Linguists disagree as to the category the 'perfect' belongs ticular meanings of 'active' and 'passive' voice united by the to. Some Russian authors (llyish, Vorontsova) think that it general meaning of 'voice'. forms part of the aspect system (llyish calls it the 'resultative' One of the most difficult problems connected with the aspect, Vorontsova - the 'transmissive'aspect. This point of category of voice is the problem of participle II, the most essen• view is shared by quite a number of grammarians both in our tial part of all 'passive voice' grammemes. The fact is that par• country and abroad. ticiple II has a 'passive' meaning not only when used with the Other linguists treat the 'perfect' as belonging to the sys• word-morpheme be, but also when used alone. tem of tense. Ivanova regards the 'perfect' as part of the 'tense- Participle II may have left-hand connections with the aspect' system. The first to draw attention to the fact that op• link-verbs. The combination of words thus formed is often ho• posemes like writes - has written, wrote - had written monymous with a 'passive voice' verb, as in His duty is ful• and so on represent a grammatical category different from that of tense was A.I. Smirnitsky. If we take a close look at the 'per• filled. The group is fulfilled cannot be treated as the passive fect', we can say that the 'perfect' serves to express priority, voice opposite of fulfils since whereas the non-perfect member of the opposeme leaves the 1) it does not convey the idea of action, but that of state, action unspecified to its being prior or not to another action, the result of an action; situation or point of time. Smirnitsky calls the category repre• 2) the sentence corresponds rather to He has fulfilled his sented by writes-has written the category of time correlation. duty than to He fulfils his duty, as the perfective Khaimovich and Rogovskaya say that he gives a detailed analysis of the category, but the terms he uses are very incon• meaning of participle II is particularly prominent. venient and they stand for another term —the category of order. Some linguists (Vorontsova, Barkhudarov, Shtclling) are All the opposemes of the category of order are exactly against this interpretation. According to Barkhudarov and alike with regard to the content. They have the same particular Shtelling, the combination be+participle II should in all cases meanings of 'perfect' and 'non-perfect' order united by the be treated as a 'passive voice' form on the ground that participle general meaning of the category, that of 'order'. In this respect II is, first and foremost, a verb, the idea of state not being inci• writes - has written and wrote- had written are identical. dent to this structure, but resulting from the lexical meaning of The category of ASPECT is a system of two-member op• the verb and the context it occurs in. Vorontsova also maintains posemes such as works - is working, has worked -has been that the passive form expresses either an action in its develop• working, to work -to be working. This category shows the ment or an action as an accomplished fact. In both cases we character of the action, that is whether the action is taken in its deal with the passive voice. progress, in its development ('continuous') or it is simply The category of ORDER (TIME CORRELATION) is stated, its nature being unspecified ('non-continuous'). a system of two-member opposemes, such as writes - has The problem of aspect is controversial in English gram• written, wrote - had written, writing - having written, mar. There is but little consensus of opinion about this category to be written - to have been written. The category of or• in Modern English. One meets with different lines of approach der shows whether the action is viewed as prior to ('perfect') or to English aspect, which can be briefly summarized as follows: irrespective of ('non-perfect') other actions or situations. The 1. Aspect is interpreted as a category of semantics rather interpretation of this category belongs to the most controversial than that of grammar. problems of English grammar. 25 24 2. Aspect is not recognized at all as a category of Modern 7. What is the peculiarity of modal verbs? English grammar. 8. On what basis are verbs divided into subjective and ob­ 3. Aspect is blended with tense and regarded as a part of the jective? tense-aspect system. 9. Explain the division of verbs into terminative and non- 4. Aspect and tense are recognized as two distinct gram­ term i natives. matical categories. 10. Speak about \ category of voice. Typical of the first line are the views advanced by 11. What is one of the most difficult problems connected Deutschbein, Kennedy, Curme and some other grammarians. with the category of voice? With regard to the category of aspect verbs can be di­ 12. What аге ihe problems connected with the category of vided into those that have aspect opposites and those that have order or time correlation? not. The latter are united by the lexico-grammatical meaning of 13. How can you characterise the category of aspect? 