H即 嫁 (37)ScpにnlbCr 1 201S7th、 Rediscovery of Lttrα″lirraた″ぅθrα′BarOni Urbzlni (HymenOptera:「ormicidae)frOm Kochi Prefecture,tyapan, H′ith a description of queen Ⅳ生amoru TERAYA巾 【Al)and Kyoichi KINOWItURA2) |)t Laboratory ofApplicd Elltoll1010gy,CoHcgeヽ grictliturc.′ofノ 「he t)lliversity of Tokyo, 1-1‐l Yayoi,BLlnkyO一ku‐l‐okyo‐ 113-8657 Japan 2)i2-1 3 Yatsuullle-lllachi,Ginu‐shi,Giftl‐500‐8817」apan Abstract ttaprα71デ′′α 府材bθ′α′ Baroni Urbani, 1977, 、vas rcdiscovered fronl Capc Ashizuri, Tosa―Shilllizu―Shi, Kochi Prefccttlre, in 37 years sincc its original description A qtleen caste ofthis specics is described for thc flrst tillae. The gcntls乙匂θrα77'′′α is sinali subterrancan ants,and rarely collectcd in thc flelds. lt is kno、vn that some spccies of this genus are prcferably hLlnt and consume geophilomorph ccntipcdes(MaSukO,1989,1990i Ogata et al,1995)Six deSCribed spccies ofthis genus are known舟 on3 Japan up to the prcscnt(BarOni Urbani‐ 1977: Tlrayallla,2013) vorkcr とマβrα72'′′θた2″かθ′αデis describcd by Baroni Urbani(1977)based On the、 speci131cns frolll Kochi Prcfccturc. Howcvcr, no additional rccord has cvcr been rcpoltcd frolll cXCCpt the orittinal type locality for 37 years Reccntly, onc of the authors(K K.)coHCCtCd leptanillan ants ttom Cape Ashizurl of Kochi Preた cturc. Atcr carcftll exanlination,、ve havc concluded thattllis isβ′ αLマ77'77αた2rbθrθ,,and、vill describc qtlecn hercin Description とマβrα″′rrrrた″bθrrr,BarOni Urbani ニマβ′αア2'′′夕た夕bθ/♂,Baroni Urbani, 1977i444.Holot_hrpe:、vorke阜Hiro―okaka1111‐ Kochi,Kochi Prei‐ Japan Coilecting record: l quccn, 92 、 vorkers, Capc Ashiztlri‐ Tosa―shilllizu―shin Kochi Prci、 Japan,24 W12014‐ K Kinolllura leg Queene structure:Hcad subrcctangular. 1 29 timcs as long as wide,with concavc posteriorlllargin and!bparallei sし sidcs in full faccv;postcrolateral vie、 corllcr 17 フイ沢′'鋪(37)ScptCmbcr 17th 201S roundcd.Mandible long,sicktc‐shapcd,、vith narro、v illaStiCatory lllargill armcd、vith 3 toothi apical tooth acute triangular and basa1 2 tceth bltint. Anterior margin of clypetis transvcrsc,、vithotlt incision.Antcnna 12,scgincntcd;scape shoH and robust, 0.38 tiines as head lengthi pcdicci slightly longervide; than、 3rd to lith segl■ents each slightly、vider than long‐apical scgillent 3.O tilnes as longvidc‐ as、longcr than t、vo preceding seglncnts together Eye sillalln consist ofa sin31c facct,situatcd on thc lllidlength of sidcs of hcad Ocelll absent. Alitrunk flattcncd,dorsal oLitline frolll anterior inargin!lll of pronotしtO pOstcrior margin of propodcum alinost straight in pronlc;in dorsalv,alitrtink、 vic、 vith convcx anterior 133argin and subparaHcl sides, ca. 2.60 times as longvidc, as 、 Pronotulll 、vithout anterior corner in dorsalv.ヽ vic、4esonotal―propodeal suturc distinct on latcral surface, but obscurc on dorsal surface.マletanotal い groovc abscnt. PropodeLllnヽVith round postcrolateral corner in pronle.Metaplcural giand distinct. Petiolar nodc longcrthan high in pronie,、vith straight vcntral and dorsallllargins, bluntly angulatc anterodorsal corner and rotind postcrodorsal corner;in dorsalv, vie、 dorsal disc trapezoidal‐with straight antcrior and postcrior illargins.dully angulatc anterolatcral corncr.and rottnd posterolateral corner Castcr largc: lst gastral tcrgitc O.431■1コin maxilllulll、vidth,0.53 tiincs as long as 、vidc in dorsai vic、vt anterolatcral corncr gclltiy convcx. not forming an angte Sccond tergite O.53111ill in lllaxiilltllllvidtll,0.67 dOrsal、 tilllcs as longvidc as、 in dorsal vic、v. Sculpture and pilosity: Hcad,alitrしlnk and pctiolc smooth and shining;gaster even illicroreticulatc.Mandiblc smooth and shining.