California Directory of Radio Avenal Baker Bakersfield Banning Barstow

California Directory of Radio Avenal Baker Bakersfield Banning Barstow

California Directory of Radio KLIT(FM)- 1993: 92.7 mhz; 6 kw. 161 ft. TL: N33 21 00 W118 21 05. (94621). (209) 389 -4659. (800) 543 -1495. Web Site: KWAC(AM)- 1954: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N35 24 07 W119 02 45. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KMLT(FM) Thousand Oaks 100% 99 Long Licensee: Family Stations Inc. (group owner) Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 5200 Standard St. (93308). (661) 327.9711. Fax: Ct., Suite 200, Thousand Oaks (91360). (805) 497 -8511. Fax: (805) Format: Relg. *Harold Camping, gen mgr. (661) 327 -0797. E -mail: srg @thespanishradio. Licensee: Illinois Lotus 497 -8514. E -mail: info ® Web Site: Corp. Group owner: Lotus Communications Corp. (mg 8- 24 -99; grpsl) Licensee: Amaturo Group of L.A. Ltd. Group owner: Amaturo Group Rep: Lotus. Format: Sp. Target aud: General. *Howard Kalmerson, KGEO(AM)- Jan 1, 1946: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N35 20 53 W119 Ltd. (acq 1996; $600,000) Net: ABC; Metronews Radio Net. Format: pres; Mike Allen, gen mgr; Lydia Vernon, sis dir; Carleen Trujillo, prom 00 33. Stereo. 1400 Easton Dr., Suite 144 (93309). (661) 631 -1230. Adult contemp. Target aud: 25 *Catherine Moreau, VP & gen mgr. mgr & news dir; Pepe Reyes, progmg dir & mus dir, Glenn Lyles, chief -54. (661) 328 -1410. Fax: (661) 328 -0873. Licensee: Rogers Brandon. of engrg. (acq 12 -9 -92; $1.75 million with co- located FM; FTR: 1 -4 -93) *Net: CBS, Westwood One, ABC. Rep: McGavren Guild. Wash atty: Cohn Avenal KIWI(FM) -Co -owned with KWAC. Dec 15, 1985: 92.1 mhz; 6 kw. 269 & Marks. Format: Sports, talk. Roger Fessier, gen mgr. ft. TL: N35 22 08 W119 00 14. Stereo. Hm ope: 24. (805) 325 -5494. 'KAAX(FM)-Not on air, target date: unknown: 95.1 mhz; 920 w. Ant Format: Mexican regional. Eddie Leon, progmg dir. 656 ft. TL: N36 00 40 W120 04 26. 12550 Brookhurst St., Suite A, KGFM(FM) -Co -owned with KGEO. October 1964: 101.5 mhz; 4.8 Garden Grove (92840). Licensee: Avenal Educational Services Inc. kw. 1,280 ft. TL: N35 26 20 W118 44 23. (CP: 6.7 kw, ant 1,299 ft.). KZIK(AM) -- October 1946: 970 khz; 1 kw -D, 5 kw -N, DA -2. TL N35 Stereo. Format: Easy Istng. 27 00 W118 56 48. Hrs opn: 24. 1412 17th St., Suite 311 (93301). (661) 323 -5239. Fax: (661) 859 -2019. Licensee: Cleveland Radio Baker Licenses LLC. owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq KIWI(FM) -Listing follows KWAC. Group 12 -22-00; $1.4 million). Net: UPI, CBS. Rep: Caballero. Format: Sp. KIXF(FM) - Mar 1, 1994: 101.5 mhz; 4.3 kw. 1,322 ft. TL: N35 26 00 News staff: one; news progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-54; Hispanic. W115 55 25. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KIXW(FM) Lenwood KKBB(FM)- November 1991: 99.3 mhz; 1.2 kw. 1,345 ft. TL: N35 26 Manuel Ponci, pres, gen mgr, prom mgr & progmg dir; Oscar Majuta, 100% 1611 E. Main St., Baitsville (92312). (760) 256-0326. Fax: (760) 17 W118 44 22. