CENTRAL STATE COLLEGE S:U:::ti::~~---~---~~..-".*«~~--s.~~$i::~"$C~~~~~-*16~~-a~·~•"-:.!.$::~**~~~5#i1Ca:«C*W"***•*t.:a SERIES VlII VOL. V Stevens Polnt. Wlseonsln, Thursday, December IS, 1962 TWELVE PAGES, - ~o. 6 Tentative Plans Made Folk__ Sin.ger ·odetta For Winter Carnival The 1963 Winter Carnival, Board-sponsored event .. ls Grant which has become an annual af. Birmingham, a senior !rom Wau. Here _F.ebruary fair at CSC., this year wlU be held watosa. lo ., "" Feb. 19-24. In charge ot the various activ- Odetta, one ·ot the most talked• Among the actlvttles· that will itlei are Dave Allardyce, beard about folk singers in America to­ be held are ice sculpturing, pas. contest: Al Bablei, lee sculptur. day, will appear in concert In the ter, beard and king and queen tng contest; Jeao Brownlow, win· college fieldhouse at 8 p. m. Sun• contests; toboggan and ice skat- ter carnival contest; Tom Cor· day, Feb. 10, 1963. lng parties; an Ice hockey exhibl- rigan, assembly program; Bob lion, and races. Epp, toboggan and Ice skating A cover story in a recent issue Other highlights wlll be the party; Jim Gehrke, lee hockey ex· ot Time Magazine on folk s ing­ Kangaroo Court Trials. the Wood· hibitlon. ing wrote this of Odetta ... "she· choppers' Ball and an assembl)', BUI Gethlng, races; Ann Hen- remains one of the best fo l}( program. rlchs, publicity; Marilyn House- singers going; her brawny female Rules and regulation for the !ell) poster contest; Peter Kllst, baritone can run through a widet various contests wiU be an- dance; Janice Lathrop, publicity variety ot mood and matter than nounced soon. tpr assembly programs; Gary most singers would dare at• t,.. special Invitation is extended Mueller, Kangaroo Court trials;· tempt." to faculty members to join the Beulah Poulter. king and queen ' The New York Herald Tribune carniva l activities. contest, and Ruth Sarnowski, says, "Odetta Is a noble artist. Chairman for this Union art work and posters. She makes her words understood - and, there is thunder to their meaning and· depth and power and punch." ·· ' The musical charm of Odetta Amini .Ruled _ Insane, and her numerous appearances on college campuses throughout the country have won her many I nnoce_nt Of Murder admirers. In a colorful comment, Var iety Majid "Fred" Amini. foi:_mer and saw Amini get hit more than said, "Odetta top.lines with a set CSC student, was declared inno­ once, but didn't recall seeing him ot pipes as direct and powerful cent by reason ot insanity in a knocked down. People were be· as a blow torch, as deep and re­ tavern slaying last May 18. tween him and tlie fighters, sonant as an old master viol and The slaying took place after blocking his view, he testified. as sure as a musical mountain an firgument followed by a Ralph Meinert ot Pittsburgh, . goat on the melodic ra nge. scuffle during which Amini alleg­ Pa .. a CSC student, said he saw Odetta goes oft to thunderous edly slashed Albert Dombrowski's Amini go down during the fight applause." throat with a beer glass. at Morey's. The other three witnesses testi­ · Born O<letta Felious in Bir• If the acquittal stands, Amini mingham, Ala., Odetta's career, will be committed to the Central fied to Amini's character. All State Hospital for the criminally said it was good. covering Httle more than eight insane at Waupan .and held there Appearing were Mrs. Theresa years, has won her wide acclaim until he Is found sane. Scribner, 1..14 Wyatt Avel, Orland a nd stature. An Indication of this At the time he was charged Radke, dean of men at CSC, and was the overwhelming recepti on with Dombrowski's s I a y in g, Dr. Gordon Haferbecker, dean of by the audience that packed Car. Amini was nearing completion ot instruction. negie Hall for a concert in 1960, · his second year in pre.engineer­ District Attorney John Hakc1, Further recognition came when ing a t CSC . in his statemnt, contended Dom. .Odetta won the Sylvania Award 'When I finished high school," browski tried only to break uP a for her appearance on the TV Amini testified, "I was thinking fight between Amini and Charles program. "Tonight with Bela­ Olsqn. A_minl, said the district fonte." the program itself receiv• attorney, then began fighting Ing the "Emmy" award. Belafonte with Dombrowski, who pushed said of the singer, "Odetta is a him away and finally applied a vast influence on our cultural head hold on t he-Iranian student. life. We are fortunate indeed in N ie}( Somers, 19, Route l , having sut h a woma n in our Custer, who was a student at musical world. Those