Blanket Tax Goal Is Set Launched Cranmer Club is Sponsor of At 750 Sales Program Which Will Last Until October 20 Event Will Take Place Monday ys Laughter and Books May Be Purchased at Desk By Frances Foster sters will be answered tomorrow when At Commons From 4 to 6— fiends Arc Also In Sallyport—Compulsory One of the most ambitious projects the Owls take on the T.S.A.I, eleven Faculty Invited Important For Office Holders attempted by a Rice student organiza- from Klngsville. Coaches Bud.McCal- tion will begin Monday. September 26, Li jSW Freshmen of the class of 1936 and when the Cranmer club starts it# drive lum and Cal Jewett expect to bring Stressing j benefits of learning and Seven hundred and fifty blanket lux to Rice field Saturday an outfit that the new students at Rice Institute will sales has been set a.T a Rani of the for funds to keep Autry house open. Will give the Instituters a real tussle be honor guests at this annual recep- research iplicd to science; laugh- Student association by Ben Swell, This center of religious and social ac- 111 from the staring kick-off at 2:30 until tion given by the Woman's council ter, and lb fe<jf friends, Dr. Edgar treasurer. tivity will be forced to .close unless*. the fins! Whistle later that evening. and the Student council Monday, Sep- Odell Love Resident of the Rice In- "If the students only realized what $1000 is raised by October 20. This year's Javelinas are a much tember 26, at the Commons from 4 to a bargain they were getting, I am sure A one dollar pledge by each student G o'clock. Irma Fonville, president of stitute | the annual matricu- would more than put the campaign stronger aggregation than the one that lation the freshman class that we would sell more than that," lost to the Owls 37-0 last year, Ifoe the Woman's council and Gordon Wt* t Sewell stated. over, officers in charge of dw drive Nicholson, president of the Student Wednesday, Hfclng in the Physics Officials in charge of the blanket tax pointed c*ut. 'tile outfit did not really get : last season until after the Rice council, will be assisted in receiving amphithea' campaign wish to make clear that the From September 26 to October 20 by the following officers: Leota Meyer, will be dedicated to the job of raising game, ay the time their .first confer- 'it was boning- meeting of the fee entitles the student to admission ence contest rolled around, the Jave- vice president, and Collier Cooke, sec- to all Ricq. athletic events, basketball, the necessary funds. The student body, retary-treasurer of the Woman's -twenty-fi ptjrnic year of the Rice the alumni, and Houstonians will be linas hit their stride and burned U] Institute. baseball, track, tennis, golf, etc., and the T. I. A. A., walking away from council! Jennie V. Sweeney, vice pres- not just to the football games as sev- asked for contributions Desks will be rest of the field to take the flag. Thi ident, and Roy Sewell, treasurer of the The ad<j attended by 440 eral who have bought the tax believed, in conspicuous places in Autry house ll Student council. and, while the students will not be North Texas Teachers who held the freshmen limbers of the board Sewell pointed out that the tax is dunned, it is hoped that they will show powerful T. C. U. Frogs to a 14-2 ' Other members of the two councils of trv jpiculty. Many upper- compulsory for all students holding who will be present to welcome the Wiley" George, head yell leader at their appreciation of the use they have- score last Saturday are members of Rice, made his first "fight" talk of classmen Wded into the lecture elective offices. This announcement the T. I. A. A* conference also. Many new students include Robert Blair, was made for the benefit of those made by Autry house by voluntary the year in a plea for loyalty iand hall to heg talk. contributions. observers rate the Javelinas with their William McKinney, James Fite, Frank Pat Quinn, • popular Institute stu- freshmen or upperclassmen who might support at the large Rally club meet- Pledges, payable on offite suitable to large number of third year men even Wallace,'Stella McNeir, William Bar. "We may ^without laughter but dent, is the leader of the orchestra run for office in the next general ing of campus leaders Monday. * the student, will be accepted. stranger than the Denton Teachers. p/m, Milton Williams, George Allen, we cannot ||*ithotit friends," Dr. which plays at the Rice Saturday school election. Dorothy Quiii, Lenoir Bowen. Annie The fact that Autry house was able With the exception of Lou Hassel, Lovett tol| dances. He is also an assistant yell Besides the athletic events the fee Louise Perlltz, Kathryn Pearson and eshmen. to open this fall is due to contributions Red Dickey, and possibly Bob Shult leader. entitles one to a copy of every issue After s, the president made last year by the Elizabeth Bald- Who has been nur^ng a Elizabeth Black. of the three student publications—the : win Literary society, the band, the *•**."