522 YATT0:\1. SOMERSET. [KELLY'S ' :residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Bath and Wells, here. Here is a Mission church to Yatton, erected in and held since 1916 by the Rev. Fiddian E. Peart r88o, and a United Methodist chapel, built in r867. B.A. of Durham University. The church ball, erected Post & Telegraph Office, Claverham.-.Mrs. Agnes Law- in 1913 at a cost of £'2,300, contains a hall to seat rence, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Bristol, 300 persom, reading and billiard rooms and a rifle vb. Yatton. Cleeve is the nearest money order office range. The United Methodist chapel here was erected Wall Letter Boxes.-Lower Claverham & Claverham rd in r888. The Brethren have a meeting-house at Horsecastle. The charities amount to £666, arising CLEEVE is an ecclesiastical parish formed from the from lands' left to the second poor and distributed civil parish of Yatton and will be found under a separate yearly. A market is held for the sale of cattle on heading. · the znd Mondav• in each month, and extra markets a:re heM on the 2nd and 4th Mondays in the months of Wall Letter Boxes . ·Aug. Sept. Oct. and Nov. as general markets. There Railway Station; Horsecastle; North End ·& Village are numerous small cattle owners in this parish. The soil is alluvial; subsoil, clay. The crops are wheat, S OOLS barley and beans, but the land is chiefly in pasture. I . ~U~LIC ELEMENTAR.Y CH · . The area is 5,S8S acres of land and of water; rateable M1xed, bUilt. m r834, for r64 chrldren, enlarged m 1904 17 1 value, £z2 ,r3o for the civil parish; the population in 1 for .228 ch.1ldren; Hugh H. ~ansey, head master 19II was 1,962 in the civil and 1 ,65o in the ecclesiastical I Th~ school rs controlled by s1x managers, f?~r founda- parish (which comprises parts of Yatton and Kenn civil h?n .& two elected by the l?cal authorrtres; Rev. parishes). F1ddmn E. Peart B.A. The VIcarage, Yatton, corre- Sexton, William Viney. ~p_ondent . Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office. I Bntlsh, f?r 130 children; M1ss Em1ly Elizabeth Brent- -Charles James lnO"lis sub-postmaster. Letters ' nall, m1stress through Bristol "' ' The school is controlled by eight managers; William Burdge, The Grange, Horsecastle, Yatton, correspndnt CLAVERHAM is a hamlet, between Yatton and Cleeve, 2 miles north. The Yatton Water Works pumping sta- ' tion, which supplies Yatton with . water, is situated l Railway Station, Arthur William Parker, station master YATTON. Burdge Richard Winter, farmer, Osborne John Hy. carpenter, Rock rd • PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brick house Peters Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Avery Miss, Larchmount hall Burdge Thomas, farmer, The Grange, Horsecastle Barber Banger, Westland·s Horsecastle Powell Ernest, insur. agt. Horsecastle Barber Mrs. Woodcliff~ Buscombe Richd. Edwd. Railway htl Price Alex. Coombs,frmr.Rectory frm Buchan Richard P. Oaklands Chambers Hy. Tbos. baker, High st Prince Albert Isaac, ~armer,North end Card Mrs. Alva villa Chidsey Edgar Thomas, carpenter, Rolls Geo. Wm. insur. agt. Stanbury Chant Mrs. Moorlands Horsecastle Shiner William Henry, auctioneer, Clark William George, York house Church Hall valuer, house & estate agent, The Coates Henry. Arlington Clement Frederick James, saddler Eagles (T N 33X); & at Bristol on Codrington Miss, Oakwell Collings Arth. Griffin, grocer,High st thursday . Cooksley Edgar Loller, The Lindens Collinson SidneyThos.boot & shoe ma Smith Henry, beer retailer,North end Counsell Charles, Laurel terrace Cook Arth. Jn. plastere-r, Horsecastle Smith Walt. S. blacksmith,North end Counsell Mrs. Somerset house Counsell Walter & Co. coal, corn, Somerset Farmers' Union (A. S. Cowlin Comad, The Ferns cake, timber, hay & straw mer- Young, OTganising & general sec.), Datson William, Glenville house chants: bricks, tiles, slates, cement Estate offices des Forge Tom, The Poplars & all kinds of sanitary goods in Stuckey Cuthbert, farmer, Macq_uarie Ford An drew Hamill J .P. The Lodge stock; contractors