Details of CSR Expenditure incurred by IOCL during 2016-17 CSR Budget allocated for FY 2016-17: Rs.212.67 Crore Carry Forward from Previous year: Rs.4.43 Crore Total CSR budget for FY 2016-17: Rs.217.10 Crore Total CSR expenditure: Rs.213.99 Crore Name of Project/ Activity Amount spent Name of on CSR SI Description of Activity Village District state Implementing Agency Activity/ Project (Rs. in Provision of Solar Street Light in Hope Town Village , Ferrargunj Andaman and M/s. Bluearth Energy 1 Hope Town Ferrargunj 9.89 (Tehshil) at South Andaman Nicobar Islands Pvt. Ltd., Patna Provision of Clean Drinking Water in Hope Town Village , Ferrargunj Andaman and M/s. B.G. 2 Hope Town Ferrargunj 12.82 (Tehshil) at South Andaman Nicobar Islands Construction, Bankura Solar Street lights with 9 W LED bulbs in Perumallapalli Village NREDCAP- Chittoor, 3 Perumallapalli Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 19.51 Yadamarri (GP) in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh Govt. of AP Solar Street lights with 9 W LED bulbs in Yadamarri (GP) in Chittoor NREDCAP- Chittoor, 4 Yadamarri Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 19.87 District of Andhra Pradesh Govt. of AP Providing 40,000 Lit. OH water tank & one 1000 LPH RO water plant in District Collector - 5 Yadamarri Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 18.46 Yadamarri (V), Yadamarri (GP), Chittoor Dist (AP). Chittoor (AP). M/s Apollo Hospitals- Ellapalle/ 6 Health Camps villages Ellapalle/ Narigapalli, Chittoor Chittoor Andhra Pradesh Argonda, Chittoor, 0.53 Narigapalli Andhra Pradesh M/s Egromaxx (India) Providing school Desks in Govt. Schools under “School infrastructure Pvt. Limited, 7 Narigapalli Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 2.60 Programme” Nungambakkam,Chen nai M/s Jain Industrial Anupalli/Ellapalle Providing 36 Nos. Solar street lights in villages Anupalli, Ellapalle, Lighting Corporation, 8 /Yadmari/ Chittoor Andhra Pradesh 12.80 Yadmari, V.R. Kuppam in Chittoor district. lawrence Road, New V.R.Kuppam Delhi Providing 1000 LPH RO Water plant, at The Hindu Colleg- Repet Order on M/s 9 Machilipatnam Krishna Andhra Pradesh 2.89 Machilipatnam- Krishna District, AP Prithvijay Associates, Boring, Pump & room to The Hindu Colleg- Machilipatnam- Krishna M/s K Vijaykumar of 10 Machilipatnam Krishna Andhra Pradesh 1.55 District, AP for RO water plant. Vijayawada DO 515 Desks to 4 schools of Anandapuram (V&GP), Vishakhapatnam Dist Vishakhapatn Central Prison, 11 Anandapurram Andhra Pradesh 19.67 (AP) am Visakhapatnam (AP) Providing Solar Street Lights with 18 W LED bulbs, on internal roads of Vishakhapatn NREDCAP- Vizag- 12 Anandapurram Andhra Pradesh 19.95 Anandapuram (V&GP), Vishakhapatnam Dist (Andhra Pradesh) am Govt. of AP Vishakhapatn EE-PR-PIU- 13 Construction of cycolone shelter at Lalam Kodur(V), Rambilli(M) Lalam Kodur Andhra Pradesh 30.00 am Visakhapatnam (AP). Contribution as an initial corpus to Skill Development Institute, Vishakhapatn Skill Development 14 Anakapalli Andhra Pradesh 150.00 Visakhapatnam am Institute, Vizag Indian Institute of Contribute towards Endowment Fund of Indian Institute of Petroleum Vishakhapatn 15 Vangali Andhra Pradesh Petroleum & Energy, 6000.00 & Energy (IIPE), Visakhapatnam am Visakhapatnam 170 Desks to 3 schools of Kallepalli (V&GP), S. Kota (M), Vizianagaram Central Prison, 16 Kallepalli Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 6.33 Dist (AP) Visakhapatnam (AP) 3 Nos. (2 nos of 1000 LPH & 1 