Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1995 Daily Egyptian 1995 9-8-1995 The Daily Egyptian, September 08, 1995 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1995 Volume 81, Issue 13 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1995 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1995 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside: A Self-Massage for Headache Relief Workshop to be held Sept. 12 - page 3 - Daily Egyptian Fr::~:ts Southern Illinois Uni\'ersity .it C.irbondale Vol. 81, No. 13, 20 pages Speech at noon, gone by 2 p.m. Clinton to speak at Pulliam; first come, first serve By Donita Polly By Cai:y Jane Atherton Daily [gypti,m Reporter and Juhe Rendleman Daily Egyptian Reporters Pn:sidenl Bill Clinton will fly into Southern Illinois Aii,xm alxwtl Air Force One around 9:30 a.111. As the presidential visit Monday. Fmm there. a motnrcadc approaches, federal and local will bring Clinton I•} SIUC where · authorities say they have he is expectcd to deliver a speech teamed up for the visit to and speak with s111de111s about ensure .securitv for the citv and financial aid. a White House the chief exooitive. • spokesper..on says. Jack Fox. the agent in charge SIUC President John Guvon rec­ of the Springfield Secret ommended classes he c;ncelcd Service office, said agents ~londav from ...,,.._.------, arrived in Carbondale 11 a.n;. lo 1 Wednesday to'prepare for p.m. President Clinton's visit. Clinton will "I don't think it is anv secret give his sp..-..-ch we're in town." Fox said. at 1'2:05 p.m. Fox said advance preparJ.­ on the low side tions for Clinton's visit 10 of thc Pulliam Carbondale ha,·e begun. Hall Lawn near Leland Widick, SJUC's Woody Hall chief flight instructor, said the Clinton whilc students Southern lllinc·; Aiqion will listen to him from the hicl1 side of be closed while Clinton is in the lawn near Pulliam Hall. town. He said :Ill air-space Before giving his speech. Clinton within the vicinity of Clinton. is scheduled for a roundtablc db­ will be closed. cussion with college student~ from "It's a sccuritv m=urc that across the countrv in Pulliam Hall. they do," Widick said. "That's White House Press Lead. David standard practice." Palmer. said the sp..-cch will happen A White Hnusc rcprc.~nta­ ..:::..•rain or shine - and the roped­ tive confirmed that the presi­ ofT area will he ,,pen to the public at dent will be arriving at the lDa.m. Southern Illinois Airpon. The standing-only spectator area The Secret Service will be will ht! available on a lirst cnme. looking at any and all chances first serve ba.,is. No priority will he of disruption or possible hann given 10 SIUC sllldents. Palmer to the president. Fox said. said. see SECURITY, page 7 see CLINTON, page 11 SI UC Help• Desk under 1 adminislirrati~e criticism By Alan Schnepf Williams said the desk did nm Daily Egyptian Reporter provide the level of service SlUC' needs. and the volume of com­ plaints he recci,·ed alxJUI thc desk Thc closinc of Information refleck-d iL~ ~honcomincs. T~-chnology·s liclp Desk has left a The closure ha.~ n.-..