READ THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS FIRST IN YOUR MEMPHIS WORLD I ft. ICA’S STAN O Aft-O PER COPY VOLUME 26,NUMBER 47 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, JUIY 3, 1957 JVru 'F '<■» PRICE SIX CENTS Report Other Elders May File Serious Charges L NEW YORK — (ANP)— Bishop On Loan Policy Sherman L. Greene, senior bishop The refuse.! by a public librarian, of the A. M. Church here can­ employed at the Memphis Public celled a scheduled trip to Eurapo Library, to loan a book to a local last week with his wife to super­ Negro Citizen could possibly lead to vise the Ilth Episcopal .District of court action, it was revealed Satur­ Florida, pending trial of Bishop D. day afternoon. June 29, by Jesse H. Ward Nichols, who has been re­ Turner, cashier of the Trl-State lieved of his duties in the wake of Bank. live serious charges against him. Turner, said he would first ask • Bishop Greene was assigned to the board members of the Library to Florida by the AME Bishops' Coun state whether or not the library ell to supervise, the district pending will permit Negroes use of the books outcome of charges against Bishop and reference rooms and other fa­ Nichols of the nth Îîpiscopal Dis­ cilities provided for other citizens trict of Florida. Thé clergyman’ Is He said if the board members re­ charged with illegal handling of fuse to rule objectively on his for­ general budget funds; placing bur- mal appeal, he will seek a ruling in deii some taxes upon churches and court. ¡ministers for his own personal gain; Turner said that Librarian Jesse ¡disobedience to the Order and Dis­ Cunningham told him. as far as he cipline of the AME church: levying BY BOB CONSIDINE knew there was no city, county, or Unauthorized assessments and mal- LAKE CHARLES ,La. - (INS) - state law or library regulation which adminlstiation in office of the Demolished and torn asunder by would prohibit him issuing library Church. hurricane Audrey and her vic­ cards to Negro citizens. However, “I ^TRIPPED OF DUTIES was acting oh the custom in this ious tidal wave, Louisiana'* Gulf Coast gave up its tragic community and in the South, when ’ Bishop Nichols, has been stripped I refused to grant him permission of his duties until the issues are dead and terror-stricken surviv­ to borrow books at this library. >■ / settled and the charges given, a ors Saturday to an army of met' It all started when Turner, ac­ hearing. The bishop stepped down ciful rescue teams. companied by a friend who request­ EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF LINKS, INC., who con- far right, National President from Philadelphia, on his own volition rather than ed his name be withheld from the ducted Friday's opening session of the organiza- Pa.; Standing are: Thelma Austin, Westchester, ‘force on the people of Florida paper, appeared at the library to lion's ninth convention meeting in Atlanta are, ainy cloud of supicion, no matter BULLETIN obtain a book Turner was seeking, N. Y.; Bess Simpson, Indianapolis, Ind; Leola GETTYSBURG, PA— (INS) left to right, front row: Mesdames Katie Greène, liow fraudulent or capricious.” turner said after entering the lib­ Nixon, Orlando, Fla ; Ursula Murrell, Los An­ President 'Elsenhower ‘Saturday or­ rary he asked a woman, who ap­ Philadelphia, Pa.; Fairfax Holmes, Denver, Colo­ The trial date for Bishop Ni­ dered “ail possible Federal Aid” fo» peared to be a library worker, for rado; Noruleate Downing, Newport News, Va.; geles, Calif.; Bernice Martin, Bluefield, W. Va.; chols has been set for July 30 at Hurricane - Devastated Southwest a certain book by title, she refused the Mt. Zion AME church in Jack­ Louisiana. Bernice McAllister, Cleveland, Ohio; Prudence and Helen Ayer, St. Petersburg, Fla. — (Perry's sonville, Fla. The announcement ta obtain the book for him. Irving, Boston, Mass, and Margaret Hawkins, Photo) THo President gave former Civtl . Turner said he asked her would was jnade by Bishop R R Wright Defense Director Vai Peterson, noiw she put It in writing, but again she ot New Orleans, president of the at the scene, blank check authority refused. She also refused to reveal AME Bishops Council. Bishop to take all needed steps to care tor her name, when he asked, said Wright will conduct the hearing. the survivors- and restore communi­ Turner. A committee of five, presided cations and living conditions. • "However, when I asked her the over by Bishop Wright will hear ..Urgently needed supplies of food, name of the librarian, she did say and rule on charges against Bis­ and drinking water were-ordered Jesse Cunningham, continued Turn- hop, Nichols. - a . •’ supplied by the President Jer. "When I asked to see him,, she For MORE CHANGES LOOM — "said he hud gone flshing.” The I^ev.