![1917-01-17 [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
' ? .S <?Vf J>»> '•?-*•'>• - r& >Jyf^' fv{ \T'^n^r^SV^' »'4^7T ^,r"V'f^W^rh1??7^r . ^ , ~ --• - ' m. • % ' mmmm®mm. k "»*ww2g#sg • 4 »Jft! * mm ' i(v , * ' >«S*| > < ) w^' &4!w*M3h-- '•€#*•"•" ' ' •,. JffifflEaafflESL'-. t* k. * '^iias^aa'x '^'•i» tft*'I»*a N»wi - :ffV>rIow» People ; fc A A ; v :; :.^:TK .p; •'•"•'• " V ;' : V ).' h •; ' v £•.>.• 1\ .'-. J." '? A\V'••.r- ^ .V' ••,,.*-.•>< *V <>• • '•V ' VOIUME. fORTY-THREE MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1917 ¥:m^: NUMBBlf in Glasgow. The last report ^f her giat I was doing precisely, what he NEWS OR THE DAY was on her arrival at Havro from New would haye done." ' ^ York previous to Jan. 3. ^ ' 'qeorge Dewey was born in the T.-R. BULLETIN Crews Missing.' ; \ vhadow of ' Vermont's state capitol at * m "LEAK" INQUIRY . The following official announcement Montpeller, on the day following The ,Weather. wag given out today: Christmas In 1837. At the age Sun rises JAn, ll at 7:J#;.sets at 4:M. "For some *lme past it has been as­ of 17, he reached the cross-roads Iowa^-Partly cloudy tonight and sumed that' the-British and French of his cftreer: oho road led to West Thursday; warmer tcihlgbt. merchant ships which had long been Point, the otheft to Annapolis. Young Range of temperature-at!Manfeall- overdue had been sunk by a German Dewey favored tne former, but . town: Tuesdgy, 17 above and*3tbe|ow; raider. Information has now been re­ 'IThere was no vacancy for West Monday, '10 above 'and^4 below; Jan. ceived confirming this assumption. Point from Vermont," explained the 16, 1918, sero and 19 bel^w. At' 7 this admiral in reviewing'his life. "Other­ ComnittM DnMw to Aak \,f v J. 1 *'On the evening of Monday thf morning, 10 above; yesterday..I bslow. ; Japanese steamfeV Hudson Maru ar­ wise I might have gone into Manila ;.V*:rv;. rived off Pernambuco, having on board bay on an army transport J&stead of PAQK. ONE to iMpligr ' .- *V* "" :.,;: -T' the masters and. 237 men of the creWs on the Olympia. But it happed that Telegraphic Newas ^yeirt*, ;* * ' . % • of some of the lost vessels which were there was a vacancy at Annapolis, so Twelve Shl^a Deatroyeid • By -Atlantic sunk on various dates between Dec. 12 { entered the navy." Aarain Take Offensive On Raiders. \ rraphi intiui and Two French Military Funeral For Hero 5 slid Jan. 12. At the outbreak of the elvll war, Dewey to Be Burled With Military :*}»* Dewey was 23 years old. He was coin- |enth Line and Recap- Vessels Destroyed or "In addition the steamer St. Theo­ ^ of Battle of Manila -; Honor*. dore was captured and a prize crew missioned a lieutenant, and guided the Leak Inquiry Scope Again Widened. INVESTIGATION MAT J*S ! Mississippi as its executive officer In AfC/. ture Vadeni. 1 If>,, put on board; and the sieamer Yar- Bay. Russian Attacks Show Renewed Captured. rowdale was captured and sent away Farragut's historic dash past New Or­ Power. • TAKE WIDE 800PE / with about 400 men, the crews of oth­ \ leans and its forts, lie was not so suo- Plan to Broaden Cosson Lawn. ers of the sunken vessels, who were cedsful at Port Hudson. Farragut won PAGES TWO, THREE, FIVE ; thrti, but Dewey ahd the Mississippi ATTACK SOUTH OP WIDE OPERATIONS -ISv to be landed. No further;,news has yet ARMY AND NAVVUflJtS Iowa Newst Ca^imHtes Ale* Aahi Par iapiR As* been received 'of their whereabouts." ran aground under the guns of the 8MORGON REPULSED Repeal Forces Get Into Action. eeuntaMs snd IN SOUTH ATLANTIC Rivsis Moewe's Exploits. M WILL PARTICIPATE forts. The ship wa# set afire and dur­ Boone Girl Assaulted on'Street. ' ?- The achievements of the German ing the transfer of the crew under Ore, Peculiar Will Case Reversed. Funds and OiiHrlhiHw • May B< ' '"'' '" ' ' the young officer ''lived Ave ye<rs in Unlucky Group of Rallroad Mea. raider rival the exploits of the raider Subject of ln*eetlg«tle« — Re#«MI- Moewe, which after crdising in the .an'hour." . Rues Qain Footing- at One Point on Bar Opposes Judges* Salary Boost. barman / Raider Operating Off 8euth Sfcrviess to B« Held in Capitol Build­ Review of Sports. Atlantic for several weeks,^ returned Years of Routine. ' * Sereth Line,- and Qain Temporary osns en Csmmlttee F« AmWioan Coast — All But Two of safely to a German port In March, 1916. ing Next 8aturday—Congress to Ad­ From the cluse of the civil war un­ PAGE FOUR 4v. Majerity to At the time ahe had on board lOp til, the opening of the Spanish-Amer­ Success Near Smergon — German Editorials . ;.: VnwIi' Destroyed — WNhi Mes­ journ and All Government Depart* prisoners and 1,000,000 mark* in gold ican. the life of the American naval Triops Attsek Frsnch Near Clery NoReferendup. < ,^ bars and had gunk fifteen