KSlFi 'P-f.fr We 5 £•#, ft < .'.•i, ' .- ' '• J M the Rice Thresher Vol. LXXXVIII, Issue No. 26 SINCE 1916 Friday, March 30, 2001 :: .. ' Cosby to speak at '02 graduation WSM by Elizabeth Decker service to higher education, but it will be tion from the University of Massachusetts THRESHER STAFF before commencement, not during com- Amherst in 1972 and 1977, respectively. mencement." In 1965, Cosby became the first black One of television's most famous fathers, Cosby will return his speaker's fee to person to star in a weekly TV series with Bill Cosby, will speak at Rice's 89th com- the university to create an award in his his role in "I Spy," and has been called mencement ceremony on May 11,2002. name "for outstanding service to higher the "Jackie Robinson of television." President Malcolm Gillis said Cosby education," Gillis said. Cosby has starred in a number of TV was chosen because of his commitment A committee of faculty, students and shows, and is best known for his leading to higher education, citing in particular a Board of Trustees members will present role in "The Cosby Show" in the '80s. $20 million donation Cosby made to the award to "people like Mr. Cosby, Cosby has donated money to many Spelman College in Atlanta in 1989. people like faculty leaders, here or else- other organizations benefiting the black Cosby has been among the top 10 where. It can be people in government population, including the National Asso- student-nominated commencement who have done great service to higher ciation for the Advancement of Colored speaker candidates for the past several education," Gillis said. People, the United Negro College Fund, years, former Student Association Presi- Gillis explained that one reason for the National Sickle-Cell Foundation and dent Lindsay Botsford said. Cosby's interest in speaking at Rice was the National Council of Negro Women. Cosby previously expressed an inter- that both Rice and where he played foot- He has appeared as the graduation est in appearing at Rice for the 2001 com- ball, Temple University, share the same speaker at both small colleges and large mencement, but was reluctant to speak mascot. universities. He holds honorary degrees without receiving an honorary degree. "We're giving him a Rice Owls from Columbia University, the Univer- Rice does not grant honorary degrees. sweatshirt," Gillis said. sity of Pennsylvania, Spelman College Gillis said the university will honor Cosby dropped out of high school in- and the University of Southern Califor- him in another way. stead of repeating the 10th grade and joined nia, among others. "We just don't [give honorary de- the Navy. He attended Temple on a foot- Gillis said he chose to announce grees], and he's accepted that," Gillis ball scholarship, and he later earned a Cosby's engagement early this year in- COURTESY BILL COSBY said. "We are going to honor him for his bachelor's degree and doctorate in educa- See COSBY, Page 11 Bill Cosby will give the 2002 commencement address. Sid coordinator dies after surgery by Mark Berenson vice in the Sid Commons. friend, my confidante and my surro- THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF Sid Masters Steve and Laura Cox gate mother." hosted an open house Sunday night The Coxes remembered Sid Richardson College Coordi- for students to come and share McDonough as a dedicated person nator Sharon McDonough died Sun- memories of McDonough. About 100 who loved her job. day morning from complications students came. "Because she loved it here was from gallbladder surgery. She Funeral services for McDonough part of the reason we took the Sid was 52. were held Wednesday. Several mastership," Steve Cox, a c imputa- McDonough had been the Sid dozen Sid students and many staff tional and applied mathematics pro- coordinator for the past two and a members attended the service. fessor, said. half years and served as the Math- Former Sid President Laura Rees 'Hie Coxes first met McDonough ematics Department coordinator said McDonough was a selfless per- in 1989, when Steve Cox began teach- from 1983 to 1998. son who was important to both the ing at Rice. The Coxes became close At 2:30 p.m. today, there will be a college as a whole and its individual personal friends with McDonough campus-wide moment of silence in members. and said they enjoyed working with memory of McDonough. It will be "Sharon was the heart of Sid," her at Sid. followed by a 3 p.m. memorial ser- Rees, a senior, said. "She was my See COORDINATOR, Page 10 IM fee approved in Spring Elections by Matt Cuddihy vote in the election. In order for the will also help to better train offi- referendum to pass, 20 percent of cials, provide supervisors trained in THRKSHER STAFF undergraduates had to vote in the CPR and purchase better safety The revised intramural sports election, and two-thirds of the votes equipment. Overall, Emig said, bet- referendum passed in the Spring had to be in favor of the referen- ter training and equipment will vis- Elections, increasing the fee stu- dum. ibly increase the safety of the pro- dents pay from $10 to $15. "We're very excited about it," he gram. The referendum passed with 84 said. "We've stressed about it the Director of Student Activities percent of the 683 votes cast, repre- last couple of days. We thought we Mona Hicks agreed that the addi- ROB GADDI/THRESHER senting 24 percent of the under- were almost 200 votes shy of making tional funding for the intramural pro- graduate population. The original the election valid." gram would benefit it greatly. 