A.cc:hives LD729.6 C5 0'75 01-·ion. vol. 46 no. 13 MERIAlVl usRMiY Apr. 25, 2(2)(2)1 ~OOl National Newspaper of the Year Meriam Library--CSU Chico APR 2 5 2001 WEDNESDAY APRIL 25, 2001 CSU. CHICO I.NSID.E .. OPINION, A8 .SPORTS, 61 UIjyou'reat a bar and you're'a hottie, you'll get OUT OF THE SPOTLIGHT iIII- ENTERTAINMENT, C1 Theater crew members play .. CALENDAR, C4 . your drink first. JJ - AMY McMuLLAN, SENIOR important roles offstage "COMICS, C5 DIM ENS ION S .C7 ENTERTAINMENT iDl-C1 .. DIMENSIONS, C7 • CLASSIFIEDS, C10 Volume 46. Issue 13 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY CHI C 0 http://orion.csllchico,edll NQ A , . • ••SA !PUlE MA~ .w ... -, == " ·W. Ex-student killed by T-minus 25 days freight train It's that time. of year again. The sun is out and the birds are i.. singing. Professors at Chico State Inspectors say crossing University are lect,uring, but no anns were down when one is listening. '.' Last week in his English 224 lnan tried to: cross tracks class, "Syntactic Analysis," Professor Graham Thurgood DANNY BERNARDINI announced that he would start STA"" W/"'TH" teaching 'the fun stuff.' After we had a group chuckle at the idea A fonner student was killed early 'of the study of sentence structure Friday morning when he was struck by being 'fun,' Thurgood explained a Union Pacific train while crossing his plan. West Third Street on his bicycle. Previously, he had reserved Joshua Perez, 21, died instantly at some of the more interesting 3:42 a.m .. said Marie Fickert, Chico rnaterial for the vc,:"y last weeks Fire Depmtment inspector. Toxicology of his course,as a sort of reward reports won't be relcased for several to his students. After a few . The Orlan/KATE LOVE weeks. semesters though, Thurgood Sophomores Emily Carter, Katie Drake, Cheryl Sperling and Julie Scaife plant red vista flowers on campus Saturday. The train was travelling northbound realized his timing was off and at 45 mph and the crossing anns were decided' to start earlier. down, she said. At this time of year it can be "He kn~w the crossing arms were' hard to hold the attention of down and decided to try and beat it.. many students, but there arc Lend a di hand This may educate the local community some students in particular that of dangers near or on the track," are nearly impossible to instruct :~Students, community m.embers volunteer to clean up around campus Fickert said. "These incidents are veIY. with any success. That's because preventable.". they are afflicted with a . CARQLYN MARIE LUCAS She said Perez's death will herr: S lOA r F \VI 1\ I T E H temporary insanity' of sorts. It is I' n.tj·?rm Chico residentsl~f hthet·' Operation: \(I,' called senioritis, and I've got a L1 esaver program, w llcocuses on seriolls case. education in towns that· traiJls pas's' Common symptoms include through. : : giddiness, distraction, Lke care of the planet. As part of the awareness e.ffort, th~ uncontrollable daydreaming, This Earth Day message instilled 30 years ago euphoria and compulsive prevailed on the Chico SUIte University campus (IS Please see TRAIN ~ A3 nostalgic behavior. numerous eco-activities were held last week. One sign that someone you But some members of the university went out of know may be suffering from their way to do their part for Mother Nature and the ":;R~il~~\id;·;~;';):':';~~'fiY;~jtt[;r~:~~{r,~~ senioritis is a compulsion to community on Saturday morning. photograph any and all friends, In 'a three-hour effort to clean up tlie Chieo State cam­ .,·, •. ·,.;:/· .• ·,;>:<;·.·:;~:f~/~~;;!~GX~t)[f,~ . .' .·If your vehicle stall~:oorlidioild:crossing,:::h neighbors or classmates in sight. pus nnd the surrounding community, 350 volunteers par­ . .' .• ·>evelllllie·should;get~ciut.Mthev~hlci~·:and\·~:: They may also display a tendency ticipated in the thi.rd annual Scour & Devour The Orion/KATE LOVE to stare out of cfassroom windows beautification project. Russ Sutherland and Corrine Lafollette spray paint over instead of taking notes or to take Volunteers picked up trash, landscaped and a gratfitied dumpster in an alley behind Rio Chico Way. j:~;~.=;;~i~'f~~l'~,i~~f{i(l their dog to the park instead of perfornled basic maintenance tasks along the north and :! •. Trainsoverhang the tracks bl at least Hlree~' going to class at all. south areas of campus. After Sprague talked with Paul Moore, vice .'''i:)eet iii both directions and ioose straps . Unfortunately, there are also "Scour & Devour is a student-led event that anyone president of student affairs, Scour & Devour was formed i ;f/' han~ng form rail cars may extend even some unpleasant effects of with a heart of service can participate in just by in an effort to rally students, faculty, );:~ ttirtller. If you are in the right·ot·way next senioritis, such as restlessness, having the desire to serve this area," coordinator maintenance staff and campus organizations together to (;,/;to''':., \ the tracks, you can be hit by Ute.train' " difficulty concentrating, Katie Stokes said. "By participating in this intense provide that service. ;.,,:>:,::/.