17rHJune 2006 - 5 Miles 1250ftof ascent. The 16thrunnins of this racein memory of Darren Morecambe Organisedon behalf of QuernmoreSports by John Gibbison,assisted by High School Record: Ma-rkCroasdale 2006 36.30 Lady Record: JackieHargreaves 2004 42.t3' NAME CLUB / SCHOOL TIME - 1. Mark Croasdale L&M 36.30 WINNER New Record 040 Harrv RobinsonShield Mike Breslin Shield fuoucher) And 1" Mole Vet. 2. SeanBolland Bowland 37.41(v) 3. Mike Johnson Bowland 39.18(v) 2"dVet 040 4. Mark Chippendale Bowland 40.08(v) 5. Richard Melon Bowland 40.22ft) 6. Derek Hurton Eden Runners 41.14(v) 7. SteveSwarbrick Bowland 4t.23 (v'l 8. Andrew Preedv Rosendale 4t.47 (v) 9. ChrisReade Bowland 42.05(v) JilVet 0.40 and l" local 10.Mark France Darwen Dashers 42.16(v\ Vet.040 11.Stephen Worsley InvernessHarriers 43.17 Vet.040 i2. JonathanFish L&M 43.36 Vet 04C 13.David Wilson Bowland 43.50 Vet 040 14. Simon Thomas L&M 43.51 15.Skio Donahue Spen 43.58 Vet 040 16.Clive Davis Bowland 44.54 Vet 040 17.Nick Hewitt Bowland 45.49rv\ Jura Shield ln MaIe vet .050 18.Andrew Crowther L&M 46.27 I 9.FrankMcTominay x(v) L&M 46.36 Vet 040 20. Paul Wrisht Helm Hill 46.40 Vet 040 21. Chris Adams L&M 46.54 Vet 040 22. JobnGorst ula 47.07 Vet 040 Gloush Cup (v) I" Mqle u2l 23. CrisoinHalsall ula 47.r3 24.Iulian Donnelly Darwen Dashers 47.28 Vet 040 25. SirnonFox Darwen Dashers 47.31 Vet 040 26. Andrew Tumer Ellenbureh AC 48.15 Vet 040 27.PaulWadeson L&M 48.50 Vet 040 28. Andv Quickfall Newbursh 48.50 Vet 040 29. John Spence RotherhamHarriers 49.01 Vet 040 30. Geoff Lyons x(V) GarstansRC 49.35 Vet 040 31. JoeMumhv ula 49.48 Vet 040 32. Alf Tupper!! Spen& Dist AG 49.50 Vet 040 33. Bruce Bennett ula 49.s4 34. KarenNash PrestonHarriers 50.02 OuernmoreShield Jura Shield ft) l" lady and I'' ladv Vet 040 35.Roser Tavlor Preston}trarriers 51.29 36. Chris Chippendale L&M 5r.44 37. Ken Murphy ula 5t.52 Vet 040 38. David Evans ula 52.02 39. DeclanO'Duffv FRA 52.29 Vet 040 40. Darren Peat L&M s2.37 Vet 040 41. RavBarlow Achille Ratti 52.42 Grit Fell Cuo (v) 1" male Vet 060 ,42.PauJBates L&M 52.45k\ 2n"Male Vet 050 43. David Parminter Black Combe 53.00 3'oMale Vet 050 44.PaulModley L&M 53.02 Vet 040 45. JakeOldrovd L&M 53.03 Vet 050 46. Tim Whitelev FRA 53.51 47. RowenaBrown ula 54.15(v) 2ndlady and 2nolady Vet040 48. David Nield Clavton 54.52 Vet 040 49. JohnNewsholme Accrinston RR 55.08 50. StephenRalston L&M 55.15 Vet 040 51. Mark Westcombe L&M 55.19 5LJqsh Hodgson- Dallaru 55.33 Vet 050 53. JamieMumhv ula 56.07 54. George Thompson Clayton 56.27 Vet 050 55. Daniel Whitehead Kendal 57.13 Vet 040 56. JacouelineShaw Darwen Dashers 57.20k) 3'o ladv 57. StephenFish FRA 57.32 Vet050 58. Doug Brown WeshamRR 58.03 2n"vet 060 59. Katv Thompson Clavton 58.14(v) 1" ladv V050 60. RichardWilkinson Clayton 58.57 3'" Vet 060 61. HarryCatlow*(V) CFR 59.14 Vet 070 62. SabineHurst L&M 59.16 Ladv Vet 040 63. Phillip Newton Blackcombe 60.54 Vet 050 