Dune bill draws catcalls from 500 foes By SIIKRIIY FIGDORE more than half of their fair market value is Weingart maintained (hat the Jersey coast, contended, is that $9.5 million "is sitting in more emphatic. He promised the audience that TOMS RIVER - More than 500 booing, lost due to storm-related damage. now much more densely populated than it was Washington and the DEP will have no access "this bill will not be passed." stamping and whistling Shore area residents Publicly owned boardwalks and "struc- when the last catastophic storm hit in 1962, is to it until it passes this bill." "This bill does not have the support of the expressed their opposition to Assembly Bill tures for public safety" are exempted g- an- long overdue for a major storm or hurricane. Hollenbeck denied Latorre's statement, but Legislature." Russo said. He said he opposes A-1825. the Dune and Shore Protection Act, at other controversial clause the crowd referred Dunes, he said, are the most effective conceded that federal authorities "are not the measure because it Is unconstitutional and the first of three hearings here yesterday on to as the "casino clause." since the Atlantic protection lor developed shore areas. going to continue to subsidize national flood is over-regulatory. the controversial bill. City boardwalk would be eligible for re- But Robert Latorre, a college instructor insurance if we don't do something ' "The Pinelands (bill> followed the Drawn up by the state Department of En- construction. and public relations director for Seaside Hollenbeck, chairman of the Assembly's Wetlands, which followed CAFRA," Russo vironmental Protection and sponsored by As- John R. Weingart, chief of.the Bureau of Heights, said the state's new shore protection Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said, adding. "I thought of putting in a bill semblyman Robert P. Hollenbeck, D-Bergen, Coastal Planning and Development in DEP's master plan, being put in finished form by which staged yesterday's hearing at Ocean taking over the rest of the property in the the bill would give the OKI' far-ranging new Division of*Coastal Resources, said the new Dames and Moore, consulting engineers from County College, said after the meeting he saw stale, because there's not much left." powers in controlling or prohibiting construe bill is needed to plug remaining holes in Cranford, "is blatantly in contradiction" to "little chance of passage as the bill now Slate Sen. Frank X. Graves. D-Passaic, lion in the dune area, defined as the area CAFKA. the state's Coastal Area Facility Re- DEP's claim. stands." chairman of 4he Senate's Law, Public Safety between the ocean waters and the first paved view Act. which limits its jurisdiction to de- "It isn't sand dunes that protect beach '"We'll try to come up with language that .mil Defense Committee, said more than 500 of public road velopments of 25 or more units, and to give development, " said Latorre. will satisfy everyone," he said, "but we must his constitutents had contacted him on the bill, Probably the most controversial clause in some cohesion to the uneven quality of local "It's the slope of the beach." according to have a bill to protect homes down there some- all opposing it the bill is a prohibition against the reconstruc- dune protection ordinances up and down the Dames and Moore. how from storms." "I think this legislation runs smack tion of most structures in the dune area if coast. The real reason for the new bill, Lalorre State Sen. John F. Russo, D-Ocean, was See 500, page 2 The Daily Register >l on mouth ('onn(Vs (»rea( Home Newspaper VOL. 103 NO. 14 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1980 20 CENTS Reagan seeks advice about running mate DETROIT (AP) - With elect our nominee to the pres- everything going his way on idency of the United States.'' the Republican Convention It was Ford's 67th birth- floor, Ronald Reagan is invit- day and when he finished ing party leaders to his hotel speaking and cheers had died suite today for private chats down, the delegates sang designed to help with his de- "Happy Birthday" to the cision on a vice presidential former president. candidate and with his effort On the floor after the Ford to close party ranks, speech, William Casey, Re- On Reagan's guest list for agan's campaign manager, today were Henry A. Kissin- said a Reagan-Ford combina- ger, Gerald R. Ford, sup- tion "would be a great porters of the Equal Rights ticket." • Amendment and, quite likely, But Ford has made it clear he would not accept the A p photo some of the men mentioned vice presidential nomination OPENING DAY — New Jersey