VOL. XVI., No. 40 [PRICE TEN CENTS] AUGUST, 1914 ITHACA, NEW YORK CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS The Farmers' Loan and STANDARD OIL LYCEUM Trust Company STOCKS VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES 16, 18, 20, 22 William St., New York We specialize in the above and other Branch 475 5th Ave. HIGH GRADE UNLISTED securities THREE PERFORMANCES DAILY 15 and invite your inquiry. LONDOf n*mn*Nr CockspuJ r St., S. W. 26 ow B oad gt E c "SONGS OF CORNELL" PARIS ................................ 41 Boulevard Haussmann "GLEE CLUB SONGS" BERLIN .................... 56 Unter den Linden N. W. 7 ξCHMIDT &{jALLATIN Members of the All the latest "stunts" and things musical LETTERS OF CREDIT New York Stock Exchange FOREIGN EXCHANGE 111 BROADWAY, NEW YORK LENT'S MUSIC STORE _ CABLE TRANSFERS ITHACA, NEW YORK CHAS. H. BLAIR '98 Baker, Vawter & Wolf PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS N. W. HALSEY & CO. Picture Frames WILLIAM A. VAWTER WILLIAM A. VAWTER II, '05 Dealers in W. W. BUCHANAN GEORGE W. SWITZER 2000 patterns of mouldings to GEORGE D. WOLF Municipal, Railroad and Public Utility select from. The most expert GENERAL OFFICES frame workers employed. Orders TRIBUNE BUILDING, CHICAGO BONDS filled as quickly as first-class work will allow. Big assortment INDIANAPOLIS OMAHA, NEB. NEW YORK New York Philadelphia StateLife 433 Range 170 of unframed pictures always Bldg. Bldg. Broadway Boston in stock OKLAHOMA CITY Los ANGELES DALLAS Chicago San Francisco American Nat'l Title Insurance 1608 Main Bank Bldg. Bldg. Street HARRY R. TOBEY '97 H. J. BOOL CO. Do You Use Press Clippings? It will more than pay you to secure our extensive service covering all subjects, LIBRARY BUILDING trade and personal, and get the benefit of A convenient and quick way to TIOGA AND SENECA STREETS the best and most systematic reading of reach Ithaca from east or west. The cuts used in the Cornell Alumni News all papers and periodicals, here and Connects at Auburn with New are made by the abroad, at minimum cost. York Central trains. Stanley Engraving Co. Our service is taken by progressive business men, publishers, authors, col- "The Leading Fire Insurance Company lectors, etc., and is the card index for of America" securing whait you need, as every article of interest is'at your command. SHELDON COURT Write for terms or send your order for PRIVATE DORMITORY 100 clippings at $5, or 1,000 clippings at Adjoining Cornell University Campus $35. Special rates quoted for large orders. Fireproof; furnishings and equip- The Manhattan ment the best. An ideal rooming Press Clipping Bureau place for college students. Prices very moderate. Catalogue and full Cambridge Bldg., 334 5th Ave., cor. 33d St. information on request. ARTHUR CASSOT, PROPRIETOR Established in 1888 A. R. Congdon, Mgr., Ithaca CASH CAPITAL, $5,000,000.00 New York City W. B. CLARK, President Vice- Presidents HENRY E. REES A. N. WILLIAMS Secretary, E. J. SLOAN ITHACA TRUST COMPANY Assistant Secretaries ACA, ΓME1W VORK E. S. ALLEN GUY E. BEARDSLEY RALPH B. IVES ASSETS TWO MILLION DOLLARS W. F. WHITTELSEY, - Marine Secretary Courteous Treatment Every Facility CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XVI., No. 40 ITHACA, N. Y., AUGUST, 1914 PRICE 10 CENTS HE prediction has been published Toronto; Dr. Edwin G. Conklin, Prince- Creek Gorge, while two moving-picture in some newspapers that the ton, N. J.; Dr. Charles B. Davenport, cameras registered the tragedy for the registration at Cornell for the Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N. Y.; Wharton company. The only passen- year 1914-15 will far exceed that of last Professor William M. Davis, Harvard ger on the car was a dummy. Hundreds year and that "a new record will be University, Cambridge, Mass.; Dr. of Ithacans saw No. 305 leave the rails established." At the Registrar's office, George A. Dorsey, Curator of Anthropo- for the last time and meet its last col- the only place where authentic informa- logy, Field Museum, Chicago; President lision. In its early days No. 305 wore tion on that subject can be obtained, G. C. Creelman, Ontario Agricultural bright red paint and was jerked by an they say that no such statement has College, Guelph, Ontario; Professor R. underground cable through Park Row, been given out. So far as they can tell T. Ely, Madison, Wisconsin; Professor the Bowery, and Third Avenue in New from correspondence, etc., the enroll- E. C. Franklin, Leland Stanford Uni- York. Millions from all nations dodged ment of old and of new students this versity, Palo Alto, Cal.; Professor P. H. it. Eminent men, like Steve Brodie and fall will be about the same as it was Hanus, Harvard University, Cambridge, Chuck Conners, hung on its straps. last year. Mass.; President