ON THE IDENTITY OF TWO SUPPOSED F ACIOLARIID GASTROPODS, FUSUS MEXICANUS REEVE, 1848, and PE RISTERNIA NODULOSA A. ADAMS, 1855 ROBERT C. BULLOCK DEPARTMENT OF Z OO L O GY, UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND KINGSTON, RHODE ISLAND On the basis of syntypes of Fusus and Emerson (1970), Keen (1971), Vokes m exicanus Reeve, 1848, this neglected (1971), _or Abbott (1974), although: 1) the species is recognized to be a j unior subjective locality was stated to be Mexico; 2) Kobelt synonym of the western A tlantic muricid ( 1879, p. 17 3) placed mexicanus in the Calotrophon ostrearum (Conrad, 1846 ). Urosalpinx group and recorded it from the Syntypes of Peristernia nodulosa A. Adams, Gulf of Mexico; 3) Tryon (1880, p. 153) 1855, another overlooked species, indicate noted: "This may prove to be identical with that Adams' species is also not a fasciolariid U.[Urosalpinx] floridana Conrad, 1869, and but a senior synonym of A ttiliosa incompta if so, will have priority over that species;" (Berry, 19 60), the type of the genus A ttili­ and 4) Dall ( 1885, p. 321) listed this species osa Emerson, 1968. as Urosalpinx mexicanus in his list of Quaternary and Recent Mollusca from Much work is presently b eing done on the eastern North America. systematics of the New World muricace~n Reeve's figure rather clearly refers to a gastropods. In spite of this effort, speCies species of the genus Calotrophon. After a introduced in the literature continue to be comparison of the beachworn syntypes overlooked due to the fact that some of the (plate 1, figs. 1-3) with numerous specimens diverse muricaceans w ere described as of this group, one must conclude that Fusus belonging to other gastropod groups. Such is mexicanus is con specific with "JI.Jurex" the case with Fusus mexicanus Reeve, 1848, ostrearum Conrad, 1846, a species placed by and Peristernia nodulosa A. Adams, 1855, McLean and Emerson ( 1970) in the genus which have remained unrecognized by recent Calotrophon Hertlein and Strong, 19 51. investigators. Examination of type mat~rial of both species has led to the conclusiOns Although the writer was unaware of t_he presented in this paper. existence of this species in Mexico, Em1ly Vokes (personal communication) advised FUSUS MEXICANUS Reeve, 1848 that it occurs along the western and northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. A Plate 1, figs.1-5 specimen that is virtually identical to the syntypes is here figured (fig. 4). It comes Fusus mexicanus REEVE, 1848, ConcJ:ologia Iconica, v. 4, Fusus, pl. 19, fig. 77. from a locality to the north of Campeche Uro salpinx m exicanus (Reeve). KOBELT, 1879, (TU R 353), which is here designated as :he J ahrb. Deutsch. Malak . Ges., v. 6, p. 173. type locality. (See Vok~s paper precedmg Uro s~lpinx mexicanus (Reeve). TRYON, 1880~ this for additional locality data and com­ Man. Conch., v. 2, p. 153, pl. 39, f1g. 482 (afteJ plete synonymy.) Reeve). U S Urosalpinx mexicanus (Reeve). DALL, 1885, · · Geol. Su.rv., Bull. 24, p. 321. PERISTERNIA NODULOSA Type material: Sy ntypes (3~ in the Bri:ish Museum (Natural History); one figured by Reeve, A. Adams, 1855 1848, pl. 19, fig. 77 (see plate 1, figs. 1, 5). Type locality: "Mexico" (Y ucum Balam, Plate 1, figs. 6-8 Campeche, TU R-3 53, here designated). Peristenlia nodulosa A. ADAMS, 1855, Zoo!. SJc. Remarks: Fusus m exicanus Reeve, 1848, London, Proc., (1854), p. 313. 1s not mentioned in the works of McLean C:oralliophila nodulosa (Adams:. MEL VI LL, 1891' 133 134 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 12 Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., Mem. Proc., (ser. 4) ( 1971 ), and Keen ( 1971) made no reference v. 4, pp. 409, 410. to Peristernia nodulosa A. Adams. Peristernia IIOdH!osa Adams. HEDLEY, 1908, Peristernia nodulosa A. Adams, 1855, is Linncan Soc. New South Wales, Proc., v. 33, P· here considered to be conspecific with Attili­ 486, pl. 8, fig. 11 (syntype). osa incompta (Berry, 1960) and, being an Type material: Syntypes (2) in the Briti_sh earlier name, the correct name for this Museum (Natural History); Hed~ey, 1908, pl. 8, flg. 11, figured one of these specimens (see plate 1, eastern Pacific species should be A ttiliosa figs. 6,7). nodulosa (A. Adams, 1855). Type locality: "Australia." Remarks: Because so few malacologists ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS have studied members of the Fasciolariidae, Assistance while visiting the British certain species, such as Peristernia nodulosa Museum (Natural History) was kindly A. Adams, have remained members of the provided by J. Taylor and J. Peake. Funds family, although their obvious affinities lie enabling me to visit European collections elsewhere. Melvill (1891) in his monograph originated from: National Science Founda­ of Latirus, correctly noted that nodulosa did tion Grant GB 