Union College Union | Digital Works The oncC ordiensis 1902 The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 1-9-1902 The oncorC diensis, Volume 25, Number 10 John D. Guthrie Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1902 Recommended Citation Guthrie, John D., "The oncC ordiensis, Volume 25, Number 10" (1902). The Concordiensis 1902. 1. https://digitalworks.union.edu/concordiensis_1902/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oncC ordiensis 1902 by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '"f.· J.. ' ; i·: ·'- . "';"'''•• '-··:' ,' • T Jt> 'MAt rnvf- . i. ' : i . i ' . I '' .T·····h-·.··. .. · .. ·. ····e·. :' ~ \ Concord iensis. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE ~ STUDE;NTS OF UNION COLLECE, Sc·HENiEC'TADY, N. Y. § VoL. XXV. JANU.ARY 9, 19·02. No. 10. '·. ""' '' .' ,. .·' :I i. ' . :I ,'.' 11 . ·C·-~-..K~~R: ' E:~-..·G··.·· E'·· 'R:·': &\. ·C···o··. r I Union University. F·I ·.. _I . ·· ... ·. u· ' ·.. :-· .:, . •. , .· ; I ;I j 'I IIDRKW V. Y. RAYMOI'D, D. D.., LL. D., Pres,tdeut.· : ·THE UP-TO-DATE UNION COLLEGE, ., GROCE~Y HOUSE' ~ . ·I .j SCHENE·CTADY, N. Y. I ' •• . 1. Course Leadin,g- to the Degree of A .. B.~The usual Classical Course, includin.g B'rench and Herman. .After Sopho­ more year the work is largely elective. ·FULL A,ND COMPLETE LINE OF 2. Course Lead.ing to the Degree of B. S.-The modern languages are substituted for the ancteq.t, and the amount of GROCERIES AND PROVIS:;IONS. Mathematics and English studies is increased. .After the Sophomore year a larg,e Iist of electh'es is offered. 3. Course Le~ding to the D.egree of Ph. B.-This differs from theA. B. course chiefly in the omission of Greek and the ••• substitution therefor of additional work in modern languages and science. 4~ General Course Lea<ling to tl1e Degree of B. E.­ 'FRUIT AND VEGETABLES This course is intended to give the basis of ::;u engineering edu­ cation, including the fundamental pl'inciples of all special .IN THEIR SEASON I ••• branches of the profession, a knowledge of both French and German, and a fuU course in English. 5. Sanitary Course Leading to the Degree of B. E.-­ This differs from co'l!lrse 4 in substituting special work in Sani­ tary Engineering for some of the General Engineering studies. 6. Electrical Course Leading to the Degree of B. E.­ This differs from course 4 in substituting- special work in Elec­ tricity and its applications, in place of some of the General & 1 142 144 STATE ST. I Engineering- stt1dies. 1 his eourse is offered in co-operation with the Edison. General Electric Con pany. I 7. Graduate Cou1·se h1 EngiueeJd.J;lg Leading to the l Degree of c. E.-A course of one year offered to graduates of courses 4, 5 or 6. There are alRo special courses in. .Analytial Chemistry, Metallurgy and Natural History. For catalogues or for special information, address BENJAMIN II. RIPTON, ])ean of the College, --------EUROPEAN-·------- Schenectady, N.Y. Broadway and Maiden Lane, DEPARTJWENT OF MEDICINE. ALBANY, N.Y. Albany Medical College -Regular Term begins Septem­ er 24:, 1901, and clol'es May 6, 1902. Instruction by Lectures, QENTLEMEN ONLY. · .25'0 ROO M.S. Recitations, Clinics. Laboratory ·work, and Practical Opera­ ;, tions. Hospital and Laboratory advantages excellent. LADIES' RESTAURANT .ATTACHED. Catalogues and ch1Clilars, containing- full information, sent on application to WILLIAM H. KEELER, PROP. WILLIS G. TUCKER, M.D., Registrar, Albany, N.Y. ANNEX-507 & 509 BROAD\VAY. .DEPARTMENT OF LAW. For Hats, Caps, Furs, Trunks, Bags, Albany Law School.-This department of the university is Suit Cases, Etc., go to located at Albany, near the State CapitoL It occupies a build­ ing wholly devoted to its use. The course leading to the degree of LL.B., is two years~ each year is divided into two semesters. L. T. CLUTE'S, 227 STA.T·E STt. Expenses.-Matriculation fee, $10; tuition fee, $100. For catalogues or other information. address Headquarters for Stetson and Knox Hats. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL, J. Nl:WTON FIERO, Dean. ALBANY,.. N. Y • ALBANY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. WILSON D.A.VIS.~ Exercises held in Albany Medical VolJeg-e Building. Twenty­ MerchaDt Tailor. first annual session opened Monday, October 7, 1901. For cata­ ogue and information address THEODORE J. BRADLEY, Ph. G.~ Secretary, ALB..&.NY N.Y. 237 State S·t. SCHEIIE~iDY, I. Y. I l.' f I ! ' . -----ADVERTISEMENTS-· . .. ., . ''. ' 1 .. ........._-- 3 0. ::Ea:E:EaZOG., ,., < •• •• PALACE MARKET. .. DEALER IN FIRST QUALITY OF •• BEEF, PORK, LAMB, HAM AND VEAL. Home Dressed Poultry Always on Hand. Canned Goods and Vegetables. FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON. 519 State Street. THE TEN EYGK, ALBANY, N. Y. ~Headquarters for Novelty Suitings. POSITIVEI-.