delegates Ben Danskin of Sea Girt. Monmouth as leading his list of vice presidential possibilities. and Casey said he doubted County Republican chairman, left, talks with Matthew Rinaldo, center, of Union and During morning and eve- there would be any effort to Larry Pepper of Vineland, as they await opening ceremonies yesterday at the GOP try to draft Ford. convention in Detroit. ning sessions of the conven- tion yesterday, everything Kissinger was interviewed went off on schedule with last night on CBS and when hardly a ripple of controversy asked if he thought he might to provide any work for the be offered his old job as sec- Reagan political directors retary of state in a Reagan County delegates who roamed the floor. administration, he replied The highlight of the open- that "I have no expectancy ing day occurred last night one way or the other." 9 when Ford received a warm Reagan aides, while ac emotional welcome from the knowledglng that much of the find it 'different delegates and pledged that candidate's day would be de- "this Republican Is going to voted to the vice presidential By BARBARA KA 11.1.1. that 1 want you to know that New Jersey is See Running male, page 2 Ronald Reagan gives thumb* up at reception last night as wife watches DETROIT — For some delegates the lirst for you " do everything In his power to aessiM ol the 1980 Republican Convention Baker is one of the two moderate conten- was a new experience, one they had looked ders for the vice presidential nomination lorward to with excited anticipation. favored by the bulk of the New Jersey delega- And lor a few it was "old hat, " with few tion. Most of them list George Bush as their surprises. first choice. But if they can't have Bush, they Candidate out to mend fences The first timers like William R Ed" will settle happily for Baker Kiely Jr . the former mayor of Fair Haven. For Joseph Pecoraro of Middletown. N.J, DETROIT (AP) - Ronald Reagan, awaiting controversies of a nominating convention that enough. N J luund the convention different than they his first convention is a dream come true. the Republican crown he's long pursued, is tend- will not be remembered for its discord: the lack " I would like to understand if he were elected li.ul expected "As much as 1 was excited with antici- ing to some unfinished party business: meeting of support in the 1980 platform for the ERA. president, how he would deal with equal rights," It was not quile what 1 thought it would pation before I came, when I entered the with old rival Henry Kissinger and trying to mend In one of a series of meetings planned for she said. "Genrallzatlons just won't do. Neither be." Kiely said "I could watch on television arena, 1 was speechless," Pecoraro said. T< fences with supporters of the Equal Rights Am- today in his 69th floor suite in the Detroit Plaza will bromides." .IMII see and hear a lot more." tell the truth I felt like "Rocky " Ifrorq tit dendment. Hotel, Reagan gets together with Rep. Margaret Also at the meeting were to be Sen. Nancy Kiely was relemng to the seating of the movie of the same name), and when we stood Reagan was to spend today without venturing Heckler, H-Mass , and eight other women dele- Landon Kassebaum of Kansas; Carla Hills of New Jersey delegation to the far left of the up to sing the Star Spangled Banner (at the from his headquarters in the Detroit Plaza Hotel gates, most of whom support the ERA but lost California, the former secretary of housing and opening ceremonies), I had tears in my after a triumphant arrival yesterday when he was their battle to include it in the 1980 party plat- urban development; Mary Louise Smith, a former eyes." welcomed by thousands of cheering supporters — form. GOP national committee chairman, and Betty Related slory, page J "1 looked around and saw the cameras both in a hotel rally on his arrival and in a later Reagan personally opposes ratification of the Heitman, who is soon to become the new co- and booths of the television networks and 1 reception for delegates and alternates. ERA but claims he supports achieving equal chairman of that committee. speakers' dais and close to thp entrance into suddenly realized we are the participants First on Reagan's schedule was a meeting rights for women through other means, such as The 69-y«ar-old former actor, who piled up the lloor of the Joe Louis Arena, where the They're doing the stories on us." with former Secretary of State Kissinger, a re- enactment of tougher laws barring economic and enough delegates to clinch the nomination over- convention is being held.
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