representation hearing report D&P/0051c/03 31 March 2014 Convoys Wharf, Deptford in the London Borough of Lewisham planning application no. DC/13/83358 Outline planning application Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Greater London Authority Acts 1999 and 2007; Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 (“the Order”); and, Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011. The proposal Demolition of all non-listed structures at the site, and comprehensive redevelopment (to include retention and refurbishment of the Grade II Listed Olympia Building) to provide up to 419,100 sq.m. of mixed use development comprising up to: 321,000 sq.m. residential (Class C3) (up to 3,500 units); 15,500 sq.m. business space (Class B1/live/work units) and to include up to 2,200 sq.m. for three energy centres; 32,200 sq.m. working wharf and vessel moorings (Class B2 and sui generis); 27,070 sq.m. hotel (Class C1); 5,810 sq.m. retail, financial and professional services (Classes A1 and A2); 4,520 sq.m. restaurant/cafes and drinking establishments (Classes A3 and A4); and, 13,000 sq.m. community/non-residential institutions (Class D1), 1,840 car parking spaces, together with vehicular access and a river bus facility. The applicant The applicant is Convoys Properties Limited, and the architect is Farrells. Recommendation summary The Mayor, acting as Local Planning Authority for the purpose of determining this application: i. grants conditional planning permission in respect of application DC/13/83358 for the reasons set out in the reasons for approval section below, and subject to the prior completion of a section 106 legal agreement; ii. delegates authority to the Assistant Director - Planning and the Executive Director of Development, Enterprise and Environment to issue the planning permission and agree, add, delete or vary, the final detailed wording of the conditions and informatives as required, and authority to negotiate, agree the final wording, and sign and execute, the section 106 legal agreement; iii. delegates authority to the Assistant Director - Planning and Executive Director of Development, Enterprise and Environment to refuse planning permission, if by 30 June 2014, the section 106 legal agreement has not been completed; iv. notes that approval of details pursuant to conditions imposed on the planning permission will be submitted to, and determined by, Lewisham Council; and, v. notes that Lewisham Council will be responsible for the enforcement of the conditions attached to the respective permission. page 1 Drawing numbers and documents Existing plans CON1-PA-03-001; CON1-PA-03-002; CON1-PA-03-003; CON1-PA-03-004; and, CON1-PA-03-005. Proposed parameter plans CON1-PA-03-006A; CON1-PA-03-007A; CON1-PA-03-008A; CON1-PA-03-009A; CON1-PA-03-010A; CON1-PA-03-011B; CON1-PA-03-012B; CON1-PA-03-013A; CON1-PA-03-014A; CON1-PA-03-015A (indicative); CON1-PA-03-016A (indicative); CON1-PA-03-017A; and, CON1-PA-03-018A. Submitted documents Application Form (ref: CW01); Environmental Statement (ref: CW02); Environmental Statement Addendum Report (ref: 027979); Design and Access Statement (ref: CW03); Design and Access Statement Addendum (ref: CW03A); Design Guidelines (ref: CW04); Development Specification (ref: CW05A); Planning Statement (ref: CW06); Transport Assessment (ref: CW07); Energy Strategy (ref: CW08); Sustainability Statement (ref: CW09); Retail Impact Assessment (ref: CW010); Statement of Community Involvement (ref: CW011); Delivery Strategy (ref: CW012); Commercial Strategy (ref: CW013); Heritage Statement (ref: CW014); and, Cultural Strategy (ref: CW015). Reasons for approval 1 The Mayor, acting as the local planning authority, has considered the particular circumstance of this application against national, regional and local planning policy, relevant supplementary planning guidance and any material planning considerations. He has also had regard to all consultation responses and representations made on the case, including those submitted by Lewisham Council following its Strategic Planning Committee meeting of 16 January 2014. The reasons set out below are why this application is acceptable in planning policy terms: i. The future operation of a working wharf at this site has been suitably secured, and the proposed comprehensive mixed use redevelopment at this site will provide valuable homes and jobs to catalyse the regeneration of Deptford. Accordingly, the principle of mixed use redevelopment at this site is strongly supported in line with the NPPF; London Plan Policy 2.13; and, Core Strategy policies SP2, SSA1 and SSA2. ii. Having regard to the characteristics of the site and its context, and the critical factors influencing wharf viability (as outlined within London Plan paragraph 7.77), GLA officers are satisfied that the proposed contraction and reconfiguration of the safeguarded wharf at the site is acceptable, and that the proposed wharf location, plot boundary, and associated maximum floorspace quantum would provide a viable, flexible and commercially attractive environment for a range of potential river freight operators. Necessary