•n The News of AH 16 Pages Today The Township Hoofchrfoge Jttfcimtfout Two Sections VOL. XI, No. 11 WOODBRIDGE, N. J.. FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1929 PRICE THREE CENTS Surprise Kitchen Shower Mr*. F. T. Howell U Ho.te»» "Good-Bye, Good Luck, Go To H-ll' For Ford* Giri Congressman Hoffman's To Sewaren Bridge Club Republicans Name No FORDS—Mias Anna Paro was tihe Mrs. F. T. Howell entertained the I Says Morey; $27.60 Says Judge guest of honor at a kitchen surprise Endorsement of Keyes Sewaren Bridge Club at her home held recently in the harm- of Mrs. Wednesday afternoon at a delightful Martin Retcher, The room were CandidateJFor Mayor NeW Yorker Wai Getting Off With $5 Fine But Hi» Parting In Letter To Hugh Kelly CM* ! R"*f »•"*"• • „ _ , --:- -••• pettily decorated in streamers rad- «r T. T. .. A- F- SofieW, Mm. C. F, l/ewis, Mrs. Comment Brought Second Hearing and Heavier Fine. iating from a large umbrella. Miss grewman Writes That He F. J. Adams, Mrs. F. H. Turner, Time For Filing Petitions Ended At 1 A. M. Today—C O. P. Paro received many valuable, useful Favor. Woodbridge Man For|"? ™ W. Cpawr, Mr*. H. R Ran- H«t Candidates For Town Committee From Each Ward, Kilwnrd Morey, of 438 East 75th made no comment and Morey walked present*. _,.,,„ I kin, Mrs. T. A. Vincent, Mrs. Jamrn* Klrwt, New York, will be careful of out into the corridor and so to free- A supper was served and there Big Job of County. i Hardiman, Mrs. Ruasoll Burke. Mra. And One For Town Clerk—Mayor Ryan and Democratic was dancing and tnustc. The gueata hi» manners in the future when deal- ilom. At the door leading to the drive- | A. R. Bush, Mrsr. T. F. Zcttlomoy- Members of Township Committee, Saltier, Applegate and intr with the police of Woodhridge. way at the side of the town hall stood were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heiler, of "Key Facts About Kcyos" is the er, Mra. Morrison Chrristie, Mrs. At lenst that is the belief of fche po-1 Andrew 6imon*en and another offi- fiiaritan Township; Stanley Mankow- title of an attractive leaflet being Harry Van Iderstine and Mrs. R. F. Gill, AH File Petitions. lico iind it is baaed upon apparently ' cor. Morey .paesed between them, sky and Joseph RehA, of Elizabeth; distributed by ti» Koyos campaign Bogan. i Bound logic. Morey was picked up by crossed the drive and approached his Mrs. Karl Kreiaoher, Mrs. K. Krendi, committee Betting forth tho reason After delirious refreshments had The office of tho township clerk | The petition* fll*d by tho Repub- the police last week for passing a red car parked on the. other side. As he Mr. and! Mrs. M. Reicher, Joseph I 1 lieen nerved prlr.es were awarded toilwns kept open until 1 a. in. this licans for member of the township • traffic light. At headquarters he waswas about to enter he turned to the Reichftr, William Krendi, Mr. and MTS. Christie, Mrs. I«wis and Mrs. morning which la midnight standard committc are: First Ward, Arthur unable to produce a license but con- officers and remarked: "Well, good- Mrs. Stephen Paro, Mias Elizabeth V*nn Mcrstine. time and was the limit set for filing • Deter; Second Ward, Arner Chri»t»n- vinced the police that he had one.bye, good luck and go to H-ll." He Kreischler, the, Misses Anna and Thr. club is sending flowers to Mrs. petitions for tho June primaries. By »en; Third Ward, Carmen Zullo; Ho was released on bail of $12.00 was off in his car in another instant. Helen Ebner,- Sophie Becker, Flor- M. I. Demurest who is confined to;that time no petition had arrived township clerk, John A. Hassey. which is the equivalent of a fine of Simonsen jumped into a Whippet ence Lamp, William and Mary Paro. tier home. Mrs. M. Christie- will en-! from the Republican camp for a can-; Besides selecting local candidates, $10 mA cost*. belonging to the • police department Harvey Rose, George WustofeM, tertain the club June 15. didiite for mayor. As the situation tnc voters at the primaries will pick Ordinarily a New Yorker out on and pursued. On the highway he Stephen Tarlowski, John Bjomsen, 1 he annual luntheon will bo held stands today William A. Ryan is en- candidates for the following office bail for a truffle violation, forfeits overtook Morey and brought him all of Perth Asnboy; James Ellison M. the Riverview Ten Room in Rnh-i tering the NovernW race uhoppos- on both tickets: on* member of th« his bail and lets it go at that. But back. and Jtaymond Harris, of South Am wny. June r,, for the members and | ed to succeed himself, a» mayor of s^ Senate, three members of the nnt so Morey. He appeared for a Recorder Vogel was still sitting in boy. tlwir guests, i township or committeeman-at-large. General Assembly, one Sheriff, one hearing on Friday. And because of court. He had heard of Morey's part- _ i The Ropu^hoana still.have time to county clerk, two coroners and thru* this fact the recorder was u little bit ing fling to the police in the mean- select some, candidate and work, up membew of the Board of Choipen lenient. He fined Morey $5 and $2.ft0 time and was ready when the latter Man AtYOcton (In ia well-organixed backing for him; Freholders, Locally there will be on« costs. The remaining $!