'Slurvivor' challenges referendum was defeated in the Gen- Emig said that the additional $5 "The extra $5 will be set aside paid by each student will make a for training and resources, instead Will Rice College senior Erik Garza seduces his food in the Will Rice eral Elections two weeks ago by 15 large contribution to upgrading the of iust taking from the salaries." Commons for Tuesday's immunity challenge for "Slurvivor," a meal-time votes. Hicks said. "There will be a better event parodying the popular television show "Survivor." Eight students Paul Emig, intramural sports co- quality and safety of the intramural were chosen to participate in the game, which began March 21 and will ordinator, said he was relieved to sports program. The budget will in- system in place for handling inju- end today. Will Rice's Beer-Bike theme is "Slurvivor." see the initiative pass because he crease by about $10,000. ries. Emig said the additional money See ELECTIONS, Page 9 I was not sure enough people would Individuals will be fined for rule MLUim Drop deadline today • Student Center violations during parade tomorrow Today is the last day to drop classes, but a $10 fee will be charged to drop*ny ' by Olivia Allison Bike rules chairs or the parade coordinators. courses. Today is also the last day to Herring Hall THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF Also, tagged or decorated vehicles can be pass/fail any courses. excluded from the parade if they have been Preregistration begins Monday and Beer-Bike parade fines will be directly as- driven off-campus before the parade. will end Friday. signed to individuals during tomorrow's parade. Parade Coordinator Lindsey O'Neal said University Beer-Bike Coordinator Daniel this rule change was made for the safety of The area between the Student Center and Attaway said colleges have always had the students and of people driving on the roads Waking up an hour earlier Herring Hall will be fenced off beginning authority to delegate fines to individuals re- surrounding Rice. fall 2002 for the construction of the new library. See Feature. Pages 14-15. sponsible for violations, but many did not "I think the main thing is that we want to for your morning classes often exercise this option. keep the flatbeds on-campus and keep most of Remember to set your clocks one hour Of the 13 types of fines that can be given, the festivities within the hedges," she said. forward this Sunday. Daylight-saving time A&E Page 18 10 can be charged to individuals. The other "We really want to protect the safety of our begins Sunday morning at 2 a.m. Difficult 'Macbeth' well-performed fines will be given to the college responsible students and the traffic on Main." for the violation. (See Page 12 for list of Attaway said he thinks individual fines will Weekend Weather SPORTS Page 23 violations.) make students more responsible during the Friday Outdoor track season begins parade. Scattered showers, 57-68 degrees Fines that can be given to individuals range Scoreboard from $100 to $500. The highest fine of $1,500 "This will be more cost-effective, and the Saturday Baseball can be assigned to a college for "consistent chances of people having a vested interest Mostly cloudy, 52-73 degrees Sunday Rice 8, Fresno State 6 under-filling of water balloons." However, the will be higher," Attaway, a Sid Richardson Partly cloudy, 50-67 degrees Rice 8, Fresno State 1 $ 1,500 fine can be assessed only by the director College senior, said. or assistant director Student Activities, the Beer- See PARADE, Page 12 1 5 ™?3 V" <' v« • * Wm , * ' < h • -t, 'gsp,*H A/*'1 IPPw 1 " ' 4 * • • .. ' *; ''' P. *, ,\v * %i , llil • - '• '' p' ^3 |p!| PSS I THfi RICE THRESHER OPINION FRIDAY, MARCH 30,2001 — >«V * • • i*' ? 1 ;'.< U . RanonaLe... 1 m&i „ <C P Brian Stoier Jose Luis Cubria, Michael Nalepa Editor in Chief Mariel Tam Opinion Editor Managing Editors Celebrating graduation The last day of a student's academic career at Rice is full of the formality of caps and gowns, the thrill of receiving a diploma at last and celebrations at the colleges.
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