•«—\ the we^».fv®i^-,.ij||«mhe)F »pf -. The-faculty is especially urged to be eration | each member of the Owl, humor magazine, The Thresher, present. , Rally club, and the Baptist Student ilP1 weekly newspaper carrying all cam- pus news, and the Rice yearbook, the union, according to Mrs. Eugene natriculation address "Football" Blake. Lee Chatham, director of the ijto. Lovett is reprinted Campanile which retails for seven dol- «> lars per copy. Rice band, donated $50 last week. For the benefit of those who have Leaders of the student movement are Dance Set anxious to make it clearly understood - r not yet purchased their blanket tax, a - sophomore prospects, Bill Wallace mOTff"praasant ana desk is maintained in the tialjyport that Autry house is hot dcnon- tRoti"** ! officials in charge stated. or partisan. All religious, social, mu- Eagle Lake and John McCauley of Rally Club Names Jimmy Fite < very day from 9 till 12. Hubbard, has brightened the outlook Plans Laid This Week Wiley George, head yell .leader, also f sical, and dramatic groups bold their for the Owls. The ability of Ox Hin- As New President in urges that as many students as pos-.i meetings 1 lie re. Business Session 1 At the conclusion , of tl... drive f ri- man, another sophomore, who was siblc'buy their blanket atjcl bi» on ( _ ., , . , • shifted from tackle to end, to snag Pep Leaders For Dramatic Officials Are Greatly Pleased band for the first football name of tji d >v m-'ht ,h< : Stufl,'V1' ':"uncsl , « passes has cheered up the. Owl coach- An organized student body will bo | With Turnout at season with T S. A 1 "hi,- <-iHnd[ ,r,t' '* cl lIUl •,t 11 ing staff considerably. tiie direct result of the important mass | Last Affair !'" : .I'spl,inform;!' a1 dance to celebrate. A tentative list of possible starters Introduced pieeting of a hundred campus leaders i All members OI the faculty ttriuld Club Plays After a very successful opening for Saturday's game includes the fol- held at I he Autry house Monday night j not o<. reached in time for :'!ieir views: lowing: Dick Lauterbach or Odis Har- night, ihe official Rice Siituul.iv night j to aOpi il in this 'Thresher, bVg.i.strai ris at center; Fay Lagow and Harold under the auspices of the Rally club. Huge Membership Campaign dance will again take 'place .at ijil Wife 14 nice Men • J'jp" jil^C'abn;. pave 1 tjtii.s . statement, "1 To Engineers 1 Michelson at guards; Bob Myer and Pledges oi support and a spirit of eh- j Begun—Season Tickct versrity club >vS-th Pat tjuiyrn aid las ; I'-ope 'tie .'Kulrhts are -lul ill Fred Lauterbach at tackle; Dan Rich- thusiasm for the coming grid season 1 Prices Announced orchestra furnishing the nife'e, XJpiiiiten Are Listed In •! ,:'a . if- to i able funds l'-i A I try ardson or Monk Adams and Ox Hin- Plans for Ball Are Discussed at formed the gist of each speaker's talk. Nicholson, student pre.*v. ai.noniieul ii(' ji it o.rv it. purpose well," mun at ends; V. C. Driscol] or Henry today. j—mm i. Di.::'l A T ::• • • •!"', 1. - r< ,1 his First Meeting of Year Held Heads of each organization were in-j General plans of the Rice Dramatic Clore at quarterback; John McCauley Wednesday Th" 1anc< ;n< inpll . > !' ' favoi i'll ;Autry h»r. t or Kelly Scott and Jap Trasher at the Upduced to the gathering by Allen | club for the 1932-33 season were out- c clock. 8 The i-•la.-v.viri.: <• id. • • •• hr.vo halves; and Tom Driscoll at fullback. "Chicken" Chamberlain, temporary lined by Robert Talley, president, at Spurred by the hhc uiii/m1 IiM • ( '< nr.r .'i 1st. P .••• The first regular meeting of the Rice Although these men are the ones most chairman. Captain Tom Driscoll was Saturday, the dance comimta••• I.a. , . Institute Engineering society was held the first club meeting, at Autry house. n likely to start, Coach Meagher may given a rousing ovation when he was designated tomorrow's affair as a spc- Trustees, in the senior commons Wednesday, 1 Three major productions and approx- shift the entire lineup before the presented .
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