NORTH WEALD, BLENHEIM, ESSEX PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL ISSUE 1 MARCH 2016 Landscape Architects Ecology & Environment Masterplanning Arboriculture Historic Landscapes NORTH WEALD DEPOT, BLENHEIM, ESSEX ISSUE 1 PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL MARCH 2016 ISSUE NO. AUTHOR CHECKED BY DATE One Andrew Bodey Tom La Dell 30.03.2016 LaDellWood LLP Stocks Studio Grafty Green Maidstone Kent ME17 2AP t: 01622 850245 e: [email protected] w: www.ladellwood.co.uk A practice registered with the Landscape Institute A practice registered with the CIEEM LaDellWood LLP Partnership no. OC376445 Tom La Dell MA(Oxon)Botany DipLD CMLI CEnv MCIEEM FLS Lydia Hill‐Wood BA (Hons) PGDipLA CMLI COPYRIGHT: The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of LaDellWood LLP. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of LaDellWood constitutes an infringement of copyright. LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of LaDellWood LLP Client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between LaDellWood LLP and its Client. LaDellWood accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party. 2363 PEA ISSUE 1.doc ‐ 2 ‐ NORTH WEALD DEPOT, BLENHEIM, ESSEX ISSUE 1 PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL MARCH 2016 Summary 1. During December 2015 LaDellWood were commissioned to undertake a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal at the North Weald Depot site. This report provides details of the survey which including a desk top study search and a Phase 1 Habitat assessment of habitats on and adjacent to the site. Further consideration was given to the value of habitats for supporting protected species. Using information gathered from the survey this report assesses any likely ecological constraints to development proposals and provides an outline of any ecological mitigation that may be required. 2. During the desktop study both statutory and non statutory sites were located within 2km of the site. Areas of NERC priority habitat lowland deciduous woodland and a numerous areas of ancient woodland were also located within 2km search radius of the site. Records of protected plant species, bats, breeding birds and grass snake were located within the search radius. 3. The protected species assessment confirmed that the on‐site habitat has a low habitat value for badger, dormouse and great crested newt. The site has a low ‐ moderate habitat value for foraging and commuting bats and reptiles and a high habitat value for breeding birds. 4. Further recommendations for survey have been given to fully assess the status of roosting bats and reptiles at the site. Recommendations have been given for mitigation and enhancements regarding, habitats, badgers, breeding birds and western European hedgehog at the site. 2363 PEA ISSUE 1.doc ‐ 3 ‐ NORTH WEALD DEPOT, BLENHEIM, ESSEX ISSUE 1 PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL MARCH 2016 CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Methodology 3.0 Results 4.0 Preliminary Protected Species and Habitat Assessment 5.0 Recommendations 6.0 Conclusions Figures Figures 1 to 3 Maps Map1 ‐ Site Location Map 2 ‐ Phase 1 Habitat Map Annex 1 Protected Species Legislation 2363 PEA ISSUE 1.doc ‐ 4 ‐ NORTH WEALD DEPOT, BLENHEIM, ESSEX ISSUE 1 PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL MARCH 2016 1.0 Introduction Background 1.1 This report has been prepared by LaDellWood for proposed works at North Weald Depot Blenheim. LaDellWood were commissioned to carry out a preliminary ecological appraisal at the site. This report represents the findings of the above site survey undertaken on the 22nd October 2015. The survey was carried out in order to assess the habitats on the site and its surroundings and determine the ecological value of the site. The report then assesses any likely ecological constraints to the development proposals and provides an outline of any ecological mitigation that may be required. Scope of the Report 1.2 This report details the results of the ecological survey as a preliminary ecological appraisal, assesses the results and recommends any actions necessary to satisfy statutory guidance, National legislation, European legislation (see Table 1.1 & Annex 1) and the requirements of National Planning Policy Framework, (NPPF) 11: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment; and recommends further survey works and/or mitigation/enhancement measures where these are required. Site Context and Status 1.3 The site is approximately 0.24 hectares in size and located at NGR TL 492 038. The on‐site habitat comprises of improved grassland, tall ruderal, scrub, scattered trees, and hard standings remaining from the former depot use. 1.4 The site is situated on the outskirts of North weald Basset Village approximately 2.9 km north east of the centre of the Epping Town. Access to the site is via Epping Road, which runs south from the A414. The site is surrounded to the east by new residential properties and gardens. To the north and west of the site are areas of scattered trees and commercial and industrial units. To the south are further residential properties located beyond Blenheim Way. Ecologists 1.5 The report was prepared by Andrew Bodey BSc hons ACIEEM, bat licence Level 2 (2015‐13096‐CLS‐ CLS) and GCN licence (2015 – 8650 – CLS‐CLS) who has over six years’ experience of ecology practice and checked by Tom La Dell MA (botany), MCIEEM, CMLI who has over forty years experience in ecology practice. 