The Telegraph ALTON TELEGRAPH CLASS 01 070720 Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3B LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS Apartments / Townhouses Wanted 20-1102 20-1106 20-2108A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , CIRCUIT I L L I N O I S I L L I N O I S M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , $$$$$$$$ Best Hometown Bank. a Fed- JUVENILE DIVISION I L L I N O I S eral Savings Bank, WILMINGTON SAVINGS Move In Specials The Telegraph has home Plaintiff, TO: FATHER, ESSEX HUB- FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS vs BARD, ANY AND ALL UN- TRUSTEE OF STANWICH $99 Moves You In delivery routes available for those Fred Neubauer, Unknown KNOWN FATHERS AND TO MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST FREE Parking for Heirs or Devisees of Fred ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- A, currently out of work!! Neubauer, deceased, and CERN, PLAINTIFF, 3 Months Included Unknown Owners, VS. Includes Application & Defendants. IN THE INTEREST OF: ANNA M GROSS A/K/A AN- Deposit Routes Available In LUCCA IZELANDIC KAST- NIE M POOLE; REBECCA For Qualified Applicants Case No. 2020CH000178 ING, A MINOR ANN GROSS; ANGELA M Starting at $517-$600 Wood River, Alton, & Godfrey NASH; UNKNOWN HEIRS Call For Details NOTICE OF PUBLICATION CASE NUMBER: 17-JA-231 AND LEGATEES OF RAY- Call or Text Don for Information: MOND F GROSS, IF ANY; •618-465-8708• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNKNOWN OWNERS AND 618-660-8649 TO YOU: Fred Neubauer (if NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS; Country Setting Must have reliable transportation, living), Unknown Heirs or De- Take notice that on JUNE 30, MICHAEL DIAZ, SPECIAL valid Driver's License, and Car Insurance. visees of Fred Neubauer (if 2020, a petition was filed un- REPRESENTATIVE OF THE 10 Minutes from Alton deceased), and Unknown der the Juvenile Court Act by DECEASED MORTGAGOR, Lg. Nice 1 BR apts., Owners that plaintiff Best Ho- Thomas Gibbons in the Cir- RAYMOND F GROSS, $440. (618)254-4269 metown Bank, has com- cuit Court of Madison County DEFENDANTS. EMPLOYMENT menced the above entitled entitled "In the Interest of 2019CH000494 E. ALTON'S FINEST! action against you to quiet LUCCA IZELANDIC KAST- 3038 CIRCLE DRIVE 2 BR, DECKS/PATIOS title to the following de- ING" CASE NUMBER: 17-JA- GRANITE CITY, IL 62040 SWIMMING POOL scribed real estate, to wit: 231, LUCCA IZELANDIC JUDGE 618-259-8787 St. Louis Regional Airport is seeking an attorney to Part of Lot 2 in Block 9 of the KASTING, a minor, and that PRESIDING JUDGE provide legal counsel for its board and staff. Original Plat of Maryville as on AUGUST 6, 2020 at the NOTICE BY PUBLICATION recorded in Plat Book 6 on hour of 2:00 PM or as soon NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Newly Decorated Spacious 2BR Page 21 in the Madison thereafter as this cause may TO YOU, Large Decks Candidates should possess the following County records, being a sub- be heard, an adjudication/dis- Unknown Owners and Non- Edwardsville Rd. $580-$590 qualifications: division of part of the North- position hearing on a petition Record Claimants # (618)254-4269 # east Quarter of Section 11. to terminate parental rights Rebecca Ann Gross Township 3 North, Range 8 will be held upon the petition Unknown Heirs and Leg- Licensed to practice in Illinois and be a resident of West of the Third Principal to have the child declared to atees of Raymond F Gross, If Madison County. Meridian, Madison County, be a ward of the court under Any Now Accepting Illinois, said part being more that Act. The court has au- defendants, that this case has Applications Experienced in civil, municipal, and employment particularly described as fol- thority in this proceeding to been commenced in this lows: take from you the custody Court against you and other law including union representation. Beginning at the southeast and guardianship of the defendants, asking for the ---------------------- corner of said Lot 2; thence minor, to terminate your par- foreclosure of a certain Mort- STOREY Experienced in drafting commercial and residential North 88 degrees 32 minutes ental rights, and to appoint a gage conveying the premises leases as well as breach of lease agreements and 54 seconds West, along the guardian with power to con- described as follows, to wit: MANOR south line of said Lot 2, a dis- sent to adoption. You may THE FOLLOWING REAL APARTMENTS processing eviction procedures. tance of 2.83 feet to its inter- lose all parental rights to your PROPERTY SITUATE IN section with the line which lies child. If the petition requests COUNTY OF MADISON AND ---------------------- Command of Open Meeting Act regulations and 2.83 feet west of, and parallel the termination of your par- STATE OF ILLINOIS, DE- Appliances, w/d hkup, Robert's Rule protocol. to the east line of said Lot 2; ental rights and the appoint- SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: rent & security deposit thence North 01 degrees 05 ment of a guardian with THAT PART OF THE WEST based on income. minutes 41 seconds West, power to consent to adoption, ONE HALF OF THE SOUTH- Attend monthly meeting and consult with along said parallel line, you may lose all parental EAST QUARTER OF SEC- ---------------------- staff/board on legal issues, as they arise. 