ECOWAS PRESIDENT, CHAMBAS RECEIVES SPEAKER OF ISSUE 2, MARCH 2007 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT COWAS is pre-occupied He identified the dearth of infra- EDITORIAL E with improving regional structure as a major constraint to infrastructure, expanding the development in the region as it The ECOWAS Commission has effectively taken off economies of Member States and distorts the implementation of the with the resumption of most of the Commissioners. We encouraging them to develop the regional Protocol relating to the have in our midst new high calibre staff who will inject capacity for exporting semi- free movement of persons, goods some dynamism and contribute to the rejuvenation of processed agricultural products to and services, a major instrument our Institution. The commissioners, some of the best improve their competitiveness in for boosting intra-regional trade CHAMBAS with MR. JOSEPH BORREL that the region has to offer, are bringing with them a the global economy, the Execu- and the economy of the region. FONTELSS variety of perspectives and experience in their diverse tive Secretary of ECOWAS, Dr In the wide-ranging discussions, areas of competence that would enrich the Commission Mohamed Ibn Chambas, said in Dr Chambas said ECOWAS was regional decision-making process in discharging its mandate of promoting the socio- Abuja. deploying its Lome-based as a mechanism for consultation economic integration of the over 230 million people of Exchanging views with Mr. Jo- ECOWAS Bank for Investment as part of the ongoing restructur- West Africa. seph Borrel Fontelles, the visiting and Development (EBID) as an ing of ECOWAS. President of the European Parlia- instrument for promoting the He said the introduction of the Of course, their arrival is coming with concomitant ment, Dr Chambas said that by physical integration of the region second currency in the region, expectations for an improved ECOWAS that is ex- improving the value added in through investments in the devel- scheduled for December 2009, is pected, not only to improve its performance, but also their agricultural exports, Mem- opment of regional infrastructure. being guided by “credible pa- fast track its programmes for the benefit of West Afri- ber States will create jobs, stimu- “Integration must be anchored on rameters” that would improve can citizens. Part of the justification for the transfor- late skills transfer and be insu- people”, he told the President fiscal and monetary management mation into a Commission, with enhanced powers, is lated from the instability in the who called on him at the of the economies of five countries that it would be more result-oriented and impact more global market for agricultural ECOWAS Commission he added that would operate the currency on the lives of our people by improving their standard exports, which impacts negatively that the ECOWAS Parliament and engender “prudent manage- of living. The challenges ahead promise to be daunting, on their economies. has been incorporated into the ment.” contd p3>> but with the wise guidance of our leaders and the determination of the commissioners, there is optimism that ECOWAS will deliver. Chambas Accredits Iranian Ambassador to ECOWAS In this Newsletter, we have highlighted not only the he Ambassador of the Islamic day, 20th March 2007, Dr. Cham- in achieving his mission to Nige- various developments since the last edition but have T Republic of Iran, Mr. Khos- bas said the gesture by the Gov- ria, Dr. Chambas expressed the also included other elements to improve staff apprecia- row Rezazadeh, has presented his ernment of Iran would not only hope that “your appointment will tion of the operations of the various departments. We credentials to the President of the reinforce the cooperation between encourage the development of have included the commissioner’s retreat in Ouagadou- ECOWAS Commission, Dr. Mo- Iran and ECOWAS but would initiatives and the realization of gou, echoes of the visit of the speaker of EU Parlia- hamed Ibn Chambas, as his coun- also further strengthen the close projects aimed at accelerating the ment to the President of the Commission, information try’s permanent representative to ties between their respective peo- pace of integration in the sub- on the new ambassadors accredited to ECOWAS as ECOWAS. ples. region, for the greater well-being well as the explanation of the new audit system. In a brief ceremony at the Com- While assuring the Ambassador of the West African people”. mission’s headquarters on Tues- of the cooperation of ECOWAS Developments in the areas of peace and security were captured in the report on the ACOTA exercise, which stimulated a regional response to a disaster. There is ECOSUITE: bringing information to your mouse by Amamata Sulaiman also an update on the activities of the ECOWAS COSUITE, a private version of Flexibility in information manage- and collaboration, breaks down Standby Force and an article that will improve staff E the Internet called intranet is ment is also gained, as information bureaucracy, improved quality of appreciation of the importance and definition of statis- confined