Dayspring!e Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia June 2012 Volume 110, Number 2 Presiding Bishop Addresses Province III Synod in Martinsburg by Linda S. Comins, Dayspring Editor Presiding Bishop Katharine Jef- On a positive note, she re- things up,” Jefferts Schori con- ferts Schori made a brief return marked, “The Church is one of cluded. visit to the Diocese of West Vir- the few places where many gen- The 2012 General Convention ginia on April 30, when she ad- erations continue to gather.” will take place in Indianapolis dressed the Province III Synod The Presiding Bishop said the meeting in Martinsburg. Episcopal Church values the - roles of all in decision making “We are here od was devoted to orientation for and demonstrates “an ability and to serve God’s General Convention deputations strong desire to partner with other from the 13 dioceses that com- people of faith. We recognize that people and prise Province III. The Presiding reconciling the world to Christ re- Bishop spoke at the group’s ini- quires all,” she commented. God’s creation tial session. Christians, she said, “have to rather than Describing the Church as being keep learning new ways to tell the engaged in “a Trinitarian dance,” old, old story.” For example, for ourselves” she used imagery of dance and many people, primary encounters of drinking from a well to con- with the faith are no longer lim- July 3-12. Bishop Klusmeyer vey her message to the General ited to Sunday mornings or inside will participate in the House of Convention deputies, bishops and church buildings. “We need to be Bishops sessions during the Gen- synod representatives. “We are open to more varied expressions eral Convention. The Diocese of made for dynamic conversation of church,” she commented. West Virginia’s deputation to the with God and with each other,” Calling for partnership in God’s House of Deputies consists of she remarked. mission, the Presiding Bishop four clergy deputies and four lay “This world is deeply hungry said, “Everybody needs to be deputies, all elected by the Dioc- for a creative dance,” Jefferts formed as partners in that Trini- esan Convention. Schori said, urging Christians “to tarian dance … We are a people The clergy deputies are the lose ourselves for the sake of the invited by God to join the dance. Rev. Cheryl Winter, the Rev. Stan world.” We are invited to join His way of Holmes, the Rev. John Valentine She observed, “We live in a loving and share it with others.” and the Rev. Paul Hicks. The lay world deeply mired in fear and Urging individuals to give, not deputies are Sissy Poland (chair trembling. We are rapidly los- hoard, one’s gifts, she comment- of the deputation), Beth Mar- ing even the vestiges of what we ed, “We are here to serve God’s quart, Linda S. Comins and Toni have known for generations.” In people and God’s creation rather Lynne DeVore. that atmosphere, she said, there is Photo by Linda S. Comins than ourselves.” The 13 dioceses in Province III “enormous hunger and thirst for The core of the Christian life, are Bethlehem, Central Pennsyl- that well of life all around us.” she believes, is to “put down your vania, Delaware, Easton, Mary- The challenge for the Church, burdens and pick up a new chal- land, Northwestern Pennsylvania, she said, continues to be in “learn- tures thoughtfully,” the Presiding able to varied local contexts. lenge.” She encouraged the audi- Pittsburgh, Southern Virginia, ing to turn outward.” Bishop said. “At our best, we val- “New occasions teach new du- ence to step outside their comfort Southwestern Virginia, Virginia, As the Episcopal Church, “we ue diversity in theology, worship, ties,” she said, adding, “Tradition zones and discover their own Washington and West Virginia understand ourselves as the ‘Mid- music and people.” is meant to ground us, but not like courage. dle Way’” and “read the Scrip- The Episcopal Church is adapt- a tar pit or fossil ground.” “Go home and keep stirring Geocachers Taking Episcopal Shield Across U.S. The Episcopal shield is making coordinates and clues to make them trackable when they are pose some people to the Episco- its way across the country with logged. The EpiscoBug, as Isom pal Church in a fun way that isn’t the help of some geocachers. Eddie Isom, a member of St. called it, is simply an Episcopal preachy.” Geocachers are people who Stephen’s Episcopal Church in shield pendant attached to a travel Isom said he hopes people participate in high-tech treasure Beckley, where he serves as a lec- bug dog tag. hunts