for hauling. farm Franck Chas. Edwd. J.P. Hill court T N 9 Stuckey Gilbert, butcher, High street Gough Frederick William, Ohescombe Coward Waiter, motor engnr. High st Stuckey Norman, farmer, Rose bank, Griffin Samuel, Upton Tilla Crossman Alice (Mrs.), frmr.Ham fm North end Hardwick Mrs. 2 The Park Edwards Arthur, butcher Summers Fredk. farmer, North end Head Ernest John, Glentworth Edwards 'Charles, farmer, Horsecastle Tarr John Oxenham, Railway inn, Herbert Miss, Myrtle cottage FrickerElizh.A. (Mrs. ),frmr.North end Horsecastle Hurley Reginald, The Lawn , Gabriel Fras. frmr.Cherry Grove frm Taylor Arthur, watch maker, High st Inglis Cuthbert, Redcliffe Griffin Sam Austin, grocer, High st Titcombe William Gore, manufac- Johnson Mrs. The Ridge Hardwick Mary Ann (Miss), farmer, turers' agent, Sunnyside Mountstevens Ernest, Laurel bank Weeping Ash farm, Horsecastle Traves Wm. Edward, wheelwright, Page James Baker, Westaway Hazell Agnes (Mrs.), frmr.Manor frm North end , Patch Miss, I The Park Hickman Ernest, draper Tutt Wm. Alfred, grocer, High st Pavey Mr;;. The Ridge Hollyman Samuel, beer retlr. High st Vowles Charles John, ba-ker • Peart Rev Fiddian E., B.A. (vicar), Home for Mentally DefectiveChildren Wake & Dean Ltd. church school The Vicarage (Miss H.Redfern, supt.),Yatton hall mission, office, bank, club & library Player Miss, Rock cottage Hughes Waiter, farmer, Church farm furnishers & cabirwt mas. T N z5 Rowley Charles A. Holly bank Iles Thomas, nurseryman Weaver Jas. farmer, Court House fm Shiner William Henry, The Eagles Inglis Chas. Jas. stationer, Post office Webb Charles Carew M.B., B.C., Sholl Mis.s, Caerleon Jefferies Jas. oil & china dlr. High st D.P.H. surgeon & medical officer · Sparshott Mrs. Brockley house Jones Thomas, farmer, Park farm & public vaccinator 7th district, Stuckey Charles, The Hollies Knight Joel, Prince of Orange P.H. Long Ashton union & certifying Thompson Miss, Windy ridge High street factory surgeon, Henley lodge Tozeland Francis James Gascoigne, Knight J oseph, coach & carriage bldr Williams Amos, farmer, Bar berry frm Providence cottage Lloyds Bank Limited (agency to Williams Frederick, tailor, High st Udall Frederick H_ The Beeches Clevedon branch) (Edward Hyde, Williams James, farmer, Hope farm Wake Sidney, Nithsdale manager) (open mon. & fri. 9.30 Williams William Henry, farmer,East Webb Charles Carew M.B. Henley lo to r; market days,g.3o to z); draw Hewish farm Webster Hammond Geo. Stoneleigh on head office. London E C Wride Henry, farmer Wha-ckett Oliver, Stowey lodge London County Westminster & Parr's Yatton Gas Consumers Co. Limited Wilson Wilfred, The Gables Bank Limited (sub-branch) (open (William Smith, manager) Wood Joseph Griffin, Westfield mon. & fri. 9.30 to r ; market days, Yatton Market (George Nicholls & Young Arthur S. Rock house 9· 30 to 2) ; draw on head office, Co. proprietors) COMMERCIAL. London E C Young Arthur S. assistant overseer, Early closing day, Thursday. Lukins Thomas, beer retailer,High st cleTk to the Parish Council & sec. .Avery Amy (Miss), girls' boarding Midwinter Sidney J. shopkeeper to the Somerset FaTmers' Union, school. Larchmount hall Mountstevens James Reginald, com- Rock house mercia.l t:r~Teller, Laurel bank Back & Son, hosiers & boot dealers, CLA.VERHAM. High street Naish Wm. Alfred, farmer,North end Bailey Wm . .Tames, gr11cer, High st Newnham Louis, painter, High street l>RIVATE RESIDENTS. :Barber Brothers, coal merchants North Somerset Agricultural Society, Babe:r William, Oakfield Barnes Charles R. chemist, High st Pest Deitroying Association (W. H. Binning Mrs. Henley villa Birch Wa.Jter W. baker Shiner. chairman; T. Burdge & B. Griffin Alfred, Claver ham houliie :Bird Albert Ernest, cab proprietor Crossman, jun. joint hon. secs) Lattimore Henry, Woolmoor cottage Bott Emily Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer, Nunn&y Edgar Alfred, farmer, Wal­ Lyons Frank H. Homelands Chesnut farm, North end IHl t Trsei Turner Philip, The White bous& .
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