109.85 feet to the north line of rights to the child. T I O N 7 , T O W N S H I P 3 said Lot 2; thence South 88 (SEAL) NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF Call today degrees 30 minutes 35 MARK VON NIDA THE THIRD PRINCIPAL ME- A professional work ethic with timely responses to seconds East, along said Clerk of the Circuit Court RIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS 618-462-5626 inquiries and directives. north line of Lot 2, a distance FOLLOWS: ---------------------- of 2.83 feet to the northeast 20-2107A COMMENCING AT AN IRON Equal Housing Interested parties should send resumes and fee corner thereof; thence South BAR THAT MARKS THE Opportunity 01 degrees 05 minutes 41 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT NORTHEAST CORNER OF TTY/TDD structure to: Chairman of the Board, seconds East, along the east FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL LOT 10, NORTH GRANITE 711 St. Louis Regional Airport, 8 Terminal Drive; line of said Lot 2, a distance CIRCUIT ACRES, ACCORDING TO For Hearing East Alton, IL 62024-2254 of 109.85 feet to the point of M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , THE PLAT THEREOF RE- Impaired Only beginning and containing 311 I L L I N O I S CORDED IN THE RECORD- square feet. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., ER'S OFFICE OF MADISON MARKETPLACE YOU ARE FURTHER NOTI- PLAINTIFF, COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN PLAT FIED as follows: VS. B O O K 2 2 , P A G E 3 3 , 1. The above entitled action CALIBER HOME LOANS, THENCE EAST ALONG A was filed on June 12, 2020 I N C . F / K / A T H E C I T LINE THAT MAKES A RIGHT and is now pending. GROUP/SALES FINANCING, ANGLE WITH THE EAST Cemetery Plots /Lots 2. The name of the plaintiff INC.; JAMES W. SHAW; LINE OF NORTH GRANITE and the case number are as J E N N I F E R S H A W , U N - ACRES, 160 FEET TO A set forth above. KNOWN HEIRS AND LEG- POINT, WHICH IS THE 3.The Court in which such ac- POINT OF BEGINNING OF 2 Plots, 2 Vaults, & 2 Marks, A T E E S O F J A M E S W . Roselawn Cemetery, Garden tion was commenced and is THE TRACT HEREIN DE- SHAW; UNKNOWN HEIRS of Apostles, Worth $11,033, pending is as set forth above SCRIBED; THENCE CON- FABULOUS AND LEGATEES OF JEN- Asking $8,000 259-6245 4. One June 12, 2020, the NIFER SHAW, TINUING EAST ALONG AFFORDABLE Court entered an Order in the DEFENDANTS. SAID LINE FOR A DIS- above-styled cause naming 20 MR 000577 TANCE OF 50 FEET TO A MUST SEE online Paul H. Lauber, whose ad- 303 RUTLEDGE STREET POINT; THENCE SOUTH APARTMENTS! Miscellaneous dress is 3 Club Centre Court, WORDEN, IL 62097-1131 ALONG A LINE PARALLEL # Suite B, Edwardsville, lL JUDGE PRESIDING JUDGE TO THE EAST LINE OF Playground 62025 and telephone no. is NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NORTH GRANITE ACRES # Community Room GREAT GIFTS - Brand New (618) 692-9080, as Special NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR A DISTANCE OF 100 # Security Buzz Lightyear, Over 20 Dif- ferent Sayings; Pd $35; Ask- Representative of Fred TO YOU, FEET TO A POINT; THENCE # Much More Neubauer (if deceased), un- JAMES W. SHAW WEST ALONG A LINE THAT ing $10 - Motorized Monster der 735 ILCS 5/13-209 UNKNOWN HEIRS AND MAKES A RIGHT ANGLE 2 & 3 Bedrooms Trucks Pd $20; Asking $8 - (Death of a Party). LEGATEES OF JAMES W. WITH THE EAST LINE OF Rent & Security Based Games $5 - Much More, Call 5.Unless you file Answer or SHAW NORTH GRANITE ACRES On Income. 618-363-6878 otherwise enter your appear- defendants, that this case has FOR A DISTANCE OF 50 ance in this cause on or been commenced in this FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NOW ACCEPTING Epiphone Acoustic Guitar before July 29, 2020, a de- Court against you and other NORTH ALONG A LINE APPLICATIONS (excellent condition) Model fault may be entered against defendants, asking for Declar- PARALLEL TO THE EAST Call Bissell EJ-200 Pd $410, Asking each of you and a judgment atory Judgment regarding the LINE OF NORTH GRANITE Apartments Today!!! $140; Legend of Zelda entered in accordance with manufactured home de- ACRES FOR DISTANCE OF # # # # # # # # # # Nintendo Switch Pro-Control- ler Worth $50 Asking $10; the prayer for relief set forth in scribed as follows: 100 FEET TO THE POINT 1300 Klein Ave.
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