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 80658 (93380). 3651 gen sis mgr; Steve Mull. chief of engrg. 256-9507. E -mail: thehighwaystations Web Pegasus Dr., Suite 107 (93380). (661) 393 -1900. Licensee: Buckley Site: Licensee: Highway Radio Inc. Communications Inc. Group owner: Buckley Broadcasting Corp. (acq Banning Group owner: KHWY Inc. (acq 2- 18-98; $1,741,444 with KIXWFM 10-3-94; $1 million; FIR: 10- 17 -94) Rep: D & R Radio. Format: Lenwood) Net: Westwod One; AP. Format: Country. News staff: one. Classic rock. Target aud: 25-54; adults. Randy Warwick, gen mgr; KMET(AM)- 1948: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N33 55 49 W116 55 20. Target aud: 25.54; interstate travelers to Las Vegas & Laughlin, NV. Chris Townsend, opus mgr: Bob Turner, chief of engrg. Hrs opn: 24. Box 1490, 572 Omar (92220). 3900 Birch St., Suite 113, Spec prog: Hourly traf report to service interstate travelers. Howard Newport Beach (92660). (909) 849 -4644. (949) 261 -6117. Fax: (909) Hayes, B. Anderson, pres; Lance Todd, opns dir & progmg dir; Keith KKDJ(FM)-See Delano 849 -3114. (949) 975-0547. E -mail: raprb Web Site: news dir; Cory Baker, pub affrs dir. Licensee: Delphi Communications Inc. (acq 6-25-98) Format: Country, sports. News staff: one; news progmg 3 hrs wkly. KNZR(AM) -1933: 1560 khz; 25 kw-D, 10 kw -N, DA -N. TL: N35 18 Target aud: General; 35-64. Spec prog: Relg 4 hrs, women's sports 3 Bakersfield 30 W119 02 09. Hm opn: 24. Box 80658 (93380). 3651 Pegasus Dr., hrs wkly. Marc Tow, pres; Gretchen Muscente, gen mgr & stn mgr, Suite 107 (93308). (661) 393-1900. Fax: (661) 393 -1915. Web Site: Mike Cummings, sis dir, gen sis mgr & mktg dir; Mitch McClellan, KAFY(AM) -Not on air, target date: June 1999: 1100 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 Licensee: Buckley Broadcasting Corp. (group owner; progmg dir; Beth Miles, news dir & pub affrs dir. kw -N. TL: N35 2316 W118 52 45. Hrs opn: 24. 3rd Fl., 1706 Chester acq 1.25.90; $1 million; FTR: 2- 19-90) *Net: CBS, CNN. Rep: D & R Ave. (93301). (661) 323 -5239. Fax: (661) 859 -2019. Licensee: KAFY Radio. Wash atty: Shaw Pittman. Format: AP News/talk. News staff: 4; Barstow Inc. (acq 3.28-01). Format: Sp talk. Nelson Gomez, gen mgr; Pilar news progmg 40 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Steve Darnell, gen gen mgr rgnl mgr; Townshend, Parra, opns mgr; Oscar Acosta, rgnl sis mgr; Sandra Navarro, mktg mgr; Otis Warren, sis á sis Chris KDUC(FM)- June 4, 1986: 94.3 mhz; 4.6 kw. 783 ft. TL: N34 58 15 VP; Hormeio Campos, progmg dir. progmg dir. W117 02 22. Stereo. 320 West College Ave., Pleasant Gap, PA (16823). 29000 Radio Road (92311). (760) 256-2121. Licensee: KBID(AM)- February 1958: 1350 khz; 1 kw -D, 33 w-N. TL: N35 21 KPRX(FM)- Feb 28, 1987: 89.1 mhz; 12 kw. 500 ft. TL: N35 29 10 Tele -Media Co. of Southern California L.L.C. Group owner: Tele -Media 00 W119 58 58. 1400 Easton Dr., Suite 144 (93309). (661) 328 -1410. W118 53 20. 