'non-continuous' aspect. 14. Name some groups of verbs which usually do not have Here is a brief enumeration of some groups of verbs usu­ aspect opposites. ally having no aspect opposites. 1. Verbs presenting diverse relations as actions - belong, contain, consist, possess, resemble. Задания для семинарских занятий 2. Certain link-verbs such as appear, look, seem, turn out. 3. Verbs of 'physical perception' ~ see, hear, feel. 1 сем и н ар 4. Verbs of 'mental perception' - believe, dislike. ЧАСТИ РЕЧИ 5. 'Point-action' verbs denoting acts of very short duration - burst, jump, drop. 1. Первые классификации частей речи. 2. Особенности различных современных классификаций. 3. Новое в подходе структуралистов. QUESTIONS 4. Принципиальные трудности классификации по частям речи для всех языков. 1. Why is the verb called a system of systems? 5. Части речи как классы слов, объединенные граммати­ 2. By what features is the verb defined as a part of ческим содержанием. speech? 6. Понятие о дистинктивных признаках. 3. Under what groups do verbs fall in accordance with 7. Неоднородность каждой части речи. Понятие о под­ their stem-structure? What is the most productive way классе. Полевая природа частей речи. of forming verb lexemes? 8. Недифференцированность слов различных частей речи 4. What are general classifications of verbs based on their как особенность английского языка. Возможность тра­ formal, semantic and functional properties? ктовки этого явления как омонимии. Слабые стороны 5. What's the difference between the combinability of этой аргументации. link-verbs and notions' verbs? 9. Окказиональное использование слов в других частях 6. What verbs are called notional links'? речи. 26 27 тать формами СН? О взаимоотношении СН и сочетаний 10. Отличие знаменательных слов от служебных. модальных глаголов с инфинитивом. Омонимия граммати­ 11. Сложность разграничения служебных и знаменатель­ ческих форм и СН. ных слов. 2 с е м и н а р Литература ПАДЕЖИ 1. Александрова О. В. Современный английский язык. 1. История теории падежа. Логическое и морфологиче­ Морфология и синтаксис. М., 1998. ское определение падежа. 2. Бархударов Л. С. Очерки по морфологии современ­ 2. Система Суита, Керма, Есперсена. Возражение против ного английского языка. М., 1975. такого деления. Контрастное мнение структуралистов. 3. Блох М. Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского Уайтхолл. языка. М., 1975. 3. История изменения категории. 4. Иофик Л. Л., Чахоян Л. П. Хрестоматия по теорети­ 4. Падежные отношения и предлоги. ческой грамматике. Л., 1981. 5. Система английского падежа и понятие владения и 5. Плоткин В. Я. Грамматические системы в англий­ притяжател ь ности. ском языке. Кишинев, 1975. 6. Отсутствие синтаксической специализации современ­ 6. Пособие по морфологии современного английского ного притяжательного падежа. языка / Под. ред. Е. А. Корнеевой. М.,1974. 7. Переход к единой морфологии именной группы. 7. Смирницкий А. И. Морфология английского языка. 8. Особенности общего падежа. М., 1959. 9. О возможности употребления притяжательного падежа 8. Хаймович Б. С, Роговская Б. И. Теоретическая гра­ с неодушевленными существительными. мматика английского языка. М., 1967. 10. Деривационная история притяжательного падежа. 9. Matthews Р. Н. Morphology. Cambridge University Press, 1993. Зсеминар НАКЛОНЕНИЕ 1. Определение наклонения. Количество наклонений в английском языке. Обзор классификаций наклонения у различных авторов. 2. Определение повелительного наклонения. Кате­ гориальные и другие особенности повелительного накло­ нения от форм инфинитива. Возможные способы трактовки соответствующих форм не как повелительное наклонение. Косвенно-побудительные предложения. Другие возмож- 29 28 Учебное издание Морфология современного английского языка Часть 1 MORPHOLOGY Учебно-методическое пособие Составитель: Светлана Львовна Круглова Светлана Львовна Круглова МОРФОЛОГИЯ СОВРЕМЕННОГО АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Учебно-методическое пособие Материалы печатаются в авторской редакции Технический редактор - С.А. Викторова Редактор Г. П. Каргина Подписано в печать 30.08.2010. Верстка - В. Н. Шохнин Формат 60x90/16. Объем 2.0 п.л. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ № 217 Подписано в печать 20.05.2002 Формат 60x90/16. бумага офс. Усл. печ.л. 1,9. Тираж 50 экз. Заказ №206 Издательство ГОУ ВПО «Ярославский государственный педагогический Ярославский государственный педагогический университет им. К.Д. Ушинского» университет им. К.Д. Ушинского 150000, Ярославль, Республиканская ул., 108 150000,
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