Survival Guide

Survival Guide

EVIKE.COM EVIKE.COM The ulitmate airsoft shop The ulitmate airsoft shop SPONSORED BY E E WASTELAND 7 VIKE.COM VIKE.COM EAST C+C airsoft • stanhope • nJ Created by MOONDOG ©2015 Moondog Industries LLC. SURVIVAL GUIDE Wasteland2 is a registered tradememark of inXile entertainment. all rights reserved. gen. vargas and Wasteland 2 images Used With permission Operation : Wasteland 7 East Survival Guide WASTELAND 7 Nuclear holocaust has rendered most of the planet a desert wasteland. Radiation levels are incalculable. A shadowy government agency contracted Vault-Tec to build a network of underground Vaults to house the survivors. The Master has built an army of mutant survivors and outcasts as well as a !ercely loyal unit of heavily armed soldiers called The Enclave. #AT" August 29, 2015 $%&AT'ON C&C Airso t 50 !a"#awanna %r& Stan'ope, () %("RAT'ON S&*"#+$" Agenda *a+ vary depending on weat'er and ,eld "onditions 0-:00 – 09:/0 Sign0in / C'rono 09:/0 – 10:00 Greetings, 2rie,ngs, and Group 3'otos 10:00 – 10:/0 4nitial deployment and a"tion 5rie,ngs 10:/0 – 12:00 3'ase 4 6!evel 17 12:00 – 18:00 3'ase 44 6!evel 9p7 18:00 – 18:/0 2rea# 18:/0 – 1::/0 3'ase 444 6Advan"ed ;ode7 1::/0 – 1-:00 Ende< and =a >e R",')TRAT'ON C*"&-$')T 2e sure to 5ring t'ese #e+ ite*s $it' you to t'e sign0in desk • Event ti"#et1Evi#e "on,rmation re"eipt • C&C () and ;oondog 4ndustries waivers 2ring t'e ollowing ite*s to t'e C'rono Station • =e@uired sa et+ gear, e&g. goggles, red rags, et" • A!! ri>es to 5e used in t'e ga*e wit' a A9!! *agaBine (CC Airsoft ;oondog 4ndustries 4nDile Entertain*ent Operation : Wasteland 7 East Survival Guide T"AMS E'ere are t'ree distin"t tea*s ,g'ting t'roughout t'e Wasteland& Ea"' a"tion 'as t'eir own *otivations and ideas on 'ow t'e Wasteland should 5e e<plored, and ulti*atel+, "on@uered& 9ni orm re@uire*ents will 5e stri"tly en or"ed& Fest "olor does not *atter& Eea* uni orms are de,ned 5+ shirt1top "olor and pattern& Harlem Militia 9ni orm: ;ultiCa*1%esert Ean/Ata"s patterns (NO black vests, rigs, or plate carriers) A para*ilitary organiBation rom t'e Sout'ern se"tion of t'e Wasteland Fa"e5ook: !""!### $%$"#/ C'arity: E'e Cali ornia A"ade*y o S"ien"e Hu&so' (angers 9ni orm: All green and $oodland patterns (NO black vests, rigs, or plate carriers) A survivalist group rom t'e (ort'western se"tion of t'e Wasteland Fa"e5ook:!33"!#))%*)$3/ C'arity: E'e E<ploratoriu* Newhaven Mercs 9ni orm: 2la"# and s'adow patterns (+NY color vest, rig, or plate carrier) ;er"enaries and 'ired guns rom t'e (ort'eastern se"tion of t'e Wasteland Fa"e5ook:*-"%"3$%##) --/ C'arity: E'e 4ntrepid Sea, Air and Spa"e ;useu* Non-Faction Pla1ers (N/0s) (on0 a"tion players a"t as antagonists, allies and guides t'roughout t'e Wasteland& Some "'ara"ters $ill aid you, or a pri"e& Some "'ara"ter's sole *otivation is to destroy you and your entire a"tion& 2he 3'clave E'e En"lave are a unit of 'eavil+ armed soldiers, using al*ost indestru"ti5le 3ower Armor Suits. E'e En"lave are generously paid or t'eir allegian"e to E'e ;aster& Mutants E'e *utants are a 'u*an ra"e t'at "ould not escape t'e e e"ts o t'e nu"lear allout& E'e+ are loyal to E'e ;aster, and will stop at not'ing to rid t'e Wasteland of interlopers. 