for the use of the is just a click away. life at work and lastly improves tics as the region continues its relentless efforts to ECOWAS Commission. It was ECOSUITE lowers boundaries and productivity. improve data collection and harmonization to improve inspired by the credo that encourages information exchange, Some of the useful features that are planning. “Information is power” and de- which leads to more informed em- available in ECOSUITE are gen- ployed as a secure and effective On the life of our other Institutions, it is worth men- ployees with the ability to make eral, departmental and personal mechanism for internal information informed decisions and faster. This calendars and document folders, tioning that the Community Parliament and the Com- sharing among the staff of the Com- also contributes to increased pro- daily and monthly schedules, circu- munity Court of Justice have both elected new bureaus. mission. ductivity, leaving the staff with lars, Bulletins, general information, The take-off of the Commission has revived the spirit ECOSUITE will therefore assist the more time to spend on other impor- meetings notifications resource of staff and the expectation of donors and partners, staff to access the right information tant duties. request and allocation. ECOSUITE and we can keep this alive by working hard and re- thereby contributing to enhancing ECOSUITE has other inherent will be available for all by end of maining dedicated - always. productivity, reducing paperwork advantages including: - Improves April 2007. and saving time that would have decision-making, empower staff, Adrienne Yande Diop been spent in chasing information. encourages the culture of sharing In This Issue EDITORIAL ******************************************1 ECOWAS TO FIELD OBSERVERS FOR NIGERIA’S APRIL POLLS *** 4 PRESIDENT RECEIVE SPEAKER OF THE EU *********1 ACOTA COMMAND EXERCISE ***************************************5 ECOSUITE—NEW INTRANET FOR ECOWAS ********1 AMBASSADORS CALL FOR FAITHFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW MODEL FOR AUDIT **********************3 PROTOCOL ON FREE MOVEMENT OF PERSONS ******************* 6 QUOTE OF THE WEEK ******************************4 FORTHCOMING EVENTS **********************************************4 ECOWAS EMERGENCY RESPONSE MECHANISM **3 ECOWAS Newsletter, Issue 2, Page 2 o f STATISTICS Department improves capacity of data l generation in member states n ica by Christopher Ajaero i o ist ly: a t at e - i z St am ul EUROTRACE, a software for the compilation of uled where a detailed presentation of PRIMA would l n l B e be made to give the institutions’ an opportunity to n a S ca ad external trade statistics. i A ns sti Tr c- Sub-regional organizations that attended a three-day evaluate the software. “ F W tio ti A CO a Sta al al d workshop in Lome have agreed to adopt PRIMA as The workshop noted the number of countries that E lic S rn n n their common software for the calculation of Con- are currently using the PRIMA software: Ghana, ub A te tio n a a- P OW Ex Na tio dic sumers Price Index (CPI). Officials of the UEMOA Maldives, Dubai and Malawi and those countries EC , s, ica In Commission, WAMI, AFRISTAT and the where it is operational: Gambia, Sudan and Uganda. tin tic bl ic le tis Pu m ECOWAS Commission, who assessed the soft- It also noted the benefits offered by the application: ta ts no ware against some technical requirements, con- great flexibility, which enables it to adapt to many S un co co -E cluded that PRIMA should be deployed as the re- situations; its amenability to forecasting and its cio gional software for the compilation of CPI capacity to be linked with multiple CPI series from So r”. The workshop, which reviewed the options for a different base periods. It can also handle multiple to common tool for the Calculation of Consumers classifications, in-depth CPI and inflation analysis The Department of Research Prices Index (CPI) held from 12 to 14 February (including core inflation) while data entry through and Sta- tistics will carry out a number 2007 at the Community Computer Centre, Lome Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) while its data of activi- ties between January and February and enabled the participating institutions to review entry module is adaptable to personalized requests. 2007. Among them are: various proposals in this regard. In addition, the software is also compatible with the Finalization of ECOWAS Statistical Publications Officials from the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), latest recommendations of the ILO on CPI issues namely: ECOWAS Statistical Bulletin, External Andel Consultants, Tilburg Netherlands and HM while no serious problem pertaining to the installa- Trade Statistics, National Accounts Publication and Consultant Karachi of Paskistan, the developers of tion and functioning of the application has been Socio-Economic Indicator. the PRIMA who demonstrated its capability at the reported by user countries in the last five years of its A publication on the ECOWAS Poverty Profile was workshop were also represented.
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