E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1998 No. 26 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was The SPEAKER pro tempore. The UNFAITHFUL called to order by the Speaker pro tem- question is on the Chair's approval of (Mr. DELAY asked and was given per- pore (Mr. BRADY). the Journal. mission to address the House for 1 f The question was taken; and the minute and to revise and extend his re- Speaker pro tempore announced that marks.) DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER the ayes appeared to have it. Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, the Presi- PRO TEMPORE Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, I object dent has been unfaithful to the historic The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- to the vote on the ground that a budget agreement that he signed only fore the House the following commu- quorum is not present and make the last year. According to the Congres- nication from the Speaker: point of order that a quorum is not sional Budget Office, the President's WASHINGTON, DC, present. newest budget plan will wipe out the March 12, 1998. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- surplus and create a $5 billion deficit I hereby designate the Honorable KEVIN ant to clause 5, rule I, further proceed- by the year 2000. If we did nothing and BRADY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this ings on this question will be postponed. kept the current plan, we would have a day. The point of no quorum is considered $38 billion surplus by the year 2000. NEWT GINGRICH, withdrawn. It is no secret that the President's Speaker of the House of Representatives. budget plan busts the spending limits f f set in last year's budget agreement. In fact, he has close to $100 billion in new PRAYER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE wasteful Washington spending. Some The Chaplain, Reverend James David The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Democrats have called this a do-noth- Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- gentleman from Iowa (Mr. BOSWELL) ing Congress. But if the choice is be- er: come forward and lead the House in the tween doing nothing and getting a sur- We know in our lives and in our Pledge of Allegiance. plus, or enacting the President's plan world there are moments of diversity Mr. BOSWELL led the Pledge of Alle- and getting higher taxes and more and times of unity. There are the giance as follows: Washington spending, then I think issues that separate us and subjects on I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the most Americans would wish that we do which we all agree. Teach us, O gra- United States of America, and to the Repub- nothing. cious God, to share together a unity of lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. Speaker, we should not let the spirit by which we focus together on indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. President cheat on the budget agree- ment he signed only last year. those values and traditions that ex- f press the high ideals of our Nation's f history. While we are many people with MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE INTRODUCTION OF BILL ON CON- many perspectives, yet we can be one SERVATION RESERVE PROGRAM in spirit and one in unity and thus A message from the Senate by Mr. (Mr. BOSWELL asked and was given demonstrate our respect and apprecia- Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- permission to address the House for 1 tion one for the other. nounced that the Senate had passed a minute and to revise and extend his re- In Your name we pray, Amen. bill of the following title, in which the concurrence of the House is requested: marks.) f Mr. BOSWELL. Mr. Speaker, it has S. 1605. An act to establish a matching come to my attention that volunteer THE JOURNAL grant program to help States, units of local government, and Indian tribes to purchase nonprofit organizations that rent land The SPEAKER pro tempore. The armor vests for use by law enforcement offi- from a State entity are precluded from Chair has examined the Journal of the cers. entering land into the Conservation last day's proceedings and announces Reserve Program. I am introducing leg- to the House his approval thereof. f islation today to allow nonprofit orga- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- nizations who rent or lease land from a ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER nal stands approved. State or political subdivision to par- Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, pursuant PRO TEMPORE ticipate in the Conservation Reserve to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Program. agreeing to the Speaker's approval of Chair will entertain 5 one-minutes on The 1996 farm bill established a new the Journal. each side. Conservation Reserve Program, and its b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1115 H1116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 12, 1998 purpose was to increase its emphasis copter to a Virginia hospital with frac- In my district, Portland schools on preserving and enhancing our natu- tures of her skull, arm and pelvis. Her alone would save $3 to $4 million a year ral resources, moving away from the HMO refused to pay the hospital, say- in equipment and hundreds of thou- old land idling purposes of the early ing it failed to obtain sands of dollars a year for operations. 1980s. ``preauthorization.'' Across the country, schools and librar- My bill would further this effort by This decision by Jacqueline's HMO ies can expect to save over $2 billion a encouraging volunteer nonprofit orga- defies common sense, yet we all know year. Clearly, the E-Rate will make a nizations to use the tools of the Con- that she is not alone. More and more difference in society's efforts to pre- servation Reserve Program to preserve Americans are finding themselves up pare our children for the future. Unfor- and enhance the upkeep of environ- against a wall that keeps them from tunately, it is not clear that the FCC mentally sensitive lands in rural com- getting the health care services that shares our commitment, having pro- munities that might otherwise be ne- they need. vided only one-third of what will be re- glected. Such organizations would be This is wrong. When you are suffer- quired by the FCC's own estimates. responsible for complying with all ing from an accident or illness, you The FCC will fortunately reconsider other aspects of the new Conservation need to focus and have all your ener- its position in 6 months. It is time for Reserve Program and my proposed leg- gies involved in getting well. You Members of Congress to show their sup- islation makes no changes to the eligi- should not have to battle with your in- port for this critical program. I urge bility of land allowed to be entered surance company for the coverage that my colleagues to join me in a letter to into the CRP. you deserve. the FCC in support of the E-Rate. I am hopeful that my colleagues can This body needs to act on common- f join me in moving this legislation for- sense managed care reform. I urge the ward and allow rural communities to Republican leadership of this House to MORE ON MANAGED CARE better preserve wildlife and water qual- stop blocking reform, schedule a vote (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked ity in rural areas. on managed care reform today. and was given permission to address f f the House for 1 minute and to revise THE IRS THE TAX CODE and extend her remarks.) Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. (Mr. GIBBONS asked and was given (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- Speaker, I ask those of you this morn- permission to address the House for 1 mission to address the House for 1 ing how many of you felt pain, the pain minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- of having a youngster break his leg, marks.) marks.) and your managed care insurance indi- Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, in April Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, while Re- cated that it does not meet the deduct- of 1996, a deadly tornado struck Fort publicans are working to sunset the ible; or the pain of having an older par- Smith, Arkansas, causing widespread tax code and consign it to the ash heap ent whose treatment is not able to be destruction, yet almost a full 2 years of history, the President has an- gotten in the jurisdiction in which you after this tragedy, the citizens of this nounced that to do so would be irre- live, and you have to transport them town are yet again facing another ter- sponsible. across State lines, the United States of ror. That is right, the IRS. Leaving the President's relationship America, and being denied by your IRS agents are auditing these fami- with young interns aside, I think it is HMO that service for that elderly par- lies for not correctly reporting their time for the President to come clean ent that you so care and love for.
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