PRICE, 25 CENTS. $3.50 WORTH OF MUSIC IN THIS NUMBER. Yearly Subscription, Including Valuable Premium, $2.00. See Pages 356 and 362, ~ Vol. 6. f ~I-===============-1Jr--- +. .. -r-~-t=~===== No=====.====9. ==171 + + READING. MUSIC. PAGE. PAGE. EDITORIAL-Chorus Singing-College Grad- ALLEGRO MoDERATO, from Schubert's unfin· uates-Paragraphs ...... .. .. ........ .. 356 ished Symphony in B minor-SidtlS .. ...... 363 MUSICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS-Bur­ mese Bells-A Musical Convict-Stage Jokes "HEAVENLYVorcEs" (Nocturne) E. A. Becker, 366 -Pronunciation in Singing-The Guitar in Portugal-Vulgarity in Musical Composi­ ''You SEE, MAMllf.A !" (Song) F. P. Tosti .. .... 3i0 tions- Little Tommy Tucker - Amateur, Professional, Professor, Viewed Rational­ ly-An Interview with a Prima Donna- "YEs, oR No?" Grand Vocal Concert Waltz, A Few Words About Public Singers-Music on selected and original themes-Charles Trude Oddities-How to Select a Piano­ Kunkel. ..... .. .. ... ........... ... ..... .. 373 Quigg and the Beasts - Book Notices­ Answels to Correspondents - Questions STUDY, Revised and Annotu-ted by Charles Pertinent and Impertinent- Our Music­ Kunkel-J. B. Duvernoy . ................. 382 The Restfulness of Music-Comical Chords­ Major and Minor-Smith and Jones .. 355 to 396 CORRESPONDENCE- Boston -Chicago- "FRA DrAvor.o" (Fantasia)-Sidus........ ... 384 Washington-Cincinnati . ........... 387 to 390 -,_II, __ _11 1-=-1 ---'-'-'---=--'= l Copyright, KUNKEL BROS., 1883. -~II SMITH & OwENs, PRINTERS, 207 N. Third Street, St. Louis, Mo. (21) Entered at the St. Louis Post Office as Mail Matter of the Second Class. "BEHNING" "101111"• SOHMER & CO., JY.1:ANUFAOTURERS::- G~l square, and UPright p~ Fortes. With Improved Palen! Agraffe Atlachment and Narne Board~ Received First Medal of Merit and Diploma of Honor at Cen­ tennal Exhibition and at Grand Exhibition, Montreal, 1881. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS, Nos. 149-155 Iast Fourteenth St., NEW YORK. E. r. DLSBAUSEH &~a., Agents for St. Louis, Ko., ~a. lD South fourth St. FACTORY, N. E. Cor. 124th St. and 1st Ave., NEW YORK. p I A N 0 s tfrSQUARE! ~UPRIGHT! ~GRAND! ----- ESTABLISHED IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO, OVER 30 YEARS! lJsed and Recommended by 25,000 Artists and Amateurs. Patent Self-.Bearing Agraffe Attachment, Concave Name-Board, and Patent Veneered Bridge-Are valuable Improvements Used in the Bauer Pianos only. Manufacturers and Importers of Musical Merchandise. Band InstrumeBts, Fine Vio­ lins and Strings a SpecialtY.. A Complete Assortment of the Finest Instruments in the World at the Lowest Possible Prices. JULIUS BA.UER, & 0<>.~ . ST. LOUIS. 156 & 158 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ills. KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, JULY, 1883. 353 1VLu-SIC :soox:s_ FUELISE:ED BY OLIVER DITSON & CO., BOSTON., JY.1:ASS_ S~~Jl!~~!~s!~s~~!~s Ame;i~~~BCOo~P~sers Reed Organ Music. Yes, it is undoubtedly a good plan to take with you to the Ditson & Co. publish a large number of books that are purely summer home a well selected set of music books for singing American in design and composition. The Emerson New Method for Reed Organs, and for playing. ($2,50), is one of the newer methods, has a fine "method " is F OR SINGING, TAKE: by two well known writers (Emerson and Mathews), and has a ZEN-OBIA, goodly quantity of very pleasing music, instrumental and vocal ($2.00), is a new Grand Opera, just out. It is by S. G. PRATT. The subject is a noble and heroic one, and the scenes are GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG. capable of being made most attractive . Will soon be given, ENLARGED EDITION. Miss Annie Cary taking the principal role. Clarke's Harmonic School for the Organ, ($2.00 . Boards, or $2.50 Cloth), the best miscellaneous selection ($3.00), is for Church Organs, either Reed or Pipe, and is an of popular songs, with accompaniment, extant. DON MUNIO, admirable school for voluntary playing. ($1,50), by DUDLEY BUCK, is a Grand Cantata, founded on a MINSTREL SONGS, OLD and NEW. legend of the Crusades. Clarke's Reed Organ Melodies, ($2.00 Boards; $2.50 Cloth). Best and only collection of the world-wide, famous Plantation, Jubilee and Minstrel Songs. 46th PSALM, ($2.00), constitute one of the best arranged and interesting (80 cts.) by DUDLEY BUCK, is a favorite. collections ever put together. BEAUTIES OF SACRED SONG. JOSEPH'S BONDAGE, The Organ at Home, ($2.00 Boards; $2.50 Cloth). Admirable assemblage of the ($1.00), by CHADWICK. sweetest sacred lyrics, Piano or Organ accompaniment. ($2,00), has about 200 easy reed organ pieces. A well known and popular book. FOR PLAYING, TAKE: . BELSHAZZAR, ($1.00), by BUTTERFIELD. 