The Inventory of the Bella Fromm Collection #531 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center FROMM, Bella (1890-1972) Gift of 1966-1971 I. DIARIES II. SCRAPBOOKS III, CORRESPONDENCE A. Individuals of Importance B, General C. Subject Folders D, General E. Letters Pasted on Sheets IV, LECTQRE NOTES V. INVITATIONS TO SOCIAL EVENTS VI. PRINTED MATERIALS VII. MANUSCRIPTS VIII. MISCELLANY IX, PHONOGRAPH RECORDS FROMM, BELLA Gift of 1966-1971 Diaries Box 1 1) 1917-1932. (//1). Typescript with holograph corrections and holograph, Ca. 125 pp. Also: news clippings and social invitation cards (many from diplomats); 2 TLS; 1 postcard to BF. Photograph including Goering, Petain and Laval, which was published in Daily Telegram, 1935. 2) 1933. (//2). Typescript with holograph corrections, carbon typescript with holograph corrections, and holograph, Ca. 150 pp. Also: photographs; news clippings; social invitation cards; and 6 TLS and 1 ALS. Including: Coler, Edithvon. TLS, September 14. Riefenstahl, Heinz. TLS, October 27. Box 2 3) 1934-1935. ({11). Typescript with holograph corrections, carbon typescript with holograph corrections, and holograph, Ca. 200 pp. Also:. Photographs (including signed photo of Rolf Reiner); news clippings; and social invitation cards; 14 TLS, 2 TLS photocopies, 5 ALS, 3 postcards, 1 Telegram. Including: Blomberg, General Werner von. TLS, January 2, 1934. Coler, Edithvon. Postcard, January 2, 1934 Massow, General von. 2 ALS, April 13 and June 1, 1934 and photograph with signed inscription . .,. Heydt, Ed~ard Freiherr von der. TLS, April 24, 1934. Welter, Erich (Editor, Vossische Zeitung). TLS, February 25, 1935. page 2 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 4) 1936-1938. (112). As described above, Ca. 200 pp. with 4 ALS, 5 TLS, 1 postcard. Box 3 5) 1938-1940. (Ill). As described above, Ca. 200 pp. with 3 ALS, Including: Messersmith, George S. (American diplomat). 8 TLS. 6) 1947. (During trip to Germany). (#2). As described above, Ca. 200 pp. 7) 1940's-1960's. (Re: Germany). (#3). As described above, Ca. 100 pp. Box 4 8) 1922-19 3 7. (Ill). In notebook. Typescript and holograph, Ca. ~Opp. and 2 TLS. 4 Box 1) Articles by BF. 5 a) 1929-1933. 7 scrapbooks, ca. 100 pp. each. Box 6 b) 1933-1936. 2 scrapbooks, Ca. 100 pp~ each. Box 7 2) Publicity,Photos, and Memorabilia. 1930-1933. Ca. 75 pp. 3) Publicity News Clippings. 1944. Ca. 75 pp. Box 8 4) Lectures. 1945-1963. News clippings, Publicity, Letters, Ca. 50 pp. Box 9 5) Articles by BF. 1943-1957. Ca. 50 pp. 6) BLOOD AND BANQUETS. Packaged Separately Publicity and reviews including letters. 2 scrapbooks, 12½"Xl4½". (Separately packaged). page 3 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 Correspondence Box 10 A) Alphabetical arrangement. 1) Birkner, Frieda. August 1968-1971. (#1). Ca. 100 TLS Ca. 10 CTL (by BF) 2) Butler, Nicholas Murray. 1944-1946. (#2). 4 TLS 1 TLS photocopy 2 TL signed with stamp 2 TLS not by NMB 2 Miscellaneous 3) Gilbert, Gustav Mark (Nlirembuerg Trials Psychologist). 1947-1961. (//3). 2 ALS 1 TLS 1 CTl Ca. 12 clippings. 4) Haushofer, Albrecht (Geopolitician). (#4), Haushafer, ALbrecht. TLS photocopy to Rudolf Hess, Sept. 19, 1940. 