Citrus FNPS Order Form 2018.Xlsx

Citrus FNPS Order Form 2018.Xlsx

Customer Name Citrus Chapter of the Page 1 of 7 _____________________________________ Florida Native Plant Society Native Plant Sale 2018 3rd Annual Native Plant Sale Citrus Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society (CCFNPS) No need to go out of the county to buy native plants. Send us your order form, we'll bring the plants to Citrus County Order by March 6 , pickup on Friday, March 16 Find additional order forms at Pre-order your Florida native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, palms, grasses, vines, and groundcovers in time for spring planting FNPS members receive 10% off entire plant purchase * *Join FNPS before January 31 to receive your member's discount Orders must be RECEIVED by March 6 PICK UP ALL ORDERS 3-6 PM FNPS Mission: Conserve, ?? Questions ?? FRIDAY, MARCH 16th preserve and restore Call Sue at native plants and native plant communities of 352-300-0890 "Because life is fueled by the Florida energy captured "The best from the sun by time to plant plants, it will be the "The greatest a tree was plants that we use service which can twenty years in our gardens that be rendered to ago. The determine what any country is to second best nature will be like add an useful time is now." 10, 20, and 50 years plant to its ~ Chinese Proverb from now." culture." ~ Doug Tallamy ~ Thomas Jefferson, ca. 1800 Photo by Trudy Kenderdine ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 6, 2018 Customer Name Citrus Chapter of the Page 2 of 7 _____________________________________ Florida Native Plant Society Native Plant Sale 2018 Name: Order Date: Address: City, State, Zip: Email: Phone Number: Member of CCFNPS or other FNPS chapter? Yes No If other FNPS chapter, please include chapter name: Current members receive 10% discount * FNPS Mission: Conserve, preserve and restore native plants and native plant communities of Florida To assist you in finding the perfect plant, we suggest two sites that offer plant selectors. Check the boxes to input region, sun, water, and other site considerations, and they will provide a list of recommended plants. Florida Native Plant Society website allows you to select by county, and combines flowers, shrubs, trees, etc. on one page. Florida Yards & Neighbors program divides list by plant type. The native plant option is on the second page. Questions: call Sue at 352-300-0890 ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 6, 2018 Customer Name Citrus Chapter of the Page 3 of 7 _____________________________________ Florida Native Plant Society Native Plant Sale 2018 Common Name Scientific Name Size Price Quantity Total (Price X Quantity) Bahama Senna / Cassia Senna mexicana 1G / 6" $6.50 Beach Verbena Glandularia maritima 1G / 6" $5.50 Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 1G / 6" $5.50 Blanket Flower Gaillardia pulchella 1G / 6" $5.50 Blazing Star, Chapman's Liatris chapmanii 1G / 6" $5.50 Blazing Star, Dense Liatris spicata 1G / 6" $5.50 Blazing Star, Evergreen Liatris tenuifolia 1G / 6" $5.50 Blazing Star, Graceful Liatris gracilis 1G / 6" $5.50 Blue Porterweed Stachytarpheta jamaicensis 1G / 6" $6.50 Blue Violet Viola sororia 1G / 6" $5.50 Bluecurls, Forked