64. JenniferHutton Bowland 62.13 65. PeterGeldard Garstang 62.22 3'" Vet 060 66. Robvn Anderson ula 63.22 67.Lisa Handcock ula 63.58 68.'Iom Tareell Clalton 64.04 Vet 060 69. John Gilbert Bowland 67.07 Vet 040 70. Cherrie Lonsenden FRA 74.23 71. JohnRea CFR 83.36 Vet050 JonathanStubbs I Darwen Dashers Retired *Three specialVoucher prizes donatedby John Mullervy to placingsin the main freld. First Team - Darren JonesTrophv Bowland Fell Runners - 9pts z"d SeanBolland (v) rrd J Mike Johnson(v) 4'h _ Mark Chippeodale[v) SecondTeam Bowland Fell Runners - 21pts 5th Richard Melon (v) ;: :fl:i:#""[f' DARREN JONES CLOUGHA PIKE FELL RACE JTJNIOR CROSS COT]NTY RACES All coursesare over rough, hilly terrain.Ages as Januaryl't 2006 Under8years-%M:ile NAME Club/School Time 1. Marcus Preedv Rossendale 4.24 WINNER Kevin Mullerw Cup New record Cash prize 2. Beniamin Roberts St. PaulsScotforth 4.28 2noBoy (cp) 3. Jacob Croasdale Moorside 5.07 3" Boy (cp) 4. Laurence Johnson Moorside 5.10 5. Kieran Rilev CFR 5.12 6. ThomasHalsall Quernmore 5.t7 7. Connor McAleavey CFR 5.22 8. Connie Hurton EdenRunners 5.38 l" Girl (cp) KevinMullerw Cuo New record 9.Lizzie Goodfellow Storth 5.40 2noGirl (cp) 10.Yasmin Wrisht Helm Hill 6.05 11.Eric Roe Scotforth 6.09 12.Olivia Wilson Bowland 6.28 13.Ellie Simpson Poulton-le-Sands 6.53 14. Zara Preedv Ross.Christ the Kine 7.34 Team - None Under 10 years- 1 mile Record Ryan Croasdale2004 - 7.10 NAME Club/School Time 1.Phil Done Keishlev&CravenAC 7.21 WINNER(cp) Kevin Mullerw Cup 2. Matthew Shackleton Quernmore 8.07 2noBoy(cp) 3. ThomasHorner Ghvllside 8.i1 3'" Bov(cp) 4. Georgina Spencer Retford AC 8.13 WINNER (cp) Kevin Mullerw Cup New Record 5. Cieran Simoson CFR 8.59 6" Wilf Goodfellow Storth 9.20 f. GresoireSaul Moorside 9.30 8. Mollv McAleavv CFR 9.38 2"" eirl (cp) 9. SarahHalsall Quenmore 9.56 10.EmilvDarwen Retford AC 10.04 11.Isaac Kavlavelle Quenmore 10.22 12. Hannah Shaw DarwenDashers 10.28 Winmng Team - U10 Cup - QuernmoreSchool 2"dMatthew Shackleton 9e SarahHalsall 1lfr IsaacKavlavelle Under 12 Years - 2 miles Record-Edward Tavlor 2004- 11.22 NAME Club/School Time 1. Itvan Croasdale Moorside 11.36 WINNER(cp) Kevin Mullerw Cuo 2. JamesFieldine Moorside t2.02 2n"Boy(cp) 3. Luke Bradlev Moorside 12.t2 3'o boy(cp) 4. Louise Saul Moorside t2.23 l" eirl (cp) Kevin Mullertw Cuo New Record 5. Harry Modley L&M 12.46 6. JosephineSaul Moorside 13.01 2"o Girl (cp) 7. NathanTompson CFR 13.13 8. Fin Kavlavelle L&M 13.19 9. Ben Wilson Bowland 13.43 10.Robin Goodfellow Dallam 13.54 11.Sara Hodgson L&M 14.18 12. JoeBwvater Quemmore 14.38 13.Alice Rea CFR 15.03 14.Harrv Shaw DarwenDashers 15,29 15.Emilv Ledward Moorside 15.31 16.Emilv Hodsson CFR 16.22 17.Jack Rilev CFR 16.33 18. JackCardwell Torrisholme 16.37 19.S an Rilev CFR 16.38 z0.Lsa Marie Shuel Moorland t6.43 2l-JoshTvson - -_-'-- Quernmore- 22. SharniePrice Moorland Winnine Team -Ul2 Cup MoorsidePrimary School 1" Rvan