Index to Academy Oral Histories Robert Wise Robert Wise (Director, Producer) Call number: OH148 Abel, David, 28 Academy Awards, 47–49, 52–58, 61–83, 86–87, 90-92, 100–110, 113–115, 118–119, 126–136, 139–150, 153–165, 169–170 Academy Foundation, 110–111, 140–141, 154 Academy Leader (trade publication), 93 Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting, 154 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 40, 47–49, 54–174 Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, 109 accounting, 38, 117–118 Acker, Shane, 102 acting, 18, 21, 30, 50–51, 54–56, 64–65, 82, 89–90, 133 Addison, John, 121, 135, 162 advertising, 56–57, 64, 129–130 aerial cinematography, 44–45 African-Americans, depiction of, 50–51 African-Americans in the film industry, 50–51, 112 agents, 64, 132–133 alcoholism in films, 37–38, 85 Alexander, Jeff, 105 ALICE ADAMS, 38 Allen, Elizabeth, 101 Allen, Gene, 121, 135, 138–145, 152, 162 Allen, Jay Presson, 137 Allen, Woody, 112 American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 57–58, 67–68, 74–77, 105, 107, 115, 118, 126, 163, 169 American Film Institute, 100–103, 151 Anderson, Maxwell, 27 Andrews, Julie, 44, 68, 150–151 animation, 102 ANNIE HALL, 112 Annual Index of Credits (trade publication), 129 Arbuckle, Roscoe, 50 architecture, 96–97, 106, 170-171 art direction, 24, 28–29, 40–44, 47, 61, 69, 78, 81, 134, 138, 146 Asner, Ed, 116, 135 Aspen Productions, 81 assistant directing, 25–26 Astaire, Fred, 15, 22–29, 33, 35, 40, 69 Atlas, Jack, 62 attorneys in motion pictures, 129, 166 Auditorium Theater (Connorsville, Indiana), 16 Auer, Mischa, 26 Bacon, Lloyd, 50 Bakaleinikoff, Constantin, 21, 23 Bekins Van Lines, 158 Bellamy, Ralph, 135, 156 Berger, Fred, 121 Bergman, Alan, 162 Berman, Henry, 35 Berman, Pandro, 24–25, 31, 33 Bernstein, Elmer, 60 Beverly Hills (California), 95–96, 167–168 Beverly Hilton Hotel (Beverly Hills), 141, 160 BILL OF DIVORCEMENT, 84 Bill, Tony, 116, 135, 140 Biltmore Hotel (Los Angeles), 49, 112 biographical films, 49, 52-54 blacklisting, 106 Blanc, Mel, 127 Blankfort, Michael, 85, 95, 107 Blumofe, Robert, 121 Bly, Marjorie, 129 THE BODY SNATCHER, 164 Bogart, Paul, 121 BOMBARDIER, 20–21 Bonner, John, 135, 162 Boren, Charles, 75 Borowsky, Marvin, 137 Bowers, William, 94 boxing in films, 50–52 Boyle, Robert, 106, 135 Brand, Harry, 59 Brand, Sybil, 59 THE BRAVE ONE, 106 BREAK OF HEARTS, 22 Breen, Joseph I., 34 Breen, Richard, 67 Bretherton, David, 101 Bridges, Lloyd, 135, 140 British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), 124, 155 Broccoli, Albert "Cubby", 136 Broidy, Steve, 58, 71 Brown, Sam, 65–66 Buckeye Company (development), 96–97, 106, 171 budgets, 24, 36 Burnett, John, 121, 135, 140 Cacavas, John, 116 California Arts Commission, 93 Cambern, Donn, 135, 162 Cannes film festival (France), 50 capital punishment in films, 52–54 Capra, Frank, 62, 72, 111 Capra, Frank Jr., 62 Carey, Macdonald, 61 Carson, Johnny, 122 casting, 18–19, 69 Cates, Gilbert, 76–77, 113, 145, 155, 162 censorship, 34–35 Century City (Los Angeles), 95–96 Chakiris, George, 55 Chakoulian, Leo, 101 Champion, Gower, 82 Chaplin, Charles, 17 Chaplin, Saul, 151 Charisse, Cyd, 125 choreography, 15, 23–24, 43–44, 70 Christopher, Roy, 146 Ciannelli, Eduardo, 26 cinematography, 18, 24, 28–29, 44–45, 69, 78–81 CITIZEN KANE, 48, 