DRIVE TO EXIST THE WESTFIELD LEADER DURING 1966 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY l'ulillflicil 32 Pages—10 CenU WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1!)()G Kvt'ry Thuradu Absentee Voters 'l YMCA Week May Apply For lt School Huliot Million School Budget Adopted; Because of the interest in the >servances Listed school board election Feb. 8, Howard Tomlinson, secretary of the board, has indicated the 'jiviiMn's Receptio n Sunday At 3:30 P. M., proper way to secure an absen- Yule Program Controversy Revealed Vimual Open House Jan. 29 Scheduled tee ballot. Eligihlis may vote by absentee , j Ljnco]n, president of the Westfield YMCA, ballot for the following reasons Ji + iav th-it the local Y will join in the observ- nnly: if they arc outside the Candidates Asked Views On 200 In Audience For Hearing •C"V liotril YMCA Week," Jan. 23-30, with 1800 slate on Feb. 8, 1966; because of 11 Janr-hes across the nation. According to Mr. Lin- illness or physical disability; be- School Bd. eciaI events planned for the week include the ob- cuuse of a religious holiday or Annual Sr. High Pageant At WHS On 1966-67 Outlay nf YMCA Sunday in many local churches this because of resident attendance and the first annual Layman's Recognition recep- lit a school, college or univer- That the presentation of the traditional Christmas More than 200 persons attended the public hearing sity, which makes it impossible Pageant at the Senior High School may become an issue Candidates Tuesday night in the Senior High School cafeteria on the {he afternoon. to cast a ballot in person. in the school election for members of the Hoard of Edu- Board of Education's proposed $6,099,169 budget for the Robert II. Mulreany will be cation Feb. 8 was indicated Tuesday night, when board •ed speaker on Ihe occasion Those who desire an absentee 1966-67 school year. The measure which calls for a total ballot should write or apply in candidates were asked their position on the question. of $5,251,551.68 to be raised locally through property yman's Reception, with the The discussion came near the end of the public hear- Tell Stand starting at 3:30 p.m. The person to the Secretary of the taxes will go before the school district voters Feb. 8. The Board of Education, 305 Elm St., ing on the school budget, for winch the meeting had been The leader learned today (hat outlay was formally approved by the Board of Education will include the prescnta- at once. No requests will be hon- called, and continued after formal adoption of the budget because of the Issue raised at at the close of Tuesday nijrht's hearing. certificates to volunteer ored after Jan. 31. The request by the board. the public hearing Tuesday night It is estimated that the proposed instructors, and workers Mrs. J. Pennington Waiter of 5421tlw programs not be presented dur- Dr. Ashton B. Cuckler questioned must slate home address, the ing .school hours. on (he I9CG-67 school budget, (he school budget if adopted will in- od the YMCA in 1965 by address (o which the ballot is K. Broad St. asked Norman Morash, Joint Civic Committee candi- why only $13,000 was allotted for oln Several skits will be president of the Board of Education "The board," Mr. Morash said, crease the school's tax rate to $4.30 summer school and drew the com- to be sent, the reason why the dates for election to (he school per $100 of assessed valuation, an in- featuring volunteer serv- if the principal of Westfield High "agreed to consider Uie matter and ment from Norman Morasli, board applicant will be unnblc to vote spent many hours looking into I he board Kvb. 8 felt that (hey should crease of 31 cents over last yeur. veral areas of Y activity, at his usual polling place, and School (Dr. Robert L. Foose) clarify liielr positions in the best president that past custom had been changed the schedule for the WHSlegality of the presentations, (he During the course of the public to provide only for make-up studies. lents for the program were it must be signed with the ap- number of years the custom had interests of ull concerned. a special conimittee chair- plicant's signature. Christmas Pageant "at the last min- participation in the budget proceed- Mr. Morash said the board was now been followed, the history behind the The candidates, Mrs. Chnllis ugs a questioner from tile floor ames F. Wright, and in- ute." Weiss, Robert Olums, Norman working to expand the summer Historically, the program has been establishment of Ihe programs, and raised a question relative to the school program to provide sessions arl Wright and James H. tried to see what the effect of any Morush, current