4ault 5wellers E'e Fault %$ellers 'ave 5een living in se"lusion or t'e past 100 years. E'e+ possess very uni@ue *edi"al a5ilities, 5ut are scared of very easil+& 2he Merchant E'e ;er"'ant is a sel serving, *ysterious "'ara"ter& He ta#es pride and Ioy in providing t'e 5est possi5le deals on a**unition, e@uip*ent and supplies in t'e entire Wasteland& 2he Master E'e ;aster is a shadowy ,gure, "ontrolling t'e Wasteland rom a se"ret location& (o one 'as ever seen E'e ;aster, and reports on 'is or 'er $'erea5outs never lead to "apture and prose"ution& (CC Airsoft ;oondog 4ndustries 4nDile Entertain*ent Operation : Wasteland 7 East Survival Guide AB%+T 4nspired 5+ t'e video ga*es /+66O72J and 8+9236+ND J, t'is event $ill eature uni@ue rules designed to si*ulate t'e e<perien"e o leveling up and survival/scrounging in a post0apocalypti" world& Eea*s will "ompete to earn donations or t'eir respe"tive "'arities: The California Academy of )cience, The "/ploratorium, and the 'ntrepid )ea Air and )pace Museum. 0*AT TO E1("&T Operation:Wasteland is a sci0, variant of a ;ilSi* airsoft ga*e& All a"tions start wit' li*ited a**unition and *ust ,nd e<tra a**o on t'e ,eld or trade 5ottle "aps or *ore rom t'e Caravan or E'e ;er"'ant& Eea*s *ust ,nd =ad0D 2oxes and 'oard t'e* in t'eir HK& E'e tea* wit' t'e *ost =ad0D 2oxes at t'e end o t'e ga*e will 5e t'e winner& Eea*s *a+ atte*pt to raid ot'er tea*s' HK or t'eir 5oxes and supplies. ,AME P$A2 Ea"' p'ase o Operation:Wasteland $ill 'ave spe"i," rules o engage*ent and aut'oriBed weapons. Ea"' p'ase will also 'ave tasks, *issions and obIe"tives t'at *ust 5e "ompleted 5e ore leveling up t'e p'ases. (*AS") Phase : ;6evel "< Pistols, shotguns, bolt action rifles and muzzle loaded AEGs. Event supplied .LA&- BBs only. O5Ie"tive: Se"ure a Fault or your a"tion to use as a 2ase of Operations and Storage Center& Faults are (OT respawn points. E'e "olle"tion and storage of =ad0D 5oxes will 5egin in t'is p'ase& Phase :: ;6evel Up< Magazine fed AEGs permitted. emi!auto operation. Event supplied .LA&- BBs only. 3'ase 44 will in"lude t'e *aIority of t'e tasks and *issions. Phase ::: ;+&vanced Mo&e” Personal BBs and full!auto operation permitted 3'ase 444 $ill 5ring t'e episodes un olding in Operation:Wasteland to a "li*a<& E'e power grid *ust 5e destroyed and E'e ;aster *ust 5e eli*inated& (CC Airsoft ;oondog 4ndustries 4nDile Entertain*ent Operation : Wasteland 7 East Survival Guide "3+'(MENT C*"&-$')T 3layers *ust 5ring all of t'ese re@uired ite*s to sign0in& 3la+ers la"#ing any ite* will (OT 5e allowed to pla+& (o e<"eptions. • 800 