5) Henderson, Nevilfe (British diplomat). (#5). Fromm, Bella. Draft of letter (Typescript with holograph corrections) to Nevil/e Henderson, October 1940. 6) Kempner, Robert M.W. (Deputy Chief of Counsel, Nijremberg War Trials). (116) • 1941-1952. 8 TLS 6 CTL 2 Miscellaneous page 4 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 7) Kies, Sybille von. 1963-1969. (#7). 3 ALS 28 TLS 1 TL 1 photograph 8) Messersmith, Georges. (American diplomat). 1934-1956. (#8). 19 TLS 1 TLS photocopy 2 CTL from GM 11 Christmas cards 4 photographs 3 miscellaneous 9) Mliller-Jabusch, Maximilian (German newspaper publisher). 1949-1965. (1/9). 20 TLS 11 CTL 24 Miscellaneous Box 11 10) Nach~t Hassan, Pasha (Egyptian diplomat). 1930-1944. U/1). 5 TLS ' 4 CTL 3 TL 11) Niem0eller, Pastier Martin. (//2). 1 TLS, Dec~rober 1946. 16 miscellnaeous Newsclips, etc. and pieces by BF on MN. page 5 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 12) Reves, Emery (Literary agent). 1941-1949. (#3). 2 ALS 71 TLS 28 CTL 2 Telegrams 2 TL 34 Miscellaneous 13) Saucken, Hans von (German diplomat). 1957-1965. (//4). 20 ALS 3 TLS 4 CTL 6 Miscellaneous 14) Steinthal, Professor Walter (Stanford University). 1943-1945. (115). 8 ALS 4CTL 2 Telegrams 15) Warren, Fletcher (U.S.State Department). 1940-1941. (#6). 4 TLS 4 CTL 1 document from Berlin Traffic Control'Office 16) Welter, Erich (Editor, Vossische Zeitung). 1933-1968. (#7). 22 TLS 19 CTL 1 TL 2 Miscellaneous page 6 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 Box 12 B) General in alphabetical arrangement. Personal including some 1 business and many from persons ~iplomati¼it-e. 1) A-N. 1930-1970. 173 TLS 83 ALS 25 CTL 21 Postcards 1 TL mimeo 2 Telegrams 19 miscellaneous Including: Altschul, Frank. TLS, June 4, 1946. Bloom, Sol (Chairman, House Foreign Affairs Committee). TLS, August 8, 1944. Christians, Mady. ALS, no date. Coler, Edit van. ALS, June 25, 1933. Deuel, Wallace. 2 TLS, December 13, 1967 and February 12, 1944. Fromm, Herbert. TLS, December 29, 1964. Hilton, Conrad N. TLS, March 31, 1964. Morse, Wayne. TLS, April 12, 1945. Nagai, Matsuzo (Japanese diplomat). TLS, February 23, 1934. ALS (Postcard), May 13, 1938 ALS .(Postcard), Sept. 3, 1939 page 7 FROMM, BELLA - Gift: 1966-1971 Box 13 2) 0-Z. 1930-1971. (111). 101 TLS 67 ALS 24 CTL 3 TL 1 AL 13 Postcards 19 Miscellaneous Including: Oshima, Hiroshi (Japanese General). 2 TLS, March 21, 1935 and June 14, 1934. Wilson, Orme. ALS, March 28, 1944. C) Subject folders. 1) True Detective. 1941-1942. (//2). Ca. 30 TLS 10 CTL 20 Miscellaaeous 2 contracts 2) Information to U.S.GOvernment. 1940-1944. (#3). To FBI officers and others. 12 CTL 6 TLS 15 miscellaneous Including: Hoover, J. Edgar. TLS, March 24, 1943. page 8 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 3) Efforts to find Employment. 1940-1952. (#4). Ca. 20 TLS 4 ALS 20 CTL Including: Brewster, Owen.TLS, June 24, 1947. Hoover, J. Edgar. TLS to Rev. E.E.Turner. TLS, December 8, 1941. Messersmith, George S. (U.S.Diplomat). TLS, February 8, 1940 Morse, Wayne. TLS, July 1, 1947. Thompson, Dorothy. Copy of TL, March 15, 1941. 4) Reports to Military Intelligence (#5). 