DRAFT EIGHTH FIVE YEAR PUN ( l 9 d 0 - 9 5 > AND ANNUAL PUN 1 9 9 1 - 9 2 VOL. II UTTAR PRADESH DRAFT EIGHTH FIVE YEAR PLAN ( 1 9 9 0 - 9 5 ) AND ANNUAL PLAN 1991-92 s e c t o r a l p r o f il e NIEPADC D05881 60VT OF UTTAR PRADESH PLANNING DEPARTMEMT NOVEMBER.. IS90 DUC. ..... o«*-— THl^ dr«fl>— ^lan is pr«««nt«d in thr»» volumes* Volume-1 . consists o^ ^«f>erdl reviews, Volume'-IX is of sectoral reviews ^nd Volume’*!!! of %tAten>er>ts Prifiied By Director Printio; Suiioaery U. P. «i ibe Oovl, Ff«s, Rampur, cotiTgirts Page Ko chapter I Agricultore and Allie4 Activities X.l Crop Husbandry 1.2 Sdii and waater Conservation •«, »26 1*3 Ani&aX husbandry .•..35 li4 Dairy Development .. ..•..39 1.5 Fisheries • ««•«46 l«6 Forestry and Wild Life .• I •4B 1.7 Pood,Storage and Karehousin^ •...59 1«B Agriculture, Research and t •»*60 Education 1.9 A^ricltural financial •••>63 Inetituions 1.10 Co-operation ....65 I.IX Other Agricultural Pro9 rammes . ...70 Chapter'll Rural Developnent 2.1 Special Pro9ranDBe for Bural Devlopment ..75 2.2 Rural Enployment ....Bl 2.3 Land Reforms ••.•93 2.4 Oth«r ftulrai Developoent Prosrammes ,«..B9 Chapter-Ill Special Area Pro^ranes 3.1 Oth&r Special Area Prograntfnes .... 94 » Chapter-IV Irrigation and Flood Control 4.1 Major and Hedium Irrigation .... 100 4.2 Minor Irrigation .... no 4.3 Command Area Development 133 4.4 Flood Control and Drainage ..... 137 Chapter^- V Energy 5.1 I>ower 326 5.2 Non-Convent Iona i Sources of en*^rgy 341 Chapte r *-V 1 Industry and Minerals 142 6.1 Village and Small Industries 146 6.2 Industries 162 6.3 Mining 174 C h a p t e r - ^ ^ Transport 7»1 Civil Aviation 185 7 .2 Roads and Bridges lee 7.3 Road Transport 191 Chapter“VIII Cosnunication fNo pro g r a w e in the State Plan) > C h ^ t e r - l X Science« Technology and Bnvlronisent 9.2 Science and Technology 197 ^.2 Ecti 1 ogy and Environment 199 Chapter'X General Bcon^ic Servicea 10.1 Secretariat Econcmic Services «... 204 10.2 Touridm ...« 214 10.3 Surveys and Statistics ...• 216 10.4 Civil Supplies ‘ .... 220 10*5 other General Bconomics Services ...» 221 Chapter-Xl •'iueation 11.1 Gener&l Education ••• 223 11.2 Technical Education .«*«.236 11.3 Sports and Youth Welfare •••««242 11.4 Art and Culture ..«»«247 Chapt«r>XII i4edical and Public Bealtb 12.1 Medical and Public Health .2S4 chapter-pcm Water S u ^ l y , Sanitation ^ Housing and Orban Developsftent 13.1 Water supply and Sanitation .•...264 13.2 Housing .275 13• 3 llrban Development .••••267 Chapter'XIV Inforaation and Publicity 14.1 Information and Publicity .296 Chapter-XV Welfare of Scheduled Castes Denotified Tribes and other Backward Classes 15.1 Welfare of Schedule castes Denotified Tribes and other Backward ClasAes »...#300 Cbapter-XVI Labour and Es^lo^sent 16•I Labour and Employment .... 307 Chapter-XVII Social Security.Welfare and Nutrition 17.1 Social Security and Welfare ...,»31S X7.2 Nutrition ,,•••121 Chapter-XVIII General Services 18.1 Jails .322 16.2 Stationery and Printznq ,*•••322 18.3 Public Works •..••322 CHAPTBH^I AQRICULtUltB AND ALLIED ACT1V1TIB3 1.1 Crap HmbAftdf y Uttar Prad«sh i« th« X«rg«At St«t« having a total popuX-ation o{ about 11.01 Cror4 with a danaity af 2.49 lakh par aquaira k*. Tha Stata haa about 14 par eaat e( groaa croppad ar«a aeeounting fat 2 1 par cant o i (oadflrain broduetlon la tbt CdMntry. Naarly par cant af tKa tatal warkfotct la angagad In varloua aftrieultural activitlaa contributing 44 par cant atata iflcasa at citrtMtAnt prJcaa o f l^dO. 7bia abowa tbat agrlcttlturf la at 1 1 1 A donlnant factor i n atata*,a aeaoofty. l .\.2 Oo tha baaia of tha axparlaapa cainad durio< ^Ifth and Sixth .ilvt yaaJ^ plan, grovtb rat« 'of foftd grain production waa ealculatad at d.7 par cant and a targat of iZ S IgAb tona«a foodgrain production waa aat for ;cha Sav«nth flvt plan. Tb« avarage production of 319.10 lakh tonnta waa achicvad aa agalnat tha 269.72 lak^ tonn«a during Sixth flva yaar plan vitb growth rata of 3.4 p ' a r cant par annuiR. Tha laval of production of foodgraina during Saventh Plan ia givao In th« tabla balow Tabla - 1.1.1 Sayanth Fiya Yaar Plan - Laval of froduetion (000*n.Tonnaa) Taar Total foodsrain Total oilaaad product ion production l985-d6 872 I96d’ d7 30300 80Q 1987-88 8S9 l9gg-89 354^5 1160 S369S 1181 i*l*3 inspita of tha fact that atata had baan hit by natural cAlaai4^*** abova production waa poaalbla br atapplng up of di'atributioa of c^rtiCiad aaada* fartilisara. plant protaction chaiiicala, plant protact loo and ifliproyad agricurtural i^plaaanta. )i'.9par uaa of watar harvaating technology and aiakiAg availabla •quirad cradit at^pport. Tha quantua of dlatrlbution of ittportant inputm ara in tabj a I f ^ f Z Table 1.1.2 Seventh Five Year Plan - Diatribution of inputs Tear Seed Fertilizer Plant Distribution Distribution Protection (000' qtls.) (000* M.T.) (Technical Grade Material) (GOD’ M.T.) 1985-86 S83 1709 6.01 1986-87 523 1678 6.65 1987-88 523 1598 6. 