-M. M. Linsay, a pre­ Not fo: more than a week-and ’The cashier, who is also a certified siding elder of Florida filed charg­ perhaps never-will the exact . toll public accountant, related how Cun­ Children Seen es against Bishop Nichols and 'sub of dead from I957's first hurricann ningham' questioned him about his GREENSBORO, N. C.—(ANP)— S. Brisbane. She named the air­ j.IQittjêd them to Bishop Wllght. A- be known. But the number of vto- native home, edueatlona! -back­ The Greensboro-High Point Alr- port, members of the airport gov-' Plans were-.being diseussed-ilast ^-boiit■ a dozen other elders are re­ tlms from the twin assault of moth­ ground and qualifications, employ- port here was hit by a segregation juilng. body, the manager of the week to conduct,a_$180,000 campaign, portedly willing To follow suit. er nature seems almost certain to ment and other personal questions suit In federal court last week in aiipoït restaurant and the airport to relise-funds to house and care tor Bishop Nichols, ¿became a con­ climb to more than 200. Many when he returned to the library on a move that looms as a test case manager as défendants in the ease. Negro orphaned and dependent chil­ troversial figrue after "hé* trans TENNESSEE STATE HURDLER EUROPE BOUND - Willie Stevens bodies are believed to have washed Monday (June 17) in connection challenging the legality of segre­ Mrs. Brisbane’s petition com­ dren in Memphis and Shelby coun­ ferred to Florida in May i960 from Tennessee State University's 1957 Drake Relay high hurdles out to sea by receding tides. with the "refusal” handed him the gated dining facilities for Negro plains that the restaurant served ty. First Episcopal District in New champion, joins a field of top American track and field athletes BODIES IN ICE HOUSES Of the stipulated amount, ap- ..York. His disagreements with local previous Saturday. and white persons. whites only. The complaint charg­ for a European tour. Other hurdlers making the trip are Elias Gil- In the Ice houses and other tern- jr The bank employee’sald Cunning­ The action was brought into U. proximately $100,000 would be Used leaders catapulted him into the es that, "the plaintiff and those college, and porary resting places in and around 1 ham said "Negroes don’t use the S. Middle District court here by a similarly situated ■ are threatened for obtaining a building and about news and controversy between, him bert of North Carolina's Winston-Salem Teachers little Cameron were at least 150 library facilities here. A library Is New York resident, Mrs'. Margaret with irreparable injury ‘ by segre­ $80,000 Would be used to operate and Dr. William B. Steward, pre­ Hayes Jones of Eastern Michigan, both tan stars, Stevens' first bodies. The tiny fishing village, maintained on Vance Avenue for gated eating facilities." the project about two years, after- sident of Edward Waters College appearance will be in Sweden. Ouststanding performances appearing as if struck by water­ in Florida, caused more friction. use by Negroes.” She asked the oourt '.to enter which attempts would be made to turned in during the National AAU championships in Dayton, logged H-bomibs, became the hi- "And you are too Intelligent to include it in the community’s char­ Dr. Steward was dismissed f£om "interlectory and permanent in­ Ohio, qualified the athletes for the five-week trip abroad. roshima of the area devastated by come here and ask to use this Iib-lib- Chicago’s "Top" junctions restraining tile defen­ ity program.- - ' the AME school three weeks ago. a storm some survivors swear thiy (Continuill on Page Two) dants from making any distinction The project is- being urged by a (FOTO BY CLANTON III) were not .properly warned agntost. based <upan color in regard to ser­ group, of civic minded citizens, since Uncounted- hundreds are still vice at t.lie airport." Memphis and .the county has pro­ 1. missing, the object of one of the Dope Peddler, Big The suit was filed by NAACP crastinated about making provision Police Oust Bishop greatest and most varied merej Mitchell Accuses legal redress attorney Conrad O. for Negro children. searches In the nation’s history. Pearson of Durham, and several , The group has obtained an op­ Wright From Train SODDEN TOMRS Kennedy, Kefauver other attorneys Including NAACP tion on a six-acre site at White- Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Cache Seized chief counsel Thurgood Marshall haven-Caplevilie and) Horn Lake Guard-units joined with civil de­ Roads, near Geeter school in South Station In Alabama Of Rights Enmity . CHICAGO—CAMP)—THe narco­ of New York. fense. Red Cross and counties® Shelby county. volunteers to pull living and dead tics detail of the Chicago Police de­ The petition Is the first of Its Plans for the structure call for ac­ BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—(AN^) ' — The Second Congregational Church Christian churches and Evangeli- DETROIT, Mich.
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