Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org ties 1 nes DEFOREST S' 7? nes low nes Uoxvn XCim Tow nes July 16,1998 Vol. 54 No. 29 PUBLISHED BY PRIME PUBLISHERS, INC. 36 Pages Price 75 cents Tow nes Serving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Town Times She has her roots in local politics Denise Russ to challenge in 68th by Susan Faber District. Rep. Flaherty, also a Wa- Soon after she moved to Waier- tertown resident, is finishing his town from Meriden 26 years ago, fifth term. Denise Russ was standing in her "Maybe it's time for a change, from yard when former Town with new ideas and new thoughts," Democratic Committee Chairman Mrs. Russ said. "I don't believe in Mike Vemovai stopped by and long terms." asked her if she had registered to As she formulates her goals, vote. eliminating the state income lax Becoming a voter was followed and reforming the property tax soon after by interest in the local system rank high on her priority political scene and "there hasn't list. Currently, Connecticut has the been a dull moment since," Mrs. highest sales tax of any slate in the Russ recalled. Union, she said. Now, the current Board of Edu- If she is elected, she aims to take cation member will face the biggest local issues to Hartford. "I will lis- challenge of her political career as ten to people in Watertown, she enters the race against Republi- Oakville and Middlcbury and will Pat Graziano, left, co-owner of Matty's Paving & Construction Co., and members of the Graziano and Rubin can Brian Flaherty for his spot in ij families watch as Matthew Rubin, center, used a large pair of scissors to highlight the ribbon-cutting the state legislature's 68th House (Continued on page 5) 10 officially dedicating tke Flagpole Plaza flag pole at the Town Hall Annex last Wednesday. The small park off Main Street was donated to the town by bothfamilies in honor of their fat hers, Isador Rubin, owner of Watertown Plaza, and Daniel S. Graziano, founder of Matty's Paving. Town Council Vice Chairman Recent tragedy points to Charles Gordon, who gave introductory remarks, is pictured at right. Later, the flag was raised as those gathered for the ceremony recited the Pledge of Allegiance. — Times Photo, Faber need for wearing helmets by Susan Faber The importance of children wearing helmets while skateboarding was Families pledge ongoing gift at dedication driven home to Watertown resident Laura Rock and her family recently. (July 1). "They were two very died in August ,1996. A 15-year-old friend of the Rock family, Ryan Profet, was killed on April by Susan Faber 6 in a skateboarding accident in Raleigh, N.C. similar people—highly principled Isador Rubin purchased Water- Both Isador Rubin, who owned Ryan, formerly of Watertown, moved to Raleigh when he was 2-years- with inherent integrity and ethics. town Plaza in 1963, and the spot Watertown Plaza, and Daniel S. old. In the recent accident, the skateboard he was riding hit a rock, They were loving and caring men, was the favorite among the many Graziano, who founded Matty's catapulting him forward. He landed on the top of his head on the ground Paving & Construction Co. on concerned about their families and Knight Street, made contributions the community of Watertown- (Continued on page 9) (Continued on page 7) to Watertown-Oakville without Oakville. They were always there fanfare orpublicity during their 30- to help people." year friendship. The Graziano and Rubin fami- Steve Murdica, 17, a member Boy Scout's Their families have chosen to lies have started an endowment to of Boy Scout Troop 52 in honor the memory of the two busi- lake care of the Flagpole Plaza, and Oakville, coordinated the con- efforts add to nessmen by donating the newly all lagdseaping will be done at no struction of 20 flower boxes completed flag pole and plaza lo- cost to the town, said Town Man- along Main Street in Water- beautification cated on the wide lawn between the ager Charles O'Connor. The dona- town and Oakville. The proj- by Susan Faber Town Hall Annex and the Water- lion will include the planting of ect helped him meet the re- Motorists or pedestrians travel- town Library. shrubbery,annuals, bulbs and box- quirements of Eagle Scout ing up or down Main Street this "Our fathers were irreplaceable," woods, the installation of a sprin- ranking,and he wassupported summer will come across new said isador's son, Matthew Rubin, kler system and future improve- by volunteer efforts and by the wooden flower boxes that have been the current owner of Watertown ments. Town Council's Main