around the world using tor, placed an Episcopal shield Isom said he sees the travel EpiscoBug and taking it to other GPS devices. This is known as travel bug in one of these sites bug as modern-day evangelism locations. “It would also be nice geocaching. These treasure seek- with the hope other geocachers in a small way. “I was looking if someone who has never seen would grab it, take it with them for a way to combine two things our shield takes an interest and is and maybe spark a little interest and drop it at other sites. Travel that I really love,” he said. “And maybe does an Internet search to in learning about the church,” Cache Hunt Site and retrieving bugs have special codes to make at the same time, I wanted to ex- see just what an Episcopal shield CONTINUED PAGE 2 Peterkin Summer Camps pages 4 -5 Page 2 The Bishop’s Column felt that God was calling him verted, and were baptized. The to leave his home, and to travel “‘Elder”’ also became a believer, north into a new region. He knew and began to gather all of his !e Episcopal Diocese of that there were many in that area idols, and began burning them who worshiped idols, and this all! West Virginia concerned him, but he continued Bishop to struggle with this “voice from plant took place. The Rt. Rev. W. Michie Klus- within.” Soon after, a new Diocese was meyer Finally he picked up, and trav- formed, and this “itinerant priest” eled north. He went by boat and Dayspring Staff: by foot to get there. When he ar- Miracles happen all the time! Linda S. Comins, Editor rived, he had hopes of planting a God calls each of us to do the new Church, but felt it would be ministry in this world, but too of- necessary to talk to the most re- ten we are more like Samuel than To contact the Editor: spected/senior person in the vil- we are like the priest. Too often, email: [email protected] phone: cell 304-670-7598 lage. He searched the man out, we believe that if we ignore the home 304-243-1329 Dear Brothers and Sisters in and found that he was most wel- voice, or if we run and get busy, Christ, coming. However, he was not a the voice will subside and go Diocesan Staff Christian, and had no real desire away. The Rev. Canon Faith Perrizo At the Eucharist which was to become a Christian. Too often in my own life, I have The Rev. Canon Donald Vinson celebrated during the recent Di- As was and is the custom, they found that God is persistent. God ocesan Council meeting, Council sat and talked for a long while. will continue to call, and to draw Mollie Bailey, Diocesan Administrator members heard the story of the Days, in fact. us closer and closer to God’s will. Jason Beschinski, Youth Ministries Director call of Samuel. News of this stranger’s visit God will indeed draw us from Stephen Day, Youth and Young Adult Ministries In the lesson, we hear of the began to spread around, and on where we are comfortable, and young boy Samuel, who hears a The Anglican Communion: the second or third day, another take us to new places. We have The Most Rev. Rowan D. Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury voice calling him, and presumes man came to the place where they only to listen and say, “Speak, for that it is the voice of Eli calling were meeting. The man had been your servant listens.” The Episcopal Church: him. He jumps up and runs to Eli. crippled since an early age, and May we have ears to hear … The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop This happens three times, until Eli was in pain most of the time. He hearts to care ... and the willing- realizes that the voice must be the The Diocese of West Virginia: introduced himself to the priest, ness and strength to answer God’s Diocesan House: 1608 Virginia Street, East Voice of God, and tells Samuel to who immediately laid hands on call for each of us. listen to that voice. Thus begins Charleston, West Virginia 25311 him and prayed. The next morn- In Christ, Mailing Address: PO Box 5400, Charleston, West Virginia 25361 an amazing story. ing, the disabled man stood up, Telephone: 304-344-3597 or Toll-free 866-549-8346 Listening for the voice of God …. and began to walk with no as- The Rt. Rev. W. Michie Klusmeyer Fax: 304-343-3295 Recently I heard the story of a sistance of a cane, or any other Bishop http://www.wvdiocese.org/ priest in the Sudan, who had been device. struggling with a call he felt he The village people were so in had been hearing from God. He awe that many immediately con- the Diocese of West Virginia.
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