ANTIBODIES CONNECT „MorphoSys hat den erfolgreichen Wandel von einem Technologieanbieter zu einem biopharmazeutischen Unternehmen vollzogen. Unsere Fähig- keiten und Ressourcen umspannen dabei die Technologie- sowie die Produktentwicklung. Wir investieren in F&E, um ein eigenes Portfolio differenzierter Medikamente zu entwickeln – Biopharmazeutika, die in Bereichen mit ungedecktem medizinischen Bedarf einen echten Fortschritt herbeiführen können. Mit ihrer Vielfalt und Breite zählt die MorphoSys-Pipeline zu den stärksten innerhalb der biopharmazeutischen Industrie. Die Pipeline reift weiter und die nächste Entwicklungsphase – die Marktzulassung erster HuCAL- Antikörper – rückt immer näher. Wir sind damit auf dem besten Weg, die Medikamente von Morgen Realität werden zu lassen." Dr. Simon Moroney, CEO e the MorphoSys AG Lena-Christ-Str. 48 S 82152 Martinsried / Planegg Germany Phone: +49 (0) 89 899 27-0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 899 27-222 Email: [email protected] Website: www.morphosys.com Where the future becomes reality HOTSPOT FOR LIFE SCIENCE STARTUPS - ," "$!".!%# - IZB on the Campus Martinsried: top location for "&!""+)"*!&'!($%&% Clinic Großhadern, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry and Neurobiology and more) - Home for more than 60 Bio Tech Companies - More than 120 startups since 1995 - Close contacts with investment partners - In-house estate management - Joint location marketing - Attractive, modern conference rooms also for external booking Rooms are available for Visitors to the Campus Martinsried - !%& $&""" %&$+ "% +$ from October 2014 Center, Café Freshmaker (IZB Martinsried), experimental greenhouse (IZB Weihenstephan) - October 2014: Opening of the G2B-Faculty Club, the IZB Residence CAMPUS AT HOME and the SEVEN AND MORE-Restaurant Fördergesellschaft IZB mbH Am Klopferspitz 19 82152 Planegg/Martinsried Tel.+ 49 (0)89.55 279 48-0 Fax+ 49 (0)89.55 279 48-29 www.izb-online.de Imprint Editorial staff: Katja Bölcker, Georg Kääb, Almut Windhager Data analysis: Sabine Jordan Data collection: Sabine Jordan, Florian Matznik Company Profiles: Regina Bach, Florian Matznik, Ivonne Wagner We thank the Bavarian companies and the regional organizations of the Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster for supporting this survey. June, 2014 Contact Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey, Managing Director Spokesman of the Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster Dr. Georg Kääb, Cluster Manager The Bavarian and the Munich Biotechnology Clusters are managed by: BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH Am Klopferspitz 19a D-82152 Martinsried Phone: +49 (0)89-89 96 79-0 Fax: +49 (0)89-89 96 79-79 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.biotech-bavaria.de The layout, graphics and other contents of this brochure of the Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster are protected by copyright law. Layout-Design: aimcom, Munich, www.aimcom.de Picture credits: Fotolia.com (© Andreas Haertle, © Edler von Rabenstein, © Jasmin, © vom); Saskia Wehler Supported by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology www.stmwi.bayern.de/en/ 4 Content Innovationsstandort Bayern – Innovation Hub Bavaria 07–08 Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey – Spokesman Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster Schnellüberblick – Executive Summary 09–10 Biotech Centers in Bavaria 12–13 Munich Biotech Cluster m4 – The Biotech Industry in Munich 14–15 15 years of BioPark Regensburg – a little story of success 16 Top Science in Bavaria 18–19 Industrial Biotechnology in Bavaria 20–21 Facts and Figures 2013 22–35 Employment 24–25 Jobs in Biotechnology Companies Products and Pipeline 26–28 Drug Development Cooperations, Deals, M&A, Financing 29–35 Cooperations Licensing Deals Mergers and Acquisitions Financing Company Profiles 37–146 in Alphabetical Order About this survey: For the following report, a biotechnology company has been defined as a company, which develops and/or manufactures products on the basis of state-of-the-art molecular biological methods. Since “conventional” pharmaceutical companies are increasingly also using such methods, it is often difficult to differentiate between biotech and pharma. Phytopharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of homeopathic products have not been included in this compilation. We conducted separate surveys for biotech companies, pharmaceutical companies, (pre)clinical contract research organizations (CROs), contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs), suppliers and others with activities in the biotechnology sector. In the case of the biotech companies, a distinction was once again made between small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) having their headquarters in Bavaria on the one side, and branch offices and subsidiaries of national and international biotech companies (biotechnology companies, non- SMEs) on the other side. The term “non-SME” therefore does not say anything about the actual size of this branch office. The data which formed the basis of this report are based on the evaluation of a written survey carried out by BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH at the beginning of 2014 of approx. 