hoard president, Christmas programs in the public Get Dog Licenses Eurly held at assembly programs during and George Plenty jointly issued aiming toward accomplishments In Christmas week for the student body change would be. The board also schools. This subject is covered in the future. He stated that reading igram will include a recep- The deadline for purchasing tried to determine what had gone on the following statement: a separate story in today's edition cw staff members, Thomas and then presented in the evening for courses and others will be added In 1966 dog licenses Is Jim. 31. All the general public. in other areas. •'We us individuals hold that of the Westfield Leader. working toward this goal. Mr. Mor- kill and DeForest E- Tink- doss seven months and older (he Christmas Pageant should At the conclusion cf the formal their wives. Refreshments Mr. Morash told his questioner the "The result was that in October ash added, "it is just a matter of must hiive licenses and these the committee representing Hie Tem- be continued us long us 11 is presentation James N. Sabbagh, time before we will have school ses- icrved at the close of the answer was no—that the change had legal (o do so. niny be obtained from the Town been ordered by the board several ple and the board got together and president of the Wcslfiold education sions almost 12 months of the year. Clerk's office hi the Municipal it was explained that the proposed "Alterations or eliminations of Association read a prepared state- MAYOR ROBERT II. MULREANY Building. T'u licenses must be weeks before. In introducing the budget Mr. Mor- hout Y Week, members are Asked to explain the reason for the Christmas program at WHS was in (lie Christinas programs would ment expressing the support of the bring friends on a guest Who will be guest speaker for applied fn • in person. Early re- intent and in fact cultural and edu- remove from the curriculum W1CA for the proposed salary guide ush said that the board had been YMCA's Laymen's Reception sponse r'.'l save waiting li line. change Mr. Morash appeared hesi- working on it since May of last participate in the various tant to do so and was advised Uy cational and was not a worship serv- part of (he cultural and educa- which constitutes the major portion i — other than instruction ice and thai the board felt it should tional experiences valuable (or of the budget. year, conferring with Interested several members of the board to groups, and that the final proposal there will be several win- remain silent. be continued." proper training of our children." In conclusion, Mr. Sabbagh said, Says depicting Y activities "The teachers of Westfield . urge represents many hundreds of hours Inter-Faith Panel Talk Mr. Morash, however, chose to Mr. Morash then said, "While the The Westfield Lrndcr also ask- of work. : The Leader office, West- bring out in the open the facts sur- board considered the pageant as ed Arthur Sommerfleld of 319 that the board approve the proposed g, llahne & Company. Bar- rounding the alterations in the WHScultural and educational we possibly Lynn l.ane, an independent cau- budget . and we strongly recom- lie then introduced Mr. Roberts, Crain, and Lee K. Waring, pageant and made the following had erred in the past in allowing ilUUile for the Ihri'c year term mend that every qualified voter ex- who gave a brief analysis of the fi- mial open house observance To Open Forum Series statement: some student.s to be excused from on the board, who was nut pres- ercise his voting privilege on t'eh. li nancial breakdown of the budget. eld Saturday, Jan. 29, with "Early in May of last year the attend ing." ent at Tuesduy night's hearing, and vote "yes" for quality education Mr. Huberts explained that tho and special events taking The 11th annual Trinity Forum Applications for the scholarship board was approached by four citi- "Shortly afterwards," Mr. Morash if he cared to comment on the in West field. salary provisions totaling 75 per oughout the day. Included opens next Wednesday evening in may be mailed to the scholarship zens representing the governing continued, "we received an urgent issue that was raised from the Mrs. Irene T. Griffin asked what cent of the outlay cover payments ampiog exhibits, gym andthe Holy Trinity High School audi- committee secretary, Mrs. John E. group of Temple Emanu-El in West- request to ugain meet with the Tem- floor. the total pupil registration was andto more than 550 salaried members sscs, basketball, wrestling torium with an inter-faith panel dis- O'Brien of 866 Dorian Md., up tofield.
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