CME486 sx/nx/nx2 cpuModulerM UserosManual ffi RearrimeDevices, rnc. "Accessingthe Analog World"g ISO9001 and AS9100 Certified PublicationNo. CMM86.9516 CME486sx/nx/ox2 cpuModule UsertsManual ffi REALTIME DEVICES, INC. PostOffice Box 906 StateCollege, Pennsylvania 16804 Phone:(814)234-8087 FAX:(814) 234-5218 Publishedby Real Time Dwices, Inc. P.O.Box 906 StateCollege, PA 16804 Copyright @ 1995by Real Time Devices,Inc. All rights reserved Printedin u.s.A. PCDff, PC/AT are registeredtrademarks of IBM Corporation. IBM is a registeredtrademark of InternationalBusiness Machines Inc. MS-DOS is a registeredtrademark of Microsoft corp. PCllO4 is a registeredtrademark of PC7l04 Consortium. cprModule is a trademarkof Real Time Dwices. All other trademarksappearing in this documentare the property of their respectiveowners. TABLE OF CONTENTS rNTRODUCTr0N.... ..............................I-1 Tr{ESTRUCTURE OF TrrE DOS SYSTEM ................i-3 TIIE CME486SX/DX/DX2 MODULE ........................i4 cMBr86SX/DX/DX2 MODIILE SPECrFrCATrONS............ ..........i-5 MODULESETUP ...............l_4 POWER Mt urrFuNcTIoNcoNNEcToRJl............... .........l-5 Speaker ...........l-5 Keyboard ........l-5 SystemReset......... ..............l-6 WatchDog Timer ...............l-6 Battery ............l_6 FlashProgramming ............... ................l-6 CoNNECTORJ2PARALLELPORT.......... ...............l-6 CONNECTORJ3 FIRSTSERIAL PORT .......... ...,..,..I:7 CoNNECTORJ4SECOND SERIALPORT......... .....l_8 CoNNECTORSJ5 AND J6 pC/104 BUS............ ........l-8 SomeUseful Recommendations ........ ...I-lz oN-BOARDCONFIGURATIONOPTIONS ............l-12 SolidState Disk........... .....L-tz CHAPTER 2.......... INPUT/OUTPUTMAp .......... .................2-3 TIIE SETT,PPROGRAI\{ ..,24 AvailableOptions ................2-s StandardEEPROM Setup......... 2-5 AdvancedEEPROM Setup......... ...........2-g FlardDisk Utiliry........ ........2-12 ThePOSTs .......2-t3 Bypassingthe StoredConfiguration ........2-15 THECORE 8IOS........... ...2-16 EEPROMControl ................2-16 EEPROMAccess Example.... 'Watch .................2-17 DogTimer Control....... ........-.......2-lg VIRTUALDEVICES .......,2.20 InitiatingVirtual Device Mode from the SetupProgram ...............2-ZO Initiatingvirtual DeviceMode by JumperingSerial Port Pins........... ..............2-2r Disconnectingthe Host Computer ...........2-Zl Noteswhen Using Virtual Device Mode ......... ............2-21 ................3-1 STORINGDAIA ON SOLIDSTATE DEVICES (RAIvI AND ROM MEMORTES)..................................... 3-3 soLID STATEDrSKS ........3_3 RAM Disk ...........3-3 ROMDisk .......... ...................34 DTRECTMANAGEMENT OF Tr{E SOLrD STATE DrSK .......... .......................3-5 MiniDOSSpecifications .............. ...........3-10 UsingMiniDOS ..3-ll BIOSEXTENSTONS...... ...3-ll TheStructure of a BIOSExtension............. ............3-ll Creatinga BIOSExtension ..3-12 UTILITYPROGRAMS .....3-12 SolidState Disk Builder ................ .......3-12 FILECHK.EXE ................3-15 BIOS8LD.EXE................ ...................3-15 APPEI\DD( A CME486 MODI]LES STAIYDARD PC BIOS INTERNACE..........................A-1 APPEI\DD( B JT]MPER CONNGI]RATION AND LOCATIONS........... ............. B.I APPEIYDD(C WARRANTY ......... ..................c-r INTRODUCTION This manual is meantfor engineersand programmerswho wish to developsystems based on the Real Time DevicesCMBt86-4xx (S)V DXIDX2) module.It containsthe module'stechnical specifications, and dealswith its connectionsand firmware/software. The manualis organizedas follows: rntroduction After a short introduction to DoS systems,this part gives general information on the moduleand its main features,together with a brief fu nctional description. Chapter I Providesdetailed information on the hardwareof the CME486- 4xx moduleand on its connectionsto the outside. Chapter 2 Providesall the necessaryinformation on the Setupand BIOS of the CME486-4xxmodule. Chapter 3 Lists and explainsthe various data storagemodes on solid state devices,and gives detailedinformation on the supportsoftware providedby Real Time Devices. Appendix A Givesthe completespecifications of the BIOS implementedon the CME486-4:ormodule. Appendix B Providesa completelist of the module'sjumpers with their use and locations. Appendix C Warranty i-l THE The structureof a DOS qystemconcerns the machineas a whole and not only the operating STRUCTURE system.A simple way to understanda DOS systemis to imagine a hierarchical strudure wherethe OF THE DOS various functions are distributedthroughout the system.Each level providesa welldefined set of SYSTEM servicesupon which the higher level can be constructed:each level can be thought of as a virtual machine.The following figure describesthis concept: APPLrcArloN \ ./ \ DOS / Bros \ / \7 Figure I The figure showsthe four levels composinga DOS system.They are: The PhysicalMachine @ardware) It is the lowestlwel, where many difrerencesdistinguish the various systems: ' fiie microprocessorused: it is alwaysa processorbelongingto the Intel 80X86 family, which includes:8086, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentiunr, etc. ' The devicescomposing the memory:difrerent kinds of memoriescan be used@RAN[S, SRAN{S,RO}VG, Flash EPRO\IIs,EPROIVIS, etc.), having different sizesand performing a difrerent memorymanagement. ' The VO devices:there are numeroustypes ofthem and they can be orderedfrom hundredsof dtfferent suppliers.As a resul! a hard disk capacitycan rangefrom 20Mbfes to some Gbytes,a floppy disk capacityfrom 3ti0Kbytesto 2.88Nlbytes,while monitor bpes range from Monochrometo SuperVGA 1024*1024256 colors, and numerousperipheral devices are availablefor the most diverseand surprising uses. The BIOS The secondlevel in the virtual machineis the first softwarelwel, the BIOS (Basic InpuVOutput System).At this lwel, a standardimage of the machineis createdfor the higher level. This imageis usedto concealthe specific hardwareframe through a set of servicesobtained using a standardized intemrpts stnrchre, which is qpical of the PC and AT compatiblearchitecture. The DOS The upper level is the DOS kernel which, basing itself on the standardservices provided by the BIOS, becomesable to provide hardwareindependent services which can be usedby apptication progams. Roughly, DOS servicescan be divided as follows: . File management . D5mamicmemory allocation . Disk operationscontrol . Error managementand control . Peripheralsnranagement and control t-5 . Applications rnanagementand control . Net functions The Application The top level is the applicationsoftware. It can be one of the thousandsof MS-DOS applications availablefor saleor a customapplication written by the systemintegrator. At all the abovedescribed levels, the virtual machinehas been fully integratedby Real Time Devicesin the CME486 modulesfamilv. THF One of the main featuresof the CN{E486modules is theirvery high integration level, which cME486 combinesall the functions of a PC/AT. Thesetwo modulesare basedon the PC/104 standard;they sx/Dx/Dx2 integrateall the functions of a'DOS Engine" and at the sametime provide the primary VO functions, MODT'LE that is: a PC/AT compatibleke5iboard interface, a parallel porL two RS232serial ports. The modulesalso integate a RAlvl/ROM disk, a Real Time Clock and a Watch Dog Timer. The CME486 modulesare designedessentially for industrial applications,which usually require: . softwareand hardwarecompatibility with the PC/AT world . high speednumber-crunching operation . low power consumption . small dimensions . high reliability . very goodnoise immunity. Figure 2 presentsthe module'sblock diagram. SERIAL DRAM SERIAL 486DX/ Blos 486DX2 PARALLEL PROCESSOR SOLIDSTATE DISK WITHMATH KEYBOARD coPRocEssoR EEPBOM SPEAKER WATCHDOGTIMER o o rt o o c Figure2 i4 Additional functions can be implementedusing Real Time DevicesutilityModulesrM and dataModulesoas well as other PC/f04 modulesmounte4 typically for the PC1L}4standard, in stack- through, which avoidsexpensive installations ofbackplanes and card cagesand preservesthe module'scompactness. Thesefeatures allow the CME486 modulesto be easily customizedby adding LAN controllers, modems,video controllers,analog and digital data acquisitionmodules. A PC compatibleBIOS is alsoimplemented in the CME486modules. This BIOS zupportsthe MS-DOS operatingqystem from version 3.0 to version 6.2. The drivers implementedin the system BIOS allow to boot the systemboth from the floppy disk and from the RAI4/ROM dis( thus enabling the qystemto be usedin disklessmode. For industrial applications,a set of functions havealso becn implementedin the systemBIOS to allow a fast and easysystem control and debug. CME486 CME486-4xxCPU SXIDX/I)X2 MoDuLE : llXTiilHltlfifur*.33Mrrz, 4*tvftiz SPECIFI. cATroNs DMA/ crc . 7 DMA channels(8237 compatible) . 15 intemrptchannels (8259 compatible) . 3 counter/timers(8253 compatible) Memora Configurations . 2lvlbytes DRAM . 4Mby'tes DRAI\,I Solid StateDisk ' two 32-pin socketsare available,where the fotlowing devicescan be installed: 64Kbytes 128Kbrtes 256Kbytes 5l2Kbytes lMbvte EPROM yes yes yes yes yes Flash yes yes yes yes no SRAM no yes no yes no NO\IRAM no yes no yes no Peripherals ' Two fullduplex RS232*rjal portswith baudrates from 50 to 115200baud . Bidirectional parallel port . PC/AT keyboardinterface . Speakerport . Real Time Clock (requiresexternal battery) . WatchDogTimer r-5 BIOS . Mappedfrom 0F0000hto 0FEFFFh . Direct supportof RAIWROMDisk . Userdefinable through the Setupprogam . Virtual devicessupport (VDS)
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