\ \ ,.. '- .. ~:,.'.;>:;~./'('" .. ··:Do"not cross Ute tracks immediately after a· cleanup, people arc blessing the university and "As volunteers and donators, we're basically trying to listlessness and the occasional :',';:!,; train passes.:, Asecond ti-iliil miiiht be ." nail-biting, hair-pulling, "What the surrounding neighborhoods in wonderful, get what needs to be done accomplished," Sprague said. n.~:'blockedby,ffi~jirsf·'Jrai6s·can come from dram<'tic way." . "The giving of ourselves allows us to grow as people." will become of me in the real ".; >,eith~rdire~tlilfi;; you can see Froid the beginning, Bob Sprague, local pastor of The Several service organizntions, fraternities and wait until world" panic attack .. "/:'.(cleafb:aroundthe train in both· Conveniently, the cure for this Edge, wanted to find a way for 100 students to come 'first condition is only weeks away. All together and serve the university. Please see PROJECT ... A6 :~~::".':!.~ ~~,re~~~~~;) .•.••~.\:.·.:.!,:~ 1 '. • .it takes is a cap. and gown and a InfoaraphlcbY,Colm Conn .' .. :'.". ...... diploma, and we'll be back to Information courto 0 emllon UtH5avor normal. But for now, it's time to go. l'm off to the park. A.S.election over, activity fee results complete Alex Ruiz call be ,.eached at: [email protected] NICK ALLEN "It was adifficult election, one of the Steve Cox and STAI'F Wn.TEll most competitive that I have ever seen, Jeff Iverson, A.S.· : but I wish the best of luck to' my executive vice . After a runoff election that had every opponent and the best of luck to the president and sort of promodon imaginable, including A.S.," Lewis said. president . T-shirts, ice cream, blow pops and one In the final runoff position of activity respectively, talk: : Mr. Roboto outfit, Wednesday's election fee commissioner, Allison defeated to A.S. office . determined the final three Associated Mike Ovadia 63.7.1 percent to 36,29 campaigners Students officers. percent. Jimmy Reed and OUTSTANDING'STUDENT:,: ' Jimmy Reed, Melanie Watson, and Allison said that despite the added Mike Ovadla. : 'LEADERSHIP AWARDS" . Janae Allison were all elected in the stress of another election, she is very Ovadia said he ·,iT9~?V~~;:~,·P·~:~i:j.",:,.·'·· Wed~esday runoff. Reed was elected excitc:d to begin working with the newly decided to dress , ,Warrens Center ;',''',.' . 53.87 percent ·to Ali Guzeldere's 46.13 elected officials in the 2001-2002 up as a robot and percent. for the position of executive school year. blast Styx's "Mr. ;, 'TRACK'ANlI.FIELD,: . ",',' , vice president. "1 think that this group will make for a Roboto'.' from a ~.: "., :CHICO',TWILlGHT"INVITAnONAL For the position of director of great working environment," stereo as part of :', university affaii"s,Watson defeated Tyler Allison said. '.' . his campaign. .;"!':' ;;' .',' .' Lewis with:"58.S4·iper~ent of the votes. In contrast to the 26 percent voter . .·j!r;'~,l'~;~j:'· . Watson saId that to have gone turnout in the first election, this voter :. SONGS OF CHILDREN' ...., .. ":': through the fitst election and then to turnout was only' 1,040' ,voters-or' campaign for another week was 6 percent. difficult. In other election-related results, the· i;~~~~~~~~r~i1'~('::(X!, "It was ciefinitely challenging," campus club and organization fee Watson said.; , distribution was finalized .. :".~.,',<: :' "(,,I.:,~'.,:';'~>:/">':': ;:~.:.: ...,:<" :~"i>'::' ,:" '.:,,',, 'f.:.'::'. '\' ,':" .'," Lewis ngreed that an additional week Students that voted 'were given an t.::;'§fl9,~~~Er.DARjo(1I10fe ~ C4 . " of campaigning was trying on him, as ", ,,' '~k~, ' " '.','.\ •. / '.,. I',.:,., :, ,,;; '~:"" .:'.,.,'- ::" ,I:,: " 'I " " ,,:'. I'" 'well as on the other candidates. Please see ELECTION ~ A2 , " , .. ; \1 . ..." :';. ). , :i:.:" , '.~. .. ... .... ' . •••• , ,I. "I ~ ! •. '., '" •. , .... '.,. '. ~ .. • f .• e"_.. "'"".~ ....... _ ..... , ••;.~. ," •• ~ • • ....... ~ .. ,~ ... :.!.... ,-. -. A2 TH-E OR ION II APR I L 25, 2001 ., ..' .. r..rJModel UN: .. .~ club wins ~bi9 in Big &:I. Apple NIESHA GATES en NEWS EDI·ron JEFF FRIEDMAN Photos courtesy 01 Mark Smlloy CONTIIIIIUTING WItITEH Model United Nation delegates, from left, Bob Ray, Mark Smiley, Dan Oliver and Erin Hoftelg listen Z to ~solutions in the United Nations general assembly hall. Because the conference took place In Take four students per hotel room, multiply New York City, students also explored New York attractions, such as the World Trade Center, right by four hours of sleep per night and add one 30-page paper. four-day conference, where they learn about sororities and sports are all ways. to make What do you get? several countries by acting as ambassadors, friends for life. Model U.N. is just another '!Wo top awards at the 2001 National Ostrom said. Top leaders from that way to do that." Model United Nations conference.
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