92 1988-89 480 2136 8.48 1989-90 662 2092 8.91 1.1-4 Althoufih the production of food^rains durinft the preceedinfi five year plan has been encouraging the unprecedented increase in population denands a fresh look into the stratefty of agriculture planning. The eight five year plan aisis at not or^ly on increasing production but also on generating sufficient eaploynent in the f a m i n g activity. It also envisages steps to boost the quality of life of farners having snail holdings and very few or none resources of inproving their econoaic condition. The strategy to achieve these aias during, the eighth five year plan, has broadly besn frafted as below (i) Eaphasis on bringing user and ravinous areas undsr cul­ tivation. (11) Oi&t.iiai»e th# oi agricultsiral inputs like s<%eds, 1,-sdr, che«icaia aad iaproved Ag-ricultural . ' (ii. 1. )Adopt watar h&rvj9S!ti n^ technology and judicious use of r> :fi t tsT . Cox'ixC O n V 1 J O B if-z low10 W ci-'C rrr*dit tQ- farmer®. ■irr fmrasing consiidsring th® i at ^ ■-.rioua a.gro-'clia&t ic zones ao aa to' r ■»d u c e i <' r ;; r€ffiov© th«i regional dlsparitiea and I . iri) Quality is? vit^l in increasina production but the statie Is shortage of certified of oilsseda and coatee grains. Agricultural tiniverstifts, research inatitutions and seed corporation will be ssade reeponaibie to fulfill the requiressenta of c<irtl£led s««da . * i-l-S Food grain production : Th® igrowth rate of food grain production during the Seventh Five Year Flan was 3.4 per c«nt p«r annuw. Against this background & growth rate of 4.02 per cent per annum h&e been proposed for the eight five yeAr plan. A target ci 430.00 lakh tonnes of food grains production has bee^x propoaad for the Ei^ht Five Year Plan. The nropwise details are ven below s Table 1^1.3 Eiflht five year plan and annual-plan 1991-92 £ood <irain production target (OOO-'Tl.T.) Crop Proposed Target Proposed Target Eight Five Year Plan (1991-92) (1990-95) (1) (2) C3) 1. Rice 11600 10400 2. Jowar 600 500 3. Ba J ra 1100 900 4. Haize 1800 1(^00 5. Kharif Pulses 300 200 6. Others 400 350 Total Kharii 15800 13950 Foodgrains Uheat 22700 • 21500 d. Barley 800 750 9. Gram 1600 1300 10. Pea 600 500 11. Arhac 900 700 12. Haaoor 600 500 Total Rabi 27200 25250 Eoodftraina Total Foodgrainc. - 43000 39200 C?llaeeds 1500 1350 1.1.6. The State has launched various prograinines to accelerate the pace of agricultural production. A brief introduction o£ iiiajor ongoing scheiaea a@ well as new achesnea is givea kn thm (Sticceedina, .p&r&gr&pha. Ifit«ger®t«d pro£r»aa® for E*ice development ; prograiKiRe eing I^uac'h« 'T^F~3T”^Tel^FrFE'‘S~£rr™t'!i'5''knrfe from thm 191^0-91. Xh€ ii districts selected for execulsive pt'odtictloifSi ©f ’B&spiati* mre, alao included in the progr&mm®. -Ond-ir thi® subsidy is being provided on agricultural inputs so as to inersase the productivity of rice in these areas. * • ^ ® P^^duction progr&ispe ( SFFP ) ; !jsi<l®r thi® producTl'on""^ Haiz e Jovar, Sa jra, ■ fe a g T i T ^ h , ,puls®® <irop« lik« (Urad, Hoong, A.rhar, Graa, Peas, Lentil, .h&^« feeefi selected. To infreas® the productivity of the®e . cropm, having, potenti^al for th^ae crop® have iditntifisd intensive cultivation. Sinc« th® puisne crops hi^hlf 'S^aisitive to pests and des®a®®^, th-s n & & d £or pl®,fit protection pro^rs.^aiing has also esKphaei^^d in the pr©po®«d plan. Besides, the progr&fiiae of Technology Hinsion on Pulses are also going to b© i®pleiB®nted. 1-1 *9. Oilaeed production proaramnie ; Previously two separata schemes (NODP and OPTP) were operated in the state. Now these, two schemes have been murged into one (O.P.P.) scheme, covering; 41 ^districts.
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