Defends Burge Hall Construction 8y HARRY NEYENS Meeting In the Pentacrest Room dormitory is more abused than nine·page letter for the Board dissimilar from what the average logs in bathrooms, the letter said board rates being higher than stnacUon, operation policies. .' Staff Writer of the Memorial Union Wednesday any other building on campus - which attempts to present the student has been accustomed to that this exemplifies the principle those of Iowa' I other two higber "We furthtr believe it to be a SUI President Virgil M. Han· afternoon, the Regents discussed no matter whether boys or girls philosophy governing the opera· in his own home." that good dormltory Ii Ying aod learr1inJ iDltilUtJoos is that SUI worthy mod.el for tile CurrIer ..t. cher Wednesday defended Burge the plans with representatives of live there," he said. tion and expansion 01 SUI's r.es­ In answering where a line is to good economics go hand in band. provides more "services" for its ditioo and. quite possibly, rot Hall before the State Board of Alfillisch, 0 Iso n, Gray, and The consensus of the Board was idence hall program, and to claro be drawn between good standards In the newer dormitories, both donnitory residenceJ. '1'heIe serv· other dormitories which we must Regents as "the anchor" of SUI's Thompson. The firm, which is to that it is not fair 10 compare ify some of the issues which have and luxury, Hancher's letter said, walls and ceilings are entirely ices are in the form 0( 1i.oelI, build within tile IIUt few )-ean." dormitory system. Hancher en· design the new Currier addition, costs of units in the planned addi. been raised. Following are some "dormitory construction is fi· tiled. In Burge Ball, for instance, laundry. minlmal c1eaninc service Alter tnt mffiinc oC the Board, dorsed the construction of Burge, also designed Burge. tion to costs of units in dorm· of the major points of the letter: nanced by long term loans from this cost $1-$1.25 more per square and room telephones. the Educational Poliey Commit· including its controversial tiled The main reason for the meeting Itories here or elsewhere. "In formulating its residence private investors to be paid back root than a plaster wall would The letter stated that SUI Is tee 01 the Board met with the bathrooms, as "by far (SUI's) was the recent barrage of critl· Hancher told the Board, "We hall policies, SUI begins with the through student dormitory fees have cosl Experience has shown continually striving to get the beat SUI Farolty Council to dilcuss a mosl efficient, economical build· cism against what some called the feel strongly about the dormitory premise that the dormitory sys· and dormitory earnings. that beea use of ucessJ ve Mois­ dormitori it can, COIlliistent with sueeusor fot Pr tnL Rancher. ing." "country club atmosphere" of conditions here. We are now trou· tern s h 0 u 1d contribute to the "To aUract the quantity of loan lure in rooms of this type. the economic necessities, long· term lIaneher Is to retire next spring. Mrs. Joseph Rosenfield, Board Burge. hled by the fact that we weren't learning situation. Dormitories capital needed today, dormitory plaster and paint installations In durability. student requirements 'l1Ie BulIdiJlg and Business member from Des Moines, had Regents President Harry Hage· allowed to build dormitories when should provide ample space for construction must be sound, sen· the older dormitorie are more and ~lc C!OIISlderations. Committee of the Board held a questioned the necessity of Wed mann, W~verly , said : "The Board we could have done so cheaply." the student to study in relatively sible, and long·lasting." or less in continual need 01 repair. III coocJUlioo, the letter said, aimult.aDeous meeting to discuss bathrooms for the planned addi· is certain about the high cost of This was immediately aft e r quiet and undisturbed sUfround­ The letter from H8IIcher point· With the cost of patching and "The University feels that Burge the building 01 an administratlon tion to Currier. HaU after repre· dormitory living. It wants to World War [I, aD(! some people ings. led out that Burge Hall was built painting now at 25 cents to 30 Hall, wbleb has become the cor· buildU1l at the State Collece of sentatives of a Decorah architec· make the jlddition as economical thought they would save the Uni· "And they should provide ac· and furnlsbed at a cost of ",288 cents per square foot per year. neratone for SUI's present dorm· Iowa, Cedar FaJl5. tural firm explained details of the as possible." versity from bankruptcy by not commodations which are pleasant per bed, or nearly ~5 below the Burge's tiled bathrooms will pay itory operation