ROAD RALLY TIME-SIGNAL RECEIVER JULY POPULAR 1968 CENTS ELECTRONICS BEST WAY TO TUNE YOUR BASS REFLEX NEW APPROACH TO COLOR TV SERVICING TRANSISTOR TESTING WITH YOUR VTVM NOVEL CW MONITOR-$2 STEREO PHONES TEST POINTS FOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Monitor Your Heart Action and Blood Flow (see page 27) 11111111111111111111 111111111111111111111Ba INTEt1SITY FOCU'r Ai 498000EINDISt 1 1E9 0/203 www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com You get more for your money from NRI- America's oldest and largest Electronic, Radio -Television home -study school Compare. You'll find -as have so many Shown below is a dramatic, pictorial ex- thousands of others -NRI training can't ample of training materials in just one NRI be beat. From the delivery of your first les- Course. Everything you see below is in- sons in the remarkable, new Achievement cluded in low -cost NRI training. Other ma- Kit, to "bite size," easily -read texts and jor NRI courses are equally complete. Text carefully designed training equipment ... for text, kit for kit, dollar for dollar -your NRI gives you more value. best home -study buy is NRI. All this is yours -from Achieve- Approved under GI BILL ment Kit to the only Color TV If you served since Jan. 31, specifically designed for train- 1955, or are in service, check GI postage -free card. ing -when you enroll for N RI's line in TV -Radio Servicing course. Other courses are equally com- plete. But NRI training is more than kits and "bite- size" texts. It's also personal services which have made NRI a 50 year leader in the home -study field. Mail the postage -free card today. www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com GET A FASTER START WITH NRI'S LEARNING BECOMES AN ABSORBING NEW EXCLUSIVE ACHIEVEMENT KIT ADVENTURE WITH NRI TRAINING KITS The day your enrollment is received your What better way to learn than by doing? NRI Achievement Kit will be on its way to you. It pioneered and perfected the "home lab" tech- contains everything you need to make an easy, nique of learning at home in your spare time. fast start in the Electrcnics training of your You get your hands on actual parts and use choice. This attractive, new starter kit is an them to build, experiment, explore, discover. Electronics come NRI outstanding, logical way to introduce you to alive! invites compari- son with training equipment offered any home -study the way NRI teaches it ... backed by other school. Begin NOW this exciting, practi- by a dedicated staff and the personal attention cal program. It's Vle best way to understand you should expect of a home -study school. It the skills of the finest technicians -and make is your first special training aid designed ... their techniques your own. Whatever your rea- to make your adventure into Electronics ab- son for wanting to increase your knowledge of sorbing, meaningful. Your Achievement Kit Electronics ... whatever your field of interest contains your first group of lesson texts; rich ... whatever your education ... there's an NRI vinyl desk folder to hold study material; the instruction plan for you, at low tuition rates to industry's most complete Radio -TV Electronics fit your budget. Get all the facts about NRI Dictionary; valuable reference texts; lesson training plans, NRI training equipment. Fill in answer sheets; envelopes; pencils, pen; engi- and mail the attached postage -free card today. neer's ruler -even postage. No other NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE, Wash- school has anything like it. ington, D.C. 20016. OVER 50 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP IN ELECTRONICS TRAINING Accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the National Home Study Council NEW COLOR TV www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com JULY, 1968 P "' "'" ° ° °' OPULAR WORLD'S LARGEST -SELLING ELECTRONICS ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION FEATURE YOUR OWN LITTLE PHOTOPLETHYSMOGRAPH 27 ROBERT E. DEVINE Unique device displays blood flow FEATURE ARTICLES MARGARET MAGNA 11918-19681 16 STEREO -AT 99c PER EAR 34 DAVID B. WEEMS CIRCUIT DESIGNERS' QUIZ 35 ROBERT P. BALIN BATTERYLESS CW MONITOR 40 GERALD L. VOGWILL BUILD THE ACCURATIME 41 GEORGE WHALEN Converter tunes CHU or WWV while on the road TUNE UP YOUR BASS REFLEX 47 DAVID B. WEEMS How it is done by the experts THE SUPER -SENSITIVE SUPER- SIMPLE SUPER -REGEN 52 LARRY LISLE Still one of the HOT receiver circuits TRANSISTOR TEST ADAPTER FOR YOUR VTVM 55 A.A. MANGIER) Use to measure the important parameters SYSTEMS APPROACH TO TV SERVICING 59 FOREST M. BELT Successful production line TV repair SIMPLIFY WITH TEST POINTS 62 JIM ASHE INFORMATION CENTRAL 66 CHARLES J. SCHAUERS, W6QLV ENGLISH- LANGUAGE BROADCASTS TO NORTH AMERICA 74 ROGER LEGGE SHORT -WAVE LISTENING 75 HANK BENNETT, W2PNA Verifying those Latin Americans AMATEUR RADIO 77 HERB S. BRIER, W9EGQ Places and people in ham radio ON THE CITIZENS BAND 79 MATT P. SPINELLO, KHC2060 SOLID -STATE 80 LOU GARNER DEPARTMENTS LETTERS FROM OUR READERS 8 READER SERVICE PAGE 15 NEW PRODUCTS 22 OPERATION ASSIST 83 TIPS & TECHNIQUES 85 OUT OF TUNE 86 M /M /M Instrument Amplifier ELECTRONICS LIBRARY 87 READER SERVICE PAGE 95 POPULAR ELECTRONICS is Indexed This month's cover photo by in the Readers' Guide BRUCE PENDLETON to Periodical Literature Copyright © 1968 by ZIFF -DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY. All rights reserved. POPULAR ELECTRONICS, July 1968, I"olume 29, Numbrr 1. Pabli..hrd monthly at 307 Sloth Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601. One year subscription rate for P.S.. P.S. Possessions and Canada, $5.00; all other countries, $6.00. Second class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois and at additional mailing offices. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada and for payment of postage in cash. Subscription service and Forma a579: Portland Place, Boulder, Colorado 80202. Editorial offices for manuscript contributions, reader inquiries, etc.: One Park Are., New York, N.Y. 10016. 4 POPULAR ELECTRONICS www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com Could you make it in electronics? Why not... Because you're not a genius? So What? All DE VRY If1STITUTE OF TECHf10LOGY Dept. 104-Y you need is a good mind and the desire to BE,w, A,E CHICAGO ILL EG.. learn. We can help you learn what you need to know to get the kind of job you want. And BELLE; HOWELL SCHOOLS we can help you land Please send me your two free booklets, "Pocket the job, too. We've Guide to Real Earnings," and "Electronics in done it before. Thousands of times. Space Travel;" also inciLde information about Because you can't quit preparing for careers in Electronics. I am in- your job? Keep it. terested in the following opportunity fields (check If you can't come to our resident schools, one or more): we'll come to you, by mail. Take the courses Space & Missile Communications you need, at home. In our schools or at Electronics Computers Television and Radio home, you'll get an Broadcasting excellent, practical edu- Microwaves Industrial cation in electronics. Radar Electronics Automation Electronics Electronic Control Because you think it's too tough? Too slow? Too expensive? Because you're afraid maybe Name Age we can't help you get a good job? Fill in the Address Apt coupon, and make us prove it! City State Zip Code DE VRY IPISTITUTE OF TECHf10LOGY ,4, BELMONT AVE.. CHICAGO. ILL. 60641 Veterans: Check here. If you were discharged after Jan. 31, 1955, the "G.I. Bill" may cover the entire cost of your tuition. 106 BELL E HOWELL SCHOOLS J ACCREDITED MEMBER, NATIONAL HOME STUDY COUNCIL July, 1968 5 www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com FULLY EQUIPPED FOR POPULAR ELECTRONICS PHILLIP T. HEFFERNAN IMMEDIATE OPERATION Publi.sher ON ALL CHANNELS OLIVER P. FERRELL 99 Editor LESLIE SOLOMON reenneent e,ldor MARGARET MAGNA reach llanagirg Editor oui EDWARD I. BOXBAUM way Art Director with ALEXANDER W. BURAWA Associate Editor the ANDRE DUZANT NEW Technical Illustrator O r.n._ CAM -88 PATTI MORGAN b Assistant Editor AURORA NARDOZZI Editorial Assistant H. BENNETT, W2PNA H. S. BRIER W9EGQ L. E. GARNER, JR. CHARLES J. SCHAUERS, W6QLV M. P. SPINELLO, KHC2O60 Contributing Editors LAWRENCE SPORN Advertising Sales Manager ARDYS C. MORAN Advertising Servire Manager ZIFF-DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Editorial and Executive Offices One Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016 212 679 -7200 Eastern Advertising Manager, RICHARD J. HALPERN 23- CHANNEL CB Midwestern Office 307 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601 mobile and base station 312 726 -0892 Midwestern Advertising Manager, JAMES WEAKLEY AM TRANSCEIVER GERALD L. TAYLOR Western Office 9025 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90211 GREATER RANGE POWER with the exclusive 213 CRestview 4 -0265; BRadshaw 2 -1161 new DYNA -BOOST circuit that intensifies speech Western Advertising Manager, BUD DEAN signals and extends the signal range. Japan: James Yogi Ishikawa Mansion The new Cobra CAM -88 is rugged, handsome and #4, Sakuragaoka field proven. Compare it, feature for feature, with Shibuya -ku, Tokyo other CB equipment and you'll be convinced that 462 -2911 -3 the Cobra CAM -88 is by far the best. Circulation Office Portland Place Outstanding Features Boulder, Colorado 80302 Fully- Equipped for Immediate 23- channel Transmit William B. Ziff, Chairman of the Board (1946 -1953) and Receive William Ziff, President Double Conversion Superheterodyne Receiver W. Bradford Briggs, Executive Vice President Hershel B. Serbin, Senior Transistorized 117V AC 12V DC Power Supply Vice President Philip Sine, Financial Vice President Speech Compression with Switch Walter S. Mills, Jr., Vice President, Circulation Delta -Tune Fine Tuning Stanley R. Greenfield, Vice President, Marketing Squelch Control and Standby Switch Phillip T. Heffernan, Vice President, Electronics Division Illuminated Dual- Purpose Meter Frank Pomerantz, Vice President, Creative Services Power -in (Receive)- Power -out (Transmit) Arthur W. Butzow, Vice President, Production Modulation Indicator Edward D.
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