'l'wo sacred Cantatas introducing, the one Egyptian, and the Clarke's Dollar Instructor for Reed Organs MUSICAL FAVORITE. other Babylonian scene!!, which, with proper costuming, may includes all the Flood music and instruction that can be ($2.00 Boards; $2.50 Cloth). New and very well chosen col­ be made magnificent. The music is good, and either ls well placed in a " dollar' book. lection of Piano Pieces of medium difficulty. worth giving. GEMS 0 F STRAUSS. NEW FLOWER QUEEN, Winner's Ideal Method for Cabinet Organ, GEMS OF THE DANCE. (75 cents), by GEO. l!"'. ROOT. (75 cts .) is one of his series of very convenient cheap instruct­ (Each $2.00 Boards; $2.50 Cloth). The very brightest piano ors for all instruments. They arc only for beginners and music published. Descriptions of 30 other first-class collections PICNIC amateurs. sent on application. · 'By THOMAS. Two Cantatas which are most appropriate to the flower and In Press and Nearly Ready: excursion season. Johnson's Parlor Organ Instruction Book, ($1.50), is very highly approved, as teaching in a most simple A Grand Book of WAR SONGS, manner the playing of Sunday School and Church music REDEMPTION HYMN, on the Reed Organ. For Camp Fires. and all G. A. R. meetings. Look out for itt (30 cents), by J. C. D. PARKER, will be most acceptable to Any book mailed, postpald. for retail price. choirs and choruses. Any book mailed for the price above mention&d. OUR GUARANTf[. We Deliver Our Pianos --T:S:E-- We sell with the under­ To Cash Customers, FREIGHT standing THAT YOU SHALL BE PAID, to almost any Railroad HAINES PLEASED OR NO SALE, and chaL point, and give a Stool, Cover, lenge any one to show a single Patent Music Binder, or Folio, case during the past FIFTY UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTE YEARS, where our house has and 12 numbers of our Musi­ sold a cheap or imperfect in­ cal Magazine, containing over RANKS AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. strument, and refused to ex­ $33 worth of our latest and change it. We givema­ "Haines makes a magnificent Upright." -CAMPANINI. kers' guarantee for five years, " The tone of the Haines Upright is simply lovely." -EMMA THURSBY. and OUR OWN, guar an tee i n g " They are delightful to sing by." satisfaction and -.AL WINA VALLERIA. if from any cause WHATSOEVER, A Stool and 10 numbers of " I do not see in what respect they can be excelled." the Piano or Organ does not P~ters' Organ Music, a New -OLE BULL. please you, IT MAY BE RETURN­ Monthly Magazine, containing '' In all my experience 1 ha1,1e yet to find a piano that suits me ED at any time, within one to $10 worth of late popular better." six months, and exchanged music, (or we will pay freight -BRIGNOLI, for any Piano or Organ of equal to any point not costing over ''In eve'ry 1·espect the Haines Upright Piano answers the de­ value. $1 per 100 lbs). mands of the most exacting artist." -ETELKA GERSTER. J. L. PETERS, 307 N or"th 5th ·st., St. Louis. "W" .AREROOJY-I: S, lEi"' Agency for Ditson's, Novello's and Peters' Editions, Chase Pianos, Bay State Organs, Etc. 97 FIFTH AVENUE1 NEW YORK. 354 KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, .JULY, 1883. I T~E BEST E»X:.A.J.VC> <>F TEEE X>.A.v. I HAZELTON BROTHERS, (Established in 1850.) MANUFACTURERS OF GR.JlJ{J), S()U.JiRE, and UPrJiiGHT ~GALAXY OF STABS.~ Who pronounco the WEBER PIANOS the best Pianos in the world for their" Sympathetic, Pure, and Rich Tone, ::c Q cmnbined with Greatest Power." :::::» ....0 P .AREP.A ROSA. ~ i I*' ....0 :z .NILSSON, KELLOGGj · .!lLB.!lJ\fi, c M.!lRIE ROZE, · RIV'E-KIJ\fG, C.!IRY, LLI ....Ic:c P.!lTTI, THURSBY, MURSK.fl, :::::» C)) 0./lRREJ\fO, L U00./1, TORRI.!lJ\fi, LLI :z STR.A USS, GODD.!IRD, O.fl.MP.!lNI.NI, :::::» MILLS, O.!lPO UL, MUZIO, GIL.MORE, WEHLI, BRIGJ\fOLI, And many others. PI~KO~IflOBT B B@ PRICES REASONABLE. TERMS EASY. WAZEhT@N iBRiTNER~t WAREROOMS, FIFTH AVENUE, COR. 16th ST., NEW YORK. 34 & 36 University Place, - NEW YORK. HENRY F. MILLER MANUFACTURER OF THE ;!/RTISTS' GR:fl.H.D, BROTHERS THE CONCERT GR:!.IH.D, THE P:i.RLOR GR:!.IH.D, P~AKOS Have shown themselves to be so far superior to all others in Excenence of UPRIGHT, PATENT PEDAL UPRIGHT, AND SQUARE Workmanship, Elasticity of Touch, Beauty of Tone, and great Dura­ bility, that they are now earnestly sought for by all persons desiring TB V BY BEST PZA 0. • OAUTION.-All genuine Decker Pianos have the followmg name (precisely as here shown) on the pianos above tt 'teys : The ·Choice of th~ World's Great ArtistB. llttk«!l¢~. ·~·o THOSE INTERESTED, a beautiful Catalogue will be mailed on receipt of two three­ :Ntitt ),tt;tk. eent stamps to prepay postage. HENRY F. MILLER, Jfir SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED OATALOGUE.-r.iiJI 611 Washington St., Boston, Mass., U.S. A. No. 33 U•ie11 Square, NEW YORK. Vol. VI.
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