'l jrff""p- f T Wi f era Jk-- IU THE TRIBUNE THE WISDOM Publlshos All tho Of Yostcrday, tho News All tho Tlmo Nows of Today. t ) r F r v m ) U Vol. ii. HILO, HAWAII, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, APRIL io, 1906. No. 24. fi ' Qfrtlmne BY AUTHORITY. u ije gjUo I PUDI.ISHKU KVKRY TUKSDAY I RAILROAD FOR KONA AND THE WEST COAST UrriCK, KlMO 8TRKRT, HlLO, HAWAII Public Lauds Notice. 3 A'" THIBUHK DLOCK, C - On Saturday, April 28th, 1906, at 12 A railroad and a plantation company have been incorporated for Konn. &iv. .' Hilo Tribune Publishing Company, Ltd Coal j r v. o'clock noon, at the Public Land Office, The capital stock of the railroad is $100,000, with authority to increase Miners' Strike. .? Proprietor. Fubltiheri and Hilo, Hawaii, will he sold at public auc- to $1,000,000, and F. 1). McStocker is the principal stockholder. The C. Indianapolis, April 2. Haifa million miners arc idle pending the President t. Kknnkdv tion to the highest bidder, under Part V, Development Company is capitalized at $250,000, with $500,000 as limit -- . W. Marsh settle of the strike terms. Land Act 10,95, the lease for 5 years of of increase. iecretary-lreaaur- J. W. Makbii The Pittsburg, April 2.--- soft coal operators of Western Pennsylvania K- - Lot No. 4, Kttuka, Puna, Hawaii. The Advertiser says of them, editdrially: Auditor - " will generally advance the wages of miners. Director. - O. A. Cool, C. McLennan Area: 24.58 acres. Upset price: $12.00 "The first public step was taken yesterday for the rehabilitation of the , ' per year, with cost of this advertisement Kona Plantation in the filing of articles of incorporation of the Kona Indianapolis, April 2. Most of the mine operators in Indiana agree ' H'ir Adrertlieraeuti unaccompanied by ipeclRc to sign the scale, luterted until ordered out. added. Development Company. It is a reorganization that has beet; in progress, 1903 tiutruclloru gentlemen Washington, AdertlemenU dltcontlnued before eiplrtllou For plan of the lot, and further parti iu fact, for months past, although the promoting it have not D. C, April 4. The president will not interfere with charged ir con- - or ipeclBed period will be at culars apply at the Land Department, heretofore been ready to nmk definite public announcement of their the negotiotions for a settlement of the coal strike at present. , j- tinued for lull term. ' -- Honolulu, or Sub-Agen- Office, Hilo, I plans. Coincideutally with the filing of articles for the Kona Improve New York, April 5. The coal miners are modifying their demands "i ;fi Hawaii. raent Company, application is tnaae tor a cuartcr tor tne West Hawaii for increased wages from ATTOltNEYS-AT-LA- the operators. J AS. W. PRATT. railway, whose present purpose is to built a railroad through North and Cotnmiisioner of Public Lands. South Kona, with a sea outlet at Kailua, Napoopoo or Kaawaloa, and - be ex- Honolulu, T. II., March 23, 1906. with the- reserved right, if that should later found advisable, to President Panama Railroad. Chas. M. LeBlond Kohala Kau, Mar. 27 Apr. 3, 10, 17, 24 tend its lines into or orboth. coming of these enterprises, the prediction may be ventured New York, April 3 Shouts has been President of the ATTORNEY-AT-LA- "With the - that thitigs will soon begin to hum in Kona, The Kona country is one Panama railroad.- Hawaiian, Japaneae, and Chlne.e Interpreter! Hoolaha Aiua Aupiiui. and Notary Public In Office. of the richest regions in the Hawaiian islands. That it has not been X earlier and more thoroughly exploited is, perhaps, referable to the fact Office: SKV8RAMCK BUILDING, Relief for Ma kn Poaono, 28, 1906, 1 Famine Sufferers. Oppoalte Cour Houac. HILO, HAWAII Aperila ka that a sugar enterprise once went to disaster there, and a failure of the horn 12 awakea, ma ke Keena Aina Au-pun- !, was on Kona calculated to give sa , i kind that made plantations the region New York, April 3. The Japanese Famine Relief Committee has ac- " - Hilo, Hawaii, e kual 14 aku nl ma a black eye, ns it did albeit the region be not at all to blame. cepted Harrimau's offer to transport two thousand tons of relief freight mr'J 1 C. Henry ke kudala akea ka tnea koho kleklc, "By mistakes we learn, however, and the new Kona Development free. White malalo o ka Mahele V, Kanawai Aina Company will be managed upon safer lines, and iu the light of more 1895, 1 ka hoolimallma no 5 makahlkl, o recent experience, with modern methods. And there is no reason, iu ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W ka Apana4 ma Kauka, Puna, Hawaii. the nature of things, why the enterprise should not be abundantly Insurance Elections Postponed. Iliaina: 24.58 eka. Kumukual haahaa: successful." - - HAWAII New York, April NAALEHU. $12.00 