ァヽntcnnal scapc sinooth,nunicuis 、vcakly tTlicrorctictllate Legs iargely smootll Dorsa of body covcrcd 、 vith short pubesccnces,Inuch abundant on gaster. Color:Body light ye1lo、 v;lcgs paler. WTeasurements: Hcad lcngth O.53111113,head、 vidth O.41 Hll■,scape length O.20 ll1 111,Cephalic index 79,scape index 48‐Weber‐s iength ofalitrunk O.83111111,prOnotal 、vidth O.33 111in,pctiolar node lcngtl1 0.20 113ill‐petiolar node height 0 18 inm,dorsal pctiolar nodc、vidth O.23111111,10tal body lcngti1 2 6 mi神 Remarks.Ainong the Japancsc L?β rα77'〃α.Only a singlc spccics‐五 メ?βθ″'ごα,iS described in detail in qttccn tip lo tllc prescnt.Tllis spccics has edentate mandibles and eyes each consist of 2 faccts(Ogata ct al.,1995)五たとどあθra,quccn has 3-toothed illandibles and eyes each consist of a singie facct Blology.Thc colony was ttund underthe stonc(ca.70 clllin maximulRl diameter and 40 cin in minimum diamctcr)thatthere was in an evcrgrccnleavcd forcst. broad― lt vas、 dcpth of approxilllately 30 cm froln thc surface of ground. This colony ″イズ′城 (37)ScぃcmbCr l■h.2015 contains onc quccn and 92 workers.Thc quccn accomplished physogastory(Fig.5) il1 24 May. lt is suggcsted that cgg production by thc queens is synchronizcd、vith iarval devcloplllcnt ilkc五.メ災pο″'ごθ(卜4aSukO,1988a.b, 1989. 1990, 1992). References Baroni Urbani, C., 1977. Materiali pcr rcvisione della sottofallliglia Lcptanillinac Enlcry.Entomologica Basilicnsia,2:427-488. HOHdoblcr,B.,J.M.Palmcr,K Masuko&ヽ V.1ッⅢ Brown、 〕r.,1989.Ncw cxocrinc giands in thc lcgionary ants ofthc gentlsニ マβ′α″′〃α(Hymenoptera,ForlTlicidae, Lcptanillinae).Z00mOrphology,108:255-261 Masuko,K.-1988a.Ecology of五 亀θ筋″,′′α ants(1).Insectarium,25:240-245(In Japancse。) Masuko,K.,1988b,Ecology of五 マβr,77'ア筋 ants(2)InseCtariuln‐25:276-281.(In Japancse) 膨lasuko,K.、 1989.Larval hcmolyinph ttceding in the マβantと′θ77'〃θブ叩 2'ごθi by tlse of a specialized duct organ. the tlaⅣ at hc田 01ymph tap'(HymcnOpterat Forinicidac).BchaViOral Ecology and Sociobiology.24: 127-132 ヽ4asuko, K., 1990. Bchavlor and ccology of the enigillatic。βrα72デ 〃antたαブ?βθ7ガCα Baroni Urbani(HymenOpterai Forillicidaet Leptanillinae)inSectes Sociaux, 37: 131-157. Masuko, K.. 1992. Hcmolytllph feeding in the antとマβra″′′′θ SOphia Lifc Science Bullctin,11:47‐62.(In」apancsc with English summary.) Hosoishi,S.,T Kawano&K.Ogata,2014 Rediscovery and DNA scqucncing of 五響 ′θ所〃α rα77αたβ'Baroni Urbani(Hy131CnOptcra:Formicidae)舟 0111 Yakushima lsiand,Japant Japanese Journal of Systel13atic Entomology,20モ 25-26. Ogata,K,,M Terayalna ttt K Mastlko,1995 The ant genusを くβrθ″′′Fr7:discovcry Of the、vorkcr‐associated inalc ダof五αpο″Fcα,and a description ofv aspecics ne、 舟olll Tatwan (HymenOpterat Formicidaci LeptaniHinac) Systematic Entolllology,20t27-34 Terayanla‐M‐ 2013 AdditionstoknowicdgcoftheantttunaofJapan(Hyincnoptcrat For〕nicidae)Metl10irs ofthc Myrillecological Society ofJapan.3: 1-36 Whcclcr,G,C`&J.Wheeler,1989 Thc larva of 夕L窃αガ′Fr7ブαβθ″たα,With notes on the gcnus(HymcnOpterai Formicidacl Lcptanillinae).PSyche,95!185-189. 4沢ア カ野(37) ScptC131bCr 1 20157th、 Figs。 1-4.五qβrα″,′′夕た2rわθ″αえquccn. 1,Alitrtink pctiolc and gastcL dorsalv;2, vic、 head,full―face vie、vi 3,tip oflei mandible,4,petiole and ist gastral scgillent, pronlc. 鶴 縄 ン ユ ■■■林 、‐‐ 1‐■lf礼|‐|‐.|■ i訴■■ Fig,5。A physogastric quecn(A colony was reared in a polystyrcne observation ncst in a room) 4P′ 新 (37)ScptCnibcr 1 7th_2015 Figs.7。と角θrrr77'′′夕た″かθ/α,ゃ 、vorkert a、vorker cari・ying a geophiloinorph ccntipcdc ater hunt. Erratum The fo1lo、viing errorvas 、 found in the Mellloirs of the Myrillecological Socicty of Japan No 3(2013) PleaSe cOrrcct as fb1low ― p3,linc 3 1tttGi的shi台Gitt Prct"should rcad to`Gulo‐shi,Gitt Prct''.
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