3437 W. Shaw Ave., Suite 101, Fresno (93711). (800) Company of Southern California L.L.C. (acq 1- 13-99; grpsl) Format: Fax: (661) 328 -0873. Web Site: Licensee: 275 -0764. (559) 275-0764. Fax: (559) 275 -2202. E -mail: Hot adult contemp. Target aud: 12-44. Michael Director, mus dir; American General Media of Texas Inc. Group owner: American kvpr Web Site: Licensee: White Ash Dave Rose, engrg VP.Same as AM. General Media (acq 7-25-97; $1.5 million with KRFR(FM) Shatter). Broadcasting Inc. Net: NPR. Format: Class, news & info. *Mariam kw-D, 118 w -N, -1. TL: Net: CNN, Westwood One. Format: Adult contemp, sports. Target Stepanian, gen mgr; Dave Smith, opns mgr; Jim Meyers, progmg dir, KIOO(AM)- Sept 29, 1960: 1310 khz; 5 DA N34 51 W117 CO 59. Hm opn: 24. PO Box 909 (92312). (760) aud: 35-64. Roger Sesslee, gen mgr; Jon Zimney, opus mgr & Steve Mull, chief of engrg. 54 progmg dir; Susan Pellerin, sis dir; Tracy Peoples, prom dir, Rusty 255 -2636. Fax: (760) 255 -3236. Licensee: Moon Broadcasting Burchfield, engrg dir. Newberry Springs LLC. Group owner: Moon Broadcasting (acq 8-7-00; KPSL -FM-See McFarland $175,000). *Net: CNN, Westwood One. Wash aty: Arent, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin & Kahn. Format: Sp. News progmg 168 hm wkly. KCWR(FM)- Mar 21, 1990: 107.1 mhz; 6 kw. 164 ft. TL: N35 22 08 KRAB(FM)-(Green Acres). Oct 1, 1991: 106.1 mhz; 25 kw. 410 ft. Target aud: 45 plus. Ed Belsky, pres & gen mgr; Brad Sabel, opus W119 00 14. Hrs opn: 24. 3223 Sillect Ave. (93308). (805) 326 -1001. TL: N35 2817 W119 01 38. Hrs opn: 24. 1100 Mohawk St., Suite 280 VP; Robert Wellman, gen sis mgr; Cindy West, progmg dir. Fax: (805) 328 -7503. Licensee: Buck Owens Production Co. Inc. (acq (93309). (661) 322 -9929. Fax: (661) 322-9239. Licensee: Clear 7-27 -93) Format: Country. Mel Owens Jr., CEO, gen mgr, opns mgr Channel Communications Inc. Rep: McGavren Guild. Wash airy: Ader & dev mgr; Buck Owens, Ares: Julie Randolph, gen sis mgr & mktg KRXV(FM) -See Yermo & Hadden. Format: AOR. News progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-49; mgr; Harvey Campbell, nati sis mgr; Jerry Hufford, prom dir; Jeff predominantely male. *Jon Horton, CEO; Davis Nathan, gen mgr, June 25, 1986: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N34 54 44 W117 Woods, progmg dir; Mark Howell, news dir; Sylvia Canker, pub affrs KSZL(AM)- Ron Fisher, gen sis mgr; Robin Pechota, prom dir; Chris Squires, 01 39. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 29000 Radio Rd. (92311). (760) 256.2121. dir,, Terry Gaiser, chief of engrg. progmg dir; Danny Spanks, mus dir; Paul Kleinkramer, chief of engrg. (760) 256 -5382. Fax: (760) 256- 5090.ABC /SMN Stardust Licensee: Tele -Media Co. of Southern California L.L.C. Group owner: Tele -Media KDFO(AM)- 1959: 800 khz; 1 kw -D, 440 w-N, DA -2. TL: N35 20 44 (Shafter). Mar 1978: mhz; 6 kw. 328 ft. TL: N35 Company of Southern California L.L.C. (acq 1-13-99; grpsl) *Net: W118 59 33.

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