent extraction, content of less than 15%, rapidly cooling the product e.g. with petroleum spirit. and comminuting the product to a particle size of less The water content is preferably in the range 4 to 9% 65 than 5 mm, if necessary. by weight, typically from 4 to 6% by weight. The fat The product may be dehydrated in air or in oil, or a content is generally in the range 4 to 16% depending on combination of both air and oil methods may be used, the part of the pig from which the rind is obtained. It is prior to cooling. 3,922,377 3 4 The dehydration may be effected at reduced pres meats, canned meat products (e.g. canned hambur sure. If desired part of the dehydration may be effected gers) pastes and soups. at reduced pressure and part at atmospheric pressure. It may also be incorporated into products containing The temperature must be carefully controlled at all meat but which are not in themselves meat products, stages of production to prevent degradation and 5 e.g. dried products such as dried soups. The dehydrated gelatinisation. In order to ensure reasonably rapid de rind may be added, without previous rehydration, to hydration, an air temperature in the upper limits of the such products providing that during a processing cycle range previously indicated is preferred for the initial rehydration occurs before consumption. stage of the dehydration. The high temperature “case The quantity of the product which is added to food hardens' the rind product. This has been found to be 10 stuffs containing meat will depend on the requirements advantageous in preventing gelatinisation. At the same being met. Generally speaking at least 5% and not more time, a proportion of the fat originally present in the than 15% by weight, calculated on the meat, will suf rind is rendered off, and removed. fice. As the water content of the product falls, the temper 15 It will be understood that the dehydrated product ature of dehydration may be reduced and should be may be blended, if desired, with other materials, addi carefully controlled in order to prevent degradation of tives, stabilisers and emulsifiers employed in the food the product. processing art, e.g.
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