--ch~ed criticism void in the operations of some of from several facultv membt!r., who SIUC's colleges. but other.. an: get­ said poor service w:i., b<:iler th:m no ting along wdl withnut thc facilitv. service and that having no hdp de,.k .1d~1ir1:su;11or.. said recentlv. · would hurt their work. C. Michael William,. ~.,ecuti,·e ln a letter ,.ent to Bcnj.unin dire.tor fur Budgeting and Sheppard. vice prc,.idcnt of ;11:a­ lnfon11a1ion Resoun:c,.. closed the dcmic afTair.. am! pmrn.st. Bw,inc,, cemer at the recmnmendation of Administr.ition J)c:111 Timm:t, K,·on IB~I. whii:h ,.tudied 1T facilities and wrote. ":-ly main concern i, th.II ,'>t,rn_.-11 J.01S1m- 7/Jt' {),1i/)' Fi;,pti,m suggested starting a new hclp cen­ \\'lrit,· Hilu:-,• Admnr,• T,·11111 mcm/,,•rs nmgn:0,:11/c m1tsid,· 5/UC:- l'111/i11111 Hall Tlmrsday 11flcmoo11 11nm11d ter. see HELP, page 8 tile sit,· whm• l'r,·:-idt'III Bill Cli11l1111 ll'ill llddTt',;s i,;,;uc,; n;:1.cmi11g ,;tmft'llt 11id. Tht· J'Tt':-idml will spt'11k to 5/11dmls, _f.1rnlty m11i .-ili:l'lls 111 J 2:05 J'.111. M,mda_u. index Senator Packwood resigns Op/Ed . ........................•...... page 5 Classifieds .. ......................... page 1-l rlw \V.1,.,hington I'm! Yet Packwood wa, not ready tn Gus Bode go. Comics ............................. page 17 W t\SlllNGTllN-Ncarly two l.itcrally-perhaps emotional­ Scoreboard .......................... pa}w 18 \'Car, :ico, when Scn. Bob ly-hc had no pla,:e 10 go. i>:1dwn,,;-l, R-Ore .. wa" haggling Pa1:kwood·~ marriacc of '27 w:1r., Weather with the Scnalt' ethic, cornrnillcc had n:ccntlv dissnl~ed. He· had during ,me 11f many low point, in ;1 lllll\'Cd Olli t;f his Bethe,da. Md .. ~· Today: Sunny Tomorrow: Sunny nightmari,h dc,.:cnt toward hllllll'. and wa" livinc in a basement Thursday·, re,ignation. Scn. Roht!n apartment. llc was ~str.mgcd fmm hi, t:hildren. llc had sold hi, onlv C. Bvnl. D-W.V:1..10,ik the SL·nalc High .. 79 tloo/;md advi,c1l hi, longtime col­ "rc,idcn.:e" in hb Imme stale 1;f Gus says Don't worry Bob, I High . _ 7B kaguc: ··11 i., time tn have lhc grace hear they're looking for Low ... b4 Low ... 58 lo go·· see PACKWOOD, page & bouncers al J.B.'s Place. Daily. Egyptian Friday, September 8, 1995, r~··.··· , SMOKERS AND, ;;.-~~Sf e~~-·~1N 1ewswraP-s ! '. NON'•SMOKERS- HEADU~E;t:::~tists- ., ------------------------ ii -. _, _- • Be Paid1 i,01· · · ' Fox EASTGATE MALL UT i , r, , 702E.WALNUT 457-2612 Y\'Or.1ld' I - I_: - -' }. ReseatchParticipation ·· , j ::£:::i;,:,::'' FRENCH B0MBING NEAR SCHOOL INJl:JRES,14. - ; · - ' 2. Quit S~oking Research • w.... ,..,. PARIS-A car bomh exploded outside a Jewish schooHn a Lyon i<::all SIU€ Smoking Research Program between 10 am & 5 pm .. -: ~;:, suburb Thursday, minu~ before 700 children ended 1 classes for the Cl'tlifiedMa«age . 453-35611 . 453-3527 · 1 day. Fourteen people were injured•in the blast, the sixth bombing or . --- ----- ----- ______ __ , . 1 Therapist C.M attempted bombing in France in less than two months. The blast. the first , -~ ____ _'._ _ ··1 carbombinFrancesince 1982,appcarcdtobctimedtogoattheclos- l: ~ !),";):<~--~' ~ . ·~- <:-: rr;;-o·--nmc,7~-l~~;wbc;~ "J;! ~:~~~~ :!-~3u5f:s~ ~~tu~:fn~nning two minutes a~(£f/4;[tf//; -.. - ..... '. ;; •; L, I r1~. li•~~~i~~--~~~~~ns~~~?