February 2, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S481 the Office of the President of the Senate on RESOLUTION NO. 624 ers in communities by promoting healthy, February 2, 2011; to the Committee on Com- Whereas, the Rockland County Legislature walkable neighborhoods, access to green merce, Science, and Transportation. agrees that demographic trends support the space, and the mobility to pursue greater op- EC–409. A communication from the Pro- need for cooperation in land use planning portunities, gram Analyst, National Highway Traffic and the development of housing and trans- and Safety Administration, Department of portation. The population of the United Whereas, to accomplish these goals, the Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to States will grow from approximately Livable Communities Act of 2010 would es- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘List of 307,000,000 people to approximately 439,000,000 tablish the Office of Sustainable Housing and Nonconforming Vehicles Decided to be Eligi- people during the period between 2009 and Communities, the Interagency Council on ble for Importation’’ (Docket No. NHTSA– 2050, an increase of more than 40 percent; and Sustainable Communities, a Comprehensive 2010–0125) received in the Office of the Presi- Whereas, the Energy Information Adminis- Planning Grant Program, and a Sustain- dent of the Senate on January 31, 2011; to the tration of the Department of Energy fore- ability Challenge Grant Program; and Committee on Commerce, Science, and casts that driving will increase 59 percent be- Whereas, the Planning and Public Works Transportation. tween 2005 and 2030, far outpacing the pro- Committee has met, considered and by a EC–410. A communication from the Chief of jected 23 percent increase in population; and vote of four ayes, two nays and one absent, the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- Whereas, demographers estimate that as approved this resolution; Now therefore be it ternal Revenue Service, Department of the much as 30 percent of current demand for Resolved, That the Legislature of Rockland Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the housing is for housing in dense, walkable, County hereby requests that the United report of a rule entitled ‘‘Suppression of Rev. mixed-use communities, and that less than 2 States Senate and House of Representatives Proc. 2008–52 and Modification of Rev. Proc. percent of new housing is in this category; pass bills S. 1619 and H.R. 4690—the Livable 97–27, Procedures for Automatic and Non- and Communities Act of 2010, and that the Presi- Automatic Changes in Method of Account- Whereas, people who live in areas of com- dent of United States sign such legislation; ing’’ (Rev. Proc. 2011–14) received in the Of- pact development (where housing, shopping, and be it further Resolved, That the Clerk to the Legislature fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- jobs, and public transportation are in close be and he is hereby authorized and directed ary 31, 2011; to the Committee on Finance. proximity) drive 20 to 40 percent less than to send a certified copy of this resolution to EC–411. A joint communication from the people who live in average development pat- Hon. Barack H. Obama, President of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Na- terns in the United States; and tional Commission on Children and Disas- Whereas, transportation accounts for 70 United States; Hon. Charles E. Schumer and ters, transmitting a report relative to fund- percent of the oil consumed in the United Hon. Kirsten E. Gillibrand, United States ing the establishment of a National Resource States and nearly 1/3 of carbon emissions in Senators; Hon. Eliot Engel, Hon. Nita Lowey and Information Center on Children and Dis- the United States come from the transpor- and Hon. Nan Hayworth, Members of the asters; to the Committee on Health, Edu- tation sector. Reducing the growth of the United States Congress; the President Pro cation, Labor, and Pensions. number of miles driven and providing trans- Tem of the United States Senate; the Speak- EC–412. A communication from the Sec- portation alternatives through good plan- er of the United States House of Representa- retary of the Department of Health and ning and sustainable development is a nec- tives; the Majority and Minority Leaders of Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to essary part of the energy independence and the United States Senate and House of Rep- law, a performance report relative to the climate change strategies of the United resentatives; and to such other persons as Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act for fiscal States; and the Clerk, in his discretion, may deem proper year 2010; to the Committee on Health, Edu- Whereas, a number of studies, reports, and in order to effectuate the purpose of this res- cation, Labor, and Pensions. articles by organizations including the Envi- olution. EC–413. A communication from the Sec- ronmental Protection Agency, the National POM–2. A message from the Executive Di- retary of Health and Human Services, trans- Association of Realtors, and the Transit Co- rector, The Privacy Projects, transmitting, a mitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to operative Research Project have found that report relative to the Organization for Eco- the Animal Drug User Fee Act for Fiscal one of the keys to revitalizing and maintain- nomic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Year 2010; to the Committee on Health, Edu- ing the character of town centers and pre- Privacy Guidelines; to the Committee on the cation, Labor, and Pensions. serving surrounding agricultural land in Judiciary. EC–414. A communication from the Senior small and rural communities is to prevent Procurement Executive, Office of Acquisi- commercial and residential development on f tion Policy, General Services Administra- the outskirts of town, by promoting inte- tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND grated housing, economic, and transpor- JOINT RESOLUTIONS port of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisition tation development in town centers; and Regulation; Federal Acquisition Circular Whereas, funding for integrated housing, The following bills and joint resolu- 2005–48; Small Entity Compliance Guide’’ transportation, energy, environmental, and (FAC 2005–48) received in the Office of the tions were introduced, read the first economic development and other land use and second times by unanimous con- President of the Senate on January 31, 2011; planning efforts at the local and regional to the Committee on Homeland Security and levels is necessary to provide for sustainable sent, and referred as indicated: Governmental Affairs. development and smart growth, and By Mr. ENSIGN (for himself, Mr. EC–415. A communication from the Asso- Whereas, the Livable Communities Act of CRAPO, Mr. INHOFE, and Mr. ciate General Counsel for General Law, Of- 2010 would provide funding and support serv- JOHANNS): fice of the General Counsel, Department of ices to help municipalities make smart plan- S. 255. A bill to require the Congressional Homeland Security, transmitting, pursuant ning decisions by: Budget Office and the Joint Committee on to law, a report relative to a vacancy in the 1. facilitating and improving the coordina- Taxation to use dynamic economic modeling Department of Homeland Security in the po- tion of housing, community development, in addition to static economic modeling in sition of Administrator, U.S. Fire Adminis- transportation, energy, and environmental the preparation of budgetary estimates of tration, received in the Office of the Presi- policy in the United States; proposed changes in Federal revenue law; to dent of the Senate on February 1, 2011; to the 2. encouraging regional planning for liv- the Committee on the Budget. Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- able communities and the adoption of sus- By Mr. PRYOR: ernmental Affairs. tainable development techniques, including S. 256. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- EC–416. A communication from the Sec- transit-oriented development; enue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against retary, Judicial Conference of the United 3. providing a variety of safe, reliable income tax for equity investments in small States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- transportation choices, with special empha- business concerns; to the Committee on Fi- port relative to privacy and security con- sis on public transportation and complete nance. cerns relating to electronically filed docu- streets, in order to reduce traffic congestion, By Ms. LANDRIEU (for herself and Mr. ments in the federal courts; to the Com- greenhouse gas emissions, and dependence on KERRY): mittee on the Judiciary. foreign oil; S. 257. A bill to improve certain programs f 4. providing affordable, energy-efficient, of the Small Business Administration to bet- and location-efficient housing choices for ter assist small business customers in ac- PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS people of all ages, incomes, races, and cessing broadband technology, and for other The following petitions and memo- ethnicities, and making the combined costs purposes; to the Committee on Small Busi- rials were laid before the Senate and of housing and transportation more afford- ness and Entrepreneurship. able to families; By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. were referred or ordered to lie on the 5. promoting economic development and MERKLEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. LAU- table as indicated: competitiveness by connecting the housing TENBERG, Mr. REED, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. POM–1. A resolution adopted by the Legis- and employment locations of workers, reduc- NELSON of Florida, and Mr. LEAHY): lature of Rockland County, New York urging ing traffic congestion, and providing families S. 258. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Congress to pass the Livable Communities with access to essential services; enue Code of 1986 to eliminate oil and gas Act of 2010; to the Committee on Banking, 6. supporting public health and improving company preferences; to the Committee on Housing, and Urban Affairs. quality of life for the residents of and work- Finance.
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