>U«»(8J62SS885S8SEBgS!aKii«s»»J»Bi£^w«i- „ «,, T*-T-^-' In Memoriam Sept. 26,1897: Bqrn (On the Development of Peoples), focusing the problems of underdeveloped countires. Pope Paul VI Sept. 30,1897: Baptized July 24,1967: Issued encyclical: "Sacerdotalis Caelibatus" 18841978 May 29; 1920: Ordained Priest. (Priestly Celibacy), reaffirming the traditional Latin Church practice of a n unmarried clejrgy. Oct., 1924: Assigned to the Vatican Secretariat of State, Community where he was to remain for 30 years, j " July 25, 1967: Flew to; Turkey to meet with the late Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I and to visit Ephesus, Savings Bank Dec. 12,1954: Ordained Archbishpp of Milan. site of the Ecumenical Council of 431. Dec. 15,1958: Made a cardinal by Pope John XXIII. July 25, 1968: Issued encyclical, "Humanae Vitae" (Of ; ; Human Life), condemning all forms of artificial birth I control. June 21,1963: Elected Pope. Aug. 22-24,1968 In Bogata, Colombia, to take part in the In Memoriam Sept. 29,1963: Reconvened the Second Vatican Council, j 39th Inteniational Eucharistic Congress and address the Latin American bishops meeting in plenary assembly. Jan. 2-4,1964: yisited the Holy Land. Met with the late Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagorasj I, spiritual head of June 10,1 1969: Addressed officials an and staff of the Eastern Orthodoxy!. World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland. Pope Paul VI Dec. 2«5, 1964: :Vis"Yisitei d Bombay, India, to take part in 38th May 9, 1970: Held first of a series of meetings with International Eucharistic Congress. ' Patriarchs of three Oriental Orthodox Churches, marking 1897-1978 the first such encounters in over 15 centuries. Aug. 6,1964: IssueI d his first encyclical "Ecclesiam Suarri" (His Church) on church renewal. Nov. 23,11970: Decreed that Cardinals 80 years of age and older could hot take part in a conclave to elect a Pope. Dec. 15,1965: Established the Synod of Bishops. i First National Bank i Nov. 26-Dec. 5, 1970.: Ten-day, 30,000 mile journey to Oct. 5, 1965: Addressed the United Nations General the Far East t Assembly in New York on the theme Of world Peace. of Rochester 1 ; v : March 29,1971: Signalizing a high point in his policy of detente wijth Communist regimes in Eastern Furope, Dec. 7, 1965: Paul and Patriarch Athenagoras nullify received President Titjo of Yugoslavia on a state visit to the excommunications] of the reigning) Roman Pontiff and Eastern Patriarch in 1054. Vatican. March 22-24, 1966: Met at the Vatican with Dr. Arthur .May 23, J 974: Issued proclamation for 1975 Holy Year. Michael Ramsey, then Archbishop of Canterbury and, spiritual head of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Oct. 15* 1976: Authorized a document by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Which said that Aug. 6, 1 1966 : Decreed that resident bishops should the Church "does njst consider itself authorized to admit submit their resignations at the age of 75, with acceptance or women to priestly ordination rejection left to the1 discretion of the Pope. April 28-29, 1971 Met at the Vatican ]ivith Anglican CHURCH SUPPLIES AND RELIGIOUS ARTICLES March 26,1967 Issued landmark encyclical, "Populorum Archbishop Donald Coggan of Canterbury, j Pilgrim ofPeacei MOURNS THE LOSS OF From 6 From POPE PAUL VI their heavenly patrpness, the Virgin Mary, under the title; of U.N. Secretary General U Thant a diamond pectoj-al cross MAY HIS SOUL FIND OurLadyof-Bonana. , a|nd bishop's ring' vrhich he privately referred to as the most Paul's tenth, and final trip outside Italy - to the Far EasJ - precious things I own." They were valued £t $150,000 and ETERNAL REST WITH GOD also in 1970 (Nov.j 26-Dec. 5), was the most extensive ahd he asked that they be sold to start a U.Nl Freedom from strenuous of his pilgrimages abroad. Hunger Campaign OUR FATHER WHOM HE During bis Manila stay, Paul took part in the final sessijon of the Pan-Asian Catholic Bishops'' Conference, where, Pope Pajil then went to the nearby Church of the Holy SERVED SO FAITHFULLY among other things, he heard missionary bishops appeal for a Family to meet anid talk with American leaders of the change in Latin Church discipline to allow married men to be Catholic, Protestant,, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish faiths. or dained priests, j In the final act of his Manila visit, he drove to the city's In the evening, h„e celebrated an open-air (Mass at Yankee teeming slum of Tjondo and visited a family there in their Stadium before the largest crowd ever assembled there. two-room shanty. He also made a donation of an unspecified amount of money for the Tondo residents. On his way to Kennedy Airport, bringing his 14-hour stay Trant's Catholic Supply Leaving the Philippines, Paul visited Pago Pago in to a close, the Popf paid a visit to the Vatican Pavilion at the 96 N. Clinton Avenue American Somoa, and then flew to Sydney. Paul participated New York World's' Fair. i in an ecumenical prayer service, sponsored by the Australian Council of Churches, in the Town Hall. At the airport, he made a short speech, which ended, "God Ending his 30,000-mile odyssey, Pope Paul arrived back at bless Amerifca! God bless You all!" . > the Vatican on Dec. 5. From 2 U RE X locked up with the cardinals X° ' '*PO«TANTTOO* and all are sworn to secrecy. Four ballots a day are taken. Each cardinal receives The world mourns a great a ballot, with the legend in Latin, "I elect as High Pontiff man of peace and comf Wishes To Express Its ray very Reverend Signor..." passion. I Sympathy At The Passing Of Although cardials are traditionally fleeted, theoretically any male Pope Paul VI Catholic is eligible to become Pope Paul VI the pope. The ballots are dropped into a silver chalice and a {teller annpuncesfthe results to the cardials, giving totals received by each nominee. If no pope is chosen atjtrie endof eacbJ twobaUots* the votes are burned with wetisttaw to the Management and Employees of creat black smokej When a pope is chosen the ballots are j Pittsford and Ridgemont Stores hurried with # Straw and ctemkab that produce white Star Supermarkets, Inc. ,sn^f|fmc*incink M, «* : outside world that a new pope aSteS:. IftSsfc • .• ••••)-. ••,_^^^ iiHMii mmm±d. .
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