no. 200 LPH) RO Water plants with rooms EE-RWS&S- 17 Kallepalli Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh 13.50 in Kallepalli (V&GP), S. Kota (M), Vizianagaram Dist (AP) Vizianagaram (AP) Provided pathway etc. around Computer Lab constructed recently by Arunachal 18 Paliji East Kameng Electrical Enterprise 1.84 IOCL at St. Xavier School, Paliji, Arunachal Pradesh. Pradesh Computer Accessory for the laptops recently provided to St Xaviers Arunachal Emerson Network 19 Paliji East Kameng 0.09 School, Palizi by IOCL. Pradesh Power (India) SUPPLY OF LAPTOPS AND TABLES FOR COMPUTR LAB CSR, St Xavier Arunachal Simony Systems & 20 Paliji East Kameng 3.37 School, Palizi. Pradesh Soltions. Arunachal Local Administration 21 Providing Ambulance under CSR, Koloriang Arunachal Pradesh Koloriang Kurumkume 15.29 Pradesh Koloriang. 22 Toilet and Bathroom at kasturba Gandhi School, Koloriang Koloriang Kurumkume Arunachal Pallab Kr Das 6.89 23 Replacement of Damaged tin roof at Emchi ME School, Doimukh Doimukh Papum Pare Arunachal Ashirbad Enterprise 4.45 Arunachal Local Administration 24 Providing Ambulance under CSR, Raga Arunachal Pradesh Raga Seppa 15.29 Pradesh Seppa. 25 Providing Solar Street Lights, Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh. Mudang Tage Ziro Arunachal Atlanta Energy 16.08 Revamping of drinking water facility at Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh under Arunachal Local Administration, 26 Mudang Tage Ziro 12.51 project IndianOil jal Jivan. Pradesh Ziro Uttar Kajalgaon & Health check-up & health awareness camp at Uttar Kajalgaon & BGR Medical service 27 Dolaigaon Bongaigaon Assam 1.25 Dolaigaon Mazpara, Bongaigaon deptt Mazpara Bharat Vikash Organised Bikalanga sahayata camp at Bharat Vikash Parishad, Birjhora 28 Birjhora Bongaigaon Assam Parishad, Birjhora 2.78 Branch, Bongaigaon Branch Construction of boundary wall and toilet block at Dhaligaon Sakha 29 Dhaligaon Bongaigaon Assam M/s U M Technos 7.16 Sahitya Sabha, Bongaigaon Construction of rooms for Art school at Uttar Bongaigaon Mahila 30 Majpara Bongaigaon Assam M/s U M Technos 0.86 Samiti, Dolaigaon, Majpara Construction of class rooms at Barpathar ME School, Barpathar, 31 Barpathar Bongaigaon Assam M/s U M Technos 3.23 Bongaigaon M/S. Subal Chandra 32 Construction of Drinking water facility at village Dolaigaon, Bongaigaon Dolaigaon Bongaigaon Assam 6.14 Ray The Action Northeast 33 Project Bigyan: Propogation of Science Education on wheel Rowmari Chirang Assam 10.00 Trust (ant) 34 Construction of Surjya club & library, Satipur, Chirang Satipur Chirang Assam M/s U M Technos 2.10 Construction of toilet block for girls & boys at U N Brahma College, 35 Kajalgaon Chirang Assam M/s U M Technos 1.80 Kajalgaon, Chirang Construction of dormitory for orphans at Human Care Centre, No.2 36 No.2 Bengtol Chirang Assam M/s U M Technos 2.20 Bengtol Construction of class rooms at Pachim Silpota ME School, Pachim 37 Pachim Silpota Chirang Assam M/s U M Technos 3.90 Silpota 38 Running Expenditure for IndianOil Chikitsa Seva Kendra Bongai Chirang Assam IOCL 7.60 39 Running Expenditure of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Guwahati Chirang Assam IOCL 255.00 M/s. Jain Industrial 40 Installation of Solar LED Lights at village Akadi, Hajo Akadi Hajo Assam 8.06 Lighting Corporation M/s. Jain Industrial 41 Installation of Solar LED Lights at village Patni, Hajo Patni Hajo Assam 7.47 Lighting Corporation Commercial kithcen appliance under CSR, Missionaries of Charity, 42 Guwahati Kamrup Assam Ankur Appliances 0.95 Guwahati. 