PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1S62.-TOL. 15. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 4, 1878. TEEMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE THE rORTIiAJÎD DAILY PRESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. WA^îTS. MISCELLANEOUS. COPARTNERSHIP. the :p:ress. The Democratic House Is singularly un- Publlsh»d srery day (Sundays eiMpted) by the fortunate in its doorkeepers. Fitzhugb, who was a man than old PORTL1NI) PUBLISHING CO. Dissolution of Copartnership. MONDAY MOKMXG, FFB. 4. "biger Grant," finds a worthy successor in Polk, who has been do- At 103 Exchange St., Portland. WANTED! WE IRE HE Copartnership heretofore existing under the UNDECIDED a Τ arm name of 8WEETSEH & MERRILLS is We do not read anonymous etters and communl ing thrifty business as claim agent. Has this day dissolved K. Sweet- Τκπμ*: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. To by mutual consent—Ε. cations. The name and address of the writer are In the Democratic sunk so low that ter All party really mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if paid in ad- retiring. business of the late tirm will be set- TO tled and all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publication vance. Daily Press dated July 2, 1877. WHETHER ADVERTISE by, payments madë to Ε. H. Merilll and L. it cannot furnish decent material for a door· H. Merrill, who will continue the Wholesale business bat as a guaranty of good feith. as asual under the Merrills. keeper? It certainly looks so. Direct to PRESS OFFICE. name of Sweetser «6 We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- THE MAINE STATE PRESS E. K.SWEETSIB, are not used. febl dlw Ε. munications that is pub'ishe l every Thursday Morning at $2*50 a H, MERRILL, h. H. MERRILL. Me. Glover'# investigation net ye:ir, it paid in advance at $2.00 a year. and Linen Dusters evidently Wanted. White Tests Portland, February 1st, I8Î8. Every attaché of the Fbess is was not set to catch Democratic lOO Floor !lalf*RI>ln. at regular furniibad doorkeepers. Rates of Advertising: inch of the ISIaUe'e Buttery· One space, Z-VΕ. K. Swectser will continue the Retail busi- with a Card certificate I will 20 cts. each for one countersigned by Stanley T. length of column, constitutes a "square/' pay hundred nice «lean ness as usual at 388 Congress St. feb2d3t· Editor. All steamboat $1 50 per square, daily first week: 75 cents per Flour Half-Bbls. with two heads and fall-hooped. OR OUR CLOSING SALE OF Pullen, railway, and hotel Letter from Vermont. weekatter; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continu- Ja31tt IRVING BLAKE. managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding ing every other day after first week, 50 cents. credentials of every person claiming to repra wnt our Η alt sq uare, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one ournal. week, $1.00 : 50 ceuts per week after. *€L£BK WÂMTB.D Ulsters and fflontpelier and iu 8p«ciAL· Notices, one third additional. Overcoats, Reefers. Marroandinga—A Under head ot "Amusements" and "Auction For a short Dissolntion time. Address of Copartnership. Judicial Tr ials at the South.. NUetch of il· Early DUtorr II· Pr*|- Sales," $2 00 per square per week; three insertions BOX 999, Portland, re»» and II» Present or $1.50. Conditio·. less, jan30 dtf The weather is loo mixed up lor us to lull y determine, however The trial of the Returning Board now go- Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State * Copartnership heretofore existing under the those who waul the loriner can find tliem in our stock, and to those on in New Orleans attracts Press" (which has a large circulation in every part PKEMIUMS §6000. THEfirm name of Whitney A Thomas Is this day ing very little at- of the Sta for for who preter the latter named garments we wilt simply say that dissolved. All of late :e), Sl.00 per square first insertion, mutnally business the firm tention. At the moment the indictments Mo.ntfelieb, Vt., Feb. 1,1878, and 50 ce ots per square for each subsequent insertion. BOARD. will be settled by and payments made to John P. Address all communications to LARGEST Thomas ol the late firm, "who will continue the against them were found public interest in To the Editor of the Press : ΡΟΚ»LAND PUBLISHING CO. business ol the late firm as usual. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY the matter ceased. Their conviction Perhaps some of your reader* may not con- Boarders Wanted. B. F. WHITNEY, was f|lt sider a letter from an JOHN P. THOMAS, to be a conclusion. uninteresting ex-Portland FEW good men can find pleasant rooms with foregone Certain forms Exhibition AND Portland, Jan. 3,1878. janWlm now at. a ENTERTAINMENTS. at 30 boy residing Uoatpelier, Poultry A board, BROWN ST. remained to be gone through with but the containing dtf ever held in the Uniteii States. my21 rambling description of the place and a slight verdict was made up when the Grand Jury pisz & α ο eketch of its history. THE FOURTH EXHIBITION , Copartnership Notice. presented their bill, and the correspondents Union Gospel TO LET. With the completion of tbat long contem- Meetings have since busied themselves with to — — — trying — by OP ΤΠΕ UNDER THE PREBLE HOUSE, plated thorongbfare, the Portland & Ogdens- the have tkle a find out who were to be the next victims sac- To Let. undersigned day formed bnrg railroad, Maine and Vermont are now WE copartnership under the firm name and rificed at the altar of "conciliation." The closely connected ; and that the connection is MR. HEM M1IM No. 154 Pearl Htreef, ΙΟ reoma, IS THE PURCHASE. style of Whitney, Nelson & Co., for the purpose of MOREHOUSE, POULTRY »H HODREfins and Sebago. Rent low. Apply carrying on the Wholesale and Ketail Harness, guilt or innocence of the accused has been beneficial at least to one State is evident from The at 15Û JPeari Street. PLACE_TO Leather, Hardware and Horse English Evangelist, will he held at ja29dtf Saddlery, Fittings little considered because it was felt to the liberal ot every description. The above named firm will have advertising patronage bestowed — at — Onr $lO 00 and $12.00 Ulsters are sold at $8 00 and $9.00. Desirable Rent occupy store No. 178 Middle Street, Boyd's Bloek. little bearing upon the result. In cases of upon onr local papars by Portland business Our Pelham Ulsters arc reduced $4.00 on every Coat JAMES H. HIGH STREET CITY WHITNEY, firms. In CHURCH, Corner of Pine and Emery, with Ovcrcoats that formerly sold ior $14 00 are now sold at $10.00. GEORGE M. NELSON, offences in any way connected with politics, coming here from Portland the trav- beginning gUNDAV, FEB. 3d, at .land 7 or witlioat stable. NO. 33. Heelers have been cut down in price 40 per cent. JOHN M. ELDEN. public sentiment at the South has overthrown eller finds open to his choice three routes, start- Portland.. Me., January 1, 1878. janl4dtf 1». M. jan28 d2w* in all over the — ON — the barriers which the Common Law ing primarily Portland & Og- and afternoon and the erected every evering during coming densburg. Fust, he may get off week. Offices and Rooms to Let. Dissolution. in order to secure an impartial trial to a atFabyan's, Music by the Chorus choir under tho leadership of Feb. 7th. 8'h, 9th, 11th, 12th. Our and All Wool Pants Copartnership heretofore existing under tho take the White Mountain Branch of the Bos- ST. JULIAN HOTEL is now open for in- $2.50 $3.00 party accused. The presumption of Jaw in W. L. Fitch. tirm name of CHASE & CO., was & and some rooms THE THOMES, ton, Concord Montreal railroad, and fiom and 13th. THEspection, yery good lodging dissolved W. ot his innocence is nullified ETEBÏBODI WELCOME. and offices can be Are the ot this Bear in mind that these January 1, 1378, by mutaal consent, H. favor by the fact obtained by applying at the hotel acknowledged bargains age. thence here by the Wells Biver or be at once. Chase retiring. C. D. Thomes & Co, will settle all railroad; feb2dlw PER ORDER OP COM. No in jan24dtf goods are in regular sizes, well made, new patterns, and not the that long before his judicial trial he has pro rating. Society premiums paid full. bills of the said firm. begins may continue on from Fabyan's to the Wing The American Poultry Association honors the pickings over of a dozen old stocks which have accumulated in years been the Maine convfcted by public. The jury by Bold as I wait GIUND CONCERT Association by holding its annual session To Let. ot business. The business formerly carried on by Thomes. Chase Junction, did, fifteen or twenty Feb. 11th and 12th, 1878, in this & Co. will be continued the subscribers which he is tried is drawn from the on an — AT — city. suit of furnished rooms without by under the same-pub- minutes open platform (on a cold day firm name of C. D. & CO. Admission, 25 cents PLEASANTboard. Also suit ot untarnished rooms near THOMES lic which has him this is C. D. J. F. already pronounced guilty, pleasure greatly enhanced), and there New Hall, Woedford's Children. 15 the Falmouth Hotel, Middle Street. THOMES, GREEN, Corner, cents ja24dtt M. G. PALMER. C. A. THOMES, W. E. BEOWER, and even if they have the conscience to ac- take the White Monntain rest of MONDAY EVEKIKG, FEB. 4th. At and Branch,—the Children's Garments Below Cost. o2w· Railroad and Express Companies carry to janaO not the the as be a select freight qnit they have courage to brave the way by the first route; or he may pro- Theremin concert pjven at the above and from this Exhibition at reduced rates.
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