o r - y -a s r r l o o k s f r o m h e r e Vol. 67, No. 24 Co^d^ June 23.1955 Congratulations to 1955 One hundred and sixty-six Millburn High School sen­ iors will graduate at commencement exercises tonight bring­ ing to an end twelve years of successful education. Many of them will continue their formal education in colleges and universities scattered throughout the country, while others MILL B will enter the business world or the army immediately. The continuance of formal education in a number of and nstances is made possible by various scholarships and finan­ cial aid from the Millburn Scholastic Boosters and the Stu­ dent Loan Funds as well as from private sources. It is gratifying to know that the students themselves appreciate ITEM this assistahce and recognize the need for higher education. We join in congratulating all the graduates and wish them every success in their college or eventual business en­ deavors. We know that in years to come they will never fprget their years at MHS. Founded 1888 PirifliVtied every THursda M ILLBURN, N. J. TEN CENTS ffA Yice Tag On Motor Madness mmm The "Slow Down and Live'' campaign to save lives in r Jefsey has a dollar and cents meaning for every man, 136 Graduates Poor Farm to woman and child in the State. Purpose of the national campaign, which is being con­ Plan To Continue ducted through the summer in New Jersey by the Safety Be Dedicated as Council and cooperating State officials, is to combine pub­ Their Education lic action with best methods of traffic accident prevention New Public Park in order to reduce the summertime casualty toll on streets Of the 166 members in the grad­ and highways. Attention will be focused upon traffic vio­ uating class, 136 (82%) have in­ The Millburn Township Poor dicated a desire to continue their lations and bad driving practices, most of which involve Farm, located at the northwest education upon completion of corner of White Oak Ridge and speed. High School. Collegiate institu­ Parsonage Hill roads, will be­ Excessive speed and careless driving involve costs even tions have been chosen by 125 come a municipal park and be beyond the terrible toll of death, injury and damages usually (75%) of this group while eight known as "White Oak Ridge will continue their education in associated with automobile accidents, point out the New Park,” according to the terms of the schools of business, nursing, an ordinance introduced and ersey Taxpayers Association. These are the added costs and other special schools. Eleven adopted on first reading by the for the services which governments must provide to cope with have stated their Intention to as­ Township Committee. Hearing the accident menace. sume full time positions while and final passage are scheduled three members expect to enter for July 5. Therefore, to the known cost of 1954 traffic accidents in the armed services. New Jersey—estimated by safety officials and the Associa­ The dedication of the old Poor One hundred and eighteen Farm property as a park has tion of Casualty and Surety Companies at $76,285,000, or (70%) of the class have already been advocated for some years. received acceptances from 113 63.08 per family of four—must be added governmental ex­ Last Spring the Board of Educa­ different college. penses related to traffic. tion deeded the old Lincoln The list includes traffic operations by state, county and The following is a listing of School, located on the property, members of the class and. the to the Township. This building is local police, the motor vehicle and highways departments, collegiate Institutions which they the traffic qpurts and other functions of government—involv­ to. be converted into facilities for plan to attend: Roger Aldrich, use of the Recreation Department, ing license control, traffic lights, signs and markers, motor Drew University; Barbara Bailey, With the proviso that die two Connecticut College; Michael patrol operations, school crossing guards, motor vehicle in­ school rooms on the second floor Bamdas,' Bucknell University; spection, first aid and ambulance squads, hospital costs not John Bauer, Rutgers University; could be used by the Board for paid otherwise and accident investigation, to mention a few. Elizabeth Bibbins, Cornell Univer­ school purposes if it became sity; Fred Biery, Purdue Univer­ necessary. The new firehouse on "In picturing the results of motor madness” comments White Oak Ridge road is located the Taxpayers Association, "there should be added to the sity; Marjorie Billington, Wells College; Stanford Birnholz, Cor­ on a portion of the old Poor Farm. symbolic Grim Reaper and his Sickle, the high price tag This Spring the Recreation De­ nell University; Gail Bradley, NINE GENUINE CIRCUS ACTS HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED FOR JULY 4th at Millburn Athletic Field. Edna and Leon and The that is part of the scene at every accident.” University of Pennsylvania; Scott partment and the Shade Tree Virginians, pictured ahove are included as are several other acrobatic acts, bears, ponies, a monkey and chimpanzee. Commission completed the con­ ★ * Brennesholtz, Lehigh University; Richard Brunlng, Franklin and struction of a baseball diamond DANIEL MONACO, a senior at APPROXIMATELY 40 PER­ behind the firehouse. This field is Marshall College; Hilary Burgess, Millburn High School, who will CENT of the first and second 66 To Graduate Paper Drive Douglass College; Dorothy Carter, Fun for All 15,000 Expected now being used for Little League be attending the Fashion Institute grade students eligible to partici­ games and a summer playground Northwestern University; Arnold of Technology in New York City pate in the polio inocculation pro­ will be operated there starting Chassanoff, University of Penn­ in the fall and the recipient of a gram are receiving the shots, At M.H.S. Tonight; Sunday, June 26 July 5 by the Recreation Depart­ sylvania; Carole Chester, Univer­ Planned Here scholarship awarded by that in,- At Springfield Miss Bessie A. Bosworth, Town­ sity of Pennsylvania; Marie ment. Guy R. Bosworth Post 140 of stitutiton has also received a $100 ship Health Officer, announced Clarkson, Ohio Wesleyan; Mary scholarship from the Millburn this week. In the public schools It is the Committee’s intention 37 Earn Honors the American Legion will con­ Cushing, Douglass College; Nancy For July 4th Battle Parade to gradually convert the approxi­ One hundred and sixty-six sen- duct a drive for old papers and Firemen. The bases for eligibility 419 students'were eligible whereas Damitz, Allegheny College; Esther were need and artistic ability. only 180 requests bad been re­ mately 65 acres available into rs will be graduated at com- magazines on Sunday June 26. Della Serra, Georgian Court Col­ By MARIAN .K. MEISNIR More than 15,000 persons are other athletic/and outdoor facili­ ★ ceived from parents. encement w e r d w ^ O n U h t, Contributors are asked to place lege; Nancy Donovan, Smith Col- Baseball, bears, and bands, expected to watch the parade ties in keeping with the park their donations at the curb to ige; David- Edwards, Worcester meixy-gQ-roundB skyrocket*, and which will featnw eelebre­ ideal It is expected this will take facilitate’' collection; This will Polytechnic Institute; David Erd- orange fed On sticks are some of lion of the 175th anniversary of several years. the ingredients of the huge party Five Playgrounds Legion to Honor" 6r° diplmn*r with high honor* be the last paper drive until man, Bates College; Robert Erd- the Battle of Springfield this Sat­ The Poor Farm , dating back being planned by . the Millburn iile 20 will graduate with hon- next Fall. man, Bates College; James Fla- urday. Committee members point­ well before the turn of the cen­ hive, University of North Caro­ Fourth of July Committee for To Be Conducted ed out that the 150th anniversary Milton Freiman Monday, July 4th, to celebrate the tury, was in active use up until lina; Elaine Fournier, Wellesley parade in 1930 drew more than a few years ago. The farm itself rhe theme, "All the World's A birthday of our country. Every Guy R. Bosworth Post, 140, College. 1 0 , 0 0 0 . and the old residence and barns ige—Elements of the Drama of Township resident is cordially in By Rec Dept. American Legion will honor Mil- Also Gail Gaines, University of With six divisions listed for the on it were leased to tenants. One !e” will be developed by Elaine vited to join in the fun which will ton Freiman, recently appointed WortendykeTo Miami (Florida); Erwin Gerhardt, long parade, more than 2,000 per­ of Millburn’s original school- umier, the valedictorian, who commence at 8:30 a.m. in the Taylor Park magistrate of the municipal court University of Miami (Ohio); Rob­ sons will be in the line of march. ll speak ob “Conflict” ; by High School Stadium and end at of Millburn Township, at a testi­ houses stoo£ on a portion of i t ert Gilbert, Princeton University; The children’s playground in More than half will be members The old farm buildings and barn irilyn King, the salutatorian, 10 p.m. / monial dinner. Be Sworn In As Richard Grabosky, University of Taylor Park is located in the of armed forces reserve units: were razed last year. motion” ; Roy Jemison, "Ac- The gates of the Stadium will Army, Navy, Air Force, National Judge Freiman has served as n”, and Richard Smith, "Sus- Texas; Douglas Grigg, Bucknell open at 8:30 a. m. and the salutes southwest corner of Taylor Park, According to the annual report University; Lizabeth Heyman, Guard and CAP.
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