2005-2019 - 14th Annual Central Birthday Edition General Excellence Louisiana Press Association See Page 3 CENTRALCENTRAL CITYCITY National Newspaper Assn. More Things To Know About 0 City of Central ® Especially if You Live Here! & The Leader 1 NEWSNEWSJuly 2019 • Vol. 22, No. 7 • 32 Pages • Circulation 10,000 • 30,000 online • www.centralcitynews.us • 225-261-5055 Central’s 1441th Anniversary 12 Elected Officials Who Shaped City of Central Sen. Bodi White Rep. Donald Ray Kennard Russell Starns Mayor Mac Watts Author, Central School System Author, Central School System Founder of City of Central Brought privatization to City of Central Mayor Pro-Tem Ralph Washington Mayor Jr. Shelton Rep. Tony Perkins Sheriff Sid Gautreaux Fought charge Central was racist Leadership during Flood of 2016 Secured Greenwell Springs Site Provides Primary Law Enforcement Councilman (Clerk) Doug Welborn EBR Mayor Pro-Tem Scott Wilson EBR Mayor Pro-Tem Joe Greco Rep. Valarie Hodges Spearheaded Comite Diversion Canal Brought Early Voting to Central Authored Central Thruway Spearheaded Comite Diversion Canal In Digital Age, We Need Books More Than Ever 2 CENTRAL CITY NEWS Thursday, July 25, 2019 City of Central Founder Russell Starns Looks Back on Battle for Incorporation they could only support the amend- 14 Years After ment if Central incorporated as a city. Historic Vote to That led Starns and other support- ers of the proposed Central school Form City, Starns system to begin to talk seriously about the advantages and disadvan- tages of incorporation. Has No Regrets When they looked hard at the issue, CENTRAL - Starting a new city is they realized that Central needed its one of the most difficult things any- own city almost as much as it need- one can undertake in the State of ed its own school system. Louisiana, but a hardy band of Cen- Thus began the epic battle that led tral residents led by Central busi- to the people of Central voting to nessman Russell Starns did just that incorporate on April 23, 2005. The in 2004-2005. city came into existence on July 11, Starns, a 1975 graduate of Cen- 2005, when the first officials were tral High School where he was a sworn in. star football player, became suc- The next year the legislature cessful in the home health busi- passed the constitutional amend- ness. A strong supporter of his alma ment to create the Central Com- mater, Starns was frustrated by the munity School System, the voters way the federal courts and the East agreed, and it became a reality on Baton Rouge Parish School Board July 1, 2007. Russell Starns became had damaged Central High School the first president of the Central and other schools in Central. The School Board. schools’ physical facilities were Over the next 14 years, Starns badly neglected, and school district has lived to see his dreams become lines were constantly changing. a reality. The Central school system The Central he and other residents is now ranked No. 2 in the state and knew and loved seemed to be slip- has a beautiful school complex. The ping away. In 2004, Reps. Donald City of Central offers safe neigh- Ray Kennard and Bodi White intro- borhoods, great schools, and a won- duced a constitutional amendment PRINCIPAL BRANDON LeGROUE told graduates they are part of something great. derful family atmosphere. It is the to create the new Central Commu- third wealthiest city in Louisiana. It nity School District. The bill was is the only privatized city in Loui- reported unanimously by the House siana, and it runs big surpluses and Education Committee and the Civil has $40 million in the bank. Law Committee but was short of the Today, 14 years after incorpora- 2/3rds vote required for passage of tion, does Russell Starns have any a constitutional amendment on the regrets? “Not really!” he says with House floor. Some legislators said RUSSELL STARNS — Incorporator of Central and 1st president of Central School Board a smile. 12 Elected Officials Who Helped Shape Central Baton Rouge Parish, and statewide. City of Central by Gov. Kathleen Woody Jenkins to the area. That was true of Kath- Editor In the 2007 session, he passed legis- leen Blanco, who had been Don- Blanco in July 2005, Mayor Watts lation to ease the transition of Cen- ald Ray’s seat mate in the House. became the public face of Central. CITY OF CENTRAL - On the 14th an- tral schools from East Baton Rouge As it turned out, by 2005, she was Widely respected in the community, niversary of the founding of the City Parish to the Central school system. Governor Kathleen Blanco. Even he had the confidence of the people of Central, the cover of the Central Since then, Rep. (now Sen.) White though she was a Democrat and he and presented a City News honors 12 elected of- has been ever-vigilant in promot- was a Republican, their close bonds mature, stable, ficials — living and dead — who ing the interests of Central. Most served Central