no kn makahikt, ante na lllo o 3. Governor Higgins has signed the bill postpon- ing the elections of kela hoolaha. Inter-Islan- the big insurance companies, nml invalidating the New d Steamer. proxies already given. O ke kil o ka aina, anie na kuhikuhi 1. ray April A meeting of the board of directors of Inter-Islan- d e. plha e ae, e loaa aku no ma ke Keena Honolulu, 5. the ATTORNEY AT -- LAW Aina Aupuni, ma Honolulu, atne ke Steam Navigation Company will bejcalled for tomorrow morning Constitutional Democrats Triumphant. and NOTARY PUBLIC Keena o ka Hope Akena Aina ma Hilo, to pass upon the plans and to finally determine whether the contract for Pal Hawaii. the construction of the new stBamer will be authorized. The construc- St. Petersburg, April 3. A sweeping victory for the constitutional Waiauuenue St. Hilo, Hawaii JAS. W. PRATT, tion of the vessel has, it js understood tupon excellent authority, been democrats iu the Douma elections is conceded. No discord attended Komislna o na Aina Aupuni. practically decided by the company, and'the meeting tomorrow will no the votiug. " doubt result in the vessel being ordered .VThe new vessel will replace Honolulu. T. H Marakl 23, 1906. Moscow, Russia, April 2. Hostilities are imminent between Rus- the steamer Kinatt which is now inadequate to the demands of the tourist the 'J..L. Kaulukou Mar. 27 Apr. 3, 10, 17, 24 sian and Chinese troops in Manchuria. r travel between Honolulu and Hilo. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- LEGAL NOTICES. OFFICE IN TRIBUNE BUILDING Land Associations Satisfied. Favorably Reported. HILO, HAWAII In the Circuit Court oi the Fourth Circuit, Washington, April The Senate committee on Territory of Havali. and Fernandez returned by Tuesday's Kihau from 3. appropriations has Messrs Ferry an reported an item of $35,000 for the improvement of AT In Commissioner and Acting Atkin- Honolulu Naval ItEAL ESTATE, ETC. Chamdkrs Prouatr interview with Land Pratt Governor Station. Iu the matter of the Estate of KAMAKI son relative allotment of Hakalau lands to the members of the to the The afternoon cables stated that assurance has been given WAIWAIOLE, deceased, of Olaa, Portuguese land associations. The result was an increase in the amount that nn District of Puna, County and Terri- item of $65,000 would be inserted by the Senate committee in the de- . of land each applicant would be permitted to file upon, by. the addition F. S. LYMAN tory of Hawaii. ficiency bill for filling in the reef at the Honolulu Naval Station. l AGENT of from five to eight acres each of laud, not cultivable. This The w: Notice is hereby given that the under- pjstyrc cable above probably refers to the same thing, namely the filling in t t. AND MARINE makes a total allotment of nearly gfireVpf land for each applicant and of FIRE, ACCIDENT signed has been appointed Executrix 35 the naval reservation beyond the present sea wall as a site for under the will of the Estate of Katnaki representatives express themselves as entirely satisfied, though a battery INSURANCE the their on the cxtpntion of Kakaako Point. Il'hns beeu claimed heretofore - Hawaii Waiwaiole, deceased. application was made for acres each. As soon as possession can be that Waiauuenue Street, Hilo, All creditors of said deceased are 50 $35,000 would be sufficient for this work. hereby notified to present their claims, obtained, after the present leases expire iu June, the new possessors will ' secured or unsecured, duly verified and set about the cultivation of the same, raisiug cane, pineapples or what with proper vouchers, if any, to the ever product promises the most of prout. Mr. Ailonso states that he New Philippine Governor. W. H. BEERS undersigned at Puueo, Hilo, Hawaii, T. , . - &- has no doubt cane will be most profitable and that no difficulty will be - six from INTERPRETER and II., within months and after the experienced in making terms with the mill people, ns it will be for Manila, April 2. Governor Ide has beeu inaugurated. V.t TRANSLATOR date of this notice, otherwise such ch Ims, the (English and Hawaiian) if any, will be forever barred. mutual interest of manufacturer and planter to do so. said "Iwenty-fiv- e 'm Ik Commission and Business Agent. All bills due to Estate must be As the Advertiser states it: acres of cane land, and C' paid to the undersigned within six President Surrenders. f as Administrator, Guardian and approximately two acres for a house.lot, the Portuguese Settlement Asso- Will Act months front the date of this notice. A L Nk! Bills Collected.. lands, on Hawaii, Executor. Rents and IDA AKAU, ciation formed to take up the Hakalau have agreed to Washington, April 1.
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