43 Construction of Community Cum Assmbly Hall at Hajo, Kamrup Hajo Kamrup Assam Ritesh Kalita 18.93 Expenses towards inauguration of Drinking water facility provided by 44 Guwahati Kamrup Assam Bidyutalay 0.04 IOCL at Adarsha Vidyalay, Guwahati. 45 CSR Conclave 2016 Capability Building Guwahati Kamrup Assam Lions Club 2.00 Impact Assessment Study For The Pilot Project On Corrective Operation 46 Guwahati Kamrup Assam Guwahati University 0.79 To Patients With Cleft Lip or Palate. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan at Guwahati based schools (pledge taking, awareness campaign in schols/locality, debate competition, drawing 47 competition, plays/skits, poster competition, slogan competition, quiz Guwahati Kamrup Assam IOCL 0.47 competitions, essay competitions, tree plantation, cleanliness drive in school) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the community around IO AOD SO ( 48 Guwahati Kamrup Assam IOCL 0.32 cleanliness drive, awareness campaig) 49 Installation of 8 nos dustbins in the community, Guwahati Guwahati Kamrup Assam IOCL 0.29 Conducted Vocational skill enhancement program at Tool Room & Tool Rool & Training 50 Amingaon Kamrup Assam 6.90 Training Centre, MSME, Amingaon, Guwahati, Assam Centre, MSME Provided a Tata Sumo Ambulance Van to Guwahati Zilla Anusuchit Jati M/s. Kamakhya Bhagawatipara, 51 Parishad during 68th Republic Day celebrations by Guwahati Refinery, Kamrup Assam Mototec Private 7.17 Palashbari so as to facilitate enhanced access to emergency medical care Limited Renovated and undertook major repairs on an abandoned school Noonmati, M/s. Bhubaneswar 52 building of Guwahati Refinery High School complex, so as to make it Kamrup Assam 7.39 Guwahati Barman available for use by the school authorities Provided 7 nos. library study tables and 60 plastic moulded chairs to M/s. Joganiar and 53 Uttar Kamrup Adarsha Jr. College for benefitting the students who are Balisatra, Rangia Kamrup Assam 0.90 M/s. R L Industries mostly from the SC community Provided 16 pairs of four seater dual desk-benches to 769 No. Suntula Suntula (Rampur), 54 Prathamik Bidyalaya, where most of the students are from the SC Kamrup Assam M/s. Joganiar 1.28 Mirza community M/s. Anugraha 55 Construction of Drinking water facility at village Satdola, Kamrup Satdola Kamrup Assam 0.51 Dhristidaan M/s. Anugraha 56 Construction of Drinking water facility at village Kulhati, Kamrup Kulhati Kamrup Assam 0.51 Dhristidaan 57 Construction of Low cost toilet at village Khudradadhi, Kamrup, Assam Khudradadhi Kamrup Assam M/s. Santonu Saikia 1.55 58 Construction of Low cost toilet at village Bagta, Kamrup, Assam Bagta Kamrup Assam M/s. Santonu Saikia 1.56 59 Renovation of School at village Dumduma, Kamrup Dumduma Kamrup Assam M/s. Santonu Saikia 2.22 Constructed an office room at community fishery pond of Adap Arni Birkuchi, 60 Tribal Development Society, for its enduse as training-cum-intervention Kamrup (M) Assam M/s. Pradip Das 2.58 Guwahati centre Imparted 45 days entrepreneurial skill-development training in "Block Indian Institute of printing & Lifestyle products and Traditional jewellery designing & 61 Lalmati, Guwahati Kamrup (M) Assam Entrepreneurship, 3.14 crafting" to 20 school drop-out girls at Indian Institute of Guwahati Entrepreneurship, Guwahati, Provided a 15 KVA DG set to Tapashya Dham complex of Prajapita New Guwahati, M/s.
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