assurances are in place to secure appropriate use of the Blue Ribbon Network for construction logistics, and measures to reasonably incentivise uptake of the wharf by one or more suitable operators are to be included within a section 106 legal agreement. Furthermore, subject to the inclusion of planning conditions to protect neighbourhood amenity, GLA officers are satisfied that the potential impacts of the working wharf on sensitive uses could be suitably mitigated. Accordingly, the application is supported in line with the NPPF; and, London Plan Policy 7.26. iii. The outline application provides a wide range of uses in accordance with local and strategic policy aspirations for this Opportunity Area site. Whilst the proposed nature and provision of employment generating floorspace within the scheme does not strictly accord with that prescribed by part 1(b) of Core Strategy Policy SSA2, the scheme would, nevertheless, deliver significant new local employment opportunities and successfully achieve key employment related Core Strategy objectives for this site in terms of transforming the economic fabric of this part of Deptford and supporting the development of commercial activity with respect to wharf-related activities and the creative sector. The retail page 2 component of the scheme has been designed to complement existing provision at Deptford town centre (including Deptford High Street and Deptford Market) and, subject to reasonable controls, will positively contribute towards a vibrant and diverse local economy. Furthermore, the inclusion of hotel provision within the scheme as part of the wider regenerative mixed use strategy for this site will allow the scheme to capitalise on its riverside Opportunity Area setting, and significantly boost the visitor economy within Deptford. Accordingly, the application is supported in line with the NPPF; London Plan policies 4.5 and 4.7; and, Lewisham Core Strategy Policy SSA2. iv. The proposal would optimise the residential potential of this Opportunity Area site and make a significant contribution to housing and affordable housing delivery in Lewisham. The financial viability position has been independently verified and, subject to the inclusion of a review mechanism within the section 106 legal agreement, the scheme will continue to deliver the maximum reasonable amount of affordable housing over the lifetime of the delivery programme. The housing schedule responds to the need to support mixed and balanced communities, provides a good variety of dwelling sizes, and appropriately prioritises affordable family housing within the wider residential mix. The scheme is also capable of achieving good practice residential design and amenity standards, and exceeding children’s play and minimum space standards. Accordingly, the proposed housing provision is strongly supported in accordance with the NPPF; London Plan policies 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12 and 7.15; and, Lewisham Core Strategy policies 1, 4 and SSA2. v. Through various commitments to deliver necessary social infrastructure; promote social inclusion; improve local employment opportunities; and, deliver a cultural legacy at the site, the outline application would positively contribute to the promotion of sustainable communities. Accordingly, the outline application is supported in accordance with the NPPF; London Plan policies 3.1, 3.16, 4.6, 4.12, 7.8 and 7.9; and, Lewisham Core Strategy Objective 10 and Policy SSA2. vi. The proposed site layout and masterplan strategy has been well considered and achieves the key aims of providing a generous central open space and a direct and legible route between the riverside and Deptford High Street; the masterplan plots would put Olympia (Grade II) at the heart of the site and generate blocks that would ensure that the public realm (including streets and open spaces) would be clearly defined by active built frontages; the scheme would provide a range of soft and hard-landscaped public spaces contributing to a significant uplift in local open space; and, the height and massing of the development would enliven the silhouette of the scheme when viewed from the riverside, landmark the Thames from townscape views inland, and would not cause harm to the surrounding context (including strategic and local views). Accordingly, the application complies with the NPPF; London Plan policies 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.12, 7.18 and 7.27; Lewisham Core Strategy Objective 10 and policies 15, 18 and SSA2; saved Lewisham UDP policies STR URB 1, STR URB 4, URB 1 and URB 3, and emerging policies DM 30 and 35 within the submission stage Development Management Local Plan. vii. The outline application would appropriately ensure the preservation of existing archaeology at the site, and would strike an optimum balance between showcasing and expressing the site’s rich historic past, and allowing this Opportunity Area site to fulfil its regenerational potential as a twenty first century contribution to the Thames riverside at Deptford.
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