4 'Hydrochemistry and energy storage in aquifers TNO Committee on Hydrological Research Hydrochemistry and energy storage in aquifers Proceedings and Information No. 43 Verslagen en Mededelingen No. 43 Editors J.C. Hooghart C.W.S. Posthumus Technical Meeting 48 Ede, The Netherlands 23 April 1990 The Hague 1990 CONTENTS AUTHORS INTRODUCTION J.W. Lyklema THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AND HYDROCHEMISTRY 3 G.J. van Mourik and A.L. Snijders Abstract 3 1 Introduction 3 2 The OECD 4 3 The IEA 5 4 Implementing agreement energy storage 6 References 8 THE RELATION BETWEEN AQUIFER THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE AND HYDROCHEMISTRY; AN OVERVIEW F.C. Dufour 1 Introduction 2 Principle of heat storage 3 Viability 4 Geohydrological preconditions of an ATES system 5 Temperature variations 6 Hydrochemical and microbiological aspects 7 Corrosion and scaling 8 Approach and solutions AQUIFER THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE: THE IMPORTANCE OF GEOCHEMICAL REACTIONS E.A. Jenne Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Cation exchange processes 3 Mineral precipitation 4 Concluding remarks References LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS ON BEHALF OF THE TNO-DGV TEST FACILITY FOR AQUIFER THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE AT DELFT, THE NETHERLANDS J. Griffioen Abstract 1 Introduction 2 ATES test facility 3 Materials and methods 4 Heat storage phase 5 Heat substraction phase 6 Conclusions References SCALING AND CORROSION IN SUBSURFACE THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS 0. Andersson Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Scaling 3 Clogging 4 Corrosion 5 Some conclusions References BIOGEOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF AQUIFER THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE H.J. Brons and A.J.B. Zehnder Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Iron precipitation 3 Anaerobic metal corrosion References HYDROGEOCHEMICAL TRANSPORT MODELLING C.A.J. Appelo Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Geochemical models, what can they do? 3 Application and validation 4 Final remarks References WATER TREATMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS A. Willemsen Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Calcite 3 Iron References RESEARCH ON HYDROCHEMISTRY AND WATER TREATMENT FOR HEAT STORAGE; STATE OF THE ART A.L. Snijders Abstract 1 Introduction 2 IEA Research 3 Activities and preliminary conclusions phase I 4 Activities phase I1 5 Prospects References LIST OF PROCEEDINGS AND INFORMATION OF THE TNO COMMITTEE ON HYDROLOGICAL RESEARCH AUTHORS 0. Andersson VIAK AB P.O. Box 21012 S-2002 1 Malma, Sweden C.A.J. Appelo Free University Amsterdam Institute of Earth Sciences P.O. Box 7161 1007 MC Amsterdam, The Netherlands H.J. Brons Wageningen Agricultural University Department of Microbiology P.O. Box 8033 6700 El Wageningen, The Netherlands F.C. Dufour TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience P.O. 6012 2600 JA Delft, The Netherlands J. Griffioen Free University Amsterdam Institute of Earth Sciences P.O. Box 7161 1007 MC Amsterdam, The Netherlands E.A. Jenne Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories P.O. Box 999 Richland, WA 99352, USA J.W. Lyklema TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience P.O. Box 6012 2600 JA Delft, The Netherlands G.J. van Mourik NOVEM Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment P.O. Box 3511 3503 RE Utrecht, The Netherlands A.L. Snijders IF Technology Frombergstraat 1 6814 EA Arnhem, The Netherlands A. Willemsen IF Technology Frombergstraat 1 6814 EA Amhem, The Netherlands A.J.B. Zehnder Wageningen Agricultural University Department of Microbiology P.O. Box 8033 6700 ET Wageningen, The Netherlands INTRODUCTION J.W. Lyklema This volume of the series Proceedings and Information of the TNO Committee on Hydrological Research (CHO-TNO) contains the contributions as presented on the 48th technical meeting of the CHO-TNO, "Hydrochemistry and energy storage in aquifers". During this symposium recent results have been presented on research which has been conducted within the framework of Annex VI of the International Energy Agency (IEA); Environmental and Chemical Aspects of Thermal Energy Storage in Aquifers and Research and Development of Water Treatment Methods. The Dutch contribution within the IEA framework is coordinated and sponsored by the Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment (NOVEM BV) in the Dutch research program: National Research Program on Geothermal Energy and Energy Storage in Aquifers (NOAA). Earlier research has shown that major problems can occur in operating plants when the effects of periodic changes in chemical equilibria due to heating and cooling are not correctly taken into account. A better understanding of the important chemical processes has been obtained by chemical modelling both empirically and theoretically in the laboratoria and by computer experiments. Also the interrelationship with microbiological