steamships ments to Close—*-Naval Vessels in All offtcer was made u£ of routine duty at Admiral Dewey. sage Gives Recent Location af Uss- and Biaohee But Are Repulsed— What the Autos Are Doing. WaahU ^ Jan. JT —The In addition to laying mines which de­ 1 Waters Instructed to Half Mast sea and ashore. During this period, the sel Bslieved to Hava Sunk or Cap* stroyed amoAg other vessels, the Brit­ future admiral crulbed; taught a class Greeoe Aeoepts Entente Ultimatum. Topics and Iowa Opinion. vestlgr ^ ta tnterrus>tsd Flsgs at.Annapolis; surveyed lower Califor­ PAGES SIX, SEVEN; EIGHT, NINE tured Ships m New Off Brasit ish battleship King Edward VH. whP>(y . house extended the time of Successful raids also were made by nia and part of the west coast of Mex­ ; v.. i|:, City News: 1 Masked Bandit Attempt® Bold Hold- U N? estlgatlen oonmlttee thirty days •''' '• the Bmden and Karlsruhe, the con­ ico; carried supplies to the survivors % . The Russians, who recently have up. and authorised It to employ counsel, * verted merchantman Prinz Eitel jyied- . Washington , Jan. 17.—Funeral ar­ of the siege of Paris; performed duty Bifftat Britlah and two Fraacta erloh and the submarine U-53. at Boston navy yard and tbe naval given evidence of Increasing re­ Shoots Victims When They Resist This foreshadows the extending «f <the - rangements for Admiral Dewey, ••who sistive power on the Sereth line, viwili tw been auak la the At- torpedo station.at Newport; Inspected County Fair Admissions Remain inquiry to Its broadest aspects. Tak­ lantte Md/tWQ Brltleta veaeela cap- died last night, were partly concluded lighthouses and. served as navel secre­ haive now taken, the offensive. Ad-V Game. • Haa Cargo of Horses, . ing of testimony will be resumed to­ tared by «t flmwa raider. So far Philadelphia, Jan.' 17. — The British today.; Orders were issued by the navy tary on the lighthouse board; spent vanclng near the Danube end of Former Baseball Directorate Chosen. ae 'la Btiemn t>7 tka Britlah an- steamer Georgic, from Philadelphia department to bring the naval cadets two years traveling on a sick leave in the line, they have recaptured the Daughter Wins in Will Case. morrow. V naitiweHieiit, the raider la still at for Brest, reported sung by a German search of health ;> four years as chief town of Vaddnl, six miles south­ Two More Arrested on Indictments. Washington. Jan. 17.—^Today's ses­ laryA ^A)>parentl]r ahe has been from Annapolis and all the available west of the Roumanian Danube PAGE TEN raider, had in her cargo .1,200 horses of the bureau of equipment; and at the sion of the rules oommittee investiga­ •po-attiik P0. tbp ooaat of South bluejackets from 1(he Norfolk and An­ age of 59 was serving as president of port of 'Gal&ts, according'to a Pe- Msrksts and Gsnersl: for France. A large quantity of cattle tion of the "leak" on President Wil­ 'Amarieal-. • feed, 88,000 bushels of wheath, 10,000 napolis navy yards to attend the fun­ the. board of inspection and survey trograd official statement. Sea Raids Tend to Boost Wheat On the Somme front German . The Ant new» of the raid WW barrels of lubricating oil and 430 cises eral. All available army units will.par­ with the rank of commodore. It was In Corn Also Advances. son's peace note was suddenly post­ troops attacked the French line received with the antral at Fer- of rifles, were destined for^Liverpool. k this important naval office that h» Cattle Firm. poned, so the committee might ask the , ticipate in the ceremonies. near Clery and Biaches, but wero ambueo, BnuU. on Monday evening, The cargo qt;tfr«Ong j^eorge, from presided- at the trials of all the battle­ Hogs Lose Early Gains, -• house for authority to employ counsel, r of the Japanese ateomahlp Hudson Secretary Daniels and ranking of­ ships, except the Oregon, Which were -- repulsed, according to the French Farm Loan Law Pools Loans. Philadelphia ana^^mltsi^6n, Del., for war office. The operations on the Meanwhile the oommittee will make Mara,.which had on' board the Manchester,; also reported s^nk, car­ ficers were engaged today In arranglitft. to demolish the ^Spanish squadron;, at Franco-Belgian front, sq far as re­ its plans to extend Its Investigation - master and 1ST men of the crews ried 1,199,100 pounds of pounder from the details. These included appropriate Santiago. the award Secretary Daniels said the into a general inauiiy, which was fore- "J», of Teaaela deatroyed between Dec. Shortly after hts return from Manila ported, were of a mlnor nature. department had made every effort to the DuPont. powder works, valued at exercises on 'all American vessels and Greece has accepted without res­ cast yesterday when it summoned J.
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