2363 PEA ISSUE 1.doc ‐ 5 ‐ NORTH WEALD DEPOT, BLENHEIM, ESSEX ISSUE 1 PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL MARCH 2016 Site Proposals 1.5 The proposals for the site are for a Repair and Maintenance Hub with access and parking. 2.0 Methodology Desk Study 2.1 In order to establish baseline ecological data of the site Essex Recorders Partnership were commissioned to complete an ecological data search for the site. The search included protected species and habitats recorded within 2km of the site. An extended search of 5km was undertaken for bats. In addition Essex Ecology Services Ltd was commissioned to provide a data search for designated sites within 5km of the site. Ecological records older than ten years are considered unlikely to represent current distribution of species therefore records beyond ten years not been included within the assessment. An assessment of habitats surrounding the site was undertaken using OS mapping and satellite imagery of the site, the assessment included a search for waterbodies located within 500m of the site. Site Survey 2.2 The preliminary ecological appraisal involved a detailed daytime investigation of the site and surrounding land to record habitat and vegetation types following guidance set out by JNCC in the Phase 1 habitat surveys handbook (JNCC 2010). This approach is designed to identify habitat types according to those defined in the handbook and to assist in providing an overview of the ecological interest at a site. It follows, where relevant, BS42020:2013 Biodiversity – Code of practice for planning and development. Preliminary Protected Species Assessment 2.3 During the walkover survey an assessment was undertaken to determine the potential of the site and surrounding habitats to support protected species. During the assessment provisional signs of protected or notable species were recorded. Due to records of species located up to 5km of the site and/ or the habitats present at the site particular consideration was given to the potential of the site to support badger, dormouse, bats, breeding birds, reptiles and great crested newt. The following details the species‐specific methodologies used. 2363 PEA ISSUE 1.doc ‐ 6 ‐ NORTH WEALD DEPOT, BLENHEIM, ESSEX ISSUE 1 PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL MARCH 2016 Badger 2.4 A detailed inspection was undertaken searching for evidence of badgers on site and where access was possible within 30 metres radius of the site boundary. Evidence of badger such as such as spoil heaps, large holes, claw marks, pathways, hairs, latrines, snuffle holes and scratching posts were searched for during the inspection. Dormouse 2.5 The assessment of Dormouse was based on a visual inspection of habitats at the site. During the survey dormouse habitat features were searched for including the presence of suitable habitats offering cover and food such as hazel Corylus avellana, honey suckle Lonicera periclymenum and bramble Rubus fruiticosus. Also the connectivity of the site to suitable areas of habitat off‐site was considered. Bats 2.6 An assessment of the presence of bats at the site was based on the identification of habitats considered suitable for roosting bats such as buildings with roof voids or suitable external roosting features such as gaps beneath tiles, loose boarding and holes within soffits. The presence of trees that may support roosting features for bats such as loose bark, hazard beams and rot holes were also recorded. During the survey further consideration was given to potential bat foraging and commuting habitats at the site. Breeding Birds 2.7 An Assessment of the presence of birds using visual and song identification and habitat suitable for breeding birds such as mature trees, dense scrub, hedgerows, and recording of evidence of previous nesting, including old nests and faecal marks etc; Common Reptiles 2.8 An assessment of the site’s potential for supporting reptiles was based on the presence of suitable habitats in or surrounding the site. Reptiles are cryptic species, it can be hard
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