1941-1944. With Col. F. Sharp and Lt. S.F.Gronich, et al 1 TLS 2 ALS 12 CTL Ca. 25 notes and miscellaneous Box 14 5) Documents concerning: UH) a) Confiscation of personal property by Nazi authorities. b) Efforts to secure work permit after 1933 in Germany. c) Efforts to secure travel permits in 1938. 5 Official forms 5 TLS 5 CTL 2 Miscellaneous 6) Lectures. 1943-1951. (1/2). Ca. 30 TLS and copies of TLS Ca. 30 ALS, page 9 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 7) Harper & Brothers re: BLOOD AND BANQUETS. 1942-1946. (#3). Ca. 30 TLS(many from Edward Aswell). 30 CTL (BF's replies). 1 Postcard 1 telegram 5 Miscellaneous including royalty statements. 1 contract, May 29, 1942. 8) Ullstein Publishers. 1952-1965. (#4). 6 TLS 3 CTL 2 TL signed with stamp 2 Miscellaneous 9) Sllddeutsche Zeitung. 1952-1958. (#5). Ca. 25 TLS Ca. 25 CTL Ca. 10 miscellaneous 10) National Refugee Service. 1939-1941. (#6). 5 TLS 4 CTL 1 TLS mimeo 1 miscellaenous 11) Reparations from German Bank. 1950-1954. (#7). 8 TLS 5 CTL 3 Miscellaneous page 10 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 12) Shipping File re: transporting BF's possessions from Germany to U.S. 1938-1939. (f/8). 8 TLS 5 CTL Ca. 12 invoices, Lists, etc. D) General Letters. 1) Folder A. 1947-1969. (f/9). 16 TLS 3 ALS 5 CTL 2 Cards Including: Kempner, Robert (U.S.Counsel at Nuremberg Trials), TLS, February 10, 1967. Knappstein, Heinrich (German ambassador to U.S.). 5 TLS, 1960-1967. 2) Folder B. 1938-1969. (f/10). 18 TLS 6 ALS 2 CTL Including: Beam, Jacob D. (U.S.Diplomat), TLS, April 7, 1969. Bloom, Sol (Chairman, House Foreign Affairs Coffilnittee). TLS, May 19, 1944. Considine, Bob (Journalist). TLS, March 20, 1959. page 11 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 Box 15 3) Folder C. 1925-1970. (111). Ca. 30 TLS 5 ALS 5 CTL Including: Bloom, Sol. 2 TLS, January 20 and May 11, 1944. Dean, Vera Micheles. TLS, September 9, 1949. Eisenhower, Dwight D. TL form letter with stamped signature, February 20, 1948. Rabe, Hans. 3 TLS, October 1, 1951; September 27, 1964; January 16, 1952. Keller, Helen. TLS form letter,. September 4, 1948. Krekeler, Heinz L. 2 TLS, May 16, 1955 and January 27, 1958. McBride, Mary Margaret. TLS postcard, no date. Morse, Wayne. TLS, June 10, 1950. Schmidt-Pauli, Edgar. TLS, April 23, 1932. Sha1er, Dorothy (President, Lord & Taylor). TLS, May 22, 1950. wetter, Erich (Editor, Vossische Zeitung). TLS, April 28, 1934 Wirth, Joseph (Reichs Chancellor). TLS, January 26, 1925. 4) Folder D. 1918-1944. (#2). Ca. 40 TLS Ca. 30 ALS Ca. 10 CTL 24 photographs of Germany, 1914-1918. - M'r Including: Eddy, Sherwood. TLS, December 21, 1942. Fromm, Herbert. TLS, December 16, 1944. page 12 FROMM, BELLA Gift: 1966-1971 Folder D. Continued: Gannett, Lewis. TLS, December 24, 1942. Riesman, David. TLS postcard, August 15, 1942. 5) Folder E. 1940-1969. (#3), Ca. 25 TLS 10 ALS 5 CTL 4 postcards Including: Gay, Peter. 2 ALS, June 25,and July 5, 1969 .. Tolischus, Otto, TLS, September 20, 1943. Graham, Frank Porter. ALS on Christmas card, no date. TLS form letter. 6) Folder·F . 1933-1938. (#4). 1 Ca. 40 TLS 15 ALS 5 CTL 10 Miscellaneous including "Bella Fromm- Radio Interview".
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