Croasdale 2"dJames Fielding 3'dLuke Bradlev Under 14 vears- 3miles NAME CLT]B/SCHOOL TIME 1. Jack Modley L&M 16.16 WINNER (cp) Kevin Mullervv Cup New Record 2. Melanie Hyder Dallam t6.26 l" eirl (cp) Kevin L{ullerw Cup New Record 3. Luke Croasdale Riolev 18_33 2"" boy(cp) .4. Marc Brown CFR 18.42 3'" bov(cp) 5. JamieRilev CFR 19.00 6.PaulHodeson L&M 19.02 7. DuncanEastoe CFR t9.26 8. Adam Bateson L&M 19.26 9. Eddv Fish L&M 20.0s 10.Ashley Nicholes Moorland Sch. 20.18 I 1. CatherineKenvon Eden Runners 20.25 2"" eirl (cp) 12.Jan Fox Moorland School 22.29 13.Luke Hodsson L&M 33.r4 14. Melanie Morphet CFR 23.56 15.Phvllis Lau Moorland School 24.18 Winning Team -Ul4 Cup - Lancaster& MorecambeAC l't Jack Modlev -l 2"'Paul Hodgson 3'd Adam Bateson Winning Team -U14 Cup Lancaster& MorecambeAC l't JackModley 6ft Paul Hodgson 8ft Adam Bateson Under 16 Years - 4miles NAME CLT]B/SCHOOL TIME l. HannahBateson L&M 28.07 MNNER(cp) Kevin Mullerw Cups x2 New race & sirl record 2. Michael Kenvon Eden Runners 29.09 1" boy (cp) 3. Benn Shamles Moorland 31.20 2"" Bov(co) 4. Ben Morphet CFR 3r.4t 3'bov(cpl 5. Elizabeth Wienall L&M 32.14 2"" Girl (cp) 6. Liam Tavlor Helm H ll 33.28 7. JacksonKellv HeIm H ll 34.03 8. Carlv Chene Moorland 9. RoseThompson Moorland Team- None Report Hot and sunny form early morning andthis weathercontinued all day. Perhapsnot the best conditions for running but it certainlybrought in the entrants,particularly to the Junior Cross-CountyRaces. 73 juniors lined up at2pmto race over variously long sectionsof a rough, hilly cross- country course,the U16 agegroup running the longestdistance of 4 miles having crossed fields, climbed and descendedthrough a wood and takenin somemore tough, steep climbing to the fell wall. Coursesseemed well receivedand one keenparent eventold me I had under-soldthe quality of the courses!As they camepouring in down the finishing hill there was lots of encouragementand applausebut they certainly challengedthe team at the finish to record all finishers and maybe if we get this great responsenext year we will needto split the start. Recordswere broken in the dry conditions.Melanie Hyder knockednearly 3 minutesof the previousUl4 girls record to finish 2"din the race.Moorside Primary School, QuernmoreSchool and Lancasterand MorecambeAthletics Club were well represented and thus carried off a team trophy each.There were lots of cashprizes, cups, shieldsand certificatesfor all finishers. The Darren JonesClougha Pike Fell Raceover 5 miles and with 1250ftof ascent,started at 3pm. This was the 16ftrunning of the eventin memory of Darren. Pleasingto seea slight increasein the numberswith the eventwell supportedby Bowland Runnersand Lancasterand MorecambeAC. The route was well flagged to the fell gatefollowing the Ul6 route.Then it was the more obvious route to Clougha summitt along the ridge on a well worn path.
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