Trichostema dichotomun 1G / 6" $6.50 Blue-eyed Grass Sisyrinchium angustifolium 1G / 6" $5.50 Calamint Calamintha spp. 1G / 6" $6.50 Carphephorus, Florida Paintbrush Carphephorus corymbosus 1G / 6" $6.50 Carphephorus, Vanillaleaf Carphephorus odoratissimus 1G / 6" $6.50 False Nettle Boehmeria cylindrica 1G / 6" $6.50 False Rosemary Conradina canescens 1G / 6" $6.50 False Rosemary, Large Flower Conradina grandiflora 1G / 6" $6.50 Garberia Garberia heterophylla 1G / 6" $6.50 Goldenrod, Chapmans Solidago odora 1G / 6" $5.50 Goldenrod, Seaside Solidago sempervirens 1G / 6" $5.50 Goldenrod, Slender / Wand Solidago stricta 1G / 6" $6.50 Greeneyes, Florida Berlandiera subacaulis 1G / 6" $6.50 Ironweed, Giant Vernonia gigantea 1G / 6" $6.50 Ironweed, Tall Vernonia angustifolia 1G / 6" $6.50 Wildflowers Lantana, Buttonsage Lantana involucrata 1G / 6" $5.50 Lantana, Pineland Lantana spp. 1G / 6" $5.50 Maryland Goldenaster Chrysopsis mariana 1G / 6" $6.50 Meadow Beauty Rhexia spp. 1G / 6" $6.50 Milkweed, Butterfly Asclepius tuberosa 1G / 6" $6.50 Milkweed, Snowy Asclepius perennis 1G / 6" $6.50 Milkweed, Swamp Asclepius incarnata 1G / 6" $6.50 Milkweed, Whorled Ascelpius verticillata 1G / 6" $6.50 Palafox, Coastal Plain Palafoxia integrifolia 1G / 6" $5.50 Palafox, Feay's Palafoxia feayi 1G / 6" $5.50 Partridge Pea Chamaecrista fasciculata 1G / 6" $5.50 Pennyroyal, Wild Florida Piloblephis rigida 1G / 6" $6.50 Penstemon, Manyflowered Penstemon multiflorus 1G / 6" $6.50 Penstemon, Pink Beardtongue Penstemon australis 1G / 6" $6.50 Pine Pinklet / Sweet Shaggytuft Stenandrium dulce 1G / 6" $5.50 Prairie Iris Iris hexagona 1G / 6" $5.50 Pricklypear Cactus Opuntia humifusa 1G / 6" $6.50 Rain Lily Zephyranthes atamasca 1G / 6" $6.50 Rouge Plant Rivina humillis 1G / 6" $5.50 Salvia, Blue Sage Salvia azurea 1G / 6" $6.50 Page 3 Subtotal ______ ___________ ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 6, 2018 Customer Name Citrus Chapter of the Page 4 of 7 _____________________________________ Florida Native Plant Society Native Plant Sale 2018 Common Name Scientific Name Size Price Quantity Total (Price X Quantity) Salvia, Lyreleaf Sage Salvia lyrata 1G / 6" $5.50 Salvia, Tropical / Scarlet Sage Salvia coccinea 1G / 6" $5.50 Scarlet Hibiscus Hibiscus coccineus 1G / 6" $5.50 Scorpiontail Heliotroplus angiospermum 1G / 6" $5.50 Silkgrass, Narrowleaf Pityopsis graminifolia 1G / 6" $5.50 Skullcap Scutellaria spp. 1G / 6" $6.50 Solomon's Seal Polygonatum biflorum 1G / 6" $5.50 Spider lily Hymenocallis latifolia 1G / 6" $5.50 Spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis 1G / 6" $5.50 Spotted Beebalm / Horsemint Monarda punctata 1G / 6" $5.50 St. John's Wort "Mt. Kilimanjaro" H. tenuifolium Mt. Kilimanjaro 1G / 6" $6.50 St. John's Wort, Atlantic Hypericum tenuifolium 1G / 6" $6.50 Starry Rosinweed Silphium asteriscus 1G / 6" $6.50 Stokes' Aster Stokesia laevis 1G / 6" $6.50 Sunflower, Dune / Beach Helianthus debilis 1G / 6" $5.50 Sunflower, Lakeside Helianthus carnosus 1G / 6" $5.50 Sunflower, Narrow Leaf Helianthus angustifolius 1G / 6" $5.50 Sunflower, Rayless Helianthus radula 1G / 6" $6.50 Tickseed, Lanceleaf Coreopsis lanceolata 1G / 6" $5.50 Tickseed, Leavenworth's Coreopsis leavenworthii 1G / 6" $5.50 