Street added to the streetscape in Water- Plaza, during formal dedication A new flag for the pole has been Parking and Beautification town and Oakville. The construc- ceremonies held last Wednesday given by Watertown businessman Committee. — rimes Photo, tion of the boxes and the planting of Leo Hainel, who will provide new Faber their colorful blossoms were coor- flags free of charge when needed. B 1 dinated by a local boy scout, with The generosity of Matthew the support of the Town Council's Rubin and Pat and Fran Graziano, Main Street Parking and Beautifi- who took over their father's busi- cation Committee. WEB Tech's gifts ness, is appreciated by town offi- The committee, under the lead- come from heart cials, they said. "It's very, very ership of council member Tony warmhearted," Mr. O'Connor said. Recchia, enlisted the help of teen- page 13 "They're real gentlemen." ager Steve Murdica, 17, on the In addition, the families will suggestion of former acting town Classic Tile joins donate a minimum of $5,000 to the manager Chuck Frigon, who rec- town each year to commemorate ommended using the talents of an W-O chamber their late fathers. "It's our goal on Eagle Scout candidate. page 26 August 30 each year to spend the Steve, a recent graduate of St. money in the community on posi- Margaret's-McTeman School who Playground fun! tive things, such as scholarships, lives in Walerbury "just over the charities and for important things line," is a member of Boy Scout page 26 . going on in town," Mr. Rubin said. Troop 52 in Oakville and is work- The elder Mr. Rubin died at age 85 continued on page 6) I in August ,1995 and Mr. Graziano : • • . „ ..., . '. .... 2 — TownProperty Times, July 16, 1998 of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org >Watertown MeatCenter Shoulder w *j$ HEMINWAY CENTER^ LONDON BR0IL 1.39 485 Main Street, Watertown, CT • 274-2714 Boneless *^ M*% PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 15TH - JULY 21ST WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 SIRLOIN STEAK ? *2.49, 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am too 8 00 am to 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm PORTERHOUSE or T-BONE STEAK? S3.99 Our 1/4 Ib. HAMBURGER PATTIES are made with only the finest quality 100% fresh around beef. Our 1/4 Ib. SAUSAGE PATTIES are made with Cut From Eye Round <tg\ 0%*\ only the finest quality 100% fresh ground pork and spices. ALL of our fresh and frozen patties are in freezer bags and boxes - 20 per box - made and packaged right here in our store. BUTTERKNIFE STEAKr2.29. BoneleSS """ sliced At No Extm Charaa^ _ ^^ ^^ Our Own Fresh Store-Ma SIZE PACKAGE RIB EYE STEAK *4.99. Lean GROUND Boneless Center Cut ^ - M0\ CHUCK or PATTIES CHUCK STEAKJL" .49,; USDA 5 Ib. Box - 20 per Box. 7.45 Our Own Fresh Store-Made STEAK ROAST #1.79.1 ITALIAN SAUSAGE or $J $ PATTIES - Hot or Sweet I i CLOD ROAST 1 1 .59. 5 Ib. Box - 20 per Box 7.45 E Fresh Baby Fresh Lean SPARE RIBS *1.89, PEPPER & ONION PATTIES•1.89 Fresh PORK STEAK *1.' Grade A CHICKEN LEGS, DRUMSTICKS or $ Delivered "Fresh Live" Fresh Da:'. THIGHS .69 LOBSTER 3.99 DELIVERED FRESH DAILY Jumbo Alaskan '8.95 FIRST OF THE SEA: KING CRAB LEGS $ NATIVE CORN gfm Fresh .99 FILLET OF SOLE 5.99 Green or Yellow Veil .All sliced fresh at our Deli!! NATIVE SQUASH '.69. Super Select Land O' Lakes $ AMERICAN CHEESE CUCUMBERS 2.49 Us $•" Polean Canadian $ • Own IMPORTED HAM 2.69 BANANAS Corrando Fresh BLUEBERRIES •1.29* GENOA or HARD SALAMI >2.99 Idaho Stella Slicing $ .19 PROyOLONE...... „:... POTATOES se&. $ $ 2.99 Fresh 1.29. Our Own Store Made TOMATOES MEATBALLS 1.99 Right reserved to limit quantities • Not responsible for typographical errors V Property of the Watertown Historical TowSocietyn Times, July 16, 199 8 — 3 Friendly Neighbors Index watertownhistoricalsociety.orgBirths page 16 Name: Robert Santamaria Cable 5 Shows 25 Students from Spain Residence: Harwinton Calendar 28 learning about 'U.S.' Occupation: President/Owner Classifieds 30-35 page 10 Bob Santamaria is the president Crossword Puzzle 20 and owner of the Watertown Con- Engagements 15 Annual Baldridge fete struction Co., and co-owner of the Junior Jottings 10 planned by chamber Gar-San Corp. with his daughter Legal Notices 30 page 19 Lisa. A native of Torrington, he Letters 4-5 graduated from Torrington High Musical Notes 26 Prudential Connecticut and obtained a degree in construc- Obituaries 12 Realty wins awards tion management from the Univer- Op/Perspectives 4 page 27 sity of Florida.
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