380 Life Science compa- nies throughout Bavaria. Based on the questionnaires returned and intensive follow-up telephone calls it was possible to achieve a response rate of almost 80 %. Possible deviations from previously published figures are the result of additional data obtained in this survey that also may refer to previous years. The period under review for this report is the year 2013 and in some cases the first few months of 2014. Company profiles: There are about 300 companies listed in the appendix of this brochure (page 37 ff). Not every company being listed is also “counted” in this survey (for example some companies with very specific services or those from the Medtech area), and there are other Bavarian biotech and pharma companies having not activated their listing. Published in June 2014 5 Bei Amgen sind biologische Arzneimittel in Qualität verwurzelt und werden von Zuverlässigkeit genährt. Eine solide Qualitätskontrolle und zuverlässige Versorgung sind genau so wichtig wie wissenschaftliche Innovationen. Seit mehr als drei Jahrzehnten wird bei Amgen jedes Medikament mit Engagement, Leidenschaft und dem Streben nach Perfektion hergestellt. Darum finden Sie bei Amgen die Biologika, die für die Behandlung Ihrer Patienten so enorm wichtig sind. Und das auch für die zukünftigen Generationen. Weitere Informationen über Amgens Engagement für eine gleichbleibende biotechnologybyamgen.de. ©2013 Amgen Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. AMG-DEU-AMG-021-2014-January-P (1/2014) Innovations - Innovation Hub standort Bayern Bavaria Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg der bayerischen Biotechnologie Cooperation is the key to success for the biotechnology ist Kooperation. Hier sind zum einen die Kooperationen in Bavaria. On the one hand this is cooperation between der bayerischen Biotechnologie-Standorte miteinander zu the Bavarian biotech locations. The network Bavarian nennen. Das Netzwerk Bavarian Biotech Cluster schafft Biotech Cluster creates a lively interaction and a central einen regen Austausch zwischen und access to the biotech regions Erlangen- einen zentralen Zugang zu den Biotech- Nuremberg, Munich, Regensburg, Straub- Standorten Erlangen-Nürnberg, München, ing and Wurzburg. During the past years, Regensburg, Straubing und Würzburg. each of these locations has developed a Jeder dieser Standorte hat in den letzten unique profile with speci fic core compe- Jahren ein ganz eigenständiges Profil tencies. Joint activities of the Bavarian mit spezifisch en Kernkompetenzen ent- Biotech Cluster support co-operations of wickelt. Mit gemeinsamen Aktivitäten research and industry in Bavaria, but also unterstützt der Bavarian Biotech Cluster with national and international partners die Kooperation von Forschern und and help to improve the global visibility Unternehmen in Bayern, aber auch mit of the hightech state Bavaria. nationalen und internationalen Partnern und hilft so, die Wahrnehmung des Cooperation in science, both supra- High-Tech-Landes Bayern im In- und regional and interdisciplinary, is another Ausland zu erhöhen. crucial success factor. The Bavarian PROF. DR. universities closely cooperate not only HORST DOMDEY Die Kooperationen der Wissenschaft, with each other but also with non-univer- Spokesman Bavarian sowohl überregional als auch interdiszi- Biotechnology Cluster sity research institutes like Max Planck plinär, sind der andere wich tige Erfolgs- institutes, Helmholtz Center, and Fraun- faktor: Die bayerischen Universitäten hofer institutes. Political initiatives, e.g. arbeiten eng miteinander und mit den außeruniversitä- the German centers for health research, support further ren Forschungseinrichtungen wie Max-Planck-Instituten, connections. These nation-wide networks focus on trans- Helmholtz Zentren und Fraunhofer-Instituten zusammen. lational research in the areas of oncology, infectious Die Politik fördert eine weitere Verknüpfung, z.B. durch diseases, lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases, neuro- die überregionalen Gesundheitsforschungszentren, die logical disor ders and diabetes. Munich takes a special sich der translationalen Forschung in den Feldern Krebs, position as the only location nationwide housing all six Infektionskrankheiten, Lun ge, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankun- national German centers for health research – a strong gen, Neurodegeneration und Diabetes widmen. München indicator for the attractiveness and degree of cross- nimmt hier national eine Sonderrolle ein und ist als linking in the Bavarian research landscape.
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