125 Clark, Carroll, 23, 28 Clarke, Charles G., 86 Coen, Ethan, 79 Coen, Joel, 79 Cohn, Art, 52 colorization, 78–80 THE COLOR PURPLE, 148 comedy, 77 comedy films, 17 Communism, 106 computers in films, 110 Cook, James, 121 Corey, Wendell, 85 Cortez, Stanley, 106 Corwin, Norman, 94, 128, 135, 140, 162, 166 Costello, Dolores, 32 costume design, 67, 78 Coward, Noel, 35, 59, 126 credits, 20-22, 37-38, 43 Crenna, Richard, 162 THE CRIME DOCTOR (1934), 21 Cronjager, Edward, 22 Crystal, Billy, 77 Cukor, George, 17–18, 84, 87 THE CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE, 36 Cushman, Robert, 100 dailies, 18, 36 dance in films, 15, 23–24, 43–44, 70 Daniels, Marc, 128 Daniels, William, 62 Davies, Valentine, 85 Davis, Bette, 148–150 Davis, Bruce, 63, 99, 120, 136–137, 140, 158, 167, 172, 174 DEAD END, 154 Deakins, Roger, 79 De Laurentiis, Dino, 170 De Laurentiis, Raffaella, 170 DePatie, Edmond, 72 Devane, William, 120 digital video discs (DVD), 80 directing, 17–21, 27, 32, 35–41, 44–47, 50–56, 64, 67–71, 82, 84, 90–91, 110, 113, 134, 148–150, 164 Directors Guild of America, 11, 36, 79, 102, 127–129, 151–152 disaster films, 102, 123 distribution, 102–103, 139 distribution of foreign films in the United States, 102–103 Dix, Richard, 21 Docter, Peter H., 102 documentary film, 42–43, 92–93, 132, 137, 139 Doggett, Van Zyl, and Morin (attorneys), 129 Donen, Stanley, 145, 155 Dorothy Chandler Pavilion (Los Angeles), 48, 82–83, 86, 146, 155, 158–159 Dorr, John, 100 Douglas, Michael, 170 Duning, George, 62 Dunlap, Dick, 67, 77 Dunne, Irene, 22 Dunn, Linwood, 29, 121 Dwan, Allan, 127 Eastman Kodak Company, 57, 72, 83 editing, 19-48, 81 editorial department, 34–35 Edwards, James, 51 Elias, Hal, 60, 95, 114, 135, 162 Enders, Robert, 77 Epstein, Julius, 75 Estevez, Emilio, 82 executives, 88, 134 EXECUTIVE SUITE, 19, 31 exhibition, 16, 84, 98, 102–103, 124, 127 extras, 51–52 THE FALLEN SPARROW, 20 Fapp, Daniel, 69 Faye, Alice, 171 Fehr, Rudi, 40, 71 Ferguson, Perry, 26 Ferguson, Sarah, 165 A FIELD OF HONOR, 101 Fields, Verna, 116 FIFTH AVENUE GIRL, 20 The Filmakers Group (production company), 81–82 film editing, 15, 19–23, 26–52, 61, 69, 81 film libraries, 156–158 film schools, 100–104, 117, 139–140, 151–152 Film Society of Lincoln Center (New York City), 154 Finnin, Mary Lou, 129 Fleck, Fred, 32 Flick, Stephen, 165 Flinn, John C. Jr., 114, 135 Folsey, George, 116, 135 Foray, June, 116, 135, 162 Ford, John, 27 Fraker, William, 121, 135, 162 Franklin College (Indiana), 12–13, 151 Frank, Melvin, 122 Frankovich, Michael, 75–76, 84 Frayne, John, 142 Freed, Arthur, 59–60, 72, 76, 115 French film, 31 Friedkin, William, 112 Gangelin, Victor, 69 Ganis, Sid, 101 Garmes, Lee, 116 THE GAY DIVORCEE, 21–22 Gelbart, Larry, 135 George Eastman House (Rochester, New York), 103 Gidding, Nelson, 11 GIGI, 49, 55 Gold, Ernest, 162 Goldsmith, Jerry, 161 Goldwyn Foundation, 156 Goldwyn, Samuel, 104, 155–156 Goldwyn, Samuel Jr., 114, 145, 155–156, 162, 164 Goldwyn Sound, 39 Goldwyn studios, 39 Golitzen, Alexander, 61, 67 Gordon, Dexter, 149 Gordon E. Sawyer Award, 132, 142 Gottschalk, Gloria, 37–38 Graham, Barbara, 53 Great Depression (1929-1941), 12–13, 151–152 Green, Johnny, 66, 73 Gries, Tom, 101 Gross, Roland, 61 Gruss, Regina, 116, 135 Guber, Peter, 94 Guilfoyle, Paul, 26 GUNGA DIN, 35 Haley, Jack