and which is by It is upected that lIQ/JI8 time construction to the Board. One of the architects said he permitting construction, be ex· to look at and to live in - not national average for new res­ for themselves every four or five far its MOlt efficient, economical Friday, the Board will pprove The Board is holding sessions thought it necessary to tile walls plained. luxurious, not elegant, but clearly idence hall construction. years. buildlng, speaks well for the UnJ· the budgetA for the thr~ state here through Friday. and ceilings in the bathrooms. "A Last week Hancher prepared a comfortable, clean, and not too Concerning tiled walls and ceil· One reason for Ul's room and veralty's recent planning, oon· educaUonal institution . Cost of Living Little Change P.11fy c'-fy f9d1lY -' t.nltht wfttI ec:~ May Go Up period • ., thtwen _ .......rlilerrM. Little a..... In tem .....ttwe. HItM In ........ 0utIMIt fer FIi- ail owan day: pattty c'-fy .leI.. wlttt ICItteM ....,.. See Page 3 Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City and flIUnde"...".. _ little a..... In ...,..... atvrt. Eltabllsbed in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy AaIoclated Prea Leued wtrea IDd Wlrepboto lowa City, Iowa. 'IhW'lda1, JUDe 27,1163 Fight Wages over Interim Appointees - INo Vacancy,' Hughes Told Berlin Masses Shout DES MOINES (AP) - "No family at Lake Okoboji, said Con· was on hand to watch commission way, a former mayor of Musca· proceedings Wednesday. Vacancy" signs faced Gov. Har· tine, is "mad at me because 1 But Hughes' advisers reportedly old Hughes' interim appointees didn't discuss with him his possible have told him the bonds of high. to the State Board of Control reappointment to the Board of way commissioners are subject to Control." his approval. Any holdover memo and Highway Commission Indications were after Wednes· her could have trouble getting his Wednesday as indications were day's Highway Commission meet- bond approved. Approval of Kennedy members of both agencies ing in Ames that Robert Keir of Hughes has maintained that his Spencer would remain on the com- i n t e rim appointments followed would refuse to give up their miSSion, challenging the appoint. precedent used by oUmr governors jobs, ment of Barry. many other times. He said the The controversy began with Keir and commission Chairman legal problem is a matter for the Repertory Theater Jo Stong of Keosauqua, both Re· courts to settie. Earlier this week Reception Co'lied the Iowa Senate's refusal to con· firm Hughes' nomination of Corbin publicans, had said one of them he told a news conference that both Tickets Going Fast Crawford CD·Ainsworth) to the probably would put up a legal bat· Barry and Crawford will take 0(' Board of Control, and Robert Barry tie to remain on the commission, flce July 1 in spite of tbe attorney Ticket. for the SUI Summer CD·Danubury) to lhe Highway Com· Stong said after Wednesday's meet- general's opinion . Repertory Th ••t,.. w.nt flllt Wed­ The Greatest Ev r mission, ing that he bad no intention of reo Hughes also said that the Senate Mtd.y, .nd by lilt .....~ all turning to the commission. operates in secrecy on appoint· ticket. wer. IOld .xcept for the BERLJN (oft - Pr Ident K n· 1" mUllon by poll timat Hugbes gave both men interim TERMS OF THREE Republican ments and gave him no reason for foIlowll\Sl ".,formanee.: nedy looked over th w \I dividing Kave him an unpr ced nted lind appointments. But Atty. Gen. Evan commissioners will expire June 30, rejecting Barry or no basis for tumultuou. d mo - rallon of Hultman ruled that no vacancy Molle,..'. "T.rt~": July I, 11, BcrHn Into the Red·ruled E t on but only one could remain under submitting another nominee. 22. Wednesday and declared th barb­ friend hlp and tribute Pi rre Sal. exists for them in either agency ed wire·topped barricr a vivid In cr, White 110 pr r . because the appointments were not Hultman's ruling. The third out· * * * Ten_. William.' "Stl'Wtcu going commissioner, William H. Named 0 ..1,..": July " U. symbol of Communi t fallure, tary, Did It Wa. I gr at reo legal without Senate confirmation. c pilon Kl'nnedy ha, received lillY· When there is no legally appointed Nicholas of Clear Lake, has not F d C t I As the roaring cheers of be· commented on the controversy, but un on ro Shakaspt.re'. "T.mlnt of .... leaguered We t B rllners rana out, \\ bere In the world, luccessor, Hultman said, a retir· indications were he would not try Shr.w": July 10, 24. iIIg member may hold over in his the Pr Ident saw East Berliners KeN NED Y RESPONDED In to stay 011 the commission. Sy",.'.
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