~~;~~~ ~ . Lunch', Buffei:"$5.iS~ ,.. Fndiv &" Saiurdaii'~0-~ ., 11 ..,...,,()iOTJ,·· ES~ I nllilshollantt naulnvdiant:5flarcdb.. mto VJOlcnccabowhcn400ntal'IO not-squad o~ficer.: fabtall' - •<"'•·.~·•- • -- • -~··· ~-,,(?< '•"'n~-·-='>/~~-•~1 , .,.. ~ ,_·• ___ ·_ .! •,·__ :_._• I'_ Y _ an. w owas__ amo__ ng ut _protcs__ .tcrs· occupymgapu 1c ,. Dinner: !-'°':,:llus- 41111,10;,m, Bell9,,Dan~•Sliowsj\• ii .. :· . ; . ·. ·, jpark on the shores or Lake Huron, authonlics S31d Thursday. Two other 4 11 :I ' ,y -·;;.;, ~~-~: Plll· !1 ' ~· /6pmandSpm;t;:.7~:-"- ' 11 '-I . :: . ' .•-protesters were m_-~cally WOl!ndcddn the.... Wednesday night incident at i 1 Ippcrwash Provincial Park. about 130 miles west or Toronto. The occu- 1 1 · 1 I.....~--_.-~_ Open Monda}"_Sahml-ay- Resm-- .1ations. Hig:.hly Recommended for Friday &:SaturdaiJyi - , ••·r . _ •.."- , seifillllMlI~~ce; _• p.icrs arc. liom. a. ·gro·up·- about·l· 00 w_bo_ on J.uly 2-9 too._k ovcr_a nearby. l ~ 1:Canadianmilitary~forcingoutasmallcontingcntofmilitaxypoliceor ,. -·. -=--,. ._...,.. ___,,.,. ; · ·, . Not good with - who had been prcpanng to vacate. =----- ".. ......,. =:==" ..--.~~,-- Ii .- r : s.:5, Ii EGYP.li DEMANDS PROBE OF 'ALLEGED· KILLING - , ~·__ ·_ -- __-- ~--., . .. ,aimpfy • 4i·_·--··_·· ·-- · · II C::_·A.IRO--;Egypt-The_E__ gyptian.govemm_ent·has_ yicldcd·topublic . •· ·I · ·demands an!! is taking an increasingly tough position in a controversy it NAJI~ I ; 1 MAILBOXrSETC'.1rwouldrathcravoid'---U!CallegcdkillingofEgyplianPOWSbyisraclisols ~---- · A: ~ rn lfi..-t i _I dicrs in lhe wars of 1957 and 1967; In CODllIICOts published·Thursday in· 1 '-'..U- --.:, """"--' -tr ~ -tr-U.. • . fl: 8' I_ IIUBDIITll__ALE SHOPPING CEm:B, 529-lWI,I I the local press, Osama AI-Baz, President Hosni Mubarak's top political• r----.,.:Si;=U-jfAny-Scrv•ce I -- ~- 111111!!..~ 111!!!. !'!I!'~' adviser, rejected Israers claim that too much time has elapsed to intciview I Over $22. .oa. ! ·!eyewitnesses and reiterated Egypt1s dcmand•that a·full Israeli invcstiga- 00 1; $2.. UnderOff Any $22~DO Service ;1 ,Mii~~~{. _lllllllilion be ___________________________ conductcru _ L" r• r ~.>-'?-~J Nation · - 1 ,r\ _ 529 • 7058· Ente::°a~ ~,· 9-7TUE-SAT ~ ·· - · · ····- .... __~=:~nSt -- ., , . SIMPSON1DEFENSETEAMDEMYS RESTING CASE- . o···c· cer···a· -· ·1· --- -- , ---··_-.- nt·-e•···· . neysLOSANGEI:.ES-0nadayorrapid-firelcgaJ!moves,defenseauor- in the OJ~ Simpson murder trial' said• they were prepared to rest S 8 8188 8 8 ' ·d,·t·a t,·o· their case Thursday, but then backed off after the prosecution announced For Sp·:rino- Youth c:t.,.;.:-:.:.r·-- Pro..... gram.. e itwillappcalacontroversialinstructionJudgeLanceA.ltoplanstogive ' . ..:~"'t:, . ~ ' . ' . ' lf\la' ss . .to the jury. The defense said it would rest without calling the celebrity September 9 - October 21, 1995 \;,, ;- _ defendant to the stand: Simpson decided not to testify in his own defense $8, $10, $12 per game Learn: Meditation Techniques after his laWYers told him it would prolong the marathon trial and wasn't Discuss: Vogle Philosophy nccc.ss:uy to answer a prosecution case "in shambles," defense lawyer F.
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