Youths More Eager irn t Special Apostolate DENVER CATHO o 33 m aj O' > m CD c-j 3D <: To Indians Helps n o O CO 3 3 interpret fosue X, 13 REGISTER Oldsters To Adjust THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1965 VO L. I ition; oth- that light By Christopher Hernon ma families are educated and e manner To members of the In­ possess wealth, because of es, name- dian tribes, of the plains the discovery of oil on their City's Head Start acle was and the high country, who lands. bu( the Navajo, Sioux - 4 live in Denver, their reser­ nation, Cherokee, and Hopi vations seem the "Prom­ Indians, plus a few Seminoles ised Land” much as the up from Louisiana, cannot ad­ Passes Test W ith It seems that there was Holy Land is to the Jews. just easily to the pressures of a workman up on a tall ;ally be­ It is not because the res­ the White man’s civilization. ladder in a church doing rries an ervations are flowing with THEY ARE not sufficiently Flying Colors some electrical repair milk and honey, but be­ aggressive to hold, or even to work, and down below iifferent cause their ancient cul­ obtain regular jobs In a highly Every phase of the Denver Children’s Educa­ him in the front pew, a riage or ture continues there, in an competitive world, the nuns tional Fund, Inc. Head Start program favorably im­ little old lady saying her B of her attenuated way. have found. pressed an inspector, representing Washington, when prayers. Sister Antonia, one of a A Head Start program for she visited the city’ s St. Joseph, St. Elizabeth, Aftnun- The workman — just ) return group of Sisters of St. Fran­ some 20 Indian children in ciation, St. Patrick’s, and St. Anthony centers this for kicks — called out, ! other- cis of Penance and Christian operation at De Smet center, past week. "This is the Lord.” Charity, who staff Marycrest 1458 Corona street, has re­ Mrs. I. E. McCord, of Kansas City, who will re­ There was no reaction. ;es, the high school. 5320 Federal vealed that the youngsters are He repeated the same boulevard and who help Indian eager to learn, and adjust port to the headquarters of Project Head Start at the unless residents in Denver, de­ readily to the program, happi­ nation’s capital, was particularly pleased at the in­ words in a somewhat scribed their plight to the ly and with enthusiasm. clusion of the hot lunch program in the centers louder voice, and again Register this week. The Mai-ycrest project She noted that there were no reaction. Since World War II, mem­ among the Indians shows . no religious emblems or pic­ Then he said, "This is tures displayed in any of the the Lord, your God ” irsc to bers of some 30 to 35 tribes them to be splendid people to have found their way to the work with. Sister Antonia centers, and that the nuns did Whereupon the little old lb-foot, 4 big city. Some of the Oklaho- said. not wear crosses or carry ro- Guidance Kits lady spoke up and said. ormal- They have great apprecia­ saries. t "Please don’t bother me tion of human values. Mem­ — I’m speaking with your e good bers of a family of any tribe MRS. McCORD scrutinized Readied for the numbers and status of Mother.” St dis- within the nations will always * Pilgrimage gather around anyone who is Rebuilding After Flood Disaster Head Start workers, volun­ sick. They will take in anoth­ teers. children and teachers, der to Perched on the edge of a gaping hole in the torrent did extensive damage to furnish­ Counselors er family if they are home­ besides discussing the curri­ ■ess in the floor of St. Rose of Lima’s church, Gerry ings and tore two large holes in the walls of The Denver Catholic high Set h r Area less, or orphaned, or for any culum. A Benedictine abbot has in­ Gruber of Gruber and Sons contractors studies the church, which had been dedicated only a school scholarship committee might other reason in need. In regard to the Sisters en­ formed us that there are a blueprint for the repair of the church, few weeks before. Engineers have pronounced gaged in teaching, she consid­ is woricing throughout the three things God does not Handicapped THE NUNS maintain the damaged in the South Platte flood last month. the building structurally sound, and restora­ ered that paying them such summer months to prepare know; Dc Smet center for them and Besides caving In a sizable part of the floor, tion work is under way. a low salary was “ discrimina­ guidance kits for high school 1. What's in a Jesuit’s also visit the families. They counselors, to be available in mind; The fifth annual pilgrimage tion in reverse” and ex­ took a census of the Indian September. 