well when she as and responsible have made an enormous contribu- recently, he succeeded in securing governor appointed the first mayor, image for the tion of the City of Central as we funding for completion of the wid- city council, and school board for new municipal- know it today. There are others who ening of Sullivan and Hooper roads. Central. ity. One of his have also done a great deal to make Rep. Donald Ray Kennard— Central Founder Russell Starns most important Central what it is. We invite you to The late Donald Ray Kennard was — Incorporating a new municipal- decisions was tell us about them for future recog- elected to the Louisiana House in ity has a certain parallel to forming recommending nition (send suggestions to central- 1975 and was already talking about a new business. In both instances, that the City of [email protected]). The 12 the need for Central to incorporate there must be an incorporator — the Central follow recognized today are: one day. In 2004, he joined with person who actually files the papers the lead of San- Sen. Bodi White — Bodi White Rep. Bodi White to sponsor the with the office of the Louisiana dy Springs, GA, Mayor Watts was elected to the Louisiana House new Central Community School Secretary of State. The incorporator and become of Representatives from Central in System. When that constitutional of the City of Central is local busi- Louisiana’s first and only fully 2003. Upon being sworn in, he im- amendment narrowly failed, he nessman Russell Starns. More than privatized city. Under this model, mediately introduced an amend- came back with legislation to cre- that, he was the authentic leader and virtually all city services are pro- ment to the Louisiana Constitution ate the new school system in the chief spokesman for a community- vided by a private, non-profit cor- of 1974 to cre- 2006 session of wide movement poration. Privatization has allowed ate the Central the legislature. that shook the the City of Central to perform far Community A veteran leg- foundations more efficiently than any other mu- School System. islator who was of East Baton nicipality in the state — providing The legislation well-liked by his Rouge Parish services at a fraction of their costs required a two- colleagues in the and even state elsewhere. thirds’ vote and House, Donald government. His Mayor Pro-Tem Ralph Wash- narrowly failed. Ray often told tough-minded ington — Ralph Washington grew On April 23, stories about but fair lead- up in Ascension Parish and attend- 2005, the people growing up in ership style ed segregated schools. He was in of Central voted Central to make brought together the first bus load of black students to incorporate points when he and kept togeth- to integrate East Ascension High Central as a new Sen. Bodi White debated legis- Rep. D. R. Kennard er a movement Russell Starns School. Despite humble beginnings, city. In the 2005 lation on the that created the he went on to earn a degree from session, Rep. White authored legis- House floor. Along with his father City of Central and the Central Southern University and to become lation to create the Central Transi- and mother, Sterling and Camille Community School District. He manager of one of the largest chem- tion District to smooth the process Kennard, Donald Ray and his wife served as chairman of the City of ical plants on the Mississippi River. of incorporation. In 2006, White Mona sponsored an annual cookout Central Transition District and later After retiring, he started a business again authored a constitutional in Central for members of the legis- as the first president of the Central in Central and became active in the amendment to allow voters to cre- lature. As a result, legislators from Community School Board. Central incorporation movement. In ate the Central Community School all over the state had visited Cen- Mayor Mac Watts — With his the first election after incorporation, System. That passed in Central, East tral at least once and felt a kinship appointment as Mayor of the new See 12 WHO on Page 14 Thursday, July 25, 2019 CENTRAL CITY NEWS 3 14th Anniversary of Founding of City of Central More Things You Should Know About 10 Central, Especially if You Live Here! Woody Jenkins Central’s Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Sgt. Homer Wise Editor CENTRAL - Do you live, go to school, or work in Central? Do you have family here? Are you thinking of starting a business in Central? Or do you just want to understand more about the City of Central and its 28,000 people? Last year, the Central City News’ 13th City of Central Anniversary Edition, published, “50 Things You Should Know About Central!” But there’s more to know! So here are “10 More Things You Should Know About Central!” —1— What is the most impor- tant thing to know when speaking to someone from Central? SGT.
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