of us who CSC at the time, said he heard caU oursel! artists can learn Amini shout, "I'm from Persia much from her strength, simpllc• and we Dght with knives. If you ·uy, warmth, humor and complete want to fight with knives we'll humanity." fight with knives." College students will be ad. Somers said he did not see mltted to this assembly series Amini attack Dombrowski with program upon presentation ot the glass. The crowd, he testi· 1.D, cards. Ticket prices !or the (continued on page 2) ODETTA general public are two dollars ---~---------------------------------, for adults and One dollar !or chll· Human Rights Committee dren. Recommendation ,Approved College, Community The Committee on Dlscrlmina· questions of discrimination on the The committee consisted of J • I p • 0 1 ~:tf: ~e;~~s~~;h:h!~c~;~r. ~:t ~~n~1 '!:,:·nJ? ~ 1s~~:~:~~tii~ ten members - seven tacully Din n resenting cial .recognition of Phi Kappa in the areas of college-operated ~:e:~;s th~n~t~;;·: ;~;~s;~~~ Handel's "Mess·1ah" MAJID ~I Jre~a~~ao~~nlt,;{e!;e i~ga;~-:::~~; {re~~i t~~~de~~tr~~~~~: !f:ns~c~~~: wcr~ J o~ep!t L Schuler, Jr., to continue my education in a should be withheld. The recom- dent housing, and the admi nist ra· chairman, Su~ Holt~usen, ~~ u: .. ,., college or university back home. mendatlon was approved by the tion of grants, loans or scholar- dent Co u n c i 1 rcp1 csentat1\ e , For unto us a ch!ld is born. But the system of education in !acuity. It will be submitted to ships was to be considered. H e 1 e.n Vaughn, I1~ter.Sororlty Th!s j~?'ous me~sage !S fro~ Han- Iran is somehow that I would the adrrlinistration lor considera- A second propq;;;:al that grew Council represe~tatl~'~; Tom del s Messiah which will be have to have had some financial tion later this week. out of the committee's initial ~ckman, Inter:·F1ate11111y <;oun- prseented at the col lege fi eld· support. It has prOved to me The recommendation reads. In considerations was that the com· c1 ! rep.resentat1\•e; J oel Nick~!- house Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. im possible In Iran to work part part: "With respect to the ap. mittec should consider ou·estions son, Michael Fortune. ~olm Gil· The "Messiah" will be a prescn· time and go to school. " plication of Phi Kappa Thela !ra- involving any area or' human Ie~~Y. 1;ugo Marple, l\liss l\•Ia.ry talion by bo_th the coll~ge and He chose tHe United States, he ternily lor orticial recognition, rights. It was felt then. as now. E( izabetu Thompson and Miss the community. A choir com­ said. · because the prestige o! the committee finds that both the that the rights or t!'ie' student Vivlan _K~ llo~g. An eleventh mcm- posed of the members of local gradualiJlg-from a college -here national and local constitutions body should be prntccted. and bcr. Wi lham Clements. ser.vcd on church choirs, the co.liege ~hair ,. · woulct 'nelp him get a job in Iran. of Phi Kappa Theta are in vio· that the stud ent bodv should be the committee. up. to the ll!11e he and the college choraliers will be• He testified he came to CSC latlon of the faculty r"egul ations ghten as complete- ·freedom as a~ep! cd an. appomtment m ~f. accompanied by the St~vens Point because lie was told it was cheap- regarding discrimination in so- possible within the administra· rica , last spring. ?ymphony 01:chestra m present· er to go to school in a small t0\\11 cial organizations and raco m· li ve- limits set by the coll ege. This semester's outgoing com- mg the "Messiah." and because he felt the-adjust. mends: These general prOposals were mittee suggested several ques· Soloists will be Ful'lli Saito. so- ment would be e~ier on a small ''That the secretary · of the embodied in a series of regula· tions to be considered by a pos. prano, Stevens Point; Karen campus. Faculty be directed to advise the lions which was submitted to sible fu·ture Human Rights Com· Dehn, alto, Omro; George Lorenz, His parents are dead but he Administrtion Committee that and approved by the faculty mittee. The suggestions were in tenor ,Wa upaca, and Wendell Orr, has two brothers and three sis- of!icial recognition of Phi Kappa earHer this s.cmester. the areas o( freedom of spee('h bass. Mr. Orr is a member ot ters in Iran. Theta Fraternity would violate The question of o(!icial recog· fo r faculty and ~tudents, the the CSC mu si c department Several CSC students testified the regulations of the college re- nitlon !or Phi Kappa Theta came rights and obligations of student faculty.
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