People's Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Research Scientist Larbi BEN M’HIDI University O.E.B Departement of English Islamophobia in the West.An analytical study of 7/7 bombings in Britain and 9/11 events in America A dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Letters and Languages, Department of English in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in: Anglo American Studies By Aoues Soumia Board of Examiners: -Dr.Dib Fatima -Mrs.Badi Rima - - 2018/2019 Dedication To my endearing parents, brothers and sisters I Acknowledgments I would like to thank my supervisor Filali Billel for his encouragement, contribution, critique and his help. My appreciation goes to Professor Boughrara for his consistent help, guidance. I would like to thank those who support me in achieving this work .I express my gratefulness to all my teachers of the Department of English at the University of Oum El Bouaghi. II Abstract The tragic events of 9/11 in America and 7/7 in Britain led to a complete total change of the world’s public opinion towards the Muslim world .Just after the famous bombings listed so far ,Muslim people all over the world turned to be seen as extremists ,criminals and bloody terrorists.Moreover ,Islam as a sacred universal religion is savagely accused of being a creed of hatred ,violence ,and terrorism.The tragic incidents of New York and London had left a devastating impact on both American and British but also on the whole world .The bad consequences of these events had resulted in a tragic fear from Islam and also from all what seems to be or represent Islam .This fear of Islam is consequently called ‘Islamophobia’. Key words: Hate crimes, Britain, USA,Islamophobia, iscrimination,Islam,Immigrants, Muslims, 7/7 bombings, 9/11 attacks. III Résumé Les événements tragiques du 11 septembre à l'Amérique et ceux du 7 juillet en Grande- Bretagne avaient complètement transformé l'opinion publique mondiale à l'égard du monde musulman. Juste après les fameux attentats répertoriés jusqu'à présent, le peuple musulman Partout dans le monde, ils étaient perçus comme des extrémistes, des criminels et des terroristes sanglants. En outre, l’islam, religion universelle et sacrée, est farouchement accusé de croyance en la haine, la violence et le terrorisme. Les tragiques incidents de New York et de Londres impact dévastateur sur les Américains et les Britanniques, mais aussi sur le monde entier. Les mauvaises conséquences de ces événements ont entraîné une peur tragique de l'islam et de tout ce qui semble être ou représenter l'Islam. Cette peur de l'islam est par conséquent appelée "islamophobie". IV ملخص أدت هجمات 11 سبتمبر و7يناير إلى تغير نظرة العالم تجاه المسلمين كليا ,حيث أصبح المسلمون اليوم ينظر إليهمأنهم متطرفون ومجرمون وإرهابيون .وينظر إلىاﻹسﻻم انه دين عنف وكراهية ودين إرهاب.خلفت هذهاﻹحداثإضرار نفسية على اﻷمريكيين والبريطانيين خاصة والعالم عامة.خلقت هذه اﻹحداث فوارق كبيرة بين اﻻديان ,كما اصبح الخوف من اﻹسﻻم منتشرا بشكل كبير في العالم الغربي مما اثر ذلك على حياة المسلمين بشكل سلبي ,فلم يعد المسلمون يشعرون بانهم جزء من هاذين البلدين بل يشعرون بأنهم متمشين . أصبحت ظاهرة اﻻسﻻموفوبيا منتشرة بشكل كبير خاصة في العقد اﻷخير مما تسبب في زيادة جرائم الكراهية والعنف ضد المسلمين في كل من أماكن العمل والشارع والمدرسة والجامعي وغيرها V List of Abbreviations CAIR Council on American Islamic Relations. CIA Commonwealth Immigrants Act CRE Commission for Racial Equality FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations MCB Muslim Council of Britain MET Metropolitan Police Service PET Preventing Extremism Together RRAs Race Relation Acts VI Table of Contents Dedication…………………………………………………………………………..i Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………….ii Abstract……………………………………………………………………………..iii General Introduction…………………………………………………………………………1 Chapter one: Islamophobia in Britain ‘’the 7/7 Bombings’’ Introduction………………………………………………………….…………………4 I. The roots of Islamophobia……………………………………………………...……7 A. Tracing a definition of Islamophobia……………..………….……………….……11 II.Muslim community in Britain……………….………………………………….…..13 III.7/7bombings……………………………………………………………………….18 A. The Impact of 7/7 on British Muslims…………………………………………...…19 B.Media bias in UK…………………………………………………………………...20 VI.Islamophobia in Britain…………………………………………………………...23 Conclusion………………. ……………………………………………………………23 Chapter II: 9/11 Events and the Agitation of Islamophobia. VII Introduction… ………………………………………………………………………...24 I. The hijacking of the four planes: Timeline of Events…………… ……...……24 1. Terrorist acts before9/11……… …………………………………………...…28 2. 9/11 and the Aftermath…………… ………………………………………….30 3. The Impact of 9/11 on Immigration…………….………………………….…33 II.The Intensification of Islamophobia…………………… …………………….34 A) lsamophobiainU.S.A………………………………………………………..36 Conclusion………………………………………… ………………………..