> of the bail V id f hi d arraigned- before him a second i Board Receives Bids lllCUl rtl 1 CdlCU Ull i then wnte the name in on tho prim-1 justice of the peace and seven tru». money was returned to Morey. time. ary ballots. No announcement was tees of free school lands. As the latter was leaving the court t made, further than that at a meeting "Mr. Morey," said the recorder, candidate for room he remarked: "Huh, if I knew "I'll take that other five now and add For Janitor's Supplies Old Assault Charge that, 1 would have 'given the judgo to it $20 and $2.00 costs." Morey the other $5." meaning, it is thought, for the office of paid the $27.60 and left the court 5 . i rv c i. ••. c Schiller, Stephen Horvath and llywr thiit he considered that ho had been and the building a second time. Butl5everal Flnn» Submit Figures Victim of Knife User Could | Township Olerk B. Joseph Dunni- an wl Kahme. The- Democrats have nam«d let off easy. thm lime he made no comment whnt-1 For Contract—Sewaren Ad- Not Be Located And Negro * »° 1[U1 be out to succeed him- Henry Schlamp. The recorder heard the remark but ever. self and filed his petition, will be ap- | dition Plans Are Approved. Escapes With Fine. | posed by John A. Haasey, of Iselin, Thore are no selections for tru»- the R*publicsn choice for township tees of the free public school lands Iselin Republican Club | Bids for janitor supplies were re- nines Hill, colored, aged 29 years clerk. Mr. Hassey had Announced his on the Democratic ticket but sevi " Card Party Wednesday' «»LT&1 by the. Board oC Education, at irn^m wh in W «ik«^™ .„,) candidacy for mwnlber of the town- have filed petitions on the Republican Scout Field Day und known both in Woodibridgn e and ticket as follows: Minnie C. Adams, -s meeting Monday night as follows: ship committee hat withdrew with Carteret as "Woodbridge"-Slnir," was consent or-the Iselin Republican M. Frances BOM, B. H. Boynton, l [ Marguerite P. Fitz-Ranflftrph, OWhet* FWd^^±.^^ yr^^^™J^ SeMwhy Andrew Keyy * of M-ridge arrested Mly nfcht during a raid \ XbThT the cln^^n™ At Woodbridge I Club will hold the second of a series .33; Elizabeth Hardware Co., $2,274- receive the nomina- T»«7 i asked him toruiifor clert ine. D. Flanni^an, Mae E. Oreonhalgh of card parties on Wednesday night1 .06; Humphries and, Ryan, $2,128.(56; Kha and Sina Weisman. sheriff of MiddWx County ln Salcm ave-1 Tho S Troop* From Carteret, Wood- °f ne*nett weewk innth" the. fire house infire Sanifec t Co.,, Newarkr , $2,05C89$,5.^primarie. , Jun,- IK. Among \ ^ in Several vacancies are left in var- IIard n ftvenue n v police on a warrant ious districts for county committee- . 'a !!«« ,Mj,j. valuable prizp - The bids were referred to the repairp s ttH endorsinendorsing hihim arare GovernoGovernor nje p o a warrant **\ia1 flle whld epetitions to succeed themselves bridge and Other Town* In men and women on both tickets. The ^ will be awarded to the winnerswinners . ] and supplies committeecommittee- with the auau- \Ijftrso n andd CongressmaC n HoffmanHffn, 5Uod a year ago last March. Hill W as follows: for Committeeman-at. District To Take Part In Therere will also be ^me'prizess for "no"nonn- bhontbhority to award the contract ttoo Jj^e \ the following letter ad-1 charged with having alaahed! a color-1 lar^e, Willim A. Ryan; tm member following have filed petitions foT players. ' lowest bidder. "~~ in these places: Event At Parish House Field. dressed to Hugh Kelly of Wood ed woman named Ada Jones in ] of the committee', First John A. Hassoy is chairman of the [ A communication was received Wood'bridge and injuring her so ser-1 Ward, 'Robert U Sattler; Second Republican, First Ward, first dis- committee on arrangemejnta. Other i from State Commissioner of Educa- May 15, 1029iously ibhat she nearly lost her life.
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