2. Mow much theology a f said for all handicapped persons in pressed her intention of look­ rcctly population here recently, al­ ing into this problem. The Rt. Rev. William H. Dominican knows; the greater Denver area is 3. How many communities scheduled at Mother Cabrini’s though the avei^age seldom re­ Tennessee Pass Memorial Rites The inspector, accompanied Jones, superintendent of the mains constant with the con­ of nuns there are. shrine, Mt. Vernon canyon, by Head Start director Sister archdiocesan schools, stres­ Saturday. July 24. tinual switch back to the re­ 500 Former Camp Hale Ski Troopers Rosemary. Dick Clark of ses the growing importance of Charles Thompson, a mem­ servation, or departure for Denver’s War on Poverty or­ effective counseling in high other places when a current ber of Cathedral parish. Den­ ganization, and social work­ schools. work contract or training per­ ver. and director of the Color­ ers Robert Pena and Rupert SEMANTIC CAMOUFLAGE iod is completed in Denver. ado Handicapped association, Revisit Nation's Highest Monument Padilla, saw children’s vision AT SOME TIME in 1966 . 50 Simplicity is no longer in These arrangements are said hopes are to have the lar­ screenings being taken by a per cent of the American pop­ vogue. In one article we read made by the Bureau of Indian Atop 10,400-foot Tennessee gest attendance ever at this paign that drove German A select and closely knit nurse at St. Elizabeth’s, as­ ulation will be 25 years of age that it is no longer proper to Affairs, which works to help Pass near Leadville with annual event. mountain troops from the Ital­ group then, they united here sisted by*tcachers. or under, Monslgnor Jones refer to a lunatic as crazy. He the Indian acquire new skills snow-draped Mt. Elbert, Colo­ ian Apennines. this month some 20 years la­ pointed out. is psychotically disoriented. to fit him for employment in rado’s 14,400-foot rooftop, as a MRS. McCORD attended a MASS WILL BE offered at ter as they joined in an inter­ And the word criminal must modem industry. backdrop, is the nation’s high­ THE TENNESSEE PASS teacher and volunteer meet­ The opportunity of unskilled the shrine at 11:30 a.m. by the religious memorial ceremony. also be jettisoned. The crook The adult education group est monument to its war dead. moument, a solid 12-foot high. ing at the Annunciation center labor is almost gone, Monsi­ Rev. Stephen Handen of The assembly of 500 of the gnor Jones said, therefore the may have robbed a bank and conducted by the nuns has 14-ton slab of polished brown and partook of the hot lunch Blessed Sacrament parish, Erected six years ago. it mountain warfare veterans high school counselor must killed everybody in sight but brought a good response from granite, is appropriately there. She al.so attended an Denver. Afterward dinner will bears the names of the Tenth and 700 of their wives and have the means of guiding he is only a “ societal deviate” the 12 to 15 couples taking placed at the site where the entire se.ssion of Head Start be served in the Sisters' din­ Mountain Division’s 990 war children climaxed a national students towards definite and or “ pathological aberrant.” part. The program enables division, commonly called the at St. Anthony’s, and at the ing room, and entertainment reunion of three days of fel­ attainable goals. them to see some hope of bet­ dead, a few of whom died in Mountain or Ski Troops, went lowship and special programs St. Patrick center she inter­ is planned. terment, offers a way out of the bleak Aleutian Islands but through rigorous training in viewed all the lay faculty. T h e scholarship c o m- Volunteers arc needed to at Vail Village. Jack Vance heard a woman the perennial dilemma of 1943 - 44 while stationed at The use in the Head Start mittce’s kit contains mater­ provide transpoKation to the most of whom were victims Taking part in the memor­ say: “ He’s the most laxadais- people trying to adjust to an of a bloody three-month cam­ Camp Hale. program of social workers, ials to help youngsters who shrine. Persons desiring to ial service were Monsignor ical person I ever saw. entirely different and fast- speech therapists, nurses, for one reason or another, arc Seemed to Jack that the help in this way may call Mr. paced culture. (Brig. Gen.) William J. Mor­ not prepared to enter college, an, Deputy Chief of Army dentists, doctors, and police mispronunciation is more Thompson (from 3 to 10 p.m.) Many Indians have little vo­ but who can go into the Amer­ Chaplains, from Washington, advisers on safety equipment, graphic than the correct form.
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