E. F. Nichols, Dart- Pickpockets worked on its crowded mouth College, Hanover, N. H.; Dr. platform. When the Third Avenue THE ARCHITECTS of the proposed new Ira Remsen, President, Johns Hopkins road was electrified, at a cost of nobody student residence hall, Messrs. Day & University, Baltimore; Professor Will- knows how many million dollars, Car Klauder, of Philadelphia, are making iam M. Wheeler, Bussey Institution, No. 305 was sent to the auction block. experiments with a native stone, the Forest Hills, Boston. It was bought by the Ithaca Street Rail- Cayuga bluestone, before selecting the way Company, hauled here on a flatcar, building material. Two experimental Miss MARTHA VANRENSSELAER, pro- fitted with a motor, and set to work walls have been laid near the spot fessor of home economics in the College carrying students up the hill. In its where the building is to stand. One of of Agriculture, was elected president of old age No. 305 became feeble. It these walls is of weathered stone and the American Home Economics Associa- would start and stop in sections, first the other is of blocks freshly quarried tion in convention at Cleveland in July. the trucks, then the seats, and last the near the site of the building. DR. JAMES FREDERICK MASON, as- sides and roof, giving its passengers a A FORMAL GRANT of the land on which sistant professor in the department of seasick feeling. No. 305 is survived by the new drill hall will stand has been Romance languages, has been promoted two aged sisters, No. 306 and No. 308, made by the University to the State of to the grade of professor, and has been both of Ithaca. New York. This transfer of title is re- appointed acting director of the depart- ALTERATIONS in the first story of quired by the State in such cases. ment for the coming year, during the absence of Professor W. W. Comfort on Sage College are in progress. Several A PLAY based on events in the early sabbatic leave. Professor Mason is a partitions are to be removed so as to history of the neighborhood of Ithaca graduate of Harvard College. He was increase the size of the reception room. was given by amateurs at Renwick appointed instructor here in 1909. The business offices of the college have Park on August 6, 7, and 8, for the benefit been moved to Morrill Hall. of Ithaca charities. The play was writ- DONALD ENGLISH has been appointed ten by Miss Marjorie Barstow '12, of acting assistant professor of econonics A NEW STATION is to be built in Ithaca Ithaca, and was called "The Crimson for the next year. He will take the place by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Flower." of Professor John Bauer, who has a and it is stated that the plans for the leave of absence and is doing special new structure are practically complete. DR. L. H. BAILEY, whose departure work for the State Public Service Com- The building will be much larger than for New Zealand was noted in the last mission. Mr. English is a graduate of the present one. Great changes are number of the NEWS, has gone, so we the University of California and has to be made in the neighborhood of the learn from Sαewce, as the guest of the taught at that institution, at Washing- station for the better handling of traffic. New Zealand government to attend the ton State College, and at Boston Uni- The company has bought much land Australasian meeting of the British versity. Last June he received the west of the present tracks in order to Association for the Advancement of master's degree with distinction from make room for new tracks and also to Science. A complete list of American the Graduate School of Business Ad- straighten out tthe curve north of the scientific men who accepted similar ministration of Harvard University. station. It is reported that the Lehigh invitations from the New Zealand gov- Valley intends also to bring trains on ernment is given by Science as follows : THE CAREER OF CAR No. 305 came the Cayuga Lake branch directly into Dr. L. H. Bailey, Ithaca, N. Y.; Mr. to a spectacular and dramatic end early the new station from the north by way Lyman J. Briggs, Department of Ag- this month. The car was sent off the of a bridge over the Cayuga Inlet, in- riculture, Washington, D. C.; Professor Stewart Avenue bridge and was smashed stead of running them through town A. P. Coleman, Toronto University, to pieces on the rocky bottom of Fall and backing them in from the south. 504 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS A VIEW OF SCHOELLKOPF MEMORIAL HALL, LOOKING WESTWARD DOWN THE HILL. THIS BUILDING WILL BE THE QUARTERS OF THE VARSITY TEAMS. THE LARGE FIRST FLOOR IS ON THE LEVEL OF THE FOOTBALL AND TRACK FIELD, AT THE LEFT. THE SMALLER SECOND FLOOR WILL BE ENTERED DIRECTLY FROM THE PLAYGROUND, AT THE RIGHT.
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