……41 Chapter 3: ‘’Levels of Islamophobia’’ I.British case pre and after 7/7 bombings……… ………………………….……..43 1. Islamophobia in Britain between 2000-2005…………………….…………….47 2. Islamophobia in Britain between ‘’2005-2010’’...............................................50 II.American case: Islamophobia pre and post 9/11……..………………………..52 1.Islamophobia in USA between ‘’1995-2001’’…………………………….…...53 2.Islamophobia in USA between ‘’2001, 2010’’…………….…………..………54 General conclusion……………………………………………………………….……60 Work cited………………………………………………..……………………………72 VIII General Introduction The world now is full of tensions, confrontations, and troubles. Living in peace and calm became a difficult or impossible dream to be achieved. Others think that we have used to live this way, and others think that we are responsible for that situation. God created the strong side and the weak side, the poor and the rich, the oppressor and oppressed, maybe those differences should be exist, may be a punishment or maybe a test. Muslims and Islam; religion and followers are two important parts of the world. Nobody can imaging the world without Muslims and their faith .The true religion that came to as via the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), to come out from darkness into lights. The religion of five pillars, to believe in only one God and his prophets. To pray, to give charity, to behave good as much you can .Others believed Islam and others did not. Others supported this faith and others did not. Muslims are centered in everywhere, North, West, East, South, and the middle. Others living in their motherland, but other are immigrants. They used to be immigrants for such reasons. Muslims in the West is a significant topic to focus on. Muslims are suffering there, they are not very welcomed, because of faith, people or civilization? Not yet clear. Maybe because they belongs to the other side ‘’the Orient’’,and they never used to be a part of the ‘’Occident’’ side...Of course differences. Clash of civilization is not a new term ,the Islamic civilization and the Western one are not the same. These differences left with negative impacts .Racism ,discrimination ,anti- Muslim sentiments, and Islamophobia ,best topics to be studied to know more the negative side consisted in the relation between Islam and the west. 1 Islamophobia,or hatred, fear of Islam. To hate, to prejudge something without previous knowing. This phenomenon is wild spread in contemporary times, but had deep roots backs to the old periods. Islamophobia is a vast and complex subject .My research goes to focus just on two well known incidents .9/11 in America and 7/7 In the United Kingdom. No one can deny how did those events impacted Muslims life in the world, where these events changed the Muslims course of life, which are now seen as terrorism and extremists, monsters and violent. Recent events in New Zealand have shown how Islam has become an outcast and rejected in Western circles, in addition to other events, including clashes between Muslims and Westerners; the burning of mosques and Islamic schools, the exposure of Muslim women to violence because of the veil, tearing the Koran and insulting the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH),all of which demonstrated the spread of Islamophobia. For many thinkers and sociologists, Islamophobia has deep roots in history. They argue that hostility to Islam was born out of the great and eternal struggle between the Christian and Muslim worlds. It is a conflict that has existed since the first clash between Muslims and Christians during the Arab-Muslim conquest of southern Europe, then during the Crusades in the East, and then during the European colonial expansion in Arab and Muslim societies. As I have said Islamophobia as a phenomenon raised in West ,especially after the tragic events happened in America that are known as 9/11 ,followed by other disaster happened in Britain in the 7 July 2005 that refer to us as 7/7 bombings. Those two events are still remembered in USA and Britain, and still considered as the worst terrorist attacks in the world. 2 This research aims at giving a clear definition for the word Islamophobia, with explaining the origins, and the roots of this phenomenon. It also seeks to describe the two events (7/7 and 9/11) how they happened and how they affect the life of Muslims in Britain and America before and after, and how they raised the panic and fear of Islam in both USA and Britain .As well as how the CampaignsIntensive media and public discourses fueled the 'fear' of Islam. The main questions which this thesis deals with are: 1. What are the hidden reasons behind the spreading of this phenomenon in the West? 2. At what extent did the 7/7 and 9/11 affected Muslims life in both America and Britain nations? 3. How
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