Environment and Social Due Diligence Report July 2011 IND: India Infrastructure Project Financing Facility II –Soma Isolux Surat-Hazira Tollway Prepared by India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited for the Asian Development Bank This report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. IIFCL Due diligence Report on Environment and Social Safeguards Sub Project: Widening and Up gradation of NH-6 between Surat-Hazira Section in the state of Gujarat, India. July 2011 Sub-Project Developer: Soma Isolux Surat-Hazira Tollways Private Limited 1 Sub Project: Widening and Up gradation of NH-6 between Surat-Hazira Section in the state of Gujarat, India Due diligence Report on Environment and Social Safeguards 2 CONTENTS PROJECT BACKGROUND: ...................................................................................................... 4 1. SUB-PROJECT TITLE: ............................................................................................... 4 2. SUB-PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ................................................................................. 4 3. PROJECT FACILITIES: .............................................................................................. 6 4. CONCESSIONAIRE: ................................................................................................... 6 5. STATUS OF SUB-PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: .................................................... 6 DUE DILIGENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS: ...................................................... 7 6. AVAILABILITY OF EIA/EMP REPORTS: ................................................................... 8 7. VISIT TO SUB-PROJECT LOCATION: ....................................................................... 8 8. ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY AND DUE DILIGENCE: ......................................... 8 9. CATEGORIZATION OF SUB-PROJECT: ................................................................... 9 10. STATUS OF REGULATORY CLEARANCES: .......................................................... 10 11. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE: ............................ 10 12. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS: ...................................................................................... 13 FIGURE 3: REALIGNMENT OF NH-6 BETWEEN BARDOLI AND ICHHAPORE ........................................ 16 13. IMPLEMENTATION OF EMP: ................................................................................... 16 13.1. EPC Contracts : ........................................................................................................................ 16 13.2. Environment management plan (EMP): ................................................................................. 17 13.2.1. Project Safety Management Plan:.............................................................................................. 17 13.2.2. Environment Management Implementation and Monitoring: ..................................................... 23 13.2.3. Environmental Monitoring: ......................................................................................................... 23 13.2.4. Environmental Compliance: ....................................................................................................... 23 13.2.5. Implementation Framework and Project Monitoring: ................................................................. 23 14. SITE VISIT:................................................................................................................ 26 15. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: ............................................................. 27 DUE DILIGENCE ON SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS: ..................................................................... 29 16. DUE DILIGENCE ON SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS ........................................................ 30 17. LAND USE PATTERN ............................................................................................... 30 18. LAND ACQUISITION IN THE SUB-PROJECT: ........................................................ 31 19. STATUS OF LAND ACQUISITION FOR THE PROJECT- ........................................ 32 20. EMPLOYMENT GENERATION ................................................................................. 32 21. PUBLIC CONSULTATION IN THE SUB-PROJECT: ................................................ 33 22. SITE VISIT ................................................................................................................. 34 23. HEALTH, SAFETY AND LABOUR LAWS: ............................................................... 34 24. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................ 34 Appendices: Appendix I: EIA/EMP Report. Appendix II: Copies of relevant clearances, Consents and Permits Appendix III: Details of Public Hearing Appendix IV: EPC Contract Document Appendix V: Project Safety Management Plan Appendix VI: Signed copy of Environment Management Measures Appendix VII: Environmental Monitoring Report Appendix VIII: Environmental Compliance Report Appendix IX: Photoplate 3 PPRROOJJEECCTT BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD::: 1. SSUUBB---PPRROOJJEECCTT TTIIITTLLEE::: 1. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has decided to upgrade the existing 7.0m wide undivided two-lane road of NH-6 from km 0+000 which is situated at Gujarat/Maharashtra Border and ends at km 131+825 (at a distance 1.1 km from the junction at km 28+000 of existing NH-6 near Gate of Hazira Village on the existing Hazira village Bypass road) near Hazira Port to 4 lane capacity. 2. SSUUBB---PPRROOJJEECCTT DDEESSCCRRIIIPPTTIIIOONN::: 2. The project road is a part of National Highway No.-6 and lies within the Surat and Tapi districts of Gujarat. NH-6 is a very important link between the eastern part of the country i.e. Kolkata to the port city of Hazira and giving good link with Mumbai. The growing mismatch between road infrastructure and vehicle population in this section of the road has led to traffic congestion and reduced level of services. 3. The proposed widening and strengthening work would mainly involve: (i) raising the formation level wherever it is required; (ii) widening of existing two lane road into four lane divided carriageways; (iii) Pavement strengthening and provision of drains, service roads, sidewalks, pedestrian crossing, cattle crossing, underpasses, bus bays and truck lay byes etc. The project salient features are given in table 1.1. Table 1.1: Project Salient Features: Particulars Project Road Road Length The project road starts at Gujarat/Maharashtra border and ends near Hazira Port. The road can be divided into three major sections: Gujarat/Maharashtra border to Bardoli section=69.200 Km Bardoli-Palsana-Sachin-Magdalla-Ichhapore section=46.600 km Ichhapore –Hazira section=16.025 Km Total road length is about 131+825 Km Start Point Km 0+000 (km 103+000 of NH-6) at Gujarat/Maharashtra Border End Point km 131+825 (at a distance 1.1 km from the junction at km 28+000 of existing NH-6 near Gate of Hazira Village on the existing Hazira village Bypass road) near Hazira Port Bypasses 2 Nos. (at Vyara and at Bajipura) Realignment Between Bardoli (km 34+927 of NH-6) and Ichhapore (Km 12+612 of NH-6) Existing Carraingeway The existing highway is a 2-lane facility with a single carriageway of 7.0 m, paved shoulder of 1.5 m & earthen shoulder of 0.5 - 2.0 m on either side, except at few locations 4 Particulars Project Road where existing four lane road is already there. In Gujarat/Maharashtra border to Bardoli section, 4-lane road exists between km 52+958 to 53+558 of NH-6. In Bardoli to Ichhapore section, 4-lane road exists between km 25+400 to km 27+350 of SH-168. In Surat to Hazira Port section, 4-lane road exists between km 12+637 and km 21+052 & km 24+283 and km 27+246 of NH-6. Existing ROW 18 to 36 m (24 m on average) Proposed ROW 60 m for the entire stretch. However at location of major junctions more than 60 m RoW is required depending on improvement of junction. Terrain The entire project road lies predominantly on plain terrain, except some stretches on rolling terrain between Songadh and Gujarat/Maharashtra Border portion of the project road. Service Roads on both Total 2 x 46.917 = 93.834 Km of service road has been sides proposed on the both sides of the project road. Bypass Details Vyara Bypass: Start Point: Design Chainage 32+000Km and End Point design chainage is 43+500 Km , total length=11+300km Bajipura Bypass: Start Point: Design chainage 48+325Km and End Point design chainage is 53+275 Km , total length=4+950km Realignment: Realignment of NH-6 between Bardoli and Ichapore. Major Bridges 6 Nos. (3nos. rehabilitation and 3 nos. new construction) Minor Bridges 32 Nos. ( 6 new construction) Flyover 9 Nos.(all new construction) Railway Over Bridge 6 Nos. Vehicular Underpass (VUP) 22 Nos. (All new Construction) Pedestrian/Cattle 11 Nos. (All new Construction) Underpass (PUP and CUP) Culverts 211 Nos. Intersections 13 Nos. Truck Lay Byes 4 Nos. (2 nos. on side of road alignment) Bus Shelters and Bus-Byes 102 (51 nos. on either side of the road alignment) Toll Plaza 2 Nos. (one at Km 28+000 and the other
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