~ Y FIRE-PROOF. American and European Plan. Most Attractive Special attention always given to students by Hotel in New York State. Near STATE CAPITAL and other places of interest. Restaurant and Grill TAILOR, Special Features. Orchestra Music during even­ c. GOETZ, ing dinner. Long Distance Telephone in every 3 Central Arcade. SCHENECTADY, N.Y. rootp,. H. J. Rockwell & Soa. THE FLORIST, , • • • <§HE • • • GRUPE- . ' 426 STATE STREET. Supplies Flowers for Balls, Parties, etc. EdlisoD os- Hotel, Also Palms, Ferns and other potted plants in the greenhouses at rear of store . 8GH ENE8TADY, N.Y. 202 & 204 STlTE ST. The Largest atzd Best Appoz'nted Hotel s. R. JAMES, in the City. FURNITURE, CROCKERY, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, Headquarters for Sons and Friends of Old Union, BRIC-BRAC, ART GOODS. Tourists and Commercial Travelers. "q • PRICE ALL RIGHT. AsnLma Refitted and Refurnished. Utzder New Management. Rates $2 and $2.50 per Day. GLENN ::SBOTECEBS., EU!OfEA~ HOTEL A~D SADDLE ROCK OYSTEi HOUSE, H. A. PECK, PROPR., Cor. South Centre & Liberty Sts., Schenectady, N. Y. Branch at 355 Broadway, Rem~selaer, N.Y. Meals $4.00 a Week. Booms fM• Gentlemen Only. Orders cooked and served in all styles. Optn until1 A.M. SCHENECTADY,• < N. Y. --.ADVERTISEMENTS.--- 1owne~' s <tan~ies~.···~· · ==---- 0. G. STUDENTS YOU CAN FIND A FULL LINE OF 11mporteb an~ JDomesttc ~tgars anb (.ttgarettee ••• UP~ TO~ DATE FURNISHING GOODS H~K.STMJINH'5 VH~RMACT, AT THE NEW STORE EDISON HOTEL BUILDING, Opp. Post Office. Schenectady, N. Y. T. H. ~a gill, 235 ~tate ~fi. LhRGE UNIO·N PINS G. N. ROGERS, JI~.K;E.LI1ANN'S, J.EWELER, BICYCLES 25~ STATE ST. AND ... PRICE, 75 CENTS ... REPAIR INC, '"NEW' STAR RESTAURANT" Opposite Vendome on Centre. 112 CLINTON STREET. 21.. Heals $3.50. Best Meeds in City. Begula-r .Meals 25c. First-Class Chef. Long Distance Phone, 6-A. Dinner Served n-30 to 2 P. M. ,· A. ABETZ. Proprietor. DR. LORD, I' @ EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. § VANGORLER 230 STATE STREET. I OPERA HOUSE. I c. H. BEN. EDICT, I TELEPHONE NO. Manager. 335. !Dr. Utllflbur S. 1Roset ••• JDenttat ••• .. COMING ATTRACTIONS .. 9 to 12 .A. ~~,u1~lo\o s P.M. 437 State Street. • •• THURSDAY, JAN. 9. THE SCHENECTADY CLOTHING CO., "In Love," by Eleanor Merron. GIBSON, WALTON & HAGADORN, -TB:E LE.ADING-. FRIDAY, JAN. 10. ONE-PRICE CASH CLOTHIERS, Al. G. Fields' Big Minstrels. HATTERS A'ND GENTS' FURNISHERS. Edison Hotel Building. 315 State Street. SATU~DAY, JAN. 11. "The Burgomaster."' 80 People. ~r>W~N F>OSSO~'S MONDAY, JAN. 13.-.ALL WEEK. TONSORIAL PARLOR, Corse Payton's Comedy Company. OPPOSITE VAN CURLER. Baths. Jay Street. ****·*********** The Con_cordiGJl·Sis VoL. XXV. UNION COLLEGE, JANUARY 9, 1902. No. 10. is due the regular essay or oration of w htch it is SUB.STITUTION ·op LITERAQY WORK to take the place. In case the manuscript is FOR ESSAYS AND ORATIONS. rejected, the contributor shall be given notice at ~ the earliest possible date after it is submitted and not less than eight days befot·e the said Th·e Plan Again Active. essay or oration is due. The Board of Editors of the Concordiensis III. No individual student shall be allowed for '99, realizing the small amount of literary to substitute new spa per work for tnore than one material in the publication, presented to the exercise during any coBege tenn. faculty a petition asking that sotne arrangen1ent IV. This substitute work may be taken by might be t11ad,e· whereby literary work for the any students in any of the four regular classes paper might be substituted fo1· the regular work except the first term sophomore and the third in essays and orations. The petition was pre­ freshmen. sented to the faculty and granted, but for one year only. · The present board, feeling that THE SCARLET AND GARNET. perhaps there might be some students who would like to avail themselves of this opportu­ The recent publication '' The Scarlet and nity, have consulted with the head of the Rhet­ Garnet" deserves the careful attention of every oric department, Dr. Hale, and through him one interested in Union aad Rutgers Colleges. the plan becomes again active. The arrange­ This book, compiled by A. H. Hinman, Union ment will be good for the remainder of the 'oz, ~nd C. R. Blunt, Rutgers 'o4, contains college year. poen1s from the various publications of the two The petition provides that: colleges, as the Rutgers '' Targun1" and ''Scar­ "During the remainder of the college year let Letter," and the "Concordiensis,'~ " Par­ literary contJ·iblltions submitted by the students thenon" and " Garnet" of Union. The book for the Concordiensis, and duly accepted there­ is a typical under-graduate publication. It con­ for, shall be accepted by the faculty as a substi­ tains college men's ideas, expressed in poetry, tute, in kind, for regular work in the depart­ and this in itself is enough to give intrinsic ment of rhetoric." value to the book.
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