27911, Dr. Reed Rollins, not belong to that group, and he placed Principal Investigator; the Biology Depart­ Adams' species in the genus Coralliophila. ment, Harvard University; and a Sigma Xi Hedley ( 1908, p. 486, pl. 8, fig. 11) Gran t-in-Aid-of-Research. Dr. Ruth D examined and figured a syntype of this Turner of the Museum of Comparative species stating: "This species has not been Zoology, Harvard University, provided me figured or again noticed in literature. It was with copies of the articles by A. Adams and originally reported from Australia, but I am Hedley, and kindly read a draft of the paper not acquainted with an Australian shell like Dr. Emily Vokes offered important com­ it." ments and assisted with the preparation of An examination of the syntypes in the this paper; her help has been greatly appreci British Museum (Natural History) (plate 1, a ted. figs. 6,8 ), leads me to believe that the Adams' species must be considered to be LITERATURE CITED conspecific with a muricacean species described over a century later, Coralliophila ABBOTT, R.T., 1974, American Seashells, 2nd ed incompta Berry, 1960. The latter species, Van Nostrand. 663 p., numerous figs. , 24 colo· the type of the genus Attiliosa Emerson, pls. 1968, was placed by Emerson in the ADAMS, A. , 1855, Descriptions of twenty-seven new species of shells from the collection of Thaidinae, near the genus Crania H. and A. Hugh Cuming, Esq.: Zool. Soc. London, Pro Adams, 1853. Emerson (1968), Vokes for 1854, p. 311-317. PLATE 1 Figures 1-5. Calotrophon ostrearum (Conrad) (X 2) 1-3. British Museum (Nat. Hist.). Syntypes of Fusus mexicanus Reeve. Locality: Mexico. Recent. 4. USNM 711119; height 22.0 mm, diameter 11.5 mm. Locality: TU R-35 3, Yucum Balam, Ca'rnpeche, Mexico. Recent. 5. Reeve, 1848, Conchologia Iconica, v. 4, Fusus, pl. 19, fig. 77. 6-8. Attiliosa nodulosa (A. Adams) (X 2) 6, 8. British Museum (Nat. Hist.). Syntypes of Peristernia nodulosa A. Adams. Locality: "Australia." Recent. 7. Hedley, 1908, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, pl. 8, fig. 11. No.3 Two Supposed Fasciolariids 135 2a 3a lb ,( 2b 3b 5 8 6 PLATE 1 136 Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology Vol. 12 BERRY, S.S., 1960, Notices of new eastern Pacific Montfort: J ahrb. Deutsch. Malak. Gesell., v. 6, Mollusca IV: Leaflets in Malacol., v. 1, no. p. 168-174. MCLEAN, J.H., and W.K. EMERSON, 1970, 19, p. 11 =i-122. CONRAD, T.A .. 1846, Descriptions of new spe Cies Calotrophon, a New World muricid genus of fossil and rece·1t shells and corals: Acad. Nat. (Gastropoda: Muricacea): Veliger v. 13, p. So. Philadelphia, Pro c., v. 3, p. 19-27, pl. 1. 57-62, 1 pl. DALL, W. H., 1885, List of the Marine Mollusca MELVILL,J.C., 1891, An historical account ofthe comprising the Quaternary fossils and Recent genus Latirus (Montfort) and its dependencies, forms from Amcncan localities between Cape with descriptions of eleven new species, and a Hatteras and Cape Roque including the catalogue of Latirus and Peristernia: Man­ Bermudas: U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 24, 336 p. chester Lit. Phil. Soc., Mern. Proc., (ser. 4) v. 4, EMERSON, W.K., 1968, Taxonomic placement of p. 365-411, 1 pl. Coralliopllila incompta Berry, 1960, with the REEVE, L.A., 184 7-1848, Monograph of the ge nus proposal of a new genus, Attiliosa: Vcliger, v. Fusus: Conchologia Iconica, v. 4, Fusus, pls. 10, p. 379-381, 5 text figs., pl. 53. 1-14 (1847); pls. 15-21 (1848). HEDLEY, C.. 1908, Studies on Australian TRYON, G.W., JR., 1880, Manual of Conchology, Mollusca. Part X: Linnean Soc. New South v. 2, Muricinae, Purpurinae. Philadelphia. 289 Wales, Proc., v. 33, p. 456-489, pls. 7-10. p., 70 pls. KEEN, A.M., 197L Sea shells of tropical west VOKES, E.H., 1971, Catalogue of the genusMurex America, 2nd cd., Stanford University Press. Linne (Mollusca: Gastropoda); Muricinae, 1064 p., numerous figs., 22 color pls. Ocenebrinae: Bulls. Amer. Paleontology, v. 61, KOBEL T, W ., 1879, Catalog der Gattung Trophon no. 268, 141 p. September 15, 197 6 (continued from page 132) come to notice earlier, then Johann Schopf rather than William Maclure might be known 8. GEOLOGY OF EASTERN NORTH as the " Father of American Geology". In the AMERICA, by Johann David Schopf; an present edition, the full text is available for annotated translation of Beytrage zur the first time in English and re-evaluation of JI,Jineralogischen Kenntniss des Ostlichen Schopf's contributions (from this more Thiels von Nord-Amerika und seiner easily readable form) is made possible. Geburge, 1787, by Edmund M. Spieker BENCHMARK PAPERS IN GEOLOGY, (translator) with a foreword by George edited by Rhodes W. Fair bridge, selected W. White: and, a facsimile reprint of the anthologies of papers or journal articles original German text.
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