processes has been studied extensively. Of crucial importance are the water treatment methods. Clogging, scaling and corrosion processes can impair the system if no adequate techniques are used to avoid precipitation of various carbonates and oxides. Currently new, ecologically sound methods are being developed to counteract these precipitation processes. The results on these topics have been presented to a broad audience with a background in heat and chill storage and water resources management. We expect that the presentations have contributed to a better understanding of the importance of hydrochemical and microbiological processes in the subsoil. We hope that this will be reflected in future research projects in this field and in other fields such as soil acidification and waste disposal studies. THE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY AND HYDROCHEMISTRY G.J. van Mourik, A.L. Snijders. ABSTRACT The International Energy Agency (IEA) was founded in 1974 by a number of industrialized countries to secure energy supplies for both short and long term. To reach this goal, cooperative energy research, development and demonstration is encouraged by the IEA. In the early eighties it was recognized that energy storage can play an important role in the saving of energy as well as the application of renewable energy sources. From the research carried out in this field, it turned out that aquifer thermal energy storage was both technically and economically feasible, but that the system reliability was questionable due to the water treatment methods applied. So, in 1987 eight IEA countries decided to start a research activity, entitled "Environmental and Chemical Aspects of Thermal Energy Storage in Aquifers and Research and Development of Water Treatment Methods". INTRODUCTION The papers in these proceedings deal with the results of basic research into the hydrochemical and microbiological processes in aquifers. This research has been executed at the responsibility of the International Energy Agency. At first sight it seems a little strange, a political institution like IEA engaged in this kind of research. This paper will enter into the background and the objectives of the IEA and will explain in which way basic hydrochemical and microbiological research fits within these objectives. 2 THE OECD The OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, was founded in 1960 as a follow up of the OEEC (Organization for European Economic Cooperation). At this moment the OECD numbers 24 Member countries, including a number of industrialized non-European countries, namely: Canada, the United States, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. The three basic aims of the OECD, given in Article 1 of the OECD Convention, are (Anonymous, 1985): * To achieve the highest sustainable economic growth and employment and a rising standard of living in Member countries, while maintaining financial stability, and thus contribute to the development of the world economy; * To contribute to sound economic expansion in Member as well as non-Member countries in the process of economic development; * To contribute to the expansion of world trade on a multilateral, non-discriminatory basis in accordance with international obligations. The OECD is not a supranational organization but a centre for discussion where governments express their points of view, share their experiences and search for common ground. The subjects they try to reach agreement upon concern: financial, fiscal and enterprise affairs; manpower, social affairs and education; agriculture and fisheries; science, technology and industry. A private staff of specialists belonging to the OECD, the OECD Secretariat, provides the basis by setting forward the problems and the possible remedies. 3 THE IEA The International Energy Agency (IEA) was founded in 1974, directly after the first energy crisis, by a number of OECD countries to cope jointly with the energy problems. At present 22 countries participate in the activities of the IEA. The principal task of the IEA is to secure energy supplies for both short and long term. The IEA has encouraged Member countries to conserve energy, to reduce dependence on oil, to develop alternatives to oil - like coal, nuclear power and renewable energy sources - and to pursue research and development. A current issue for the IEA is the effect of the growing environmental concerns on energy policy. The joint energy Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) projects refer to (OECD, 1987) the application of fossil fuels, renewable energy forms, controlled thermo- nuclear fusion, and new technologies to achieve more efficient use of energy (energy conservation). So the whole energy RD&D field is covered, except conventional nuclear energy. RD&D in this field is carried out by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the OECD, that existed already before the establishment of the IEA. Participation in energy RD&D activities takes place on voluntary
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