1 o ~~o~~ ~T_9~~ December, 1953. The pageantry of the Corona tion is now only a memory ; accordin g to the materialists, all the mon ey spent and also a great deal of time h as been wasted. But mos t of us realise wh at a grea t' effect on morale such a display can have. The powers­ that-be realised with gr eat wisdom tbat the Corporation gave t hem a heaven-sent chance to disperse the torpor which had overcome the nation when it found itself, at the end of a great struggle for existen ce, fa ced with ano ther of even grea ter imm ensity. It is too early yet to deci de whe ther, when seen as an att empt to br eathe new fire into t he Br itish nation, the Corona tion was a success, but at least we can say that it h as given us n ew sta nding in th e ~ es of foreigners. Now we mu st exploit this to our own matcr tal ad vant age. Televlslon , the cinema. an d radi o enabled us an to see a nd h ear our Queen ded icate h erself to the service of her coun try. We all appla ud this oatb, but let us rem ember tbat it Is an path which we all should be willing to swear and to observe. It is little use our leaders devot in g the mselves to t he good of o ur coun try , if we, the citizens and future citizen s, wlll not follow their exa mple. It we requi re not hi n g more during our schooldays than th e ability to make sacrifices an d an a pprecratton of our du ty to wards our fellow-me n, then we h ave learn ed somet hing mor e valuable t o ourselves and the communi ty t han a- ream of Latin verbs. Tl1e school itself is a model com munity, and all of us, from the h eadmaster to the n ewcomer in t he t hird form, must be pr epared to act in Its best interests, altho ugh this may mean that person al sacrtnces are called for . Onl y in this way can the School maintain its pr esen t repu tation. Nor h ave we a du ty only towards our School. Inside t he School itself we have a duty towards our house. The Cock House Cup Is won, not by Individ ual abWty, but by t he Willing­ n ess of members of a bouse to co-operate in the common cause. Tbe indiVidualis t bas his plac e In Scbool as In the world outside, but h i s val ue is gr eatly lessen ed if he is not prepared to co­ operate with those around him Hilary and Tens in g conquered Everest, but the y would n ever have approached th e summit if it had n ot been for the efforts of the ot her members of the expe dition , of which they were members. 2 The Briggensian ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following magazines. with apologies for any accidental om1ss1ons: - The Calstortan. The L1ncolnlan. The De Agtonian. The Pioneer. The Humberston ian. The K1rtonlan. ; SC HOOL LISTS - AUTUMN TERM, 1953 The SChool omciats for thts term have been:­ Captain of School : M. S. C. McKay. Prefects: M. S. C. McKay. C. J . 'WIndass, T. N. MeP. Russell, H. Marshall. G. Henthorn, C. R. Re dpath. B.L. Taylor. D. W. Batns, J . F . Ward. N. B.Youd. E. F . L. Nobbs. B. Hough. J . E. K emp, D. Leaning. M. Grlmble. J . S. Bcarborougb , T. A. Evett, W . B. S. Doble. J R. T. Wllson. S. T. Hill. Football Captain : J . S. SCarborough. Foothall Vice-Ca pt ain: J . F . Ward. " The Briggensian ": D. W. Balns (Editor). D. Leaning. J . McLauchlan, J . A. Tracey, Mr . Rlcbards. House Captain s and Masters: Ancholme : G. Hen thor n (House Captain). A. J . T aylor (Foot ­ ball); Mr. Henthom. Nelthorpe : H. Marsball (House Captain). J. F. Ward (Foot ­ ball) ; Mr. Morris. School :C. J . Wlndass (House Capta in an d Football) : The Headmaster. Shemeld: M. S. C. McKay (House Captain). J . S. Scar­ borough (Fo otball); Mr. Pimlntt. Yarbor ou gh: J. Qver ton (House ' Captain), D. W. Marsh all (Foot ball) : Mr. Knight. Sports Committee: House Masters and Captains. Mr. Watts (Secretary). The LIbrary : Mr. Henthorn, D. Leaning (LIbrarIan ) and Assistant LibrarIans. 2nd Brlgg Scout Troop:Mr. J arvis (G.S.M.), Mr. Paisley (S.M.). C. J . Wlndass (T .L.J. Music Society: The Headmaster (President). Mr. KnIght (Treasurer ). Mr. R!chards (Secretary) , Mr . Pratt . Mr. Morris. Mr . Hentborn, Mr. Thumwood, Mr . Watts. Mr . Plmlott . Athletics Club: H. Marshall (Treasur€l'). M. S. C. McKay (Secretary). Mr. Bell. PhIlosophical SocIety: D . Leaning (Secret ary ). Mr. But terworth. Ch""" Club : D. W.BalDs (Secre tary). Mr. Butte rworth. Debating Society: R. A. Wbeatley ' (Ch airman). J . S. SCarborougb (Vice-Chairman ). E. F . L. Nobbs (Secretary) and Committee. Mr. 