Jr., 119 Hall, Don, 135 Halprin, Sol, 105 Hamilton, Arthur, 121, 135, 140 Hamilton, William, 19–23, 26, 30, 37–38, 42–43, 46–47 Harbach, Otto, 24 Harris, Phil, 171 Harshe-Rotman and Druck (public relations), 129 THE HAUNTING, 41, 78–80, 123 Hayward, Susan, 55 Head, Edith, 67 HEARTS AND MINDS, 92–93 HELEN OF TROY, 123 Hepburn, Katharine, 17–18 Herrick, Margaret, 65, 86, 109 Hiller, Arthur, 121, 135–136, 140, 173 THE HINDENBURG, 102, 123 HIS GREATEST GAMBLE, 21 Holden, William, 18–19 Holland, Todd, 102 Holmes, Kenneth, 25 Holmes, William, 48 Holt, Tim, 32 Hope, Bob, 66, 71, 73, 77, 113 Horn, Andrew, 148 Hornbeck, William, 61 horror films, 41, 78–80, 123 Hoskins, Bob, 149 THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME, 20 Hurrell, George, 127 Hurtz, William, 87 Hynes, Fred, 72 Illig Construction Company (Los Angeles), 170 Independent Feature Project (IFP), 103 THE INFORMER, 27 Inside Oscar (book), 149–150 International Alliamce of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), 120 Iraq war (2003), 126 Irving, David, 102 Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award, 81–82, 134, 156, 165 Italian neo-realism, 50 I WANT TO LIVE!, 49, 52–54 Jackson, Janet, 131 Jaffe, Herb, 162 Jean Hersholt Humanitariam Award, 136, 138, 153 Jewison, Norman, 127 Johnson, Lyndon, 72, 84 Jones, James Earl, 111 journalism, 52, 94 JULIA, 113 Julian, Paul, 111 Kahane, B. B., 56 Kahn, Richard, 135–136, 140, 152, 162, 166, 169 Kamshalov, Alexander, 161 Kanin, Fay, 114, 123–125, 135, 140, 142, 152, 154, 162 Kanter, Hal, 67 Kaper, Bronislau, 71, 121, 135 Kaplan, Mike, 105 Karlin, Fred, 101 Karlin, Myron, 161 Karloff, Boris, 164 Karp, Jacob H., 60 Kaye, Danny, 136 Kazan, Elia, 127–128 KEEP 'EM ROLLING, 21 Keller, Frank, 106 Kelly, Gene, 141 Kern, Jerome, 24 Killy, Edward, 25 King, Martin Luther, 127 Klimov, Elem, 143 Knight, Arthur, 125–126 Koch, Howard W., 85, 95, 105, 108, 112–115, 120, 122, 136, 145 Kodak Theater (Los Angeles), 48, 159 Kramer, Stanley, 62, 111 Kuri, Emile, 62, 67 Kurtz, Robert, 101 Kwapis, Ken, 102 laboratories, 29, 38 labor unions, 11, 36, 79, 102, 120, 127–129, 151–152 Landy, _____, 12 Lanton, _____, 12 Lasky, Jesse, 127 Lasseter, John, 102 Laszlo, Ernest, 121 Lazin, Lauren, 102 Leeman, Sergio, 11 Lee, R. Andrew, 101 Lee, Spike, 102 Lehman, Ernest, 54 Lemmon, Jack, 120, 162 Leven, Boris, 41, 69 Levitt, Harold, 106 Levitt, Ruby, 111 Lewis, Jerry, 77 Lewton, Val, 36, 81 Littlejohn, William, 135, 162 THE LITTLE MINISTER, 22 LITTLE WOMEN, 17–18 Lloyd, Harold, 17 location shooting, 40–41, 45 Lockert, John, 35 Longley, James, 102 LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING, 54, 68 Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 103 Los Angeles District Attorney, 118 Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, 83 Love, Cecil, 29 Luraschi, Luigi, 124 THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS, 32–33, 47 makeup, 132 Mako, 80 Malden, Karl, 162, 173 Mancini, Henry, 82, 114 Mancuso, Frank, 162 Mankiewicz, Tom, 121 Manulis, Martin, 94 THE MAN WHO WASN'T THERE, 79–80 March, Joseph Moncure, 50 Marcus, Lee, 25 Margaret Herrick Library, 83–84, 93, 98–100, 109–12, 119–120, 137–139, 152, 157–158, 167–172 Margo, 26 marketing, 64, 129–130 Markle, Fletcher, 128 Marley, J.
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