Twinflower, Oblongleaf Dyschoriste oblongifolia 1G / 6" $5.50 Twinflower, Swamp Dyschoriste humistrata 1G / 6" $5.50 Wild Petunia Ruellia Caroliniensis 1G / 6" $5.50 Woodland Phlox Phlox divaricata 1G / 6" $6.50 Carolina Jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens 1G $6.50 Carolina Moonseed Vine Cocculus carolinianus 1G $5.50 Coral Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens 1G $6.50 Crossvine Bignonia capreolata 1G $6.50 Netleaf Leather Flower Clematis reticulata 1G $5.50 VinesPassionvine, Corkystem Wildflowers Passiflora suberosa 1G $6.50 Passionvine, Maypop Passiflora incarnata 1G $6.50 Pipevine / Virginia Snakeroot Aristolochia serpentaria 1G $6.50 Bluestem, Broomsedge Andropogon virginicus 1G $5.50 Bluestem, Chalky A. virginicus v. glaucus 1G $5.50 Britton's Beargrass Nolina brittoniana 1G $8.50 Creeping leafstalk grass Pharus glaber 1G $8.50 Fakahatchee Grass Tripsacum dactyloides 1G $4.50 Fakahatchee Grass, Dwarf Tripsacum floridana 1G $5.50 Grasses & Frogfruit/Turkey Tangle Phyla nodiflora 1G $5.50 Groundcovers Gopher Apple Licania michauxii 1G $8.50 Page 4 Subtotal ______ ___________ ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 6, 2018 Customer Name Citrus Chapter of the Page 5 of 7 _____________________________________ Florida Native Plant Society Native Plant Sale 2018 Common Name Scientific Name Size Price Quantity Total (Price X Quantity) Lopsided Indiangrass Sorghastrum secundum 1G $5.50 Lovegrass, Elliott's Eragrostis elliottii 1G $5.50 Lovegrass, Purple Eragrostis spectabilis 1G $5.50 Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia capillaris 1G $5.50 River Oats Chasmanthium latifolium 1G $5.50 Sand Cordgrass Spartina bakeri 1G $5.50 Sinkhole Fern Blechnum occidentale 1G $16.00 Grasses & Southern Shield Fern Thelpteris kunthii 1G $5.50 Groundcovers Sunshine Mimosa Mimosa strigillosa 1G $5.50 Wiregrass Aristida stricta 1G $6.50 Adam's Needle Yucca filamentosa 1G $7.50 American Elm Ulmus americana 3G $16.00 Basswood Tilia americana 3G $16.00 Beautyberry Callicarpa americana 3G $13.00 Blueberry, Little Vaccinium darrowii 1G $8.50 Blueberry, Shiny Vaccinium myrsinites 1G $8.50 Bumelia, Gum Sideroxylon lanuginosum 3G $16.00 Bumelia, Tough / Tough Bully Sideroxylon tenax 3G $16.00 Coontie Zamia pumila 1G $10.00 Coral Bean Erythrina herbacea 1G $7.50 Elderberry Sambucus canadensis 3G $13.00 False Indigo Amorpha fruticosa 3G $16.00 Firebush Hamelia patens 3G $13.00 Fringetree Chionanthus virginicus 3G $24.00 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 3G $16.00 Hawthorn, Cockspur Crataegus crus-galli 3G $16.00 Hawthorn, Yellow / Summer Crataegus flava 3G $16.00 Hickory, Pignut Carya glabra 3G $16.00 Hickory, Water Carya aquatica 3G $16.00 Holly, Dahoon Ilex cassine 3G $16.00 Holly, Dwarf Yaupon Ilex vomitoria "Nana" 3G $16.00 Holly, Gallberry Ilex glabra 3G $16.00 Holly, Yaupon Ilex vomitoria 3G $16.00 SHRUBS, TREES ANDTREES PALMS SHRUBS, Hop Tree Ptelea trifoliata 3G $16.00 Hophornbeam Ostrya virginiana 3G $16.00 Hornbeam Carpinus caroliana 3G $16.00 Locust, Water Gleditsia aquatica 3G $16.00 Lyonia, Rusty Lyonia ferruginea 3G $21.50 Lyonia, Shiny / Fetterbush Lyonia lucida 3G $16.00 Maple,

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