'nlumwood. The Briggensian 3 We welcome Mr. Payn of Ke»l e College, Oxford, who has joine d the St aff this term as Senior English' Master and residen t housemaster. I Mr. Morris has been serio usly 1Il this term. We wish him a speedy recovery and improved hoo.lth in the future. Speech Day was held on November 24th, whe n the Visitor of the day was Mr. B. L. Hallward, Vice-Ch ancellor of Nottingham Uni versity. The POppy Day collection In School amounted to £ 5/ 14/4_ Sixty members of the School visited t he Memorial The atre at Stratford on October 3rd. The Ch ristmas Conc er t was h eld on Decemb er 8th, 9th, lOth. Th e AeoUan Quartet gave a recital in School on OCtober t at, and Wllllam Herbert, tenor, gave a song recital on November 12th. Next Term's Dates :- Ter m begins J anuary 12th. Th e Rubbra-Gruenberg-Pleeth Trio: J a nuary 28th. Half-Term: February 20th, 22nd, 23rd. Ceinwen Rowlands, soprano : March 4th . Term ends Aprll 2nd. SALVETE Ancholme : Batt ye, J . C. M. Henthorn, J . Magrath, V. J. Bradshaw, P. J . Holland, J .E. Palmer, 1. Dodd , P. Howson, D. P egman, D. M. Dunham, R. A. J . Johnson, D. Sass, J. A. EIIis, R. Kitwood, J . R. Yates, K. G. Hall, M. S. Nelthorpe: Barker, E. Grundy, G . P edley, B. Brockerton , D.G. Harrts, B. Robb ln, K. Brumby, S. Haywood, P. G. Rylatt, J. K. Clark, E. J . H lIl, R. L . Twlgg, R. G. J. C. Crowson, R. C. Hollister , E.W. Ward, R. T. Coulson , A. A. F Holmes, R. W. Westrup, N . Gl1IlIand, G . W. Moody, S. R. Woodhead, H. A. SllhlOol: Burgess, E. D . Howson , J . B. Roberts , J . D . Colln. J. F. Phllllps, S. W. Smith, K. G. 4 The Briggensian Sheffield: Beacroft , R. Graves, D. T. J ackson, P . E. Bowers, A. G . Hannah, C. S. Pape , R. P. Bowers, J . C. Heald, J . M. Pulling, A. W. Callaghan, A. Holllngsworth, I. Scatcherd, A. R. Cowling, T. Hunt, S. C. Warburton , G. D. Yarborough : Barton , H. M. P . Day, C. F. Sewell, R. M. Baxter, P. A. Redhead, 1. Strlngfellow, L. Clay ton, J .C. VALETE Upper Sixllll: DOUCE, S. H., 1946-53 (Nelthor pe).-G.C.E. 1951, 6 Ordinary ; G.C.E. 1953, 2 Advanced ; Sen ior Geography, 1953; Captain of Football, 1952-3. Addr ess : 8, High Street, Klrton Lindsey. MARKHAM, J . H., 1945-53 (Yarborough).- Lin dsey County Senior Scholarsh ip, 1953; School Certificate with exemp tion from MatrIculat ion, 1950; Senior Latin P rize, 1953; Advanced G .C.E., 1952 and 1953; School Prefect , 1952-3 ; House' Captain. 1952-3; Vice-Captain 1st X I F ootball, 1952-3; F~tball Colou rs , 1952; Cricket Colours, 1952; At hleti cs Colou rs, 1953. Address: Barton Road, Wrawby, Br lgg. RICKATSON, W., 1946-53 (SchooD.-G.C.E. 1951, 8 Ordinary; G .C.E. 1952, 2 Ordinary; G .C.E. 1953, 3 Advanced ; Senior Ohemtstry 1953; School Prefect , 1952-53; Under XIV Foot ­ ball, 1947-9 ; Second XI Football, 1950- 1; First XI Football, 1951-53; Football Colours, 1952; 2nd Brigg Scou t Troop, 1947-53. Address : 106, Laceby Road, Grimsby . SELLARS, J .W., 1945- 53 (Nelthorpe).-Cambrld ge School o er­ tlflcate 1950, with Ex em ption fr om Ma trlculat llon; G.C.E. 1952, 3 Advanced ; G.Q.E. 1953, 3 Advanced ; Senior Maths., 1953; Llndsey Senior Sch olarshi p 1953; School Pr efect , 1952-53; House Captain, 1953; Second XIFootball, 1951-2: First XI Football, 1952-53 ; Footb all Colou rs, 1953; Second XI Cricket. 1953; Member of Athletics Team , 1953; Secret ary of Scientific Society, 1952-53. Address: Dunst an HIlI, Klr ton Lindsey, Gainsborou gh. STOTHARD, H. K ., 1949-53 (Nelthorpe and Yarborou gtn. L, Cambridge School Certificat e, 1950, wit h Exempti on fr om Matriculation; G.C.E. 1952, 3 Advanced ; G.C.E. 1953, 1 Scholarship, 3 Advanced ; Senior Latin 1952; Seni or Fren ch 1953; Llndsey senior Scholarsh ip 1953; School Prefect 1951-3 ; School Vice-Capt ain 1952-3; Second X IFootball , 1952-3; In ter-School Athletics Team, 1952- 3; Athletics Colours, 1952; Captain, School Athleti cs, 1953; Victor Lu dor um , 1953; Hou se Athletics and Swimming Captain , 1953. Address: 3, Smith Lane, Blgby, Bametby. Th e Brigge nsian 5 THOMPSON, D.
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