ps li*it w/ &25g 22Gs or ull0auto "apa5le weapons • 500 ps li*it w/ &25g 22Gs or se*i0only "apa5le weapons • Aull0Seal goggles wit' retention L(o shooting glasses) • (o *esh goggles wit'out se"ondary eye prote"tion • 2arrel Condom12loc#ers Lsoc#s and gloves do not "ountM or all ri>es • L2M red NdeadN rags • (a*etape or du"t tape +our "allsign to your vest or 'el*et • At least 2 @uarts water/hydration • Aield rations L ood or sna"#s as neededM • 2oots Lsturdy ootwear re"o**ended $it' an#le supportM • Wat"'/Ti*epie"e • Adults *ust present valid p'oto 4% along wit' 5ot' signed waivers LC&C and Evi#e1(CCAirso tM • ;inors *ust 'ave a parent signed waiver • A=S/G;=S =adios are re@uired o A!! players )("&'AL R"3+'R"MENT) 3layers *ust use in0ga*e &25g G&G 22Gs $'i"' will 5e supplied to you ree of "'arge& 4n t'e Wasteland world, a**unition is in short suppl+& E'ere are no restri"tions on t'e a*ounts o *agaBines you *a+ "arry& Perso'al ==s can be used &uring Phase 3 ONL, (R%*'.'T"# IT"MS • 3ea grenades or ot'er p+rote"'ni"s • All smoke devi"es *ust 5e "'e"#ed wit' ,eld sta • Felocity redu"ing >ash0'ider to lower A3S • 3ersonal 22s e<"ept during 3'ase / LSta will randomly spot "'e"# pla+ers *ags) (CC Airsoft ;oondog 4ndustries 4nDile Entertain*ent Operation : Wasteland 7 East Survival Guide ,"N"RAL R+$") 1& CO(%9CE 1&1& Airsoft is a ga*e o HO(O=& 3lease "all CO9= OW( 'its! 1&2& %o (OT "all opposing tea* players out& Calling opposing pla+ers out is poor sportsmanship and your side $ill 5e penaliBed& 1&/& %o not assu*e opposing pla+ers are "'eating. Give t'e* t'e 5ene,t o t'e dou5t 1&8& 3la+ers "aught atte*pting to "'eat $ill in"ur penalty points or t'eir side, and *ay 5e eIe"ted rom t'e ga*e wit'out re und and 5arred rom uture events. 1&5& 3la+ers, $'o atte*pt to steal, "ause 5odily 'arm, or ot'erwise 5rea# t'e law will 5e re erred to local law en or"e*ent of,"ers and 5arred rom uture events. 1&:& Su5ordinate players should observe and respe"t ga*e ran#s/positions su"' as S@uad !eaders, 3latoon !eaders and, of "ourse, your Com*anding O ,"er& a& =an# is a tool to provide stru"ture or an enIoya5le ga*e& =an#ing of,"ers should always re*e*5er t'is is Iust a ga*e& 2& SAFE 3!AC 2&1& Eye prote"tion LSee ECE 3=OTECE4O( rules) *ust 5e worn at all ti*es in a playing area& 2&2& 4 a pla+er loses t'eir eye prote"tion or 'as a *edi"al e*ergen"+, t'ey should i**ediately "all N2lind ;an&N Aield =e s or Ga*e Sta should 5e "onta"ted i**ediately to pause t'e i**ediate area o t'e ga*e until t'e a e"ted pla+er pronoun"es NAll Clear", at $'i"' point supervisors will signal t'e ga*e to "ontinue& 4n t'e a5sen"e of ga*e supervisors, nearb+ players should wave t'eir red rags in t'e air to indi"ate a 5lind *an "all& On"e t'e a e"ted pla+er pronoun"es NAll Clear", players should return t'eir red rags to t'eir poc#ets and yell NAll Clear&N 2&/& (O 5lind ,ring.

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